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Daddy's Demands: Twenty-Five Steamy Daddy Dom Romance Novellas

Page 73

by Madison Faye

  “I can’t say anything else,” she said, shaking her head. Tears sprang to her eyes. “But know I’m very sorry. I can move out if you want me to.”

  “You certainly can say more,” he said, his expression implacable. In a gentler voice, he added, “There’s no reason to cry, I’m not going to fire you for talking to my bird. But I also can’t let it go without an explanation.” He waved his hand over to the sofa. “Go sit down, Kayla. I’ll bring us some drinks.”

  She nodded, feeling foolish for coming close to crying. “Yes, sir,” she said, because it felt like the only right thing to say. She sat on the edge of the sofa with her hands clasped together on her lap.

  Hudson returned with two glasses of red wine. “This might relax you a little,” he said, handing her one of them.

  Kayla was grateful to have something stronger than soda and accepted it. She took several sips before gathering enough courage to look at him.

  He’d settled into the chair across from her and was observing her with unabashed interest. Gone was his expression of displeasure. If anything, he looked slightly amused. “If I seemed harsh when I caught you discussing spanking with Charlie, forgive me. I was surprised, to say the least.”

  Kayla took a giant gulp of wine. Even hearing him say the word ‘spanking’ caused a prickle of arousal to form in her belly.

  “You might want to slow down on that wine,” he commented. “You’re only getting one glass.”

  “You’re bossy,” she said, straightening her shoulders and tossing her hair over her shoulder. The wine was already having the desired effect. She felt relaxed enough to form responses without stammering.

  “Oh, honey,” he said, laughing. “You have no idea how bossy I am.”

  His laughter relaxed her further. “I think Charlie gave me some idea,” she retorted.

  Hudson’s laughter faded into a devilish grin. “You’re pretty sassy for someone who just got caught saying she needed a spanking.”

  Kayla took another giant gulp of wine. Keeping her eyes downcast, she stared at the burgundy rug under her feet.

  “How much did you learn about my kink from Charlie?” Hudson asked.

  Her cheeks grew warm. “Well, uh…” She recalled her previous conversation with Charlie, which had led to her fascinating internet research. “I, uh, learned that whoever you used to spank called you Daddy, and you would call her naughty girl.”

  Hudson groaned. “That’s just great,” he said. “I definitely need to put that bird somewhere else.” He shook his head and took a sip of his wine.

  While he wasn’t looking, Kayla hazarded an extended perusal of his person. She couldn’t help but notice how handsome he looked in his work clothes. On that evening, he was wearing a navy blue suit complete with his badge and tie.

  “You know what I find funniest about this situation?” he asked, setting his wine on the table. He leaned forward and steepled his fingers. His elbows rested on his knees.

  “What?” she asked, her heart skipping a beat. She had a horrible feeling he was about to make fun of her.

  Instead, he said, “My lifestyle of kink has been exposed, and yet you’re the one acting like you’ve been caught with your hand in the cookie jar. I should be the embarrassed one, shouldn’t I? Not you.”

  Kayla shrugged. “You don’t seem like the type who gets embarrassed all that often.”

  “That’s true,” he admitted. “But why are you embarrassed? I’ve deduced that spanking interests you. You’re curious about it, and now you’ve found yourself face-to-face with a man who’s into spanking. Instead of realizing you’re in good company, you’re acting like you wish the floor would open up and swallow you whole.”

  She thought about that. “Spanking isn’t like other kinks,” she said, trying to find the words to express herself. “At least not the kind of spanking I think of.”

  “And what kind of spanking do you think of?”

  “Like… Not during sex. I don’t know.” She set her glass aside and twirled her hair in her fingers nervously, searching for the words.

  “Spanking for punishment, then,” Hudson said. “The idea of punishment turns you on, not a few spanks to enhance sex.”

  “Yes, that’s it exactly!” Kayla exclaimed, before she could censor herself.

  He smiled at her in a way that made her feel much more at ease. “It’s more common than you think, Kayla.”

  She smiled back, the sound of her name on his lips causing her stomach to flutter. “Thanks for not making me feel like a freak. I appreciate it. I really do.”

  “Likewise,” he said. “I used to go to a BDSM club sometimes, and that’s where I met my last girlfriend. We were into a very specific kind of spanking. It was spanking for punishment in the confines of a domestic discipline relationship. I was Daddy and she was my submissive.”

  Kayla nodded and gave him another shy smile. “I did some internet research on it. That sounds like such a wonderfully fulfilling relationship. It is good to know I’m not alone in liking that sort of thing.”

  “You’re not at all. But it’s funny, I haven’t met anyone who shares my interests outside of the club. It seems like quite a coincidence that my gorgeous new employee just happens to be a spanko. You’ve practically fallen into my lap.”

  She snorted in an unladylike fashion. “It does seem serendipitous.” She wondered how many times she had met what he called ‘spankos’ and had never known it, simply because it never came up in conversation.

  “Well, you haven’t quite fallen into my lap yet,” Hudson clarified. “But that will be remedied presently. Stand up, take off your jeans, and come bend over my knee.”

  Kayla’s mouth dropped open, and she felt her eyes grow wide.

  His lips twitched, and his eyes twinkled devilishly. “Don’t look so shocked, sweetheart. You know a spanking is the only natural conclusion of this conversation.” His tone was slightly mocking, but not in a way that made her feel demeaned.

  “But… I don’t know. I’ve never done it before,” she squeaked.

  “I have,” he said. “And it’s not rocket science. All you have to do for the next twenty minutes or so is follow my orders.”

  “You’re going to spank me for twenty minutes?” she gasped. “That seems like an awfully long time.”

  “Enough talk. You were naughty, weren’t you, questioning my bird about my lifestyle? You need to be punished for it, so drop your jeans.” He sounded much sterner—and sexier—than the first time he asked.

  Kayla stood and moved her hands to the top button of her jeans, but she couldn’t quite force herself to continue. She needed to know she had some measure of control. “What if I say no, Hudson? What if I change my mind during the spanking?” Her voice trembled. The intensity of preparing for what would be an intimate experience and facing the reality of what had been a lifelong fantasy was scaring her. She wasn’t scared of Hudson, exactly, but more of what loss of control the experience would cause her.

  Hudson’s expression softened. “Look, Kayla. I’m not forcing you. You can walk out that door right now. You can tell me never to mention this conversation again. You can continue being my employee, and I promise if you say the word, we will never speak of this again.”

  Kayla nodded, and some of her fear abated. Still, her hands remained motionless.

  “But, you could instead choose to trust me and do as I say. We both know this is what you want,” he continued. “You just need to find the courage to take the first step. It’s like anything difficult, really.”

  Finally, Kayla unbuttoned her jeans. She slid them down to the floor and then stared at him.

  He nodded encouragingly. “Good girl. Now step out and place your jeans on the sofa.”

  Kayla obeyed, forcing herself not to overthink what was happening. She was grateful she’d worn new panties that day. They were pink bikini cut with a bow in the front.

  Hudson said, “Those are very cute panties you’ve got on. Perfect for the f
irst part of a spanking. Come here.” He held out his hand.

  Kayla considered asking him what he meant by ‘first part of a spanking.’ Would the panties not be good for the second part, whatever that was? She decided to keep quiet and go with the flow. Hudson was obviously experienced and, like he’d said, all she had to do was follow his orders. She walked to him and placed her hand in his. He gave it a squeeze and then guided her across his lap.

  She landed as gracefully as she could for being in the position over a man’s lap for the first time in her life. For a moment she felt off-balance, but Hudson secured her in place immediately by planting a warm palm against her hip and hugging her to his torso. Her hands touched the floor, while her legs dangled in the air.

  “Are you comfortable?” Hudson asked, and placed his right palm on her bottom. His touch sent a current of anticipation throughout her body.

  “Yes,” she said, stifling a moan.

  “Good. Now, let me explain something. I’m not really going to punish you, even though I said so. I framed it that way because you said punishment is why you find spanking appealing, and I wanted to put you in that frame of mind.”

  Kayla felt both relieved and a little disappointed. She wanted to know what it felt like to be punished, but she was also highly aware of how painful it could be. Her bottom felt extraordinarily sensitive at the moment, like the slightest tap might hurt.

  “We’ll call it a funishment,” Hudson said. “I’ll make it sting and scold you like I might do during a real punishment, but if at any time you want me to stop, all you have to do is say so.”

  “Like a safeword?” she asked tentatively.

  Hudson ran his hand around her bottom in a leisurely fashion and chuckled. “You really have done your research.”

  She nodded down at the floor.

  “Not a safeword. Just communication. All you have to say is stop, and I will.”

  “If it were a real punishment spanking, would I have a safeword?”

  “Well, that would have to be discussed. My preference would be that if we’re in a domestic discipline relationship and you disobeyed the rules, for instance, you’d be punished as I saw fit and you’d have to accept as much spanking as I thought you deserved. I would know by your responses when you’d had enough, so there would be no need for a safeword.”

  A shiver of delight cascaded down Kayla’s spine. Imagining being pinned in the same way over Hudson’s lap, forced to endure her bottom being blistered as punishment for doing something bad, sounded both terrifying and exhilarating.

  “But again, this right now isn’t punishment,” he said. His hand came down on her left cheek in a loud smack, then again on her right cheek. “How did that feel?” he asked.

  Kayla closed her eyes, reveling in the sensations. The palm of his hand had caught her panty-clad bottom, while his fingers had made contact with her bare skin outside the outline of her panties. “It felt good,” she responded.

  He spanked her again, this time not stopping until he’d landed ten firm swats. By the last swat, her bottom stung, and she wriggled her bottom in the air, trying to relieve it. Hudson rubbed her cheeks in a soothing manner. “Stinging a little now?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said, “but I like it.”

  “Good girl,” he said, sounding pleased.

  Without further reprieve he lowered his hand to the under curve of her bottom and the tops of her thighs and spanked soundly, over and over. The majority of his hand was striking bare skin due to the skimpiness of her panties, and Kayla squealed from the intensity of the sting. Her squealing did nothing to deter him from continuing to smack her bottom, and Kayla knew that she would either need to endure the swats for as long as he wanted to spank her or else pointedly ask him to stop.

  “Please—ow!” She didn’t know how much more she could endure, but she didn’t want to ask him to stop. Luckily, he only spanked a few more times before finally settling his hand.

  “Warmup is over,” he declared. “Time for these panties to come down.”

  “What? No, wait!” she cried. He’d just given her a lot of information, and she was struggling to keep up. “First of all, that was a warmup? Warmups aren’t supposed to hurt, Hudson!”

  He laughed and patted her bottom. “Of course warmups hurt. This isn’t like stretching before softball or tennis, darlin’. This is a spanking. But did it really hurt all that much?”

  “It did!” she insisted. “The pain kept building and building, getting worse with each spank.”

  “Well, yes. That’s the point. And how about now? Is it hurting now that I’m not spanking you?”

  Kayla considered that. Her bottom tingled a little, but the intensity of the sting was gone. “No,” she answered. “Now it feels okay.”

  “You definitely need more then,” Hudson said. “After a good spanking, it should hurt enough that you want to rub, or have me rub it.”

  “Do you have to take my panties down?” she asked in a small voice. She knew that if he did that, it would be taking the spanking to a new level.

  “No, I don’t have to,” he responded. “But I think you’ll find a bare-bottom spanking much more real and satisfying. What you like about spanking—the sting, the feeling of being punished and of being helpless over Daddy’s lap—it’s about a hundred times more intense with a bare bottom.”

  She whimpered, hardly believing he’d called himself Daddy and the effect the words had on her. It made her feel vulnerable and cared for at the same time.

  “Okay, I’ll try it with panties down,” she said, her voice scarcely above a whisper.

  Hudson hooked a finger under the elastic of her panties and tugged them down. She shimmied her hips to assist while he dragged the panties to her knees. He returned his hand to her bottom, stroking gently. “Brave girl,” he murmured. “You’re so nervous and yet so brave.”

  “I’m trying,” she replied in a whimper.

  Though Hudson was going slowly and treating her kindly, she couldn’t help but feel her embarrassment magnify in that moment. She knew he could see her pussy and even her bottom hole. Never had she felt so exposed, not even during sex. She found herself wishing it was darker in the room, but the light from the overhead chandelier created a well-lit environment that meant all over her goods were prominently on display.

  “You have such a hot ass and pretty little pussy, Kayla,” he murmured, stroking her bare bottom gently. “Spread your legs for me a little.”

  She moaned as her pussy responded to his words by contracting and likely gushing more of her juices. She felt so vulnerable with her bare bottom in the air, her legs captured together in her own panties around her knees, and Hudson’s grip on her hip with one hand, while his other hand lingered on her bottom, ready to strike.

  Slowly, she obeyed, opening her legs as much as her panties around her knees would allow. Cool air fanned her slick lower lips, and she wondered if Hudson could see how wet she was.

  He shifted positions, and when she felt a hot breeze between her legs, she realized he was blowing on her wet center. She turned around and saw that his mouth was very close to her skin. Her entire body jerked, and she squeezed her eyes shut as every nerve in body seemed to spark to life.

  “I’m going to touch that sweet pussy of yours,” Hudson said, his voice rough and gravelly. “But first, I must finish punishing your bottom.” He shifted positions again, and the next thing Kayla knew, he was threading his fingers through her hair at the nape of her neck and locking it in a gentle fist. He tugged her head up and tilted it slightly so he could look into her eyes. “What happens to naughty little girls who decide to be nosy?”

  If it weren’t for the slight twinkle in his eyes, Kayla would likely have fainted with fear. His voice was so stern, so serious, and it really felt like he was scolding her for behaving badly.

  “Well?” he prompted, tightening his grip on her hair and giving it a tug. “What happens to naughty little girls?”

  “They ge
t spanked?” she answered.

  “That’s right,” he said, releasing her hair. He pushed her head down so her nose made contact with his trousers. “They get spanked long and hard over Daddy’s knee. You hold on to my leg tight, young lady, while I paint your bare bottom four shades of red.”

  Chapter Six

  Kayla obeyed, wrapping both hands around his muscular calf. He sounded truly terrifying in his daddy role, she decided, and she could only imagine how much scarier this spanking would be if she had no way out of it. Part of her wished it were a real punishment until the moment his hand came down hard on her bare skin. Smack!

  She would have jumped off his lap if he weren’t pinning her in place. It hurt, it really hurt, and she knew it was only the beginning. A few seconds later, his hand struck again, this time on the opposite cheek. She was so stunned by the force of the spanks that she couldn’t even make a sound. Instead, she struggled to find her breath. She’d no sooner gasped her first desperate breath than the spanks continued, spaced less than a second apart, with every smack as hard as the previous one.

  She hadn’t thought it possible to feel that much pain from a spanking, which had always seemed to her like a mild corrective action. But her bottom felt like it was on fire after less than a minute. Her hands turned into fists and gripped his pant leg for dear life as his hand rained down swat after fiery swat. She felt her bottom cheeks flatten and bounce. The sharp sting merged with a deeper, bruising ache that brought tears of pain to her eyes. She cried out, helpless to control the wails of crescendoing agony, but she didn’t ask him to stop. Asking him to stop would ruin the experience, and she was determined to feel like she was being properly punished.

  The pain of the spanking chased away any remnant of embarrassment. Her legs flailed wildly, no doubt giving Hudson an eyeful of her not-so-private parts. Her panties ended up around her ankles, and she didn’t care one bit. She could think of nothing but the persistent, growing pain focused so totally on her exposed bottom.


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