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Daddy's Demands: Twenty-Five Steamy Daddy Dom Romance Novellas

Page 74

by Madison Faye

  She didn’t notice the precise moment when the spanks slowed down, but eventually she realized that the swats, though just as hard, were being delivered several seconds apart. The timing caused her to mind to switch gears. Not only was she anticipating each hard swat, but also the space in between, when the pain would sink in.

  There was a moment right after each swat when her mound would be driven hard against Hudson’s thigh and a jolt of arousal would reach her clit. She began to squeeze her legs together, desperate to capture the pleasure and massage it to life. She was dimly aware that her back was arching, causing her bottom to stick out further, practically begging for more swats.

  “Fucking gorgeous,” she heard Hudson murmur, while continuing to spank her at the slower pace. “I wish you could see how hot you look right now. Your body is taut and needy and wet. Your ass is cherry red and hot to the touch.”

  She loved hearing that from him, and it only helped to put her more at ease in seeking her release. How a spanking so painful could lead to something so pleasurable, she didn’t understand, nor did she care to analyze it in the moment. All other thoughts in her head were gone, with her sole focus being on the heat concentrating between her legs, the arousal coiling in her lower belly, and proof of his aroused cock hard against her side. He wanted her, and that only served to arouse her more.

  She wanted him to fuck her more than she’d ever wanted anything in her life. Her inhibitions gone, she said, “Please… fuck me, Hudson.” Her panties now hanging off one ankle, she spread her legs wide, inviting him to bury his manhood deep within her needy core.

  The swats stopped. His fingers lightly traced over her burning skin until finally moving to between her legs. She gasped when he touched her lower lips and fondled around her dripping entrance. He let out a growl that sounded feral. “You’re so fucking wet, you bad girl,” he said.

  She whimpered, opening her legs wider.

  “Let’s get these off you,” he said, reaching for her panties. He relieved her ankle of the material and tossed them aside. His hand stroked up and down her inner thigh, teasing her by changing directions before reaching her pussy.

  “I can smell you,” he said, finally clamping his entire hand over her mound and giving it a squeeze that made her gasp. “Such a needy, horny little girl.”

  “Oh, God, Hudson,” she moaned.

  “I’m not going to fuck you with my cock, by the way,” he said, and lazily slid a finger into her pussy.

  “Why the fuck not?” she demanded. “That’s… cruel!”

  He chuckled darkly. “I just spanked you until you cried.” He pumped his finger inside of her. “But this… making you wait before you feel my cock inside of you. That’s cruel, huh?”

  She growled—actually growled—with frustration like a wild animal. How dare he work her into such a frenzy and then not fuck her?

  He slid another finger into her, stretching her by scissoring his fingers within her velvet folds.

  She moaned. “You’re mean. I need…”

  “I know what you need. And daddies have to be a little mean sometimes. Now, I want to see you writhing over my lap, coming hard for me, like the well-spanked, horny little girl you are, Kayla. You hear me?”


  “Say ‘yes, Daddy,’” he demanded.

  “Y-yes, Daddy,” she replied, feeling like she was about to burst.

  He focused on her clit and thrummed it without mercy until the pleasure that had been building finally exploded. As he had wanted, she came hard, and jerked about on his lap, caring nothing for appearance or decorum.

  As her pleasure receded, she collapsed like a rag doll over his lap. She could hear her heartbeat in her ears.

  In a gesture of tenderness, he rubbed her back and spoke kindly to her. “Good girl. You did so well, Kayla. You took a hard spanking bravely with your panties down. Then you allowed yourself to feel pleasure. That was truly amazing, especially since it was your first time. I’m so proud that you shared that with me.”

  She suddenly wanted to cry, but she didn’t know why. She’d just experienced something more wonderful than her wildest fantasies, so it didn’t make sense to her. As he pulled her up and set her on his lap, she burst into a torrent of tears.

  He didn’t act like her crying was anything unusual. He didn’t comment on it and instead wrapped his arms around her, bringing her close to his chest. She buried her face there and breathed in his scent of aftershave. Her bottom still stung, but it wasn’t unpleasant. It was the kind of ache she enjoyed, like after exercising when she would rest all her sore muscles on a soft bed.

  Hudson didn’t seem in any hurry to finish the session. He patiently let her sniffle against him. When she finally settled, he gave her a squeeze. “Why don’t you run to the bathroom and dry your eyes, then we’ll have a little talk?”

  She nodded and slid off his lap. By this time, she was fully aware of being half naked and quickly located her panties. After putting them on, she took his suggestion and scurried to the bathroom, where she blew her nose and washed her face. She took a look at her bottom in the mirror. It was pink all over, but not bruised like she expected after such a hard spanking. Not that she’d ever had another spanking to compare it to, but she didn’t think she would have been able to take anything much worse.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, when she walked back into the sitting room.

  Hudson looked up and opened his arms. A little thrill went through her, seeing that he wanted her to return to his lap. After she’d cuddled back into him, he asked, “Sorry for what, sweetheart?”

  Her heart did another little leap of joy at his term of endearment for her. “That I cried for no reason. I don’t know why I did. That spanking and the orgasm after… That was truly amazing. Thank you.”

  “It’s natural to cry, especially after a first spanking, I imagine, because it’s a powerful experience. The connection we had was especially intense. That’s why aftercare is so important.”

  “Is that what this is called?” she said to his chest. “Aftercare?”

  “Mmmhm,” he responded. “I think it’s essential after a spanking, even if it’s just a funishment and not a real punishment.”

  She sighed deeply, feeling safe and secure. When they eventually untangled from each other, she stood to her feet as he did the same.

  He took hold of her chin and tilted it upward, forcing her to look at him. “Join me for dinner tomorrow. Be ready for me here at seven o’clock, and wear a skirt.”

  “Is that a question?” she asked wryly, masking her delight. “Seems like you’re asking me on a date.”

  One of his eyebrows lifted, which made Kayla want to swoon. He grinned at her and released his hold on her chin. “You’re a bit of a brat, aren’t you? You’d best be careful of bratting too much around me, but I’ll let it slide this time.”

  She grinned back. He was impossibly sexy.

  “It wasn’t a question,” he said. “I can tell you want to have dinner with me, and I know you don’t have class tomorrow.”

  From any other man, the declaration would have sounded extraordinarily arrogant, but from Hudson it sounded practical. It fit with his air of alpha male confidence, and Kayla couldn’t even pretend to be offended.

  “I can’t wait until tomorrow,” she said, flashing him a smile.

  He returned the smile. “Neither can I.”

  Chapter Seven

  For their first date, Hudson took Kayla to an Italian restaurant. He thought Kayla looked like a million dollars in her short black dress and diamond stud earrings. It would make mussing her up by the end of the night especially satisfying. He was going to introduce her to the sexy world of domination and submission and see just how deep her craving for the lifestyle ran.

  While stopped at a red light, he squeezed her knee and said in an authoritative, no-nonsense voice, “Hand me your panties, Kayla.”

  She let out a little gasp, but she did not attempt to argue. Instead
, she hiked up her little black dress, took hold of her waistband and shimmied out of her red bikini panties in no time at all. She is perfect, he thought.

  As he stuffed her panties into his pants pocket, he said, “I want you to think about how bare your bottom is tonight. Be aware of it with every step, feel the fabric of your dress rubbing against your skin. When you sit on the cushion of the booth at the restaurant, think about how exposed your pussy is, how at any moment I can reach over and touch you and check for wetness.”

  She blushed and looked over at him with such a naughty glint in her eye that he almost pulled over and took her right there. Yes, she was submissive, through and through. It made the daddy dom aspect of his personality roar to life. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so excited to be on a date.

  While they ate and drank wine, Kayla shifted in her seat, obviously aware the entire time at how exposed she was. He laid his hand on her knee and stroked her leg upward toward the naked spot between her legs.

  “Relax, sweetheart,” he instructed.

  Her movements settled. “Why did you make me take my panties off?” she whispered, blinking at him with a needy, innocent expression.

  He stroked further up her leg and gently pinched her inner thigh. “Because I want you to feel dominated. Tonight, I’m your daddy and you’re my bad little girl.”

  “Just tonight?” she ventured.

  He smiled. Her flirtatious question laced with vulnerability caused his blood to pump harder. “I have a feeling it will last long past tonight,” he told her.

  She nodded, satisfied, and buttered her roll.

  Over the course of dinner, when he wasn’t saying phrases to make her blush prettily, he inquired into her life.

  She confided in him that she had recently come out of a two-year relationship with a boyfriend who’d broken up with her out of the blue. “We weren’t right for each other,” she explained, “though I couldn’t see it at the time.”

  “Did you tell him about your spanking fantasies?” he asked.

  “No way!” she exclaimed in a lowered voice. She leaned forward. “I haven’t told anyone besides you about that.”

  Hudson raised an eyebrow. “Then you definitely weren’t right for each other. I’m surprised you lasted for two years.”

  Kayla shrugged. “I guess in a way Colton helped me feel normal. I stuffed my desires down. When he left, I was forced to think about what it was I really wanted.”

  Hudson reached out and stroked the top of her hand. “Finding out who you are—who you really are, not how people see you or how you’re expected to be—is hard. I went through the same crisis of identity when I left acting. It was painful, but now I accept my kinky, bird-loving, detective self.”

  Kayla took a bite of her roll. After chewing and swallowing, she said, “I admire how secure you are. I hope to get there someday, and I think I’ve come a long way since the breakup. At the time, I couldn’t concentrate on studying. I spent the next few months after the breakup trying to figure out what was wrong with me. That’s why I failed the class and am taking it over again this summer.”

  Hudson continued to stroke her hand as he held her gaze. “I’m sorry you’ve had a hard time, sweetheart. You’re the kind of girl who needs guidance and support. I wish I’d been there to help you through your pain, but I’m here now.” Everything in him wanted to be her daddy. He wanted to comfort her at the same time as discipline her for failing a class.

  “Thank you,” she said, her voice wavering with emotion. “I’m so glad I met you.”

  “I’m glad too,” he said, giving her hand a gentle squeeze before releasing it and leaning back. “I want to support and guide you.” He took a sip of wine and dabbed his napkin over his mouth before placing it back in his lap. “That’s what daddies are for. Can you tell me what else daddies are for, Kayla?” His voice hardened ever so slightly, and he wondered whether she would pick up on it.

  To his pleasure, she did. She squirmed in her seat. “Yes, I can guess what else.”

  “Then say it out loud, please.”

  “Spanking?” she whispered, and glanced around as though afraid someone might hear her. The noise in the restaurant was loud enough to prevent that. Smooth jazz music played in the background, and the clinking of silverware from other patrons surrounded them.

  “Discipline,” he clarified, unable to help smiling over her scandalized expression, “which can be in the form of spanking. If I’m your daddy, I have to make sure you’re on the right path. Neglecting your studies and failing a class?” He shook his head. “That is a punishable offense.”

  “But if I hadn’t failed, I would’ve gone home to Kentucky this summer,” she pointed out cautiously. “I never would have met you. You should be grateful I failed the class.”

  He chuckled. He thought it was adorable that she was already trying to wheedle her way out of a spanking. “I am grateful, but it won’t exempt you from punishment.”

  She studied him. “Real punishment? Not a funishment?”

  He nodded once. “Yes, real punishment. There are a number of causes for punishment in a daddy dom/submissive relationship, and we can work out the details later. But failing a class is a fairly straightforward one, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, I suppose,” she said in a small voice, looking both worried and guilty, but also pleased, if he wasn’t mistaken.

  “I’ll also want weekly progress reports on how the class you’re retaking is going.”

  She nodded slowly and then smiled at him tentatively. “I think I’m going to like having a daddy dom, but it is a little scary.”

  “New experiences generally are. I promise to take it slow with you, though. I’ll never force something on you that you haven’t consented to.”

  She bit her lip and nodded demurely before taking her final sip of wine. Hudson paid the bill and left with Kayla grasping his arm like he was her most prized possession. He couldn’t help but feel proud that she wanted what he had to give as much as he wanted to give it to her.

  When they got back to his place, Hudson escorted her to his bedroom. She looked around and took in the sight of his king-sized bed with the gray bedspread that matched the silk curtains, while he rolled up his sleeves.

  “Have I mentioned how beautiful you are?” he asked, wrapping a hand about her waist. He gazed into her blue eyes. Her breasts rose and fell as her breathing picked up speed. He kissed her deeply, marveling at her wet, inviting warmth and the taste of Merlot still on her tongue.

  Though shy at first, she soon relaxed in his arms and allowed him to take control. She opened her lips and he took her mouth slowly, enjoying the way her tongue danced with his and how her body naturally glued itself to him. Her breasts flattened against his chest, and he could feel her stiff nipples even through the layer of clothing. They fit together, mentally and physically.

  “You’re such a delicious treat,” he said, when he’d released her from the kiss.

  Her eyes were glazed over, hungry for more affection, but that would have to wait until after punishment. He wanted to get her to the same mental space she’d been in following her spanking the day before.

  “Tonight I will punish you for failing your class,” he said quietly, with a bit of menace in his voice.

  He watched her eyes flash with a mixture of apprehension and desire, the very two emotions he was hoping to elicit from her.

  “Are you going to spank me again?” she asked.

  “I’m going to punish your bottom, but not in the way you expect,” he said. “I want you to go lie on your stomach over the edge of the bed.”

  “Anal punishment?” she asked, her eyes becoming impossibly wider.

  He couldn’t help but smile, though he tried to keep his stern composure. “That’s right, sweetheart. You’ve done your homework about what kinds of punishments a daddy can give his naughty little submissive, haven’t you? It’s too bad you didn’t do your homework for the literature class you fai
led, hmm?”

  She blushed and looked down before drawing a deep breath and turning toward the bed. Slowly, she lowered herself into the bent position, causing her black dress to hike up and expose the lower portion of her bottom cheeks.

  Hudson sucked in a breath. She looked so lovely and submissive, not to mention ridiculously fuckable, and he could hardly believe how lucky he was. “I’ll be right back. Don’t move,” he said, and retreated downstairs to the kitchen.

  He returned with a peeled finger of ginger, intending to give her a figging, an anal punishment that was both painful and arousing. “Have you done your research about ginger?” he asked, pulling up the skirt of her dress to fully reveal her bare, defenseless little bottom. It was pale and unmarked despite the spanking he’d given her the day before.

  She looked back over her shoulder at the ginger in his hand. He’d carved it so that it was fairly thin—this wasn’t about training her ass to accommodate something larger; that would come later. This was about causing a temporary burn that would leave a lasting impression.

  “No, I haven’t heard of uses for ginger other than tea and cooking,” she said. “Is that going in my bottom hole?”

  “Yes, that’s right,” he confirmed. “This is a very ancient discipline, you know. It used to be used for judicial punishment on recalcitrant female criminals. They would be bent over, tied up, and forced to endure a half hour of their bottom being burned from the inside out by a piece of peeled ginger.”

  A flash of fear passed over her eyes. “It’s going to burn me?”

  “Well, it’s going to feel like burning, but in reality it does no harm whatsoever.”

  “You’re sure? My bottom isn’t going to be permanently scarred or anything?”

  “It’s not even going to be temporarily scarred,” he responded. He ran his hand over her head, stroking her hair. “I would never damage you, sweetheart. You’re a treasure I want to keep safe. I want to discipline and dominate you, but most of all I want to keep you safe. That’s the daddy side of me.”


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