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Obsession: Loving an Alpha Male

Page 18

by S. K. Lessly

  “What makes you think she doesn’t know who I am already?” Josh asked him, folding his arms.

  “Because you brought her here for one, and for two, you can see it in her eyes. She’s overwhelmed just being here. Just imagine what will happen when she finds out everything and learns the dangers that follow us. And if you decide not to tell her, she’s still going to leave because you’ll never be home. Look mate, I get it. You want someone home at night to warm up the sheets, yeah? Well, I can tell you now, that lil’ girl there will not be it.”

  Josh stared at Jacks for a second longer before he moved. He tried not to let what he said piss him off. Jacks had no idea who Kenya was and what she’d been through. He was judging her based off of what he saw, but Josh knew the type of woman Kenya was.

  “Let’s get to the reason why you two came in here in the first place. I have shit to do.” Josh grabbed his gun off the desk and placed it and the holster on his hip. He went around to his chair and sat down. “Misty, what’s the progress on the operation we did last night?”

  Misty took the cue and sat back down in one of the chairs in front of his desk. She filled him in on the case as well as other open cases. Eventually, Jacks took the other seat and listened to Misty give her update. He put in a few of his opinions and had a few updates and suggestions himself.

  “So where are we now? Do we have the arrest warrants?” Josh asked.

  “Yes, we do actually. The locals are on their way in with the traitors as we speak,” Misty told him.

  “So how do you want to play this?” Jacks asked.

  “We already have the evidence we need to put them away for a long time, but we want who they’re working for more. I’m sure one of them will figure that out and make a deal. Give them what they want if the information is good, within reason. Make no mistake they have lost the privilege to breathe free air. It’s just up to them rather they end up breathing for the rest of their life or not. Junior has been working a ton of leads on who it was that recruited them, so we should be able to discern any bull shit they might give us.”

  Josh looked at both of them then added, “Let’s not waste any time here, okay? We need this information like yesterday.”

  “Well, I don’t think we will have a problem if all three of us hit them hard,” Jacks added, but Josh was already shaking his head.

  “I won’t be here. You two will have to handle this on your own.”

  It was Jacks’ turn to frown. “What do you mean you won’t be here?”

  “Exactly what I said, Jacks. You and Misty are capable of wrapping this up in a few hours and get what we need.” Josh rose from his chair. “I told you, I have shit to do, and I meant it.”

  Jacks stood, too. “Hold on, bloke. What shit do you have that’s more important than this case?”

  Josh moved around his desk and headed for the door.

  “You are not walking away from this case for some grade school pussy, that’s absurd.”

  Josh turned quickly, moved with the speed of a serpent and clasped his hand around Jacks’ throat. His movement was so quick, it caught both Jacks and Misty off guard.

  Josh was seething with rage so much so he even envisioned snapping Jacks’ neck and worked out where he could get rid of the body without a trace in milliseconds.

  “Say something else about her that I don’t like, and I’ll bury you… get in my way or fuck this up for me, and I’ll bury you. I don’t give two fucks what kind of history we have together. She doesn’t deserve that shit, you got me?”

  Jacks held on to Josh’s wrist, but he never struggled. He looked into Josh’s eyes and caught a glimpse of his own demise. He knew Josh’s question was rhetorical, so he didn’t move.

  Josh finally let him go then walked out of the room, but not before saying calmly as he left, “I have my cell if you need me.”

  Josh found Kenya in the main office area talking to Junior. They both were hovered over his computer screen when he entered the room, which didn’t help his mood. He wanted to get her out of here as soon as he could and lose himself nice and slow.

  Kenya sensed his brooding presence and met him before he got to Junior’s desk. She wrapped her arms around his neck, trying her best to ignore everyone in the room. Josh looked down at her, wrapped his arms around her waist and felt the ice that was flowing through him melt the moment she smiled.

  “Everything okay?” she asked.

  “Yes, everything is fine,” he answered. He looked over her head and said, “I see you’ve been making friends?”

  Kenya laughed lightly and shook her head. “Oh yeah, well just Junior. You have great people working for you that respect and admire you.”

  Josh’s eyebrows rose, and he looked down at her. He cocked his smile to the side and pulled her closer to him.

  “You think so?”

  “Yes, I do.” She leaned in closer to him and whispered, “So be nice.”

  He was shocked at her statement. He never thought he treated his team badly. He was a no–nonsense type of guy, but for the most part not hard to get along with. But if she saw something there then maybe his team did too. If he was honest with himself, he really didn’t care what they thought of him just as long as they did their job and didn’t get him killed. But Summer Dean aka Kenya Frost had changed him.

  He leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose.

  He said just as softly, “For you, anything.”

  He moved from her arms and went to Junior’s desk. Junior, who right along with everyone else, witnessed the exchange, was in utter disbelief.

  Junior was small in stature, at five seven and barely weighed one twenty. He wore his hair long and kept it in a ponytail and wore small–framed glasses. One thing he wasn’t was a punk. He always met bullies and challenges head on. He learned how to protect himself and became a black belt while in high school.

  He trained in China for three years, studying computers with a legendary technology school as well as martial arts and the Chinese language and culture. He was by far one of the smartest men in America and didn’t have a problem with letting people know it.

  He met Josh while he was on a job in China ten years ago. Junior was one of his contacts over there and quickly became his partner, especially when Josh saw how he could handle himself both on the job and off.

  Josh recruited Junior to work for him solely, and when the agency gave him his own team, he brought Junior along. Junior had been with Josh almost as long as Misty had, so he knew him very well and had invited Junior to his parent’s home as well as his own on multiple occasions.

  Junior was one of the few people who were never bothered by Josh’s attitude and temper. He knew without a doubt that Josh had his back, and Josh knew Junior had his. It was an unspoken rule that was established the day they first met.

  So when Josh walked up to him and said calmly, something that wasn’t being portrayed in his body language, “Do you have any updates for me?” He couldn’t help but be stunned.

  Junior stared at his boss for a few seconds before he snapped out of it and said, “Oh yeah, um, the packages have arrived, and they’re being placed in the interrogation rooms in the dungeon.”

  Josh nodded. “About time. Call Misty and Jacks and let them know.”

  “I already have.”

  Josh nodded. “And what about the other items I asked you to look into?”

  “Still looking but I should have something for you by the end of the week. Has anything changed?” Junior looked back at Kenya then to his boss.

  Josh shook his head. “Nope, business as usual. Although hold off on making contact. I want to do that on my own, and I can’t do that for at least a few weeks.”

  “No problem then. I’ll keep you posted.”

  “Thanks, Junior,” Josh replied then looked at Kenya. “Are you ready?”

  Kenya nodded and walked up to the pair, looking at Junior while placing her hand in Josh’s.

  “It was very nice to meet you,

  “You too, Kenya.” He smiled then turned and sat back in his chair.

  Josh grunted, grabbed his jacket and guided Kenya to the door to leave.

  When they got back into the car, Josh looked at Kenya and asked, “Where to?”

  Kenya didn’t waste any time and said, “My place.”

  Josh nodded and pulled out of the parking lot, heading west on Carson Street trying not to speed. He didn’t know if she would want to just be dropped off and left alone or if she would invite him in. Earlier in his office he would have thought the latter; however, letting what Jacks said get to him he started second guessing himself.

  What if he was right and his life was too much for her? Would he be willing to let her go without a fight? Could he just lie to her and hope she wouldn’t leave the moment she found out? He needed to know unequivocally how she felt about him, about this whole mess. He could make assumptions, but he wanted to hear it from her mouth.

  When they pulled up to her apartment, he put the car in park and stayed idle. He kept his hands on the wheel and looked over at her. He saw the apprehension in her body language then the resolve.

  She asked him, “Are you coming inside?”

  Trying not to smile, especially because there was still a chance this could go bad he said, “Let me find a parking space, and I’ll be right in.”

  She nodded and got out of the car without looking back… Bad sign, he thought.

  He had to go around the block twice before he caught someone leaving around the corner from her building. He parked and got out, trying to rehearse what he could say to her if she didn’t want to see him again.

  He was already making a few changes in his life to fit her in. He didn’t mind making more. He just needed to let her know he would do whatever it took to keep her.

  He walked into the building then absently opened her door. He locked the door and turned the corner of the living room to the kitchen, and she wasn’t there. He kept walking toward her bedroom and found her standing by her bed in a silk robe that she left untied. He took stock in the curves of her body, remembered the sweet taste it gave off and he felt himself grow with anticipation, but he didn’t move. He couldn’t, for one thing, but for another, he wasn’t sure what she wanted him to do. Was this all she wanted or was it more? Did she feel obligated because of what he said to her earlier or did she really want him?

  His questions were answered when she walked toward him, dropping her robe as she moved. Her hands went straight to his belt buckle, and she pulled him completely inside her room.

  “Do the rules still apply from earlier?” she asked him, her green eyes intense with fire.

  His breathing became shallow, and he felt his heart picking up its pace.

  He cleared his throat to make sure it was working and said, “If that’s what you want?”

  Kenya moved her hands up his sides, around to his chest, up to his neck and in his hair. She positioned her body as close to his as she could and slowly moved her body up so her lips would be closer to his.

  She tilted his head down to her, and she said, inches from his mouth, “You’re what I want.” Then, she kissed him.

  Josh didn’t waste any time getting naked and wasted no time claiming her body again. He’d wanted to taste her since the moment she got up this morning and didn’t know how long he would make it without it. He needed her desperately, and he knew he shouldn’t feel that way. It was dangerous for him, but he didn’t have a way to stop.

  He got lost in her sweetness until he and she couldn’t take it anymore. He stroked her long and hard the way she was beginning to enjoy, and once he felt the level of control disseminate, he became hard and rough and primal, and she took it all from him.

  Finally, after exhausting themselves fully, they collapsed on the bed with her back against his chest and his arm protectively around her waist. They fell asleep soundly and wordlessly until Josh felt light kisses on his chest. He squirmed and let a slow and long moan escape his throat. His hands went in search of the source of the feeling and put his hands in her hair. When he opened his eyes, he saw a beautiful set of green ones looking back at him.

  She stopped her pursuit and said, smiling, “I wanted to explore; you don’t mind, do you?”

  Speechless, he shook his head no, and she continued. Josh’s tongue peeked out and slowly ran it across his bottom lip as he watched her move to one of his nipples. He let a slow moan escape his lips and closed his eyes as she circled her tongue around it then took it in her mouth.


  I think Josh has created a sex monster in me.

  With everything that had happened, I should be ringing him a new one. I had so many questions that I wanted and needed to have answered, like how long did he know the truth about me? I needed to find out if he put my life in danger.

  I wanted to know who Josh really was, why did he lie to me, and what else did he lie about? And more importantly, was he still lying? And the main issue that we needed to talk about was the fact that we just had unprotected sex like a bunch of times. What the hell?

  But all that had escaped me and continued to escape me every time he put his lips on mine or every time he invaded my personal space, like now for instance. Earlier I wanted him, and when he walked through my door, I took what I wanted. But now, lying here next to him I still felt like I was unfulfilled. And heaven knew I shouldn’t feel that way. I mean, sex with Josh was so amazing, so exhausting, I couldn’t imagine functioning with him around all the time. When I was around him that was all I thought about. How his hands felt when he caressed me. How his lips felt when he kissed my lips, neck, shoulders, chest, breasts, nipples, oh hell, I loved it when he kissed my entire body, and most of all, that sensitive part of my body that seemed to cream the moment he smiled at me.

  So to satisfy my hunger, I got up and went to the bathroom. I cleaned myself, brushed my teeth and brought a hot rag with me. When I approached the bed, Josh was still asleep lying on his back with one arm over his eyes and the other lying to his side. The sheet draped lazily on his hips, covering but not hiding, the semi–erection that was drawing me. I licked my lips and moved slowly over his body. When my lips connected to his collarbone, I felt him move slightly, which excited me. I smiled and kept my eyes on him until I heard him moan and felt his hands move to my head and in my hair.

  God, this man is fine. Even with his short hair tussled all over his head, and the sleepy look, he still looked good. The urge to satisfy him came over me as it always did, and I moved my lips and tongue over my playground, which if you didn’t know was his body.

  His pecs were something of a legend in my eyes. And his abs… man, they were formed and beautiful and they showed how much power he had running through him. And the scars that I’d finally noticed told stories that I knew were unbelievable. I ran my tongue down the center of his stomach. At the same time, I moved the sheet, revealing his impressive hard on.

  When I wrapped my hands around him, I grabbed my washrag and began wiping him off. I felt his body vibrate, and I looked up into an amused expression.

  I shook my head. “Don’t judge me,” I told him.

  “I wouldn’t dare. Just make sure you don’t miss a spot.”

  I squeezed my hand tighter and moved it up on his shaft, getting a sharp hiss as a response.

  “Behave,” I told him admonishing him.

  His smile grew bigger. “Yes, ma’am.”

  I tossed the washrag somewhere and gripping my favorite ride on my playground, I descended until the tip was at my mouth. I looked at him and watched his already dark eyes grow darker as I licked the tip with my tongue.

  The first time he showed me how to please him, I was a little uneasy and hesitant but curious. I wanted to know what made him feel good, what could make him lose his cool and self–control. Giving a man a blowjob I knew was a skill that you needed to craft, so when I was in college I used to watch some of Wayne’s pornos to teach myself.

There’s nothing like the real thing though, but it helped to know the basics. Learning how to relax the throat was hard, but believe it or not, I practiced. Don’t ask how or what I used to practice with, just know I practiced. The first time I went down on Josh, I let him show me what he liked. This time, I was going to show him what I liked.

  Looking at him watch me, I licked him from the bottom of his shaft slowly up to the top, leaving no part of his love stick… yes, I said love stick, uncovered. Then as he moaned his appreciation, I slowly took him in my mouth and traveled down his shaft.

  “Shit, baby, yesssss…”

  Josh’s hands gripped the sheet tight next to his waist as I moved up and down, slowly making sure my tongue licked around his head like he liked.

  I know what you’re going to say… I was doing nothing special, and I wasn’t, not really. So, as Josh was relaxing and enjoying my mouth, I decided to step it up. I gave him a good lick from head to bottom then when I took him into my mouth I took him as deep as his length would let me, and I felt Josh get tense.

  “What the hell, baby? You’ve been holding…” he didn’t finish his statement as I added my hand to meet my mouth as I went down on him.

  I created a nice rhythm combo with my mouth and hand as I added moisture from my mouth as well as making sure I used my tongue. I didn’t give him a chance to relax, and I didn’t let up. I started playing with his balls and got the reaction that I wanted.

  Josh started losing his mind. He moved and squirmed, as he gripped the sheets, then placed his hands in my hair while gripping my strands, as I moved up and down him, making wet sounds and a humming noise with my throat.

  “Fuck…Sweets, you are driving me fucking crazy with that mouth… Ahhhhhh… Damn…” Josh groaned deeply and gritted through his teeth word combinations that I didn’t think made sense, but I loved that I was doing this to him.

  I wanted to think that I was the only one that could do this to him, but I knew that couldn’t be the case.

  I got up on my knees for added leverage and simply concentrated my hands and mouth to bring him to a climax. Suddenly I felt him swell in my mouth.


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