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Lineage (The Young Ancients: Second Cycle Book 1)

Page 13

by P. S. Power

  That seemed strange, but it was the kind of thing that all the pictures from school had shown him.

  Bowing first, being not so important, Dareg went low, and held it.

  That got a grin from Petra, but not as intense of a bow on her own part. Collette nearly did however, being just a bit above him, though her face looked a bit troubled when King Richard stood and bowed back to them all.

  "Welcome. It's very good of you all to join us on such short notice. Conserina Ward. Baronetta Coltress..." Then he stopped, looked directly at Dareg and blinked. "I'm afraid I don't know the proper form of address for you, sir. What should we call you?" His eyes darted to his Queen, who went a bit wide eyed then.

  Count Peterson made a hard face, and looked at the table, while the other woman, who was almost certainly Princess Veronica bit her lips. It wasn't very attractive really, but did make her seem a bit more human. That was nice to see.

  "Dare, Your Majesty? I'm pleased to meet you." He was kind of proud of himself, given that his voice didn't sound uncertain, or shake in the slightest. Really, as powerful and famous as this man was, he'd felt more intimidated by meeting Tor, to be honest.

  That probably had a lot to do with the wizard being related to him. If the King didn't like him, well, the man would probably just not have him over again. Even if he thought he was great, that seemed to be almost certain. He had to be busy, after all. Tor however was different. If he didn't care for Dareg, then the man could take away the last of his family. A thing that he hadn't even known about, but now could see as valuable.

  So, while the King here was impressive, it just wasn't the same.

  Queen Constance looked over at him, and gave a strange smile, even as she gestured to the chair next to her.

  "So, Dare, would you sit by me for the meal? I hear good things about you already."

  Collette was put on the other side of him, and Petra was next to Count Peterson, on the other side of the table. Before he could be asked anything, if anyone cared, the large woman, tall, but not fat or anything, smiled at him and patted his arm as he sat. She was the Queen, so he didn't let himself make a face. Also, if Tor was right and hadn't been playing with his mind, his half-sister.

  However that one really worked.

  The King smiled at the guests, and clapped, twice. That was clearly a sign to other people, who ran into the room, all dressed in green. The outfits were nice enough, but had the quality of being uniforms. All of the people there were men, and two of them seemed to be holding bottles of wine, or something along those lines.

  Constance beamed at him, even though all he'd done was not jump up at the sound of clapping.

  "It's not traditional to open a meal with, but Richard and I wanted to try out a new dry cider. I hope that doesn't seem crass to you? We could switch it out with something more refined, if you desire?" She was speaking directly to him, as if she thought that he was going to have an opinion on that kind of thing.

  It was tempting to just shrug or maybe murmur something noncommittal, but that would probably be rude, and these people were, apparently, new relatives of his. That meant he was supposed to be friendly with them, he thought. It was hard to pull off, since he really didn't want to seem like an uneducated hick or anything, even though he pretty much was, compared to them.

  "That sounds interesting, actually. I'd love to try this dry cider, if that's allowed?" He was, he knew, being a bit servile, but it did sound kind of interesting. He'd managed a few sips of ale, at different times of his life, and about the same amount of wine. All of that had really been from before his mother had died. Since then he'd been on water, except for what the Tam-unit had given him, and what he'd had in Harmony.

  Queen Constance seemed pleased to hear that he was willing to try something different, anyway.

  The King was given his cup of amber liquid first, then the Queen, and the Princess. He and Count Peterson were served at the same time and so were Petra and Collette. He waited, not knowing the rules for this kind of dining. That meant he was going slowly, and copying the King. No one was going to mock that man's manners after all, so doing that, would probably be safe.

  There was no standing and taking a sip, though he did use a small copper rectangle first, waving it over his metal chalice. The thing was done in three colors, all shining and bright. There were hammered gold circles on the outside of it, inlaid into the silver of the body.

  Dare knew that, because his own cup was identical. Huge too. Filled only halfway, thankfully. If the stuff inside was hard, which it kind of sounded like, he'd end up drunk. Then who knew what the hell he'd end up doing. Probably trying to wrestle with King Richard, which wouldn't end well for him. It wouldn't even take the guards coming to stop him. The man was nine feet tall, at least. The fight would be about three seconds long and involve him bashing into the floor almost instantly, Dareg bet.

  That got him to flash back to a few days prior, when the two High Servants had tossed him out of the little focus stone hut like they had. They weren't even that much bigger than he was, and had still had a lot of advantage that way. Dareg decided that sipping was in order, given all of that, since everyone at the table was at least that large, compared to him.

  Even Veronica, who was watching him intently. Drinking in everything about him, he didn't doubt. That was fine, because he planned to do that right back, if with a bit more subtlety, not wanting to give himself away too soon.

  The Princess of Noram picked up her own drink, and took a small sip, just after the Queen did. Dare got the pattern. It wasn't about checking for poison in any kind of formal manner, but the idea was so ingrained that they all used their magics for it, and went in the same order that they would have at something more formal. Without missing a beat he picked up the cool metal chalice, the weight greater than he would have figured on at first. Then carefully sipped at the stuff inside of it, as if it were a thing of vast importance. For all he knew it was, so he tried to go carefully and pay attention.

  It was dry, as promised, leaving his mouth feeling just a little grainy after he swallowed. There was a hint of sweetness to it, but it clearly wasn't fruit juice. The aftertaste was a bit sour, but that was the way he recalled all alcohol being, so didn't make a face.

  The others went in fast, but perfect order, not seeming to understand they were doing it. Petra was last, but she nodded when she'd tried hers.

  "That's not bad. It would work well to replace a golden wine, or perhaps a dry white."

  The words sounded like she knew what she was talking about, so Dareg nodded.

  "I can see that working, as well." Then he took another sip, since everyone else was doing that as they pleased after the first portion was over. The trick there was that he knew nothing about the topic. Agreeing with the people that did would work well, and Queen Constance smiled at him, like he was being brilliant.

  The funny thing was how Veronica let her eyes narrow at him. It was pretty clear to him that she understood what he was doing on the matter. Everyone would be aware too, if they'd thought about. How the heck was he supposed to know about wines? Then, it was possible that they didn't know anything about him. Not other than that he was Tor's son.

  The King had signed the papers that claimed he was Tor's real son, or so he'd been told. That would mean he was up on the whole thing. That probably meant that the thing a few minutes before had seemed strange to them all, if they knew that. The King had asked what to call him, probably to find out if he had a title or anything like that. More, he probably knew that kind of thing already, better than Dare did.

  He hadn't been upset by him suggesting he be called by name, but it was probably confusing.

  Collette looked up, and spoke in a tone that was very different than what he'd heard from her so far. Polite, which she had been, but with a smoothness that was very fake seeming.

  "I hear that we should have lovely weather for the next week? I know that we aren't supposed to discuss business during the meal, but
that bodes well, don't you think?" She didn't look at anyone. Not in particular. Her eyes, when he noticed her from the side of his vision, alternated between the center of the cloth covered wooden table, to the far wall behind the people on the far portion of the thing.

  Count Peterson nodded, and smiled hugely. His voice was a bit loud, and a little forced seeming, but that could have been for a lot of reasons. Including just thinking that Collette was pretty, which wasn't wrong. It was clear that he was in a room with three of the loveliest women in Noram at the moment.

  That kind of made him like Petra a bit better. She wasn't as good looking, but her smiles didn't seem fake, either.

  The large Count took a single sip, before speaking.

  "I've heard the same. The Austran weather reporting center is most accurate. It sounds like perfect flying weather. Do you fly... Dare?"

  It was a bit odd, since the Queen tensed, and glanced at first him, and then the giant and nicely dressed Count. Her eyes were a bit cool in the other man's direction. The King looked away, as if frustrated, and Collette seemed annoyed. It was hard to see why however. Before he could speak, Aunt Petra did, holding her own chalice up to take a sip, even though it was clear she was just planning to speak. An affectation then, though Dareg didn't know enough to get if it was just a thing she did, or an expected one.

  "He does. It was Dareg who checked the entire planet to see if the others can come back yet. After he flew from the port here to Harmony the other day. Using only his shield. It's a new kind. Faster than the others. It still took almost a full day in the void. With no ship near to help him if something went wrong."

  Count Peterson stared at him, but smiled when he did it, so the whole thing wasn't too incredulous.

  "That's amazing! I'd been telling people you'd planned to try, but hadn't heard that it was done already! Good, I can have you in to help train some of the men at the Fliers Base? If we can get those shields, naturally." Then he stopped and laughed, at himself. "There I go, turning everything toward work! Tell me, do you enjoy hunting? I was thinking of inviting Timon Baker over for that in about a month, if I can. It would be fun if you could come as well. Provided you have time that is." There was a head nod then, as if saying he understood if Dareg didn't.

  He had to think for a second, but started to nod earlier than that. He wasn't going to say no, after all. If the man wasn't serious, he could just not tell him when it was. The day he was rude to a person that regularly showed up in such high circles was the day he ran away to live in the woods.

  "I've never really done that. I suppose that would give me a month to learn how? What would we be going after?" He'd fished, of course, wanting to eat some protein every now and then. There was a limit on what he could steal food wise. People that had probably guessed it was him that had taken their fresh loaves might not have been as kind about their dinner steak or mutton.

  "It's nearing boar season. This would have to be up in Peterson, but it sounds like you can get there easily enough. Good! Now, Petra, you and Gerent will come, too?" Then the man winced a bit, and looked over at Collette. He seemed at a clear loss for words, but it was Queen Constance that leaped in then.

  "Collette dear, I imagine that you'll be very busy. You must be excited to have two of your boyfriends coming back after so long?" There was a weird, almost unkind undertone to the words.

  Dare looked over at the King, not knowing what they were talking about, just as the man did the same back to him. The giant seemed to understand everything going on however, being far better informed.

  The pretty woman smiled and looked past him at the female ruler.

  "I am! Are you planning to host Queen Tiera soon?" Then she blushed, which seemed real, even though the King started to nod.

  "That is, indeed, the plan. I was going to suggest she come for Noram Day this year. They don't do that one up in Harmony, so she might be able to get free. Tor and Timon as well, I think. We should try to have all the Ancients in, if we can." Then he glanced at Dare, and smiled. "If that's all right with you, naturally. I can see how it might be a bit strained for you with some of them, but I can recommend them all as friends, if nothing else. Good people, all."

  Then the man looked away, as if he'd said too much.

  So Dare was just honest about the whole thing. As much as he could without talking about work, which was hard at the moment. Everything that Tor and the others had suggested for him, or aided him with was work, more or less.

  "The ones that I met did seem nice. I heard that some of the Ancients will be moving to their new lands? I didn't meet him, but I think Tor said that Sam Builder was coming here. We should get him a house or something. Maybe at the spaceport? That way he could always travel quickly if he needs." Which was probably stupid since the man was one of the best wizards and immortal.

  If he wanted a grand palace, he'd make one himself, out of thoughts and wishes or however it was done. The same was true of space craft, no doubt.

  King Richard grinned, like it was a brilliant thing to say however.

  "I like the sound of that. I loved Count Lairdgren, the Green man, but he did not always make it easy to get in touch with him. Starting Sam out so much closer might help set a good precedent that way. Especially if I'm not the one doing it. Are you thinking that the Ancients should all live near their spaceports?" He looked up, as a team of six servants walked in, carrying trays and little fold out stands for the things to rest on. Those were wooden, but the trays were done in real silver, and had domed lids on them. When they were uncovered the things showed piles of greens.

  That wasn't his favorite, but Dare didn't let that show on his face. If he had to eat that kind of thing to fit in, he could.

  A plate, which was a rather nice, if plain, white thing, was set in front of all of them, along with a napkin, and a single fork. Before the food was served the King took his and placed it on his lap, so Dareg started to do the same, staggering the move again, as everyone went in the food testing order again.

  The man behind him, holding the tray, spoke gently.

  "Salad, sir?"

  That he had the option to say no was nice to hear, but everyone else had said yes, so far. In fact, even the King had said yes, thank you. It wouldn't serve for him to do less.

  So he copied the man, even if he didn't quite get the accent right. No one stared at him over it however. Except the Princess. She smiled a bit however, and gave a tiny nod.

  When she spoke, after the first bites had been taken, her eyes locked with his.

  "So. Cousin Dareg, have you made any plans for schooling? I know that Tor was always most saddened that he never managed to get through his own that way. I had tutors myself. You could do that, and still do the rest of what you have planned, I bet." She didn't move her gaze from his, even as he chewed the bitter herbs that he'd been given. There was vinegar and spices on it too, thankfully, or he would have choked on it.

  His manners might not have been perfect, but no one else had spoken with a full mouth, waiting to swallow first, even if it meant not speaking for a while. That gave him about ten seconds to come up with something to say.

  Again, he decided to go with the truth.

  "I haven't thought about it at all. Most just go to work at fourteen. I turned last month. I did finish the mandatory schooling. I... Could get trade training?" That had actually been his plan, more or less, before the spaceport thing had opened up. That might not be a lifelong task, however. It made sense to gain skills if he could.

  Collette had stopped eating and was looking at him with a very puzzled expression. It took him a bit to run back through things, and make a few leaps to connect ideas.

  The woman had been gently needled by the Queen, about her boyfriends. Tor had, at one time, been Constance's lover, but that had ended when they'd found out that they were relatives. A jealous person might be upset about their love having gone off with a different person. One who could have what they, no matter how powerful they were, c
ould not.

  Dareg hadn't mentioned being Tor's son directly however. No one else had either. Also, it was possible that Tor hadn't been in touch with her about him yet, specifically. Not to hide him, though that might be the real case, but it was also possible that he'd just called his adult child by name, out of respect. Or that Timon had been in touch with her.

  The man seemed to like him all right, but there was also a bit of strangeness to him. Like he was setting up convoluted and complicated plans, without most ever realizing what they were.

  It left him with a dilemma. If Tor didn't want this woman, who might be his girlfriend, to know about him, then it wouldn't serve to clue her in. On the other hand, if it was all about controlling her reaction, so that, say, Dare would sleep with her, thus angering his father, or causing the two to lose trust or faith, then walking into that would be bad too.

  The King smiled at him.

  "We could help you line up some tutors, if your other family isn't doing that already. We should talk to them first, on the subject. If you're interested in such things, naturally. Have you considered the family business? Building is a growing field these days. You might also look into the military. I'm sure that you'd do well there. It's traditional for nobles to serve at least for a time. Though, as a Prince of Harmony, that might not be allowed you. They don't have a military service, yet. Perhaps you could start one?"

  Petra smiled at him, her large brown eyes glinting, as she worked out that Collette wasn't up to speed, but clearly wasn't going to admit to that. It was making her tense however, and she turned to stare a bit, looking away before he could probably see her expression. The quick flickering of concern that couldn't be controlled by most people when they were worried.


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