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Lineage (The Young Ancients: Second Cycle Book 1)

Page 14

by P. S. Power

  Most people weren't that good at seeing those, he didn't think. They were useful however, since they often told you how people really felt. Better than words, even.

  Queen Constance, for all she'd started things with Collette, was ignoring that now.

  "This must all be so sudden for you. It's also fine if you wish to just take some time and rest. I'm sure that Torrance will provide an ample stipend for you, being that you're his son. Isn't that right, Collette?" It was really clear that the woman wasn't even attempting to be mean or catty at the moment. She just truly thought that the Baronetta knew about it all already.

  So everyone but Petra and Dareg seemed confused at her words.

  "Did Tor adopt you? I hadn't heard about that. How wonderful!"

  The King responded first, smiling at them, but seeming nervous about it.

  "No, Baronetta Coltress. Dareg is Tor's natural child. With a woman named Merilee Merchant. My understanding is that he inadvertently used magic to cause it to happen. Still, it was his will that it take place, On a level that few could have matched, so he had me draw up papers of natural course. Meaning that, regardless of anything else, Dareg is, and always has been, his legitimate child and full heir."

  That got Princess Veronica to wrinkle her nose.

  "Haven't you noticed how much he looks like him? Regardless, I'm sure that's right, Dareg. Tor will want to make sure you have a healthy stipend. That isn't a good conversation for the meal however... I know, how about gardens? If you have water by the port now, you might consider some trees?"

  That was what they talked about, in great variety, for the rest of the meal. Plants. The Queen, and Collette, both had gardens they wanted to speak about. Count Peterson acted happy enough to listen to it all, so Dareg decided to copy that, and smile at the right times, taking cues from the larger man.

  Everyone else mainly made small talk, and ate. The palace served equal portions for everyone, but it was clear that, after the salad, he just wasn't going to need to eat as much as say the eight foot tall and nicely muscled Count, or the taller, but thinner, King of Noram.

  That seemed wasteful to him, but the others didn't eat all their food, so he switched from trying to copy the King that way to the Queen. That still left him feeling a bit too full at the end of the ten courses, even having not finished any of them. Not too bad, but it was a strange sensation. It had been years since he'd had that much at one sitting. Luckily, they had a Tiera food unit there, which if it worked like the Tam-units meant that they could just toss what he hadn't consumed into the hopper and use it later.

  There was no talk of business at the meal, but the second the last plate was taken away, Queen Constance turned to Collette.

  "I'm to understand that Torrance is paying for the celebration?" It was probably a bit too cheap sounding, but no one seemed to mind that portion of things. Then, who would?

  The pretty Baronetta nodded a few times.

  "Yes, Queen Constance. I have a consignment of events as well. New things that no one on Earth has seen before, if I understand the idea. I believe that they intend to come in using the spaceport?" She looked at Dareg, her face still more than a little confused it seemed, though she hid it well.

  He nodded.

  "That's what I heard. We should have that up in time, if I can get people to help. I was told that I could get funds to hire some? If so, it will be about three days. We also are going to want players, musicians and all that. I don't know how to get them." Which was just true, but the Queen smiled at him, like what he'd said was cute.

  "Put out some notices, and offer coin. You'll find that it isn't that hard to fill positions, especially if you can pay well."

  For all that they needed to get things going, and soon, no one seemed to think that it would be all that hard. Mainly due to the fact that they had two things going for them. Coin and magic. The second one would make most of the difference, if he had the right idea.

  For most of the planning session he just sat there, memorizing what he needed to do. Honestly, it wasn't all that much. The Queen had people to put up the hiring bills, and were, in fact, already off doing that. For his part he just needed to make sure that what he wanted to see happen, did. A team of people to keep his Tam-pals full of material, and ensure that things were tidy and places staffed.

  "So," he looked at Constance, and wondered if she actually looked like him at all. Other than that they both had slightly pale skin and long hair, that was. "I need to get with Space Fleet and see if I can convince them that we'll want a constant stream of ships in for the event?"

  That led to a long discussion about the new craft they were getting, and how they weren't armed vessels. The news got King Richard to smile.

  "I wonder if Harmony would be willing to accept people for tours? The danger there is that we might never get them back. I should still get with Queen Tiera on that. I'll be certain to make that offer to host her, Collette. It's a very good plan. I should go do that now. Thankfully it's early there at the moment." He smiled at Dare and stood then bowed to them all. "Dare, would you be available, if we need to dump extra work on someone? I hate to ask, but it's coming up on King's week, and with a special event like this, we might need some extra housing, among other things." He looked frankly at Collette, who hid a smile behind her right hand.

  "I was planning to put up four palaces, for guests. If you could match that... Prince Dareg?" The words were clearly heavy and unfamiliar on her tongue. That was good really, since even if he had a title like that, it wasn't real to him.

  "I have some I can use for that. Food devices from Queen Tiera, too. So that part should work. Still, if you need me for anything else, I should be around. More or less. I'll keep the communications thing on me? I'm not planning to leave the area for a while." His words were probably too relaxed sounding, but somewhere between the third course and the eighth he'd decided that the King wasn't going to have him killed any time soon. Really, it was kind of clear that he was really going out of his way to be kind and helpful, even though he didn't have to be.

  Like a friend would, even.

  The King gave him a nod, and then left the room, probably to go and bother Tiera about the things that had been mentioned. That would mean he didn't have to do it, which was nice. Not that he didn't like his aunt. She seemed fine, more or less, and was attractive. Also, he reminded himself, not a biological relative.

  He stood too then, moved around the back of the chair, and started bowing to everyone as well.

  "If there's no more for me to do here, I should probably get going. I'll need to be up at first light." He didn't know if that was polite of him or not, but no one frowned at him about it. Collette looked troubled again, but as soon as the Queen began to nod, she stood too, which got Petra on her feet, and oddly, everyone else following along.

  Constance, instead of dismissing him, gave him a small hug.

  "Well, I have to say I'm pleased enough. It isn't every day you find that a suddenly appearing relation is both capable, and easy to get along with. You'll be around for events? I might have to put you on lists suddenly, or possibly require you to invent an event or two, so is it all right for me to call on you as well as Richard?" There was a serious ring to her words, which was odd, since it was pretty much normal to just take a Queen's calls like that.

  "Of course. All of you can. I hear that I'm very open and approachable that way. Not that it's ever come up, and I only heard that right now, when I said it, but that has to count, don't you think?" There was a smile to go with it, and a bow toward the rest of the room.

  Count Peterson smiled at least.

  "I'll walk you all out? I want to dun you for new shields anyway, Dareg. More to the point, to get you to do that for me with your family? Not that they've ever been stingy, but any kind of discount on the work I can get would be good. Fielding a hundred space capable men and women would be a wonderful place to start." His eyes looked pleasant on that topic, so Dareg nodded.

  "We should try for that, just as a start. Would you be willing to train the space fleet people on that too? Alice Orange is planning a similar group. Not that I know if they'll need any help that way. Still, if they do, can I pass that along to her?"

  The Count seemed happy to hear the idea, rather than upset. Which was probably because he figured that he could get the devices in exchange for that work, or something similar. Not that Dare could promise anything like that. What he could do was try to reach out to Timon.

  They weren't stopped by the guard again, even though he could have loaded a lot of the silver service into his bag. No one had even mentioned how odd it was that he'd kept it with him the whole time. No one else had, but there was no way he could risk the things he had in there. He had that valuable piss jug to be concerned about after all.

  In the courtyard, on the nicely paved and slightly shining drive, Collette put her little blue Tam-car back up. Petra rode with him in the rear, and leaned against him warmly.

  "Not bad. Especially considering that you've never had lessons in etiquette. I do think that Princess Veronica had a good idea, however. You should get some tutoring going, if you don't want to go off to school? I can get you in at Printer, if you wish? I bet Lairdgren would take you as well. They cost about the same per year. Though... You might want those tutors first. I can see about setting that up for you? I think Kolb was talking about a project that you might be good for. That would be able to count toward that."

  He'd never met anyone by that name, but nodded.

  "I can look into it, if you think it's a good idea? Probably in a few days, if that's all right. I have a bit to do between now and then."

  She nodded at him, her face lit only by the soft glow of the wall river through the window. Oddly, they didn't head off to the spaceport first thing, going the other way instead. Collette spoke softly to them, at the first real lull.

  "I can give you some coin tonight. I... Really would have never guessed that Tor would have a child. It happens, but I never really figured on that. It just seems so unlikely doesn't it? Like what a person might claim to get at riches or power."

  Dareg fought the urge to glare at the back of her blonde head. It was tempting to just get out and walk though, because there was, right there in her words, a hint of accusation. More than that.

  Instead he also spoke softly, his voice perhaps a bit mean sounding.

  "It wasn't my choice either. They tested me though, several times, with magic and Austran..." That one took him a bit to recall, but he only paused for a moment. "Technology. I didn't lay the claim, even though it was what my mother had always told me was true. I honestly didn't believe her. So, if you have an issue with it, you might want to take it up with the Wizard Tor? I'm not lying about this, and don't really like having that implied." It probably wasn't good to challenge her on that kind of thing, if she really were the man's girlfriend.

  Petra stiffened at any rate, which probably meant he was being rude. It just really wasn't him trying to push in with a fake claim. If that was happening at all, then it was coming from a totally different place, and he was innocent of it all. Not that the woman driving would see it that way.

  Dareg was gearing up for an argument anyway. Good plan or not, he wasn't going to let himself be accused of lying when he wasn't. It would probably mean leaving the Capital, but that was possible now.

  The whole escape plan came into his head, unbidden. First he'd pack up the Tam-units, Since she was his friend, then head north, to where the temperature would be a bit cooler for the winter. Straight up, toward Holden maybe, where no one would expect him to go. In an instant he was nearly ready to leave. He had what he needed to survive now. Dare could even deliver the jump ships first, and still have plenty that way. It was the better plan, because being seen as a thief wouldn't work well. It was bad enough that he'd have to take the Tam-units, but so far no one else could use them.

  That would, no doubt, be changing inside the next few days, so friend or not, it might make more sense to leave her there.

  Collette didn't say anything, just pulling the Tam-car over and climbing out fast. Stomping away in anger, or possibly fear. He was a bit angry with her, but that seemed almost as if she were trying to really piss him off. Acting like he didn't have a right to call her on saying he was a liar like that.

  It was Petra climbing out that made him wonder at it however.

  Rage filled him at the move. She'd been there and knew better than he did that it was really true. That the tests hadn't been anything that he'd asked for. That those others had said he was Tor's son, not him.

  "So, you want to call me a liar too?" That was, he understood, a bit more than he was willing to put up with.

  She shook her head. There was a cool look on her face, like she was trying not to let her expression be read on purpose.

  "Dareg... You're in a combat rage. Can... You pull yourself out of it? A lot of people in your family can. Focus and make yourself relax. Slow your breathing. Don't hit anything. Don't give up your control." Her voice was a little bit soft and singsong, which was upsetting. Besides, he really didn't know what she was talking about. There was a certain amount of truth to what she was saying however, Being that he was kind of upset at the moment, and it was too much. So even with anger trying to tear his middle apart, he did what she suggested, and pulled himself back, standing there with his eyes closed, breathing as slowly as he could.

  When he opened his eyes, a good while later, both women were still there. More or less. Petra was right there with him, and Collette was about fifty feet away. Looking ready to run away, if she had to.

  The darker skinned lady, his aunt, smiled at him.

  "Ha. There we go. Even if we didn't know for certain before, that would be a good sign. Most people can't beat the rage like that. We do have all those tests however, and the stories line up too well for it not to be what Tor said. I... I think that it might be best if Dare and I fly back, Collette. We can go low, around the city. The gold can wait."

  The other woman didn't speak, her face slightly scared still, and more than a bit blank. A bit stiffly she turned away, got in the little floating vehicle, and drove off, silently.

  A flare of anger hit him then. He did manage to let it go, after just two minutes of deep breathing and some focused concentration. Not that it was easy, given how he kind of wanted to chase her down and scream at her for being so mean to him.

  When he opened his eyes Petra rose about four inches into the air, and gestured for him to do the same. They didn't go very fast, and it wasn't a short trip, going around the entire Capital like they were. On the left hand side, with the natural river at their back. It meant passing under the clear streamers made by the wall river, forcing them both to duck. There was no forest to avoid however, this part still being very barren and wide open. It was mainly just dust and hard packed dirt.

  It wasn't until they were closing on the spaceport's main road that he spoke. Just as they were both ducking under the tube that carried water to the port. Looking at it, he realized that it was the out-going line, that carried the water away. That, and his head hurt.

  "I should just leave. This isn't going to work, is it? I can't even hold a conversation without being a horrible person for no reason." The words felt thick, and sounded sad, even to his own hearing.

  Petra just waved toward the spaceport. Her ship was still there, after all. His bag rested comfortably on his shoulders, the straps not digging in or anything like that. It just wasn't that heavy.

  "She... Really she needed to check things in private before letting that kind of thing come out. Half of this kind of situation is normally false. It's just that we know, for certain, that you're Tor's son. Not that your looks shouldn't be enough to tell almost everyone that. You get what I'm saying? It isn't wrong for her to want to protect her friend, but she should know better than to do it that way." Then she shrugged. "Not that you weren't a little over reactive. How's your head doing?" />
  "Not great. It always hurts like this when I get mad. It probably means I have a brain tumor." He was trying to be funny, even if it didn't sound like that.

  The woman floating along next to him, at about twenty miles an hour, shook her head.

  "Combat rage always does that. How often has this happened to you?"

  That took some remembering, but after a bit he had it worked out. More slowly than it should have been though.

  "About once a month. Normally when something happens that isn't fair. I try not to let it happen. I win, about half the time. I... Think that this whole thing is harder on me than it seems. Not that I'm whining about that. You know, poor me, people are claiming to be my family and seem to want to give me stuff. That's not a kick in the balls, you know?"

  The woman made a face at him, and then snorted.

  "Well, that's fucked up. Combat rage is normally triggered once a year or so, under extreme stress conditions. So you're a bit worse off than most. A lot. On the good side, you can handle it too. You should learn to meditate. That really seems to help. Magic does, too. As in learning to do it. As for leaving... I don't think so. After all, half of why Collette was scared had to do with me. You were doing your part well enough to satisfy even the most fearful."

  "Really? How so?"

  They were nearly to the port, so he slowed, getting Petra to do the same. Once on her feet, she winked at him, and touched his arm gently.

  Then, stepping back, she pulled a nice, rather shiny, silver blade.

  "When you had your eyes closed I stabbed you in the arm a couple times. Or tried. You were casting an aura, too. Disorientation aura. So you have a natural shield, and that, at the very least. Everyone pretty much has increased strength and speed when it hits, so you'll have that as well. I'm pretty sure that Collette nearly wet herself when I did that part. That's why she was acting like that when she left. Probably because she wasn't certain that you might not kill her if you were hurt by what I did. It was a risk, but not that big of one. After all, we all have shields on, and if I stabbed you, you would have gone for me."


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