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Hot Stuff

Page 7

by Weston Parker

  “After today, it’s looking like a possibility. What about you? I hear that company of yours is doing well, especially after you saved those men in that plane crash.”

  “Actually, I made most of my money after the hurricanes down south and from working overseas. It seems the private islands all the celebrities were buying up are changing hands quickly, and luckily, I got in on that.”

  “That’s great, Gage. I know your father would be proud and your mother. You’ve grown that business into an empire, and you’re a hero.”

  “Yeah, some hero. I was scared to death. I did what anyone else would have done.”

  “Maybe, but still, I think it was heroic.” I could tell it bothered him a bit, so I busied myself with the menu.

  He gave a soft laugh. “Thanks. I wanted to ask you a favor, actually. If you don’t want to do this, just say so, but I’ll pay you if you like.”

  “Pay me? You don’t pay a friend for favors, Gage.”

  “Well, it’s your work, so I don’t mind. I need a contract looked over.” From the look on his face, I felt like there was something wrong.

  “Is there a problem with it?”

  “The guy I saved, James Bivens, he’s recommended this client to me. It was just after I turned down a potential illegal deal.”

  “You think he might be doing the old switcharoo?”

  “It’s possible. Look, I’ve done jobs for him before where I wasn’t sure what I was building. Warehouses in the jungle, large houses in third world countries where I wasn’t able to ask any questions. I made a huge fortune, and I’m not sure where most of the money came from. A lot of it is probably dirty. It’s why, after the accident, and now that I’ve decided to come home and be a father to Olivia, I’m more careful about what I take on. When it was just me and I was making all the money, I didn’t think about it as much.”

  “I’ll look at it. It’s no problem. But just for kicks and giggles, what kind of illegal activity do you think they’re involved with?”

  “Hell, I don’t know. Could be drugs, sweatshops, the diamond trade. I have no idea, and more than that, I don’t want to know.”

  “Well, I’m glad you’re out of that, and I’ll do what I can to keep you out of it, so if you ever want me to look over anything, don’t hesitate to ask.”

  “Thanks. Maybe if this cabin needs fixing up, I can trade a little labor with you.”

  I held out my glass for a toast, and he raised his too. “Now, that’s what friends do.”

  “Speaking of friends, I got a warning to behave myself.” He looked down at his wine.

  “You too?” I should have known I wasn’t the only one. “I bet Noah’s pacing the floor. We should send him a selfie. Show him we’re having a good time.”

  “Yeah, hold your drink up and look sauced. He’ll be on the next plane home.”

  “He’ll have a long way to go. Did you know he was in Vegas?”

  His eyes widened in surprise. “No, I didn’t know that. I wonder why he didn’t tell me, or at least invite me along.” He gave a shrug and took another sip of his drink.

  Finally, the waiter returned, and we ordered. We continued the small talk about Noah and reminiscing about old times, and when we were done, he paid the check, and we left.

  On the way back to the hotel, I rested my arm on the center console next to his, and soon enough, he caressed the back of my hand with his fingertips. I turned my hand over to hold his. This wasn’t like the friendly hand-holding we’d done before when our hands touched; it was like electricity went through me, a strong magnetic force drawing us together.

  His eyes met mine as he laced his fingers in mine, and then, after glancing at the road ahead, he brought my hand up to kiss my knuckles.

  He was feeling me out, so I smiled and gripped his hand a bit tighter.

  His brow rose as he gave me a sideward look. “I hope that’s okay.”

  “It is with me.” I lifted my chin, determined to show him that I’d defy Noah in a heartbeat to be with him. No amount of discouraging texts would keep me from him, and Noah could just deal with it.

  As we passed the Gatlinburg Space Needle, I knew we were getting closer to my hotel, and I didn’t want the night to end.

  I contemplated whether or not to invite him up as he pulled into the parking lot. “I’ll walk you up if you like?”

  “Yes, please.” I had my brother’s voice screaming in my head, and I didn’t give a damn. I was wondering just how far Gage was willing to go. There was only one way to find out.

  I waited until he parked and we were on our way up to the hotel entrance. “This night has flown by. I don’t want it to end.”

  “Me neither. But at least we get to see each other tomorrow.”

  We walked inside and crossed the lobby to the elevator, and I was relieved that no one else was going up with us, especially when he took my hand and led me inside.

  As the doors shut, he stepped closer and looked down into my eyes. “I have to admit, tomorrow isn’t going to come soon enough.”

  “It’s a shame we couldn’t go tonight,” I blurted. I pulled my lips in tight and couldn’t believe I’d spoken my thought out loud.

  He cozied up closer until I was leaning against the rail and close enough to kiss him. “Well, we are all grown up. Old enough to do what we want.”

  And who. “Do you think we should? I mean, I know it’s got electricity, but the heat probably hasn’t been on.”

  “Then we’ll make a fire. They don’t call me hot stuff for nothing.”

  “I thought it was because of that dragon tattoo.” The image he’d had needled into his arm was a large dragon blowing flames across his shoulder. Noah had nicknamed him “Hot Stuff” ever since.

  “Yeah, well, that too. I’m leaving it up to you, Lauren. I’ll take you anywhere you want to go.”

  He had taken me back in time and didn’t know it, back to the place where my heart ached for him. To the days when I longed for his lips to meet mine. He stood a breath away, and although I knew I shouldn’t, I wanted to kiss him, and I knew I would have to make the first move if I wanted it to happen.

  “Well, stay or go?”

  I stepped closer to him and rose up on my toes. He pulled me closer, and as if I were dreaming, he closed the distance and put his mouth on mine in a soft, languid kiss.

  It was so much better than I’d ever imagined, and when I pulled away, I met his eyes. “I want us to go.”

  Chapter 11


  Instead of only staying for one night, I checked her out of the hotel and convinced her that if we were going to break Noah’s law, we might as well go all the way.

  I myself had no intention of backing out, and the only thing that would keep me from having her beneath me was going to be her changing her mind.

  We took my Charger home and traded it for the truck. I felt much better on the icy mountain roads, especially when the snow began to fall again.

  “I hope there are blankets,” she said. “Ones that don’t smell like mothballs.”

  I had a feeling she was going to be surprised when she saw the cabin. What I hadn’t told her was I’d contracted with her father a few years back when he retired to give the place a makeover. Not only was it equipped with blankets, but at the time, there had been a caretaker coming in every other week to tend the grounds.

  As we made our way out to Wade’s Creek, which was only a half hour from the hotel, she leaned closer to me in her seat and held my hand.

  “Gage? Is this weird for you?”

  “Weird how? Because you and I go way back?”

  “Yeah, because you’re practically my brother.”

  “Did it bother you? You know, all those years back when you had your crush?”

  “Silly man. I still have my crush. Always have. I just never thought we’d actually have a chance to be together. Not like this.”

  “I know. I tried to talk myself into behaving, but honestly, Lauren, I don’t
want to behave with you.”

  She leaned across and pulled me down so she could reach my mouth, and suddenly, a deer jumped out into the road. I barely missed it. The truck skidded in a circle, and I stopped us just as we went off the road. We were turned sideways when we stopped, and she panted hard as I turned us around and got us back on the road.

  “Shit, are you okay?” I asked.

  “I’m good. I just hope that’s not a sign.”

  “I don’t believe in all that hocus pocus crap. It was a deer on the road, not an omen. If you don’t want to do this, then all you have to do is say so, and I’ll turn this truck around.”

  Her eyes widened. “No. I don’t want that. I’d like us to stay the night and see what happens. But are you prepared for how Noah will react, or are you not in this for any length of time?”

  I brought her hand up to kiss it again, and she moved closer and kissed my mouth. I felt the nerves in her and could hear it in her voice as she spoke. “If you’re asking me if this is going to be a one-nighter, then you’re absolutely insane.”

  “What if we do it, and we don’t like it?”

  “Are you hearing yourself?” I couldn’t help but laugh out loud at that. The worst sex I’d ever had was good enough for more, and there was no way in hell she’d ever not be good to me. “It’s going to be epic.”

  I gave her a playful nudge. Suddenly, we rounded a curve, and there was the cabin in the distance.

  The old place still had all of its charms on the outside and looked like the kind of place that you’d see in an old magazine advertising Christmas.

  It was hard to believe that the holiday wasn’t far off, and I’d been so busy that I hadn’t even bought the first Christmas gift for Ollie. Not that her little stunt had proven to me that she didn’t have many toys, but quite the opposite. She had too many, and I’d really spoiled her in a short time.

  Lauren’s voice brought my head around. “Wow, it’s so much more beautiful than I thought.”

  “And you wanted to sell it. Look how magical it seems.” I parked the truck and looked up at the place I’d loved more than home as a kid.

  “It is breathtaking. It’s not at all how I remember it. We should go inside.” I knew that it was going to be pretty, but what she didn’t know would only be a surprise.

  Stepping into the old cabin, she looked around, and her mouth dropped open in shock. “Oh, Gage. This place is beautiful.”

  “Well, turns out, your father had my company do a little updating a few years ago before I went overseas.”

  “How come I didn’t know about it?” She walked in and beelined for the kitchen, and when she came back out, she was still smiling.

  “I don’t know. But when you sounded like you hadn’t seen it, I wanted it to be a surprise. I’m not saying there couldn’t be a bit of work you’d want to do, like updating the bathrooms or new panes in the windows, but I think this place is worth keeping.”

  “It’s not what I was expecting, and that’s a good thing. I guess my father really loved this place as much as my mother.”

  “So, do you want to look around a little, or should I go right to building a fire?” There was wood stacked on the hearth, and I knew by building a fire, it would heat the place quickly.

  She stood on the other side of the room rubbing her hands together. “Oh, could you? I’m freezing!” She hurried over and met me at the fireplace where I got busy with the task as she watched.

  Minutes later, when she had a fire to warm her, she pulled off her coat and then sat down on the sofa and patted the seat. “Join me?”

  I wasted no time doing as she wished, and she leaned over and kissed me again. This time her tongue penetrated my mouth, and I deepened it more by caressing her hair and pulling her over to my lap. She broke the kiss and then sat back to look into my eyes.

  I stroked her hair with one hand and her back with another as she practically lay across me. “What’s on your mind?”

  “Just that this is what it’s like to be with you. It’s kind of like I imagined, but better.”

  “Better, huh?”

  She laughed. “Yes, because it’s really happening. Before, it was all a daydream. The fantasy is finally real.” She leaned down, and her perfect, pouty mouth caressed mine. Her lips were soft, and she tasted like peppermint and wine.

  After a few moments, I couldn’t stop myself from wanting more and taking it. I slipped my hands into her dress, and she moaned as I kissed my way down to her breasts. It had been a long time, and my cock was punching in my pants, wanting free. The ache in my balls was demanding release, and I needed to hold back a little and gain control.

  She met my eyes as I let out a deep breath. “I don’t want this to stop.”

  “Me either. Trust me.”

  “You’re not worried about Noah, are you?” She seemed to search my eyes.

  “No, I’ll find a way to make it right.” My eyes bored into hers. “I want you.”

  Her hand slipped down and rested against my rigid cock. “Good, that’s all I needed to hear.” She stroked me, and soon, she was slipping her hand inside my pants and against my warm flesh. “I want to take it out, Gage.”

  “Take it, but first, undress for me.” I reached up and pulled her strap off her shoulder. “Show me your beautiful body.”

  She gave me a quick peck and stood in front of me. Her hips swayed, knees scissoring her legs as she reached behind her and slowly pulled down her zipper. She turned to give me a peek, and it revealed her bare back and lacy panties. Then she straightened, and the dress fell to the floor, puddling at her feet. With a fingertip in her teeth, she turned and gave me a sexy, but innocent, look.

  My eyes slid down her body. She sucked her finger and then trailed it down her chin and between her breasts. She took a moment to cup her breasts and then trailed her finger lower, only stopping once she reached the waistband of her thin, lace panties.

  Her eyes looked down to where I gripped my dick through my pants. “Take it out.”

  “You want me to?” She nodded. “Okay, but I want you to touch yourself for me. Feel what you want to give me.”

  “You’ll do the same for me?”

  “You’ve got a deal.” I undid my pants and dropped them to my feet, kicking them away as I wrapped my hand around my balls and gave them a soft squeeze. They were heavy, and I couldn’t wait to be inside of her. I wrapped my hand around my shaft, gave it a firm grip, and then stroked it for her.

  She was lost in what I was doing, and then suddenly, she picked back up where she’d stopped, and her hand slipped inside her panties. She stroked herself and moaned, her free hand taking hold of her nipple and pinching it as she closed her eyes and hissed through her teeth.

  I couldn’t believe how hot she was and how wanton. She walked over and pulled her fingers from her panties. I took her wrist and brought them to my mouth, tasting her sweet nectar.

  A guttural sound escaped me, and I pulled her down to kiss my lips. She went to her knees and then before I could suggest it, she took my cock into her mouth and closed her lips around my head.

  “Fuck. That’s so good, baby.” I gathered her hair and held it as she worked me, and I wondered what kind of man she’d been with to teach her these things or if she’d thought of this dirtiness all on her own.

  “I’m glad you like it, Gage. I wanted to show you how much I want you. I’ve wanted this for a long time. I used to think about it when I was younger. I’d fantasize about you coming into my room and slipping into the covers with me; making love to me.” She blushed and then looked away. “I guess I must seem silly.”

  There was nothing silly about her at that moment, and I wished I’d known sooner about her secret desires with me. I would have talked some sense into Noah years ago. “This isn’t silly. And I really think it’s hot, especially that you used to fantasize about me.”

  She grinned. “Have you ever had dirty thoughts about me, Gage?” She traced her damp fingers along the in
ked flames on my shoulder.

  “Yes, and I came so good to them, too. Does that surprise you?”

  “When?” She narrowed her eyes, and I smiled, knowing the answer might surprise her even more.

  I gave her a sexy grin. “After I helped you the other night. I tried to fight these feelings, but it’s not that easy.”

  “Don’t fight them. I don’t want either of us to hold back, Gage. We’ve come this far, and I don’t have my hotel room to go back to, so let’s just stay and see where the night takes us.”

  I knew where it was going to take her. Right straight to my heart.

  Chapter 12


  I had taken a risk with Gage in seducing him. Not only did I want for him to be unable to resist me, but I wanted to see just how far he’d go to have me and how much restraint he’d show. Watching him stroke himself for me showed me his need and desire, and I wanted to give him all the pleasure I could.

  I took my time going down on him, enjoying the taste of his salt against my tongue while his burning flesh filled up my mouth and throat. I moaned with him deep in me, and he groaned in return. We both continued until we were in sync, our strange song of pleasure building to a crescendo until he pulled me away.

  “Go slow, or you’re going to make me come before we’re ready. It’s been a long time, baby.”

  I kneaded his balls gently as I looked up. “That’s a shock. I figured a hot guy like yourself would be fighting off the ladies.” I looked down at his thick, rigid erection and licked my lips. He was so big, much bigger than Craig had been, and not just in the pants. Craig was lean, where Gage was cut with bulky muscles that his years of hard work had built.

  “I haven’t had time to socialize, really. I’ve been focused on my family, my career, and recovering.” He reached up and stroked his beard and then pulled me up to his lap. “Now it’s my turn to pleasure you for a while.” His hand trailed down and cupped my sex. “I want to taste this hot little slit.” He slipped his hand between my legs, and tingles shot all over my body as he stroked my swollen clit.


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