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Hot Stuff

Page 8

by Weston Parker

  It was aching for attention, and his mouth found mine, taking it hard and deep as he rubbed my pussy and slipped his fingers inside me. I loved the feel of his thick fingers filling me up, and as he stroked my walls, I gripped his fingers, working my Kegels.

  “I want to feel that on my cock, but first, I’m going to taste that sweet little hole.” His voice was but a whisper, sending chills up and down my body in all the right places. I loved him talking dirty with his deep, sexy voice. No one had ever spoken filthy words to me during the act. They’d just grunted and moaned until they came.

  Craig didn’t even moan. He held his breath for the most part, and even though he tried different things with my body, he’d remained as silent as a monk.

  Gage looked dead into my eyes and told me exactly how he was going to fuck me. Total turn-on.

  He picked me up like I was nothing and spun us around to deposit me onto the sofa. He bent down and gripped my knees. “Part these for me. Keep them wide, baby.”

  I didn’t think keeping my legs apart would be a problem, but soon, the pleasure from his tongue had my knees trying to close around his head as I writhed in ecstasy. He took me to the edge and back three times before he took me over it, and when I finally came, I let out a squeal that I’d never heard come from my throat before.

  “That’s so hot, baby. Squeal for me. Let that pleasure take you there.” His breath was hot against my little slit as he spoke, and he dipped back down, darting his tongue out to fuck me with it. I gripped his hair and held him against me, keeping him captive as he worked me, licking and fucking, fingering my clit the whole time.

  The pleasure was intense, and after I came again, this time wetter than all the other times combined, he came up for air. I was too weak in the knees to hold him there, and the need for something to fill me up was so great, I was nearly out of my mind, grabbing hold of him and angling him between my legs as I pulled him up by his shoulders.

  “I need you inside me, Gage. Please, I need you.” I did need him. I needed him to fuck the past away, to make me come and come and come until any reminders of the vanilla sex I’d had with Craig, that lying cheating monster, were obliterated.

  Tears stung my eyes as I thought of him, and I blinked them away, not wanting to worry Gage. I wrapped my legs around him and felt the head of his cock resting against my sopping wet center.

  He paused. “I don’t have any protection. Do you?”

  “I trust you, Gage.” If there was anyone I trusted, it was him. I knew he’d take care of me, and if there was any issue, he’d stop things. I waited to see if he’d deny me, but he didn’t hesitate. He centered his cock and pushed the head in just a little, nudging it to tease me.

  “I’m going to fuck you so good, Lauren, just like you’ve always wanted. Just like I’ve always wanted. Are you ready? No going back from this.”

  There was no way I wanted to back out now. My brother had deprived me of having him for far too long now, so I wrapped my legs around his hips and pulled him close, his cock having nowhere to go but in. It stretched me wide at first, pinching and tearing, but then when he reached a certain point, it seemed to give. He stopped and let it settle inside me, but I needed it to move. I needed that friction. I gripped him with my muscles, and he began to stroke in and out of me nice and slow.

  He must have done that for ten minutes, and then he brought my legs up over his left shoulder, turning me to the side where the head of his cock was bumping hard against my G-spot. I cried out as my next orgasm ripped through me and turned me into a limp noodle. I lost all ability to move, but Gage kept hold of me, thrusting hard, fucking me relentlessly until his own release poured inside me, soaking my walls.

  He cursed under his breath. “Damn it.” He looked up into my eyes and gave me an apologetic look. “I meant to pull out.” His hips rolled against me, and I melted into him, kissing his neck and shoulders.

  “I’m sure it’s fine. I’m on birth control. I just haven’t been back for my shot. I think I go next month.” I’d have to look at the calendar, but I didn’t want to spoil the moment by worrying about something that was not likely to happen. Would it be so terrible if it did?

  The question surprised me, and I knew I didn’t really want it to be a problem. Wouldn’t that be something for my brother to be pissed about?

  I was afraid that he didn’t want to continue, but then he kept stroking, and his cock hardened inside my drenched slit.

  I gripped his shoulders as he ground his hips against me. “Don’t stop. Please, Gage.” I met his eyes, and he continued to stroke inside me slowly.

  “I’m not stopping, Lauren. I’m never going to stop.” His mouth found mine as he sped up his pace and pounded me through another release.

  He met my eyes with a warning glare. “I could go all night like this, baby.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” If it took all night, that was fine with me.

  My phone started to ring, and I knew by the tone it was Craig. Gage pulled away and met my eyes. “Should you get that?”

  “No.” I closed my eyes and cursed under my breath.

  “It’s kind of late to be Noah.”

  “It’s not.” I didn’t want to talk about Craig or think about him for that matter, and the fact that he was calling me after all of this time made me angry. I couldn’t hide it from Gage.

  “You’re upset.” He pulled me close. “Who hurt you?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it at the moment.” I gave him a sexy smile and slapped his ass.

  “Oh, you want to get rough, huh? Maybe I should thank whoever that is for the aggression.” He laughed and then rolled his hips harder. He lifted up and turned us around so that I straddled his lap. “I’ll let you ride out that frustration.”

  His cock went deeper than before as his base pressed into me. It felt amazing, and I ground my clit against him. I tilted my ass upward a little and worked my muscles, milking his cock nice and steadily with a slow pace to make it last.

  “Fuck, baby. I feel it getting close.” He gave me a warning glance, and I sped up the pace to make him come, knowing I had no intention of stopping.

  “We’re living dangerously tonight, aren’t we?” I looked deep into his eyes as he cupped my breasts and brought my nipples to his lips one at a time. They felt good grazing against his beard, and I reached up and ran my fingers through it, feeling the mangled skin beneath his chin.

  “That’s my scar from the crash. It’s why I wear the beard.” I leaned forward and kissed his chin, and he smiled. “How’d you get to be so perfect?” His words were spoken into my ear, and they brought chills up my ass and all the way up to the back of my neck.

  “I’m not, trust me. But I love hearing you say it. I’ve never felt this good before. You’re going to spoil me. I’ll never want anyone else.”

  “I would be jealous at the very idea of that, but Noah’s going to kill us when he finds out. The chances of you being with another man are slim to none.”

  “Then I’ll die happy and satisfied,” I said with a giggle.

  I gave him another squeeze to milk him on the upstroke, and when I went back down, he tapped my ass to get me to lift off. Instead, I ground harder into him, letting it fill me up fuller.

  “You really are living dangerously, aren’t you?” He laughed so hard it shook me, bouncing my breasts.

  “We probably should have waited until we found a bed.” I looked at the floor where our clothes lay and smiled because we hadn’t wasted any time.

  “I think we waited long enough, don’t you?” he asked.

  “Well, it’s what we came here for, right?”

  Even though the fire had warmed the room, he pulled the quilt off the back of the couch and wrapped it around us. “Right.” He stroked my cheek and kissed me.

  “When you wanted to ask me out, is this what you wanted to do?”

  He hesitated a moment and then nodded. “It had crossed my mind, but I did want to see how you were d
oing and catch up. It’s been so long, and I knew how close you were to your dad.”

  He’d been through losing his parents, and having a daughter, he had to know how special that bond was. It brought me closer to him. “Thanks for thinking about me. It means a lot, and I’m glad you wanted to see me.” I scrubbed his beard and then kissed his neck, holding him closer.

  He let out a breath and then rubbed my shoulders. “We need to turn on the heat in the bathroom; I’d like to take a shower, scrub you down now that I’ve dirtied you up.”

  “Such a gentleman.”

  He situated me beside him and pulled the covers up to keep me warm. I got a good look at his ass as he walked to the thermostat and then into the bathroom. A moment later, he returned and snuggled under the blanket with me.

  “I turned the gas heater on. We’ll be able to go in after a few minutes. That little thing always heated it so well.”

  “I can’t believe how great this place looks. Dad really had you do a total makeover.”

  “Yeah, he wanted it nice enough to rent out if he needed to. He said the place was special to him, too. He couldn’t stand to see it falling apart, not that it was too bad.”

  I thought of what he’d said in the video. “My mom and dad fell in love here.”

  “Yeah? So, this is a lucky place then.” He smiled at me as if he liked the idea of falling in love, and then he rubbed my hands to keep them warm.

  “Remember when we’d build forts out of the old couch’s cushions?”

  “And the sheets. I thought your mother was going to kill us that time we knocked the candle over inside it. Luckily, it didn’t burn anything, but that wax left the ugliest stain.” I had nearly forgotten that.

  “Who would have thought?” I giggled.

  He kissed me softly, and then a moment later, he stood and took my hand. We spent the next half hour in the shower, and then we cuddled up in bed and talked until we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  Chapter 13


  The morning sun shone on Lauren’s face, and I looked out at the ice melting off the eaves. We’d taken a shower and then snuggled up in the king-sized bed in the master bedroom, and while it was an odd choice, seeing as her father or Noah was probably the last person to sleep in it, it was so comfortable I didn’t want to get up.

  Thinking of the night before gave me so many mixed emotions. For one, I couldn’t believe I’d actually gone through with it, and I wondered what kind of negative effect it would have on my friendship with Noah, but I knew I was going to have to face the repercussions, like it or not. Worse than that, it made my stomach twist in knots to lie to her, but when she’d asked me about why I’d wanted to have dinner and what my intentions were, I hadn’t been able to tell her the truth.

  Noah told her that I’d wanted to ask her to dinner to catch up, but in truth, it had all been his idea. Not only had he called me, but he’d warned me to behave myself time and time again.

  She stirred beside me, and when I ran my hand up her side, she rolled over and snuggled up to my chest, tucked under my arm. “What time is it?” She didn’t even open her eyes as she spoke against my chest with her warm breath.

  “It’s just past eight.”

  “Wow, that’s sleeping in for me.” She opened her eyes and looked up at me.

  “We did have a long night. It was well past two when we finally went to sleep.” I caressed her hair. It was so long, I had to lift my arms to go through to the ends, but it was worth it to have her close.

  “I don’t want to get up.”

  “I know. Me neither.” I could have laid there all day with her, and I wanted to, but then her phone rang and ruined everything.

  She rolled away from me, grabbed her phone, and rested it against her bare breasts.

  “Same guy as before?”

  “No,” she said, seeming relieved, but then she met my eyes, and hers were filled with uncertainty. “It’s Noah this time. Do you want to talk to him?”

  “Why would I want to talk to him?” I pulled the covers up to my neck and then stretched my muscles as she glared at me. The phone rang and rang, but she placed it back on the table and let out a long breath.

  “I just thought maybe, considering last night, that we should tell him. Get that out of the way.”

  I belted a laugh, and she looked even more put off. “Maybe we should just cuddle close and video chat with him. I’m sure the shock of us in bed together will wake him right up.”

  “I didn’t mean shove it in his face, but we should come clean, right? I mean, if we’re going to do this, I don’t want to sneak around.”

  I was flabbergasted. Did she want to tell Noah? I knew I’d tell him eventually, but I didn’t think there was any need to rush. “I thought we would after some time. What’s the hurry?”

  She shook her head and then pushed back the covers and got to her feet. Then she took the blanket from the foot of the bed and wrapped herself up in it before storming out. I got up, got my shorts, and followed.

  Before I could close the distance, she spun around. “I thought you wanted more? Or did you just mean more sex?”

  “I do want more, but I don’t think we need to deal with Noah just yet. Why would you think all I wanted is sex?”

  “Because you admitted to me last night that it was in the back of your thoughts when you asked me to dinner!” She crossed her arms and paced the floor. “I swear, I have the worst luck with men ever.” She looked me right in the eye. “I’m not lying to my brother or having some secret thing with you. We don’t lie to each other, and something like this could destroy us all if we don’t handle it properly.”

  “Noah lied to you about Vegas, right?” That earned me a glare. “I’m just saying, you were okay with not telling him anything, and now, you can’t lie?”

  “I don’t like secrets, and I’m not going to be yours. I’ve done that, and it’s no fun!” Tears pooled in the corners of her eyes, and I realized someone had hurt her badly before.

  “Who made you their secret?” I stepped closer, and when I put my hands on her shoulder, she backed away.

  “It doesn’t matter! It’s history, okay?” She glanced down at the floor as her shoulders slumped.

  I wasn’t letting her off so easily. “Tell me. What did he do to you? He’s the man who called you last night, right?” She nodded, and my anger grew. “You said you were his secret? Does that mean he was married?”

  She nodded again, and this time, her eyes glanced up from the floor and met mine. “I didn’t know he was, okay? We started out talking as friends at work, and then he told me he was going through a divorce. He made her sound so horrible, and I really fell for him.”

  “This was some guy at work?”

  “My boss. I’ve since changed jobs. I couldn’t tell Noah, okay? I didn’t need him angry, and you’re not helping things.”

  “So, you don’t want to hide something else, but it’s okay to hide that?”

  “It’s horrible, okay? And I don’t want my brother thinking I’m stupid for letting it happen. Craig didn’t want me to tell anyone about us in the beginning, so I honored that, and now, I’m stuck with the lie. I won’t do that for you. Not and continue to see you. It’s not right, and this is us, Gage, the two people who love him most in the world. He’s going to feel betrayed at first, but he’ll get over it.” Her eyes were pleading with me.

  “I just want to handle it in my own time. You should have told me last night when that fucker called, and I’d have put a stop to it.”

  “We handle it right now, or never.” I had never been one for ultimatums, and I’d never done anything in direct defiance of my friendship with Noah. It was going to be a shitstorm to get through, and I just needed a little time to prepare.

  “You can tell him about us when you decide to really be honest and tell him about your little romp with your boss. Otherwise, this entire conversation is a bit hypocritical.”

  “I can’t tell him, G
age, but I can make sure I don’t do anything like that again. I’m not going to damage our relationship. If I had stayed with him, I’d have told Noah.”

  “And if you stay with me, we will, but in my time. Don’t bully me on this. I have a lot riding on this, too, and I stand to lose more than you. You’re his sister, he’d come around, but it could permanently bruise our friendship.”

  She searched my eyes. “You’re not who I thought you were.” She shook her head again and turned away. “Get out.”

  “Get out?” Was she kicking me out? I started to tell her how unreasonable it was, but she turned, and tears were streaking down her face, and hate filled her eyes.

  “Yes, get the fuck out! Don’t worry. You want to keep this little secret? We’ll keep it, but I’m not going to continue with this little game. I was just a conquest to you anyway; best friend’s little sister—check!”

  She was as ferocious as a kitten, but I knew better than to cross her. Her tiny claws could obliterate my friendship with her brother forever.

  “You’re so wrong.” I couldn’t even tell her the truth without throwing Noah under the bus, and even though I knew it was a shit move, I was going to tell him what he’d sent me to find out; all about that fucking boss and how he was still trying to mess with her. What a bunch we were.

  “Whatever. Just go, Gage. We both should have known better.”

  She was hurting from her past, not me, but I wasn’t going to point it out to her. I could have argued with her all day, but I wasn’t going to sit around where I wasn’t wanted. I hadn’t done it with Katrina, and I wasn’t going to do it now.

  I went back into the bedroom to gather my things, hoping that she’d stop me, too stubborn to stop myself. I took my time getting dressed and then even went into the bathroom for a moment. When I came out, my phone was going off. I looked down and saw that it was Noah. I held the phone out where she could see it was him, and she turned and walked away while I answered.

  “Hey, man.”


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