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Hot Stuff

Page 15

by Weston Parker

  My phone rang, and I started, still gazing at it and his photo which was soon replaced with an incoming call screen. Chloe was supposed to be on her way. “Did you get lost?”

  “Sorry, I’m on the way, but I had to make a stop, and now I’m in traffic. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Horns honked in the distance, and I knew the hour was near for the usual rush.

  “I’m about to order up some food. Are you hungry?” It was getting later in the day, and Chloe and I would often get some takeout and sit around, catching up with the TV on.

  “That depends on where you’re getting the food ordered. If it’s from the place on the corner, count me in. If it’s the place across the street, no thanks. I’m still not over the band aid incident.” She’d found a band aid in her bag, and even though it hadn’t touched any of her food, it was still gross enough not to eat there ever again.

  “Do you really think I want to eat there? I’m getting Gino’s on the corner. Do you want the same thing as usual?”

  “Yeah, do you want me to stop in and get it? I don’t mind.” It would be just as easy for them to deliver, and besides, I was ready to see my bestie.

  “I’ll have it delivered. It’s no problem.”

  “Oh, Gino’s, right. Even better. Is that hot, young delivery guy still working there?”

  “No, and it wouldn’t matter if he was. He’s too young for either of us, and besides, I’m off the playing field.”

  “Oh? Did you finally come to your senses with Gage?” She’d been on me about telling him for weeks and had been the only person I’d talked to while I was on the trial, other than an occasional text from Noah who had been acting weird for weeks.

  “If you mean, did I finally tell him? No. I’ve decided that I’ve had plenty of time to think, and now I want to tell him in person. Then, I want the two of us to confront Noah.”

  “Sounds like a good idea. I better get off of here and drive. I’ll be there soon.” She hung up the phone, and I went to the kitchen for the number to Gino’s which I never could remember or manage to program into my phone. I took the time to do so and then dialed the number to order.

  Once that was done, I got up and went to my room to put on some warm socks, and before I could find them, I heard a knock at my door.

  Assuming it was Chloe, I didn’t look out the peephole, and that was a huge mistake. I opened the door, and my heart sank as Noah gave me a warm smile. It took him all of two seconds to look down at my rounded tummy, which had grown with Gage’s and my baby over the past months.

  His mouth hung open, and he stormed in as I stepped aside, slamming the door behind him.

  “You’re pregnant.” He didn’t bother with a question. It was obvious. Not only had my stomach gotten rounder with a little baby bump, but my face was a tad rounder with a glow. “I can’t believe you’ve kept it from me. But I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.”

  “I was going to tell you when I thought the time was right.”

  “Yeah, just like you told me about your little love affair at work in the first place, right?”

  My mouth hung open in shock. How did he know? There was only one person I’d told. Gage. But just what did he know? “That was over months ago.”

  “Yeah, I’d say about three months, right? Maybe four? How the hell could you, Lauren? It’s bad enough you were whoring around with your boss.”

  “I beg your pardon!”

  “Don’t try to deny it. I know about you and your boss. Maybe you shouldn’t be so open with my best friend if you want him to keep a secret.”

  “Gage told you about me and my boss?”

  “Yeah. Did you think he wouldn’t? He’s my best friend.”

  “Don’t be so smug, brother. I’m sure he doesn’t tell you everything.” I wasn’t sure just how much I wanted to tell him, or if I should try and feel him out for more.

  “He tells me everything. We’re tight. Did you really think he wanted to catch up with you? I’m the one who told him to ask you out and figure out what the hell was going on with you in the first place.”

  I suddenly felt like ice water had been thrown in my face. Hadn’t he wanted to talk to me and catch up? Hadn’t he been thinking about me? Noah had put him up to it all along and used him for information on me and my boss, and worse than that, Gage had told him everything.

  “You are both assholes.” I was so upset I was shaking.

  “I’m not the one who hid this. I’m your brother, Lauren; you’re supposed to be able to confide in me.”

  “And you wonder why I can’t? You’re always trying to control me and my love life. No one is ever good enough for me, and you’re never going to let me just be happy, are you? Hell, even Dad wanted me to find love. That’s why I got the stupid cabin and not you.”

  “It’s not a stupid cabin! Some of my best memories are there, and you didn’t even appreciate it, but no, he left it to his little princess. Never mind that Gage and I were the ones who appreciated it the most.”

  He and his precious Gage could kiss my ass. To hear him blather on, I knew he had no clue whose baby I was carrying, so Gage hadn’t told him about that. Too bad for him I wasn’t going to set him straight. The truth would come out, and when it did, the two could talk it out like the best friends they thought they were. I was done.

  “So, it’s this boss, right? Is he taking responsibility now that you’ve ended things?” I didn’t dignify the question with a response. “Please tell me that you’ve ended things. I heard the guy treated you like shit. You can do better than that asshole.”

  Obviously not, I wanted to say. Just when I thought I’d found the sweetest, most caring and honorable man on the planet, he’d been sent in as a spy to figure out what was going on in my life. “You could have just asked, you know? If you suspected something with me and wanted to know, I’d have told you. You didn’t have to send your spy in.”

  “That’s bullshit, and you know it, Lauren. I did ask you, time and time again. And you never would fess up to what was going on. I could tell your heart was breaking, and all I wanted to do was make it better.”

  “Oh, don’t make it sound like you had my best interest at heart. You know you did it just because it kills you not to be able to control what I’m doing with my life.”

  “Someone has to look out for you, and I promised Dad that I would.”

  “Don’t bring Dad into this. Don’t even.” He and my father were rarely in agreement on anything, and for some reason, they had that one goal in common. “I realize I’m the only thing the two of you ever agreed on, but Dad wouldn’t want you hindering me from living my life.”

  “Dad wouldn’t want you knocked up by some asshole and left to raise a baby all alone, either. He’d want you to be married, for one. You know this would kill him, and for two, your boss? Really?”

  “I’m sure Gage told you it was over, so you can believe him, right? Since he’s so honest with you.” I couldn’t wait for him to find out that Gage had betrayed him, when an hour ago, I hoped things would be okay. Now I didn’t care if they imploded. It would serve them both right.

  “At least I can count on someone for the truth.”

  “Yeah, you sure can. Gage the loyal. Next time you talk to your friend, make sure you tell him to stay the hell away from me.” Tears pooled in my eyes, and Noah’s shoulders drooped.

  “Dammit, Lauren. Don’t cry. Shit. Did you think I’d be happy? Let me get it out of my system, for fuck’s sake.”

  “I’m having a baby whether you hate me or not. Whether you’re disappointed in me or not. I’m still going to be a mother and love my baby. You can keep the stick up your ass, or you can shut the fuck up and deal with it like a man and be an uncle. If you don’t like those options, then there’s the door.” The anger in me seeped out in a bitter tone.

  “I’m upset, but I still love you. Of course, I’ll be there for the little one. Shit.” He turned and kicked at the table leg beside where he stood, and I was tired of st
anding so I walked over and plopped down on the couch. “Man, you’re like, really fucking pregnant. Have you been to the doctor?”

  “Yes, and we’re doing good. Thanks for asking.” I sure didn’t need the stress.

  “This guy, the father, does he know?”

  “I’m dealing with all of that. You don’t need to worry.” I wasn’t going to let him know it was Gage. Not after his attitude.

  “I’m sorry, sis. I wanted our visit to go way differently.”

  “I’m sure you did. But I’m afraid I’m tired. I’ll talk to you later.” I got up and headed to my bedroom door. “Please see your way out.”

  He let out a long breath but didn’t argue as he made his way out.

  I didn’t owe him a thing. My life was my life, and as for Gage, I was going down to see him and let him know as planned, but instead of talking about how to make it work, I would figure out how to do it alone.

  Chapter 25


  I had only been home for twenty minutes and was talking with Ava in the kitchen about dinner when the call came in from Noah. I cringed every time he’d called since hooking up with Lauren, and I knew that one day, he’d learn the truth, whether from me or Lauren, and let me have it. When that day came, I’d have to face the music and hope he forgave me.

  “Hey, how’s it going, man?” I braced myself and waited for the usual response. He’d been busy scraping people off the highways and birthing babies on the roadside.

  “I tell ya, man. You really think you know someone. I just got through visiting with my sister.”

  My nerves were on edge, and although he should have had my full attention, I searched my brain for a good defense. “Is she okay?” I left Ava in the kitchen alone and went down the hall to my office.

  “Is she okay? That’s a loaded fucking question, man. No, she’s not fucking okay.” Because she’s been fucking you, I expected him to say. Instead, he let out a long growl of frustration. I wanted to ask what he meant, but instead, I decided to let him talk.

  “You know how she was fucking that boss of hers, right?”

  “Yeah. You didn’t tell her about that, did you?” I chose my words carefully, feeling he was going to blow at any minute. I was ready for a fight.

  “Yeah, and I found out more about her little secrets. All about what’s been going on. I really hope there’s a good reason you didn’t tell me.”

  He paused and cleared his throat, and I knew he was about to let me have it by the sound in his voice, the way it cracked as if he were about to lose his shit.

  “Look, Noah. We were going to tell you, okay. We just didn’t know how.”

  “What the fuck, Gage?”

  “We care about each other, and I would never hurt her, but you didn’t want us together.”

  “Together? You were with my sister?”

  “Yes, man. I’ve been seeing her. I’ll admit it. And just so you know, I have no intention of stopping, either. I know it might cost us our friendship, Noah. I hope it doesn’t because you’re like a brother to me, but dammit, I love her.”

  “Wait, what?” He took a moment, and I was sure he was giving himself time to process. “You mean, you’re the father?”

  “The father? What the fuck are you talking about?” My heart pounded, pumping lava through my veins.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” he asked.

  “I’m telling you, I’m in love with your sister. I’ve been trying to form a relationship with her for months now, and she’s coming down to see me next week. We’re going to talk about things, her and I. She wants to meet Ollie.”

  “I’d say she should meet Ollie.” I really had no idea if he was mad or glad.

  “You’re okay with it?”

  “That you lied? No. That’s a dick move. I’m your fucking best friend, you bastard. You not only put your filthy dick in my sister, but you knocked her up? I should knock your fucking teeth in, but since I’m going to be an uncle—”

  He rattled on, but I didn’t hear what he said. “Wait. Stop.” I wasn’t sure what I’d heard, and if I had heard what I thought, he’d better not be fucking with me. “Say that again. I did what to your sister?”

  “Put your filthy—”

  “Not that! You said I knocked her up? What the hell are you talking about? Is Lauren pregnant?” There was an awkward silence. “Don’t fuck with me, man. I know it was a shit move, but this isn’t funny.”

  “And I’m not laughing, motherfucker. My sister is currently in her apartment sporting a baby bump. I thought it was that boss and her, but I didn’t realize you and her were such total fucking liars.”

  “She wanted to tell you about us, but I wanted to make sure it was going to work out. I just didn’t know how to tell you in the beginning, and you made such a huge deal about not fucking her.”

  “And yet, you did. Don’t blame me. I made a big deal because I didn’t want you dirtying up my baby sister. She’s practically your sister, too, by the way. It’s disgusting, actually. I thought I could trust you with her.”

  “Why can’t you? Why am I not good enough? And who will be?” I let that hang in the air, and he had better have a good answer.

  “Fuck. I guess if anyone is, it’s you. Do you really love her? Because if she didn’t even tell you, what if that baby isn’t yours, Gage? What if she was already pregnant when you came along?”

  I hadn’t even considered that. I’d been so busy trying to wrap my head around the fact that she was pregnant that I hadn’t even thought it might not be mine. “I guess I need to find out.”

  “I can’t believe she hasn’t told you. What the fuck did you do to make her not tell you?”

  “We’ve had a rough time of it, but as I said, I love her. I’m prepared to tell her that, but this has me scared to death. She didn’t tell me she was pregnant. What if she already found out it wasn’t mine? She didn’t tell you anything else?”

  “No, I went off on her, and she got upset, and then she said she was tired and asked me to leave. I’d wanted to see her while I was in town. I had a transport earlier in the day. I’m headed back home soon.”

  “Way to go.” I couldn’t believe he’d yelled at his sister in her condition.

  “Don’t make me feel like shit, man. I already feel bad enough, and to warn you, a lot of it is anger. I’m not sure what to fucking think about this. I talked you up and said how loyal you were to me. I’m such a dumbass.”

  My blood went cold. “Wait, you said you told her you knew about the boss and that I told you. So, she knows I ratted her out? Fuck.” I needed to talk to her as soon as possible, but I couldn’t just text or call. I considered a video call, and then, at least, she could see my face and know that I was sorry beyond measure.

  “Don’t blame me. This wouldn’t have happened if you’d been honest from the start, or if you’d just done what I said in the beginning and kept your hands off my sister.”

  “I’ve got to get to the bottom of this.”

  “I suggest you do.”

  “We’re not cool, I know, but I’m going to make this right with Lauren, and then I promise you, Noah. I’ll make this right with us.”

  “I’m going to hold you to your word. Make my sister happy, take responsibility, and we’ll be good. In time.” In time was the best I could hope for.

  “Noah?” I really needed him to be my friend right now, as selfish as it was.


  “I really hope it’s mine.” I had a sick feeling that I was going to lose her. There was no way she wasn’t mad about the state of things, and I couldn’t blame her.

  “Me too. Keep me in the loop. And if you get to talk to my sister, tell her I love her.”

  “Will do.” The phone went dead, and I sat there staring into space for a while. I wasn’t prepared to wait a day. I wasn’t going to wait another minute. I had to see her. I had to tell her I was sorry and try to make things okay between us. More than anything, I really needed to k
now if the baby was mine or not.

  If it was, I’d do whatever she wanted, but since she hadn’t told me, she might not be prepared for the type of relationship I wanted.

  I wouldn’t be content being apart, and I’d want us to be together every day through the long process of pregnancy and childbirth. I’d been cheated out of the experience once before, and never again. And I knew in my heart, I’d have to make arrangements for us both to be home with the kids while they were still young.

  Olivia would be excited; I had no doubt. She’d asked me a few times if I was going to bring her a new mommy and even suggested that Ava and I could marry. She said the fact that I liked her cooking should be enough, and while the woman made a mean pot roast, that wasn’t the way to my heart. Only one woman held the key.

  I looked down at my phone, which I had been holding in a death grip, and searched through my contacts. I still had the number, but I needed to make other arrangements if I was going to use it.

  I got up and went to the kitchen and found Ava, who was still working on dinner. “Ava, do you have plans for tonight?”

  The woman looked up, and her eyes widened. “Is there something I could help you with?”

  “I need a sitter. It’s kind of an emergency, which is why it’s last minute. But if you’re not able, I’ll just take her. I really don’t want to drag her out—”

  “I would, but I have to be somewhere early in the morning. I’m sure Helen would watch her.” I hated to ask, but then Helen walked into the room.

  She stopped and gave the two of us a strange look. “Helen, I have a bit of an emergency. I need to fly out to Chicago immediately.”

  “I’m sure we’ll manage, sir.” She forced a smile, and while I hated to leave Ollie there, I knew it would be better than dragging her along. Besides, I didn’t want the first time she met Lauren to be under the strain of our problems.


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