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Hot Stuff

Page 16

by Weston Parker

  “I could stay until morning if it would help.” Ava was nice to offer, but Helen gave her a sour look.

  “I think Ollie would like that.” I reached into my wallet and handed Ava some cash. “If you need anything, feel free to use that. Helen, do you think you can manage tomorrow? I’ll return in the evening.”

  “Yes, it would be my pleasure.” I hadn’t left Ollie alone with the woman since I’d told her she could pack her shit and leave, and while she hadn’t made her way out as of yet, I knew she might any day. Besides, Ollie liked Ava better.

  “Thank you. Thank you, both. I think the money should hold down the fort until I get back, but call if you need me. I’ll keep my phone handy as usual.” I hurried upstairs to tell Ollie that Daddy would return tomorrow.

  Chapter 26


  Chloe had left, and I decided to step into the shower. She and I had spent the past few hours eating ice cream and talking over my problems with Noah and Gage. I couldn’t believe that Gage had taken advantage of the situation with my brother to hook up with me, and he’d even admitted to me before that he’d had every intention of things leading to sex. Despite the fact that our entire relationship was based on deception, the two of us had a baby on the way. There was no changing that, like it or not, and even though I was super pissed off at him for ratting me out to my brother, I’d been wrong to keep my pregnancy from him for so long. The time for lies and omissions was over, and I had made up my mind that I needed to call Gage.

  I took my time, not in any hurry, and soaped off twice, washed and rinsed my hair, and did anything else I could to kill another few minutes while I decided what to say to him.

  The worst thing was, I’d drawn a blank, and I knew the best thing to do in that situation was to just speak from the heart.

  I stepped out of the shower and then wrapped myself up in my favorite fluffy robe. My hair spilled around my shoulders in heavy, wet strands, so I wrung it out a bit more in the sink before wrapping it in a towel. I wanted to get settled, so I went to the kitchen to get some crackers and water for my bedside.

  There was a knock at my apartment door, and considering the hour, I assumed it was Noah coming to either make me feel even worse or apologize.

  I walked over and peeked out of the peephole into the hall, and then I stepped away from the door with butterflies in my stomach and took a deep breath before opening it. “Gage, what are you doing here?” I peeked around the door, not sure if I wanted to let him in.

  “I talked to Noah.” He gave me a hard glare, and I stepped aside and opened the door. I was in the bulky robe, but the first thing he did was look down at my stomach.

  “What did he tell you?”

  He came inside, and I shut the door behind him. “He said that he came here and you two fought. He also told me that you’re pregnant, Lauren.” He searched my eyes as if looking for the truth.

  “I was going to talk to you next week when I came down. I’ve been so busy, and I’ve tried to figure out a way to tell you.”

  “Is it mine?” His eyes narrowed, and he turned and paced a few steps.

  My mouth hung open with disbelief. How could he think it wasn’t? “I’m not sure I should dignify that with a response.”

  “I’m not trying to be insulting, but you did just break up with someone when we met, and since you didn’t tell me, I thought maybe that was the reason why. Or is this like you not telling Noah about you and your boss?”

  “No, it’s more like us not telling Noah about us. I needed a little time to process, and then I got busy with work. And speaking of Noah and my boss, thanks for telling him. What the hell happened to being interested me? Turns out my brother put you up to asking me out. You didn’t want to catch up with me; you were playing spy. Not to mention, you took advantage of the situation. You didn’t have to pretend to be interested; I would have looked over your stupid contracts if you’d just asked.”

  “I did want to catch up, and I wasn’t trying to take advantage. Look, I don’t want to fight. I came here to see about you and the baby.” He stepped closer, reaching for me, but I stepped back.

  I was determined not to let the emotions of him caring about me and the baby turn me into a blubbering fool. “I’m pregnant, and it is most definitely yours. I’m right at eleven weeks, and I haven’t been with Craig for almost four months.” I gave him a dirty look.

  He stared at the ground. “I’m sorry. I had to ask.” He turned and took a couple of steps away from me and stopped. His silence left me unsure.

  “This is another reason I didn’t want to tell you. I didn’t think you’d be happy.” My voice cracked, and fresh tears pooled in my eyes. “I didn’t think you’d want another baby.”

  He turned and moved so fast, I was in his arms and pulled close to his chest before I knew it. “Of course, I want you both. Why wouldn’t I?”

  “I’ve almost told you twice. But when I called, you told me to remind you not to have children, that Ollie was so bad at times.”

  “All parents say that, baby. Give it some time, and you will, too. Especially, with two of them running around.” He let out a sigh.

  “And I did tell you, by the way. The day you hung up on me. I’d blurted it out, but you weren’t there to hear it.”

  He pulled me closer, planting a soothing kiss on my temple. “I’m sorry. We can really fuck things up, can’t we?”

  “I sure hope it’s not a sign.” I looked up into his eyes. “What do you want to do?”

  “I came because I want to take you home with me.” He kissed my hand, and that was when it dawned on me. Noah had only been by hours before, not near enough time had passed for him to have driven all that way for me.

  “You flew for me?” I searched his eyes, and he gave a little shrug.

  “Yeah, some things in life are worth the risk.” He’d faced his fears to get to me and the baby.

  I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him hard as his hands undid the belt on my robe. It fell open, revealing my breasts, but that wasn’t where his hand went. He flattened his palm against my stomach and gave it a tender caress. Then he lifted me up, and suddenly, my legs were dangling over his arm as we made our way to the bedroom.

  I grew instantly wet with that kiss, and the ache between my legs was a throbbing need only he could satisfy.

  He placed me softly on the bed and stretched out next to me, our mouths only stopping their sensual kiss for a moment, and then we were back at it, our hands roaming to undress the other.

  I undid his zipper and tugged his pants down across his ass, and as I stroked his cock, he kicked off his shoes and pulled his shirt over his head. I didn’t have as far to go, and I freed my arms from the robe and laid out naked on top of it as he kissed his way down my breasts and to my tummy where the little bump protruded. I felt an instant, deeper connection with him as if the two of us were forever tethered by the little baby growing inside me.

  “We’ve got a lot to talk about, baby.”

  I moaned softly. “Can we talk later?”

  “Mhm. I have other things I want to do with my mouth at the moment.” He kissed my tummy again and then worked his way down, stopping at my mound. His strong hand caressed my warm flesh and then slipped between my folds, stroking and probing as he sucked my clit.

  I wasn’t sure if it was the fact that we hadn’t been together in a while, or if my hormones were going crazy with the pregnancy, but I was so worked up and wet that I was grinding my hips and writhing beneath him like a wanton sex fiend.

  “Fuck, you’re so wet.” His fingers pushed deeper, curling upward to stroke my most tender spot.

  I moaned as his other hand worked my nipple, and I took the other one, pinching it even harder than he was, even though they were so tender that the pain was sending a tingle straight to my core. My other hand rested on his head, holding him against me as he continued to lick and suck.

  With him hitting all the right places, it didn’t take long for
me to come hard, and soon, the sounds became wetter, and he brought his hand up to my mouth for me to taste, leaving me feeling empty.

  “Don’t stop.” I needed him to fill me up, and I moaned and cried as my legs scissored together.

  He rose up and brushed his cock against my thigh, trailing it up to meet my center where he nudged the head just inside me a little. “I’m about to give you all of this, baby. I’m going to fuck you so good. I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I’ve missed you, too, Gage.”

  He pressed his hips forward, sinking his hard cock inside me. He stopped about halfway and then leaned forward to kiss me just as deep. His girth stretched me wide, and I realized how long it had been and how much I would have to adjust to his size again. But then he rocked his hips, and it felt amazing, stroking against my G-spot and working me through another release.

  “Such a greedy girl. You didn’t even let me get all the way in.” He thrust himself deeper, hitting my depths and grinding against me. I held him close, wrapping my arms around him, hoping that I’d never have to let him go.

  Things had been so strained, and I tried to focus on his pleasure, not wanting my emotions to get the best of me. I wrapped my legs around his ass as he thrust into me, and I gripped his cock with my body, hoping to milk him good.

  He moaned out and lifted my hips, pulling my ass up off the bed as he pounded relentlessly, earning another release from me that quaked through me like thunder and curled my toes. I cried out, panting and scratching his back, trying to pull him closer still, even though it was impossible.

  He reached down and stroked my swollen clit, and as I cried out, he pulled his hand away.

  “No, don’t stop.”

  “I’m going to give it to you, baby, but when you come, I’m coming with you.” He returned his hand, his hips steadily pumping, and then he rubbed my clit with so much pressure that I orgasmed, and as my slick walls milked him, pulsing around his dick, he pushed deep and filled me with his seed.

  He stilled inside of me, and we shifted to our sides. Then, as he rolled to his back, I curled up to his side. “I’ve needed you so badly.” He stroked my hair softly.

  “Me too. I’ve been so worried about everything.”

  “You didn’t have to go through that alone. You know, I missed out on almost everything with Ollie. Katrina had already moved on, so I didn’t get to experience any of the excitement of being pregnant.”

  “I’m sorry. I should have come down. I’ve been afraid that having a baby is going to end my career before it gets going. I haven’t accomplished most of what I want to.”

  “And you still can. But I’m not going to lie, baby, I don’t like the distance. I want you home with me. I want us all to be a family, to get married, and the whole nine yards. I want my wife home with me and my kids.”

  “Baby steps, please.”

  “We can make it all work. You and I could both work from home, and that way, we would both have time to help each other with the kids and make time for your career and my business. It’s going to work. We’ll make it work.”

  “You sound like you have it all figured out.” I had never imagined that I’d live at his parents’ house, or have his child for that matter, but I knew it was a big enough home for the four of us. The four of us. It seemed so strange to think.

  “It doesn’t have to be hard, baby. Together, we’ll make it work.” He seemed so confident that I believed him, and not only that, I trusted him to make it all work with me.

  “I’m really only worried about one thing. What’s Ollie going to think? I haven’t gotten to meet her, and what if she doesn’t like me? Or what if she’s upset about the baby? She might not be too happy about sharing her daddy with a woman and another baby.”

  “It will be fine. First of all, you’re not just any woman. You’re my woman. And that’s not just any baby. It’s our baby; Ollie’s sibling. She’s going to love a little brother or sister, and she’s going to love her new mom as much as I do.”

  I kissed his lips, still melting from his words.

  Chapter 27


  It had been the first time I’d admitted to her that I loved her, and the kiss she gave me was sweet, but I wanted to hear the words in return.

  She met my eyes. “We’re going to really be a family, aren’t we?”

  “Yeah, we are.” I slipped my hand down to her little tummy which had gotten so round in such a short time. “You’re beautiful. I like you round with my baby. When do we get to find out what it is?”

  “I have two weeks until my next appointment. That’s when they’ll schedule me an ultrasound.” I reached up and stroked his hair, brushing it away from his face. “What do you want? Another girl, or a son?”

  “I want a healthy baby, but I’d love a little boy, just to see what it’s like. Ollie is so cute, and there’s only one other person who has me wrapped around her finger as tightly.” I wasn’t sure if I should admit that to her or not, so I kept talking. “But I’d like a son to take to the cabin. Maybe I could teach him how to swing a hammer.”

  “You could teach a daughter the same thing. I always wanted to learn things that my brothers did, but my dad always said no because I’d get hurt.”

  “I’m not sure I’d trust Ollie with a hammer.” Her eyes widened, and I laughed. “I don’t mean to scare you; she’s really a little angel. So sweet. She tested the waters a bit when she first came home, but now that she’s been there full time, she’s doing great, and she’s looking forward to meeting you and starting school next year.”

  “One in school and a newborn. We’ve got our work cut out for us.”

  She wasn’t kidding. Life was going to be different, but the changes were all for the best. “I don’t want to go home without you. When I leave tomorrow, I want you to come with me.”

  Her eyes closed, and she let out a long breath. “I have my doctor here. I have my job, my apartment.”

  “And my baby inside you. I know this is your whole life, but dammit, Lauren, you and the baby are mine. Come home with me. You don’t have to work, so you can leave your job.”

  “I don’t know, Gage. I was lucky that I had a place to go after the affair, and I don’t want to leave them hanging.”

  “I saw the way those assholes treated you at the party; you don’t need it. I have more than enough money to take care of us both, and besides, I don’t want you to be stressed out over cases. Stress isn’t good for you or the baby.”

  “I’m not you, Gage. I don’t want the early retirement life. I want to work.” She rolled over, and I cuddled up behind her, kissing her shoulder.

  “You can. Give me this time, please. Humor me now, and when the baby is two, you can go back to work if you still want to. Or maybe you and I will find something we want to invest in and do together.”

  “Fine, I’ll humor you. But we need to try and see Noah before he goes back home. I know he’s going to hate us both for a while, but I’m hoping he’ll be so excited about the baby that it will make it all better.”

  “He’ll come around. We had a good talk, and I came clean with him. I’m surprised he hasn’t called you.”

  “He’s mad.” She let out a long breath, and I could tell by her tone that she hated the way things were between them. I hated it, too. We all loved each other, and we were going to be family. Life was too short for all of the bickering.

  I needed to put her at ease. “All he cares about is that I do right by you.” I slipped my hand down to cradle her tummy.


  “He told me to tell you that he loves you.”

  “He’s a good brother.”

  “He is.”

  She turned to lay on her back, and I leaned over to kiss her as I propped up on my elbow. “Are you going to go home with me?”

  “Yes, I will.” She laughed and covered her face. “What am I doing? I hope you realize I’m quitting a good job.”

  “It feels good, doesn’t it
? Since I’ve been spending more time at home, I love it. You will, too.”

  Her hand slipped down and rested on my cock, which was already semi-hard with all of the excitement. It hardened instantly, growing in her hand as she gripped it. “I know other things that feel good, since we’re at it.” She turned and raised her leg up over my hips and continued to stroke me slowly and steadily.

  “It does feel good.”

  “I want to make you feel really good.” She kissed my mouth and then worked her way down my body, only stopping once she got to my hips where she dragged her lips and tongue along my shaft, down to my sac. I had a nice load brewing, and my eyes rolled back in my head as she rose up and took my head into her mouth, giving it a hard suck as if she wanted to drink it down.

  “Fuck, that’s so good.” I hissed through my teeth as she took me down to the back of her throat and moaned. I could feel her throat vibrating on me, and I splashed her tongue with a taste of salt. She moaned louder, and I felt her throat contract as she swallowed it around my cock.

  “Come here, baby.” I coaxed her back up, and she straddled my hips, sitting on my balls and rubbing her slit against my shaft. She stroked me like that for a while and then reached down to grip me, standing my cock up so she could inch her way onto it.

  She slid down on my cock inch by inch, and I reached up and played with her tits, which had seemed to have grown as a result of the pregnancy.

  “They’re so sensitive, and it’s like they are connected to all of the good places.”

  I gave her nipples a kiss and then pulled one into my mouth, teasing and sucking as I kneaded her tits and rolled my hips. She moaned and started bouncing, riding me nice and steady.

  She held me captive with her eyes, which were so fixed on mine that she didn’t blink. I couldn’t look away, either, and when I considered what we’d been through, the weeks and months wasted that we could have been together, I leaned up and kissed her deeply.


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