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Hot Stuff

Page 17

by Weston Parker

I wanted to give this woman the world and knew that nothing I did would compare to the gift she was giving me by carrying our child.

  She pulled away and threw her head back as she came hard and soaked my cock as she made the hottest moaning sound ever. I felt my cock swell even bigger inside of her as my release built. I wasn’t nearly done, though. Especially when she climbed off my cock and spun around, sitting to ride me in reverse. I watched her ass as she bounced up and down, and I reached down, pressing my thumb against her tight little star.

  “Yes,” she cried out and wiggled her ass on me. “It feels so good.”

  I pushed my thumb inside just a little, and she rose up, riding me in long, hard strokes. Then, I moved from beneath her, rising up to take her from behind as I kept my thumb just inside her.

  She went crazy on my cock, wiggling and moaning as I fucked her holes and stroked every curve.

  I gathered her damp hair and held it behind her, pulling her head closer until her ass was tilted and she moaned even louder. “Yes, that’s my spot, baby. Please don’t stop. Harder.” I continued to fuck her harder as she begged, and once I had her whimpering through her next orgasm, my cock poured, soaking her center until it dripped down her thighs.

  I grabbed the towel her hair had been in and wiped her up, and then we both settled in her bed, staring out at the night through her big windows. “Are you going to miss the city?”

  “I’m going to miss Chloe, but not the city.”

  “She can come down and visit anytime you want. I’ll pay for her to fly, drive, bus, whatever she wants.”

  “She’d love that.” She was still trying to catch her breath as she panted hard, and then, she let out a big yawn.

  “Come here, baby. We’ll get things sorted after you’ve had a good night’s sleep.”

  “I need my crackers and water for the bedside if I want to have a good morning.” She batted her lashes at me, and I smiled as I got up from the bed. “They are out on the counter already.”

  “I’ll get them, baby. I’ve got to get used to helping you out. I want you and the baby comfortable.”

  She gave a sweet laugh as I headed to the door. “I can handle being spoiled a little.”

  “I’ll love spoiling you. And just so you know, daddies need spoiling, too, but don’t worry. You’re off to a good start.”

  I went to get her crackers, and when I came back into the room, she was looking at her phone with a sad expression. “What’s the matter?”

  “It’s Noah. He sent an apology. I think I need a minute to call him. I need to tell him I’m sorry, too, and I don’t think a text will do.”

  I walked in and placed the crackers on the nightstand. “Do you want me to go?”

  “No, please don’t. Hold me.”

  She didn’t have to ask me twice. I climbed into the bed and snuggled up with her. I was glad she hadn’t wanted me to leave. It was a huge step in us facing things together, which was important since we’d made such a huge mess of things in the past.

  I held her there for another hour while she talked to her brother, and by the end of it, things were okay between the two of them. And even though he hadn’t wanted to talk to me, I knew it would take time to mend.

  Chapter 28


  It was a strange thing, but waking in his arms made everything right, and it was the first morning I hadn’t needed crackers to keep my stomach from being in knots.

  We got up and sat at the kitchen table as I prepared to make the call that would change my life and kick off our new adventure.

  “I’m not sure what to say. I mean, I appreciate what Alan and the others have done for me at the firm, but it’s not like I’m leaving them hanging. There are others who can take the job; who’d kill for it, actually.”

  Gage reached out and placed his hand on mine. “Then it will be fine, baby. Besides, I’m sure they’ll appreciate you quitting now, rather than getting in the middle of some big case and quitting then. I’m not going to let up until you’re home with me.” He gave me a little smile, and if it were anyone else in any other situation, I might be angry.

  “I know. I know this is the right thing. I want to move home, and I have been thinking about what you said. I could explore something new and still practice on the side, or both.”

  “The sky would be the limit, baby. I’ll help you any way I can. Now, make the call, and quit stressing about it.”

  “Fine. I’ll call.” I got up and gave him a kiss and then paced the room as I dialed my boss’s number. Quitting was easier than I thought, and once I was done with the call, I felt a huge relief. Not only had he understood, but he’d had some people in line for the next opening, and he wished me luck with my baby.

  When I got off the phone, I called Chloe.

  “This is a strange time of day for you, is everything okay?” She had a suspicious tone in her voice.

  “Yes, Gage is here. I’m calling to let you know that I’m going to move home with him.”

  “That’s wonderful!” Her excitement turned into a groan. “Wait, you’re moving away? I won’t get to see you.”

  “Gage has already promised that you’ll be welcome anytime, and we’ll fly you down any time you want on his dime.”

  Gage smiled as her scream of excitement came through the phone. “Awesome. I like him already.”

  “You can stay at the cabin, even. You’ll love it. Gage has a surprise for me there, and I’m sure it’s something spectacular.”

  He sipped his coffee and smiled. “You’ll both love it.”

  “I thought I better tell you because I’m leaving today.”

  “Wow, he works fast. Did you get to talk to your brother?”

  “Yeah, I did, but Gage still needs to talk to him again. We’ll get it straightened out.”

  “Call me as soon as you get there and get settled, and take care of that little baby. I want to come down for the delivery.”

  “When it gets close, we’ll make arrangements.” I ended the call and then put my phone down on the table. “I guess that’s it. I should pack.”

  “I’ll help. I don’t want you lifting anything heavy.”

  “It’s just a suitcase, Gage. Don’t tell me that you’re going to be one of those guys who is way overprotective of your mother-to-be.”

  “I’m going to be protective; it’s in my nature. Now let’s get you all packed up and ready to go. We’ve got a long drive ahead, and I can’t wait to get back and see my little Olivia.”

  I loved the way he missed his girl and couldn’t wait to see them together. I hadn’t ever seen him being a daddy before, and it was going to give me a good idea of how he’d treat our baby. I knew he was a good father because he’d always been tender with me.

  We got my stuff packed and got on the road within the next hour. I would keep my apartment for the remainder of my lease in case we wanted a place to get away for a while, or if I had to come back to take care of business.

  The trip was long, and we spoke about how we wanted things to be all the way home, and even better, he’d convinced me that his daughter was going to love me. After nine hours of that conditioning, by the time we got there, I really believed things would be magical and fall into place perfectly. It was easy to dream with Gage.

  We pulled up at his parents’ log house, a large lodge-style, four-bedroom, two-and-a-half-bath home that had seemed much bigger when we were kids. His father had built the place specifically for his mom when they were married, and Gage had inherited it, along with the business.

  “It’s been so long since I’ve seen this place. It still looks the same.”

  “Yeah, I’ve updated the inside a bit, but there’s not much to do with the outside; it never goes out of fashion.”

  “I can’t wait to see it. You know we used to love coming over to your birthday parties. Noah used to bitch all the way because I got to come, too. He didn’t want me tagging along.”

  “Well, now you can invite him over. Ho
w weird will that be?” We shared a laugh, and he got out of the car and came around to help me, even though I could have gotten out all on my own.

  “How many people do you have living here?” I asked as he took my hand and I stepped out of my car.

  “Just the maid. She stays on the other side of the house in a small room near the kitchen. My father added it on when he decided to hire help for my mother.”

  “I remember him doing that. Everyone thought you guys were so rich because you hired a maid. She was so nice.”

  “Yeah, well. It’s a different maid now. That one got married and left town, and my father replaced her. When he died, I kept Helen around, but she’s had some problems with Ollie being here. I’ve threatened to fire her already.”

  I got a sinking feeling. If she hadn’t liked Ollie, a sweet little girl, she was bound to hate the new lady of the house. “I’ll have to meet her.”

  “You’ll want to meet Ava and Henry, too. Ava is my cook, who is here most of the day, and Henry is in charge of keeping the place up, landscaping and so forth.”

  “Sounds like you don’t have much to do. Don’t you ever cook?” I couldn’t imagine another woman cooking and another one cleaning and wasn’t sure if I was going to like that at all.

  “No, I used to, though. I hired Ava after the accident when I first came back; I was still healing.” He probably did need their help back then. “I have just let them keep on since I’m busy. It helps.” He took my hand and led me to the door, and it opened on us before he could reach for the handle.

  “Welcome home, sir.” The sour-faced lady who opened the door was a tad scary with her hard eyes and graying hair. Her mouth was in a permanent pucker, and her nose was so high she could drown in a rainstorm. No wonder she and Ollie didn’t get along. She didn’t seem like she would get along with anyone. Her face screwed up even more when she caught a look at me, and after giving me the once-over, she stepped out of our way and let us in.

  “How’s Ollie been?”

  “She’s in her room.” The older woman’s voice was a tad more pleasant than she was, but the clipped tones really told you how she felt, and I had a feeling she saw me as a problem.

  “Thanks. We’ll go up.” Gage took off his coat and then helped me out of my own, and he laid them on the back of the couch before taking my hand and leading the way up the winding stairs.

  “I thought you called ahead and told them we’d both be coming?”

  “I did. Don’t mind her; she’s not good with people.”

  “I’d say. She looked at me like I was unexpected.”

  “She probably is shocked that I found a woman so beautiful.” He gave me a wink, and we took the stairs slowly, carefully, which was good, because they were a bit intimidating and more ladder-like with wide log rungs.

  “Or that I’m the lucky one.” I gave him a nudge as we hit the top floor.

  There was a hallway, and he led me down it to a pretty little room that was full of toys. A big pink bed took up one of the closest corners, and the furniture around matched, including a playhouse in the far, right corner, a little round table dressed for a tea party in another, and enough stuffed animals to call it a zoo. My eyes widened, taking it all in. It was a little girl’s dream.

  “Yeah, I went a little overboard with buying her things in the first few months. Some have said I went a bit crazy.”

  “It’s great. Where is she?” About that time, the door opened on the playhouse which took up one corner of the room, and out stepped a little girl who looked just like Gage. She was very hesitant as Gage called her over.

  “There’s daddy’s girl. Come meet Lauren, honey. We’ve got a big surprise for you.” She didn’t take her eyes off of me and then looked down to where her father still held my hand. He dropped it and stepped forward. “Come on, kiddo, give me a big hug.” He opened his arms, and she ran to him, still keeping her eyes on me like I might try to pull a fast one and steal her away.

  “Hi, Daddy. I’m glad you’re home.” Her little voice was sweet, and I kept waiting for a smile to cross her lips, but it never did. I wondered if she was always this shy, or if it was just me. She’d take a little time, but things would be okay. At least, that was what I kept telling myself.

  “You know how Daddy told you that I was bringing home my special lady and how I wanted us all to be a big family, right? This is Lauren, baby. The one I’ve been telling you about. Say hello.”

  She laid her head on his arm and then buried her little face in his sleeve. “Hi,” she said.

  Gage turned and gave me an apologetic look. Then he took one of the small chairs and pulled her onto his knee. I knelt down, too, hoping that if I got down on her level, she’d open up. “It’s so nice to meet you, Olivia. You have a very beautiful bedroom. Your daddy has told me so much about you.” I reached out and placed my hand on his shoulder, and her eyes widened.

  She jumped down off his knee and slapped my arm, barely enough to sting. “Don’t touch my daddy!”

  “Olivia!” Gage’s voice boomed out so deeply and loudly that it sent a chill through my body. “You don’t behave that way, and you don’t strike out at anyone like that. Do you understand me?”

  She turned and ran across the room and went under the bed as I got to my feet. Gage crossed the room and got down on the floor to try and coax her out, and that was when she started screaming. I went out into the hallway hoping that she’d calm down, but feeling that we’d made a huge mistake in thinking this could ever work out. I took a few steps back and hit something; someone.

  I turned, and the older woman was standing there, looking down her nose at me with hard, accusing eyes. “He should have seen this coming, bringing you here. That child is nothing but a discipline problem, and quite frankly, a spoiled brat. Perhaps you’ll introduce a few rules when she becomes your responsibility. God knows she hasn’t taken to my discipline.”

  The old woman was way out of line for a servant of the house, and I wondered if Gage knew she had such a low opinion of his daughter. Suddenly, the woman let out a huff, and as she started to spin around, I caught her by the arm.

  “I beg your pardon, but I don’t appreciate your attitude toward Olivia. She might be a little ill-adjusted and spoiled, but I’d hardly call a child who has been through what she has a brat.”

  “That’s because you haven’t seen the things I have.”

  “Even so, I hardly think it’s your place to say, especially to me.” I lifted my chin, and the woman glanced down at my stomach.

  She let out a laugh and rolled her eyes. “Just what this house needs.” She turned and walked away, leaving me there to watch Gage try to coax his screaming child out from under the bed. I fished in my handbag for my extra set of keys and went out to my car. The thing was still warm from its long trip, and now it would have to make another trek into the mountains where my sleepy little cabin was.

  I needed to get away.

  Chapter 29


  “Ollie come out from there!” She curled herself into a little ball in the farthest corner, and when I turned to see if maybe Lauren had any ideas, she was gone.

  I got to my feet and let out a breath of frustration as I straightened my clothes. “Dammit.” I mumbled the swear under my breath where Ollie wouldn’t hear. The last thing I needed was a little girl with a potty-mouth.

  I decided to leave Ollie to her corner and go find Lauren to apologize. I went out into the hall and didn’t see her anywhere. “Lauren?”

  “She left, sir. I think your little angel scared her off.” I turned to see Helen at the top of the stairs with a smug look on her face. “I couldn’t help but notice that she was with child, sir. I’m assuming that you two are making plans for marriage?”

  “Yes, eventually.”

  She gave a nod and walked away. I didn’t really have time to go after her and ask her if she had a problem, and I really didn’t care if she did. I’d already told her she could fuck off if she ha
d a problem, and if she needed directions, I’d show her the way. Her salary was paid, and she had a roof over her head, but like it or not, it was my roof. I made the decisions under it.

  I went out to see Lauren’s car gone and then realized I’d left my phone on the console, charging. “Dammit.” I went to the office and called her, but she didn’t answer, and I even called my phone, but she didn’t answer that one, either.

  I called the only person who would listen when I was in a jam: Noah. He picked up on the fifth ring. “What the hell do you want?” He gave a little laugh, and despite his words, I knew he was going to have fun messing with me.

  “Someone to talk to. The ladies of my life are too complicated to deal with at the moment.”

  “What did you do to make them so complicated?”

  “I brought Lauren home to meet Ollie, and it blew up in my face. Ollie’s under her bed and won’t come out, and your sister took off in her car with both of our phones, which she won’t answer.”

  His laughter was a kick in the balls, but one I was sure I deserved in his eyes. “That’s pretty bad.”

  “Yeah, it’s horrible. I know I’m going to have to give Lauren time. At least she’ll see the cabin and what I did for her.” I hadn’t even told him about the cabin project and hoped he wouldn’t be upset when I told him about it. We had too many secrets between us lately.

  “What did you do to the cabin?” I could already tell he didn’t like it by his tone. “And when?”

  “Over the past couple of months, I’ve been working on a trade with your sister. She did the legal work I needed, and I gave her a new window feature and a skylight in the master bedroom.”

  “You’re crazy. Thanks for telling me about it.”

  “She doesn’t even know what I was doing. I wanted it to be a special surprise.”

  “Maybe she’s not going to the cabin. Did she say she was? She might be driving around to blow off steam for all you know.”

  “Maybe, but I doubt it. She was scared Ollie wouldn’t like her, and I promised her she would.” I saw something out of the corner of my eye and realized Ollie was listening around the corner. The mirror across the room reflected her standing just outside my door.


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