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Completing Him

Page 6

by C. Shell

  "Wait for me love," he murmurs into my ear. I cry out with frustration not knowing if I can but also knowing I don't have a choice.

  I shutter as my body stays on the edge needing to release but not daring to let go without permission. "Please Alex," I cry out panting with need.

  "Almost baby just hold on a little longer. You are mine love. All mine and I am all yours," he groans against my throat. "

  I feel like his. In this moment I feel loved-cherished- and connected to Alex. His thrusts become ragged and uncontrolled as he loses himself in me. I lean forward and bite his shoulder hard throwing him over the edge and I let go falling with him as we both find our release together.


  "What was that all about earlier?" I ask as I climb out of the shower and wrap a warm towel around myself. Not giving him a chance to answer I continue. "You can't honestly be mad at me for exercising even if I did overdo it a bit today. You have got to stop acting like I am going to break Alex." I huff trying to stay calm.

  I can feel his scowl aimed at me as he finishes dressing. "I told you to take it easy and you completely ignored me." He rants while no longer holding in his rolling anger. "I need to know that when I leave you alone you are safe and taken care of. When you constantly put yourself in danger of getting hurt, I never get the peace I need."

  I inhale a sharp breath suddenly fuming and ready for a fight. "So this is more about you and your needs?" I ask irritated by his words. "I was exercising down the hall Alex, not outside running in and out of traffic."

  "Jessica don't push me," he warns through clenched teeth.

  I throw up my hands in the air frustrated and stomp out of the room slamming the door behind me. Not my classiest moment but it is either that or strangle him. The man is incorrigible. Someone should make a manual on how to handle stubborn men.

  Thankfully Alice and George are back in their rooms and not around to witness our argument. Grabbing the remote, I snuggle down on the couch and flick through channels. I'm determined not to let him ruin the rest of my day. I hate fighting with him but I refuse to bend to all his crazy rules.

  I am halfway through an episode of Three and a Half Men before he emerges with an apologetic look plastered across his face. Sinking down beside me he entwines his fingers within mine brushing soft kisses across my knuckles. Even mad he manages to make my heart beat faster. Stupid heart.

  "I have to get back to work. If you need anything tell Alice or George or you call downstairs to Kelly. I already programmed her number in your phone and she knows to get you whatever you need."

  "Whatever I need?" I ask challenging him.

  His raised eyebrow and exasperated look is cute and thaws my irritation a bit. "Within reason of course."

  "Ok thanks," I say softly. "I think I am going to use the rest of the day to finish getting up to date on calls and emails I have missed while being out of commission." He kisses my hand again before placing it back on my lap. I want to prolong our time together but know I can't expect him to keep missing work on my account. Fixing a smile on my face, I wave a small good-bye as he enters the elevator. I walk over to my bag and retrieve my laptop and phone.

  I set up all my belongings on the dining room table so I can enjoy the beautiful Dallas landscape while I work. I wish my office had this kind of view. The winter clouds make everything look cold and frigid despite the mid level temperatures. While my computer warms up I take a deep breath to steady my nerves and dial Daniel's phone number.

  He must have programmed my number into his phone because he picks on the third ring and answers enthusiastically saying, "Wow you actually called," instead of a simple "Hello." Jane was correct. His voice is sweet and smooth and I can't help but wonder if my dad's voice sounded the same. I push all thoughts of him to the back of my mind wanting to keep myself focused on Daniel and not dear old dad at the moment.

  "Hi," I answer. My own voice is higher than normal and I curse my nerves for getting the better of me. "Sorry I didn't call you back yesterday. I was really tired and wanted some more rest before calling."

  "I totally understand. How are you feeling?"

  "Oh... umm fine. Thanks for asking." I cringe knowing I must sound like an idiot who can't string more than a few words together. "Sorry this is really strange for me. I don't even know where to begin," I confess.

  "I'm the same way," he says letting out a nervous laugh. "I wanted to see if you would be opposed to meeting for coffee? I think getting to know each other might be easier in person than on the phone. I also have some photos I thought you might like to look over."

  "That would be great," I say without hesitation. "You live near Dallas now correct?" I try and recall exactly what was said on the report Roger gave me but so much has happened since then I can't remember everything it said.

  "Yes, I moved here a little over a year ago because of work. The town is called Mesquite. It is not that far from you so I am sure you have heard of it."

  "Yeah, I have driven through there a few times on my way back home," I say surprised that in all the places that he could have moved he ended up living near me. "Let's see today is Thursday and I should be released back to work and normal activities by next Wednesday. I am not sure exactly what my schedule will be by then but do you think you would be able to get away from work an hour or two to meet next Friday for lunch? I can drive to you so you don't have to come into the city," I add nervous about the thought of meeting him so soon.

  "Sure...of course. Why don't you give me a call next week closer to Friday and we can set it all up."

  "Sounds like a plan," I respond before thanking him again for checking up on me while I was in the hospital in Florida and end the call with another promise to call him next week to set up a place to meet.

  If everything goes well after we meet then I am going to have to go and visit my mother and let her know about Daniel and the truth about my father. I dread seeing her again. I don't expect her to take any of my new found knowledge well and knowing her she will twist the truths to fit into her perfect made up world where nothing is her fault and everyone else is to blame.

  Rubbing my temples I try and ease away the tension headache that is growing by the second. I just wish for once that life would stop being so complicated. I miss the days when my life consisted of getting up and going to work and the occasional drink and dancing on the weekends. I refuse to acknowledge that all the crazy shit started happening after Alex came into my life because doing so would open a flood gate of more questions and problems that I keep pushing away to the back of my mind. I have enough to deal with in front of me without adding more to the plate.

  I am halfway through my long list of unanswered emails when I come across an interesting one from Derrick Johnson. Jane mentioned in the hospital that he had tried a few times to come and visit me and Alex turned him away each time. I guess the smart man decided to email me instead. I can see why he and Alex used to be such good friends. They are both incredibly smart, persistent and sneaky at finding alternative ways to achieve what they want. His email reads:


  I hope this email finds you ok and Alex does not destroy it before it ever reaches you. Since the attack I have tried many times to apologize to you for allowing you to get hurt. I feel solely responsible since my security should have been better equipped at preventing such a horrible thing to happen in my place of business. I know Alex well enough to know he has already hired the best investigators to look for whoever is responsible and I promise you I will do whatever I can to help him and the police in their hunt for the guilty involved. You and Jane did such an amazing job on my grand opening and I cannot thank you enough. I wish you a fast recovery and please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

  Derrick Johnson

  I reread the email several times astounded by his sincere apology and offer to help. This does not sound like the same egotistical selfish man Alex described to me the other night. With a click of th
e mouse I hit respond and begin typing.

  Mr. Johnson:

  I appreciate your candid email and accept your apology, although there is nothing to apologize for. What happened to me was unfortunate and is on the hands of someone with a sick mind, not you or anyone else that night. You had no way of knowing that something tragic was unfolding. Alex and the police are doing their best to find out who is responsible and I am healing and should be back to normal by next week. It was a pleasure working with you on your grand opening at the club and hope our paths cross again in the future. Thanks again for your kind words.

  Jessica Grayson

  Stretching my arms out I reread the email happy with the way I worded it and hit send. I think Derrick has changed a lot from the high school playboy Alex remembers. If Alex could find a way to over look the past I truly believe they could be good friends again. Before I have a chance to put a lot of thought into it my phone starts singing and Jane's pretty face pops up onto my screen.

  I quickly hit accept eager to hear her voice and get caught up on what is happening in her world and updates on work.

  "Hey Janey girl how are you?"

  "I am good but the real question is how are you?"

  "I am much better. Alex is driving me a bit crazy but I should have expected that. He won't let me lift a finger for anything and is determined to keep me locked up in this tower of his but besides that I can't complain." Flipping through a few emails in front of me I go over some work details with her that were sent to me and re-check the list of new inventory that needs to be ordered before several shoots the following week. I am glad to hear that the new temp she hired is doing a great job and everything is running smoothly.

  "Have you heard anything new from the detectives?" Jane asks.

  "No, nothing yet," I reply letting out an audible sigh. "It is so frustrating knowing that whoever did this is out running free the streets while I remain locked up with two body guards shadowing my every move. I don't like living like this Jane," I confess.

  "I know you don't baby girl but until the crazy man is caught, I have to agree with Alex that this is the best option we have." Hearing her agree with Alex is a shock to my system and doesn't sit right with me for some reason. She is my best friend and should be on my side not my overprotective caveman acting boyfriend.

  Needing to change the subject before I get too bent out of shape, I opt on telling her about my meeting next week with Daniel. "So I am setting up a small meet and greet over lunch next week with Daniel in Mesquite. Would you be interested in going with me? You know, as a buffer and friend."

  "Oh my gosh! Of course I will go. Are you nervous to meet him?"

  "Yes, but also excited," I say feeling the butterflies flitter in my stomach over the thought of it. "I have so many questions and hope he can put to rest some of the fears that I have always had about why my dad left us. I doubt he will, but it is worth a shot."

  "What does Alex think about you meeting him?" Wow, she is scoring big today on crappy questions. I worry my bottom lip thinking about his reaction. I don't for a minute think it will be a good one.

  "I have not told him yet," I say softly.

  "Oh," she says obviously thinking on the same lines as me. "You are going to tell him aren't you?"

  "I would prefer not to but since I have the goon squad with me at all times I don't see how I will manage him not knowing. I have a week before the meeting so I will work something out by then."

  "You are right. There's no reason to worry over it now. Sorry to cut the conversation short, but I need to run. I am meeting up with Jax at the gym in an hour, so I will call you tomorrow sweetie and we can finish catching up then. I love you Jess and am so damn glad you are safe and well." I can almost hear her smile over the phone and it makes me miss her all the more.

  "Love you too, Janey girl and please tell Jax hi for me."I say before reluctantly ending the call.

  I work a bit more on my laptop before making my way back to Alex's room exhausted and needing a nap before I begin dinner. All in all I accomplished more than I thought I would today, which leaves me less to do tomorrow and hopefully a chance to have some fun. I plan on surprising Alex tonight with my famous baked macaroni and cheese with a side of sautéed zucchini. Slipping under the cool sheets, I wrap the comforter around me, close my eyes and instantly drift off.

  Chapter 6 - Alex

  "I don't care what you have to do or what it costs me. I want this divorce done and over."

  I take a moment to rein in my temper. Lexy is pulling out every stop she can to delay our divorce and from our recent talks I know Jessica is getting fed up. I don't understand why Lexy would want to delay the inevitable especially when she knows I don't want her.

  "James, I refuse to play Lexy's games so do your job and find a loop hole to make the bitch go away."

  "Yes sir, I will keep working on it," James says sounding as frustrated as I do. I can tell by his red- rimmed eyes and mused salt and pepper hair that he is clearly overworked and tired. "Right now her main defense is that the marriage was real not staged and using the fact that is was consummated as her proof. We know she has had other men since marrying you but no proof to show of it. She has been very discreet and careful to stay out of the spotlight all these years. I have my detectives working to find the proof we need but it would go along faster if we could use Roger."

  "No." I say strongly leaving no room for discussion. "Roger is working to help find Jess's attacker and adding to his work load will only cause him to lose focus on that. If you need to hire more man power than do so, but Roger is out of the question for now."

  "Fine. I will keep you updated," he huffs exiting my office in a hurry.

  James has been my lawyer since I was a teenager and has seen me though my worst and my best. He has always managed to make the most fucked up deals work in my favor but damn Lexy is not making anything easy for us. Hiring her to work at Glimmer was a shot in the dark, but it does seem to be paying off. Kelly has been able to keep an eye on her and whom she interacts with. I enjoy knowing where she is most of the time and being able to stop her from running around causing more trouble has been helpful.

  I pour myself another finger of scotch before sitting back down at my desk. Taking a sip I enjoy the burn as it slides down my throat. Between Lexy's bullshit and Jess's attack, I constantly feel on edge and out of control these days. Knowing Jessica is staying with me and that Alice and George are with her at all times helps but it is not enough.

  Jessica has no idea what seeing her laying in that hospital bed did to me. It was hell not being able to fix her. I felt completely helpless and for once in my life money could not fix it. Those two days were the longest of my life while I sat beside holding her hand and praying to a God that I have not talked to in years to please help her.

  Grabbing up the phone I dial the Destin police station and ask to speak with Detective Harris or Burns. I don't trust the police to put much effort into this case, which is why I hired Roger to help out. He is the best at what he does and if anyone can find the bastard responsible than it will be him.

  "Detective Harris speaking."

  "Harris, this is Alex Harlow in Dallas, Texas. I need an update on what is going on with Jessica Grayson's case."

  "Mr. Harlow, as I have already told you, Mr. Johnson and your investigator before, we don't have much to go on. We found a few prints but none of them matched anything in our system. The wires to the entire camera system were cut and we have no eyewitnesses as to what the guy looks like. The only thing we have been able to identify was the drug used in Ms. Grayson's drink. The drug is extremely common on the street so there is no easy way to identify who the dealer is."

  I hate this shit. I hate not having the answers I need and not being able to do a damn thing about it. I scream out obscenities though the phone demanding the police force to try harder before slamming down the phone and placing my head in my hands. The silence deafening my office is interrupted with the
sound of my glass shattering against the wall.

  I need out of here. I can't concentrate on work and sitting around doing nothing makes me feel like a caged animal. I send a quick text to Kelly asking her to have housekeeping come clean up the broken glass in my office and inform her that I will be gone for the rest of the day. Being the good assistant that she is she knows better to ask any questions.

  The only place I want to be right now is curled up in bed with Jessica. I need to feel her skin beneath me and her legs wrapped around me. I have not spoken to her since I upset her then left her after lunch earlier today. I have learned that when she gets mad, the best thing to do is give her space and let her calm down. She really has no clue how much I love her. My dick throbs with the thought of being buried deep inside of her. No matter how many times I take her, it is never enough.

  I make a quick call and reserve a table at a restaurant close by for Alice and George. I need a few hours alone with Jess tonight without her worrying the whole time that they will hear her while she screams out my name. Just thinking about it makes me have to rearrange my raging hard-on.

  Grabbing my jacket off the back of my chair I lock up my office and head towards my private elevator. While waiting for the elevator car I send another text to George and Alice letting them know about the change in plans for tonight and asking them to be out of the penthouse within thirty minutes. It might not seem like a lot of time to them but for me thirty minutes is going to feel like forever.

  As I walk into our apartment I am greeted with the most delicious smells wafting from the kitchen. I am usually the one who cooks so seeing Jess standing by the stove in an apron takes me by surprise. If nothing else the woman never ceases to amaze me.


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