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Completing Him

Page 7

by C. Shell

  "Smells amazing love," I say looking over her shoulder trying to get a glimpse of what she is putting together. I can make out what looks like zucchini and some other vegetables but she won't move away from the oven for me to check out what she has hiding in it.

  "Alex, I swear if you don't get out of this kitchen I will make you regret it," she warns while shaking a wooden spoon in my face. I glance down at the spoon smiling and noting that I will be sure to use that same spoon later on that gorgeous creamy white ass of hers.

  "I don't like that look you have," she says nervously.

  I chuckle not saying anything else and letting that active imagination of hers run rampant. The more worked up she gets the better her orgasm will be later.

  "You didn't have to cook babe, although I love that you did," I say grabbing her waist and giving her a kiss on the neck. My cock throbs feeling her body shiver against mine. She turns her face towards mine kissing my mouth softly. I groan deepening the kiss and giving her a sample of what is yet to come.

  I pull away from her before things get too far. "George and Alice will be not be joining us tonight," I say giving her a wink as I head to the bedroom so I can change out of my work attire.

  "Oh really," she responds already breathless. "Dinner is ready when you are. I am going to go on and set the table so come and join me when you finish in there."

  I quickly shuck out of my clothing and change into a pair of old jeans and a light t-shirt since I don't plan on wearing any of it for very long. Alice and George are making their getaway when I return to the living room and I thank them for the day, handing them my credit card and instructing them to enjoy their dinner and not to return back for several hours.

  I can feel Jess eyeing me as she sets the table but she has yet to say anything about my sudden change in plans. She knows me well enough to know that I would not send security away unless I had a good reason.

  The food tastes just as good as it smells. I am proud of my baby and praise her throughout dinner on her culinary skills. Growing up I got so accustomed to having all my meals made by cooks and the help that out of frustration I taught myself how to whip up a few of my favorite dishes. I have never had a woman I cared for cook for me. Hell, most women I meet expect me to take care of them and would never think of trying to do the same for me. I love that she wanted to do this for me.

  I notice her nibbling her bottom lip a few times during dinner. Time has taught me her tell signs and this one says she wants to talk to me about something but is worried that I am not going to approve. I am determined to get all the negative shit out of the way so we can enjoy the rest of the evening I have planned. After the day I have had it can't get much worse.

  "Spill it Jessica," I say narrowing my eyes on her. "You obviously have something you need to say so say it already."

  Her eyes meet mine and for a moment I am worried it might be much worse than I thought. Taking a breath she says," I spoke with my stepbrother today. Jane and I are going to meet him next Friday for lunch."

  What the fuck? I swear she is trying to kill me. I understand her reasons for wanting to meet with Daniel but with all the shit going on I don't think right now is a good time. Running a hand along the back of my neck, I grasp for the right words.

  "I know you don't want to hear this, but it is easier to keep you safe when you are here in the penthouse. When you are out in the open, even with George and Alice with you, there are no guarantees that they will be able to keep that psycho from getting his hands on you again."

  I can see the fight building behind her eyes and I cringe knowing this is about to get ugly. "You are crazy to think you can keep me locked up here Alex. Once the doctor signs off on my health next week I plan on getting back to work," she says pushing away from the table and taking our plates back into the kitchen. "I will stay with you until they find the man. Your two goons can follow me around as much as they like but I will not stop living my life. Deal with it or I will go home now so we can spare each other anymore heartache," she yells throwing her plate into the sink.

  Oh hell no! This shit ends now!

  Chapter 7

  I immediately regret my outburst as I watch Alex jump out of his chair and stalk towards me jaw clinched and eyes set afire. I look around willing a way to escape his wrath, but the only way out of this kitchen is currently being filled by my gorgeous irate man. Shit

  He stalks me as his prey knowing I have nowhere to go. I try and dart around him but it is no use. He loops an arm around my waist stopping my retreat and spinning me around. Before I have a chance to protest he already has me bent over the top of the counter with a strong hand pressed against my shoulder blades holding me in place. My body betrays me letting out an involuntary moan as his hardness grinds against my ass.

  "Alex, I am sorry for my outburst," I say between heavy pants. I am not sorry for how I feel, but I should have handled it better. Threatening to leave was not the answer.

  "I know you are my love," he whispers against my ear. "Strip Jessica," he commands.

  I crank my face to the side seeking his own not sure if he is serious or not. His face is filled with a mixture of determination and lust. "Do it Jessica. If you make me wait your punishment will be far worse than what I already have in mind." He releases his hand off my back allowing me enough room to move.

  This should not be turning me on and yet my panties are drenched.

  Slowly I pull at the hem of my top letting it drift up my stomach and over my head before dropping to the floor. I keep my eyes trained on his beautiful green ones loving the emotion that drifts over them despite his stoic face. My thumbs unbutton my pants pulling them down my legs along with my wet panties and leaving me in nothing but my white lace bra. I watch as his eyes dart to my breasts silently telling me to discard of it which I do.

  I stand before him naked. My sex clenches in anticipation as I wait for my punishment. Grabbing my upper arms he turns me around pushing down on the middle of my back and forcing me to bend over the marble counter once again. I suck in a sharp breath as the cool marble meets with my warm skin causing my nipples to pebble.

  "Stretch your arms above your head and grip the edge of the counter," he commands with a rough voice. I obey moving up on my tip toes so I can reach across the long counter. Still a bit sore from my previous workout I feel the stretch in my arm muscles as I grip the counters edge curling my fingers around it.

  I hear him moving around behind me opening and shutting drawers but from this angle I can't see exactly what he is doing and don't dare move to find out. I feel him move behind me and every nerve in my body goes on alert. He places a warm hand on my naked ass, stroking me with his palm. I tense expecting him to strike me but he doesn't, instead he murmurs against my neck," You look so beautiful love."

  I relax pushing my bottom against his palm seeking more contact. The longer he makes me wait the wetter I become. He dips a finger against my folds fondling me and I squirm against his palm wanting more. Smirking he removes his hand and before I have a chance to miss the contact I feel the first hard swat. I grit my teeth as the pain spreads than turns to a delicious warmth as he slowly caresses it away.

  I am not sure he is using to hit me with but I know for a fact that it is not his hand. Without warning he hits me again repeating the previous caresses after each swat and continues on with a rhythmic pattern for a total of ten swats. Keeping my head down against the cool counter I bite down on my bottom lip until I taste blood. My arms ache and my ass is on fire as I continue to grip the edge of the marble not daring to let go without permission. I am surprised and pleased at my self control and ability to not cry out.

  "Your ass is a beautiful shade of red and your pussy is dripping for me," Alex rasps against my back while stroking two fingers in and out of my wanton heat. He places a wooden spoon I used earlier down beside my head and my eyes widen at the realization that he used it to dole out my punishment. No wonder my behind hurts so much.

"Alex...," I whimper out pleading with him to stop teasing me and fuck me already. The fire roaring inside my body is becoming out of control as his fingers continue lazily stroking in and out of me.

  "Patience baby." He growls. "Spread your legs wider for me. I want to watch your pussy devour my cock every time I thrust into you."

  Fuck! His words are almost enough on their own to throw me over. He has got to be joking about me having patience. He can try and act unaffected all he wants but the strain in his voice tells me he is as turned on and as needy as I am. As I spread my legs wider he slams into me milking a startled cry from my lips.

  I push back against him wanting this. Wanting to be taken hard and fast. My swollen lips clasp around him greedily determined to take as much as he is willing to give. He thrusts hard into me each time causing my body to move further up on top of the counter. The cold marble brushes against my sensitive clit with each thrust and I moan out feeling my body coil tightly in preparation for a mighty orgasm that I know will tear me apart.

  "Say it," Alex yells out desperately digging his fingers into the flesh at my waist. "I need to hear you say it."

  With a rough hand he grips my breast tweaking and twisting my nipple harshly. "I love your beautiful tits," he says nipping the skin on my shoulder hard enough to mark me. His words and the sensations swirling through my body are too much. I struggle not to come but it is no use. Hearing him call me beautiful is my undoing and I cry out as my orgasm crashes through me. I scream my release as my body shakes and trembles beneath him and tell him what he yearns to hear.

  "Yours Alex," I whimper. "I am all yours baby."

  He buries his face in the crook of my neck slamming back into me twice more before I feel his cock pulsate as he spills his seed deep inside of me while screaming out my name.

  We are both breathing hard together as we come back down from our sex induced state. He pulls out of me and my knees buckle without the weight of his body holding me up. He catches me as I crumble to the floor scooping me up into his arms and carrying me to the bedroom and laying me on the bed.

  I shift myself around on the bed pulling a pillow under my head as he goes to the bathroom and comes back with a wet towel and lotion. After cleaning us both up he rubs the lotion into my sore bottom with extra care. Once he is finished he slides into bed beside me pulling me against his broad chest and begins stroking my hair. Smiling I squirm closer against him bathing in his love.

  "Are you okay? I didn't hurt you did I?" He asks, his voice filled with concern.

  "No baby, you didn't hurt me. Quite the opposite in fact." I purr.

  I try and keep my eyes open but my exhaustion takes over and I slip into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 8

  I cower near the edge of the bed not daring to fall asleep or say a word in fear that she will come back into my room and start yelling at me again. I hate it when she drinks and lately that is all she seems to do. I know why she does it. I also know why she takes all her frustration out on me.

  It is all my fault.

  He left because of me and because of that she hates me. She never lets me forget it. I wish I could make him come back, make him love us again. I hear her crying in the living room and it takes everything in me not to go and check on her. No matter what she does she is still my mom. The last time I tried to make it better she left and did not come back for three days.

  I crawl off the bed towards the door so I can listen better. As I near the door I stumble over my shoe I took off earlier and forgot to put away. I try and bite back the yelp that escapes my lips but it is too late. I freeze where I am. My whole body shakes as I wait to see if she will come and check on me. I silently count, 1...2...3... And then I hear it, the sound of her footsteps coming down the hall. I know I should hide but my body is shaking so bad I cannot move. The door creaks open and she just stares down at me as though I am some pathetic creature instead of her daughter.

  "He loved me," she slurs. "He loved me and if you had not made everything so hard on us he would still love me." Her make-up is smeared across her once beautiful face. Looking back at old pictures of her when she was young you would never guess that she is the same person staring back at me through empty hollow eyes.

  "I am sorry momma," I squeak hiding my face in my hands as tears flow down my face.

  My eyes open as I spring up from the bed. The familiar sight of Alex's bedroom helps ease the anxiety still flowing in my chest.

  "Shit. Another damn dream," I whisper to myself.

  I have not had nightmares in years and for the past several nights they have started back up again. They are not always the same dream but the events are all very similar. My mom is always in them blaming me for his choices. I don't need a shrink to know there is most likely a link between them starting back up and my meeting with Daniel today.

  It took several days of sulking, bribing, and then flat out begging but Alex is finally okay with me going to Mesquite to meet Daniel. I would have gone regardless of his consent but it makes it easier to do this knowing he is behind me and not against me. The less drama the better.

  The past week has luckily flown by and for once everything seems to be going smoothly in our lives. I spend last weekend curled up watching an assortment of movies with Alex, Jane, Jax and the goon squad. I am still trying to get used to Alice and George following me around everywhere I go but I must say they are starting to grow on me. George has the quirkiest humor that is contagious. Once or twice he even broke through Alice's tough exterior. Jax tried for two hours straight to coax a smile from her but got nowhere and finally gave up.

  Alex's local doctor came by and checked on me Wednesday and after answering an array of ridiculous questions that Alex deemed necessary I was released to go back to work and normal activities. I have continued to work from the penthouse for now but come next Monday there is nothing or no one that is going to keep me from making an appearance back at my office. I miss Clive and his silly jokes and my own office although I will miss the view from Alex's place. The penthouse is beautiful and relaxing but I feel like it is beginning to suffocate me.

  Rubbing my tired bloodshot eyes I try and rid the sinking feeling I always get after having a nightmare. I hate those damn dreams. They always leave me dazed and out of it for a few hours. I have tried my best to hide them from Alex but I have a sneaky suspicion that he knows. He has not said anything but he has been holding me tighter at night and a few times I wake up to find him curled around me awake and watching me. After leaving home it took years and several sessions of therapy to make the dreams stop.

  This is why I never call or visit my mom. I have fought hard to rid myself of all the negativity and self insecurities that come with knowing her. No matter how hard I try it never seems to go away forever.

  Climbing out of bed I check the clock to make sure I have enough time for a quick shower before I need to go and pick up Jane. Turning the water as hot as I can stand it I lean against the cool tiles of the shower and let the water pound away my stress and worries.

  As I rinse out my hair I try and refrain from worrying. No matter what outcome comes from my meeting today, whether good or bad, I will have no choice but visit with my mom in the coming weeks and tell her the truth about it all. It is time she knows my dad is gone and never coming back. She needs to understand that he moved on and hopefully one day she can do the same.

  Climbing out of the shower I wrap myself in Alex's thick robe and turn towards the mirror to brush the tangles out of my hair. How did I not see all this? Attached to the bathroom mirror are dozens of colorful post it notes all carrying the same written message from my sweet beautiful man, 'I love you. Your stronger than you know'.

  Sniffling back tears of love and joy I peel off each message so I can place them in my jewelry box for safe keeping. I wish he knew the power he has over me. Whether he is being dominant, stubborn or just plain sweet he always finds the path straight to my heart.

  With strong coffee in
hand and dressed in a light red boat neck sweater and blue jeans for comfort I head towards the private elevator with Alice and George in tow. Today they are all business and have yet to say more than a few words to me. Alex still has not returned my car to me but was considerate enough to let us borrow his large black Escalade so we could all ride together in comfort. I am so used to us always traveling in his personal limo I was a bit surprised to find out he even owned his own vehicle. I would prefer to travel in an Escalade than a limo any day.

  I follow George once we exit the elevator since I am not at all familiar with the layout of Glimmer Magazine and have no idea where the underground parking garage is or even how to access it. As we are winding down a long hallway I hear my name called out and a shiver of apprehension travels down my spine.

  Slapping on a fake smile I turn around and watch as Lexy glides towards me on legs that seem to go on forever incased in a dress that is extremely short and leaves very little to the imagination. Anger flashes through me knowing Alex sees her dressed like this all the time. I really hate her working here with him.

  "Lexy what can I do for you?" I ask with a hint of annoyance in my tone.

  "Nothing that Alex isn't already doing," she sneers running her tongue over her bottom lip. "I heard about your horrific accident and just wanted to see how you were doing?"

  Digging my nails into the palm of my hand to hold back the hateful retort teetering on my tongue I smile and answer," Fine thanks for your concern. If you will excuse me Lexy I have a meeting that I must get to."

  I try and turn to go but the horrid woman gets one more nasty comment in before I am able to make a quick departure."Great to hear it. It really sweet of my Alex to take pity on you and let you stay with him until you are feeling better. His sweet nature if one of the main things that drew us together all those many years ago."

  My Alex?

  I wince. If she had smacked me across the face she could have not hurt me any deeper than her words just did. The thought of Alex or anyone taking pity on me is the one thing I will never accept. I know she is just goading me on and trying to get under my skin and damn it she is doing a great job. I feel Alice's hand on my arm trying to force me to continue to keep walking but I am fed up with Lexy and she deserves a dose of her own medicine.


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