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Kink Aware (Kiss of Leather Book 9)

Page 10

by Morticia Knight

  Taro regarded Ray. “What is your take on this? Have you ever been bound before?”

  Ray glanced at Cruella as if seeking their permission to respond. They brushed the hair back that was hanging over his cheek and smiled in encouragement. Ray turned back to Taro.

  “I’ve never been tied up before, no. But I have to admit I’m enjoying the experience.”

  Cruella laid their hand in reassurance on Ray’s shoulder as a flush of red bloomed on his cheeks. Taro furrowed his brow, his lips set in a straight line as his gaze flitted between them both.

  “Well, you both seem to be working well together.” Taro squatted next to Cruella and examined their work. “I won’t touch your sub, so let me see you run your fingers beneath the ropes.”

  Ray let out a choking sound as Cruella held in a chuckle.

  Taro nodded, clearly missing the significance of Ray’s reaction to his assessment of their relationship. “That’s very good. As far as the remaining tails, if you want to continue adding more rungs, I’ll be demonstrating a knot during the second half of the class that will allow you to add more length if you need to. Just remember to make sure you don’t leave a knot pressing against any areas that will cut off circulation. Inner wrists or thighs, et cetera—Check the list of problem areas I handed out during the first session.”

  “I will, Master Taro. Thank you.”

  Cruella decided to use the remaining ends and coil them up the stem before tucking them into the first knot they’d made. Ray had remained silent ever since Taro had checked in with them.

  Keeping their touch light, they caressed Ray over the ropes then continued down to his lower arms and the exposed areas of his back. “Did being referred to as a sub bother you, baby?”

  Ray tilted his head, a crease forming between his eyebrows. “I wouldn’t say bother, as much as being curious as to why he made that assumption. I also don’t want him to think I was trying to put on some sort of act or anything.”

  Interesting. “Are you being yourself?”

  “Yeah. I don’t think I’m behaving any differently here. Am I?”

  Cruella maintained their connection through touch. “No, baby. You’re not. But like we discussed the other night, it seems like we’re both ready to explore beyond the vanilla world we’ve been accustomed to.”

  Ray’s expression remained serious and Cruella wondered if they should take things a step further and perhaps set up a consultation with one of the Kiss of Leather trainers.

  Except for the part where a membership is expensive as fuck. I’d never be able to buy another article of clothing for the rest of my life.

  It was all too overwhelming to consider at once. They could both continue working with the rope for now, then see what happened. They didn’t have to jump into everything right away.

  Ray finally lifted his gaze. “Hey, do you know if they give tours of this place?”

  Apparently, Ray was more enthusiastic about taking things to the next level than they’d realized. He has to know I could never afford this. Cruella’s gut clenched at the thought they might have introduced Ray to something he couldn’t live without and would have to get from a Dom who had the means to belong to a place like Kiss of Leather. Not everyone who’s into BDSM joins some fancy club. Maybe they could learn about the lifestyle in a less poverty-inducing manner.

  “I’m sure they do, hon. We’ll ask Taro after class if he knows who’s in charge of that.”

  Ray considered them. “Only if you want to. I’m not looking to get involved in anything hardcore unless you’re a part of it.”

  Cruella straightened, blinking a few times as they absorbed the meaning behind Ray’s remarks. “Are you trying to tell me you’d be interested in something hardcore?”

  Ray opened his mouth as if to speak then widened his eyes before snapping his jaw shut. He averted his gaze. “Maybe.”

  My, my. “Then one of the first things you should do is give your Dom a straight answer.”

  Ray whipped his head around, his mouth falling open again. Cruella arched their eyebrows, waiting for Ray’s response.

  “Sorry.” Ray cleared his throat. “Then, yes. As long as it’s with you, then I’m in.”

  Cruella yanked Ray to them by the top row of the hemp cords then claimed his mouth in a heated kiss. They didn’t care what anyone else thought. They’d do whatever they wanted to with their sub.

  Ray finished connecting a row of safety pins over a large rip to complete his punk rocker Halloween costume. He stood back from the wall mirror in his shop cubicle and decided he epitomized the look. Of course, he wouldn’t have appeared nearly as authentic if Cruella hadn’t lined his eyes with black smudges, painted his lips with black lipstick and helped contour his cheeks to give him a more appropriately gaunt appearance.

  It would be a big night for him and Cruella. In the three weeks since they’d begun dating, other than going to the shibari class and out to dinner a couple times, they usually spent their time relaxing at his place. Along with a few other activities when we’re alone. Cruella had practiced more rope patterns on him and they had discussed orgasm control as something else they were both interested in pursuing.

  After they’d been given a tour of Kiss of Leather, Gavin—a cool guy who was one of the owners—had recommended a BDSM manual for newbies. Part of dipping their toes into the lifestyle together was discovering what it was that appealed to them individually and as a couple. Ray had quickly worked out that giving Cruella control over him with the ropes was what gave him a thrill. Male chastity seemed like a logical next step as they began their kink journey together.

  But tonight is for partying.

  As he attempted to get his hair to cooperate and stay spiky, he spotted Cruella peering at him from around the partition. “This is as good as it’s gonna get for me. How about you?”

  They had all agreed to close the shop at eight since Halloween night tended to get out of control. He, Cruella, Neal and Liam were going to join the revelry on Santa Monica Boulevard and hit up a couple of dance clubs. Ray grinned at Cruella’s reflection.

  “Come on, show me. I’ve been dying to see your costume.”

  Cruella had been keeping everything a big secret and the suspense was killing him. They emerged from behind the barrier and Ray’s jaw dropped. He cursed the ultra-skinny jeans that were a part of his ensemble as they squashed the life out of his junk.

  “Hot damn, you dressed up as Vampira?”

  Cruella chuckled. “Sans ample cleavage, but yes. I wasn’t feeling the boobies.”

  Ray took a few tentative steps forward, mesmerized at how stunning Cruella was in the long black dress with a plunging V-neck that revealed their lovely pale skin—including the tattoo of the Cheshire Cat that was the first ink Ray had ever done on them. One half of the mad feline’s face peeked out from the edge of the neckline, right below the left side of their clavicle. The dress and sleeves boasted the requisite tatters at the bottoms, but a slit ran up one side of the skirt to Cruella’s hip. Their black-fishnet-covered legs were displayed perfectly, and knee-high platform boots completed the look.

  Ray squinted at their always beautiful hair. “Did you dye your hair black?”

  “No, hon. It’s a spray on that should wash out in a week or two.”

  “Well, you’re spectacular. I’ll be the luckiest son of a bitch out there tonight. No one will have anyone with them as hot as you.”

  Cruella flipped their hair over one shoulder then extended their arms in invitation. “You’re too sweet. But shouldn’t I get a hug and kiss for that?”

  Ray moved closer, ready to sweep them up into his arms if they would let him, but didn’t want to ruin all the hard work they’d put into their costume. “Is that okay? I won’t mess up your outfit?”

  Cruella smirked as they grabbed the sleeve of Ray’s torn-up denim jacket then tugged him into their embrace. Cruella crushed their mouths together, taking him in a deep kiss and letting him know he was more impor
tant than a holiday costume.

  “Uh, sorry. Didn’t know you were busy.”

  Neal’s chuckle brought him back to the present. He and Cruella broke apart.

  “You’re cool, bro.”

  Ray smiled at his friend before frowning as Neal pointed to the corner of his own mouth and tapped.


  Cruella pinched his chin between their thumb and forefinger then angled his head to face him. “Oh my. It appears I’ve made a mess of your lipstick.” Cruella winked. “I imagine mine’s a fright, too.”

  Ray snorted. “Good one. Appropriate in light of the holiday.” He leaned in closer. “But you’re beautiful no matter what.”

  He wasn’t sure at what point in the weeks they’d been dating that he’d become so mushy—he’d certainly never behaved in such a way before—yet he couldn’t help himself. He hadn’t been exaggerating when he’d told Cruella how long he’d wanted to be with them.

  Once they’d fixed their makeup, they set the shop alarm, locked up and made their way on foot to Santa Monica Boulevard. The Halloween Carnaval was one of WeHo’s biggest nights of the year, with thousands of revelers taking to the streets. Parking would be literally impossible. Santa Monica had already been closed to traffic since six o’clock, another reason why keeping the shop open for regular hours didn’t make any sense.

  Cruella looped their arm through his and Ray sighed with a sense of peace he hadn’t known for ages. He watched Liam and Neal a few paces ahead of them, holding hands as they strolled along. Ray loved seeing his friend so happy, and the way Liam had blossomed under his Master’s care.

  Ray glanced sideways at Cruella. Would it also strengthen the bond between us? He believed they shared a strong connection already, but could it be enhanced if he got serious about being a sub, the way Taro had already assumed he was?

  Cruella bumped hips with him and he bumped back, laughing. Liam didn’t care for scary things, so he and Neal had chosen to dress as hippies together. Their idea had sparked his own when he’d been stumped as to what he should wear. They’d represent the sixties and he’d handle the seventies.

  They rounded the corner of Doheny, and while the crowds had already gotten larger as more and more people made their way to Santa Monica, there was a marked increase as they drew closer to the boulevard. The noise of party-goers was mixed in with a jumble of different dance beats blaring from open doors of clubs and bars. The night was young, but already full of fun and energy. Ray rarely let loose and got crazy. But he was with his business partners, his best friend and Cruella, the person he was falling in love with. All he wanted to do was have a blast with the people whom he cared about more than anything else.

  The moment they reached Santa Monica, Liam came to a complete stop. He halted so abruptly that his action caused Neal to stumble. Ray hadn’t wanted to interfere in their business, but he ‘d been curious how Liam would handle being in such a large, noisy crowd and whether his anxiety would keep him from joining in the festivities.

  Neal gathered both of Liam’s hands in his own and leaned down to whisper something to his sub. Liam nodded, and after a few minutes when Neal still hadn’t straightened, Ray figured out Neal was having Liam breath in sync with him. Ray observed as Cruella looked on the scene between Neal and Liam with compassion.

  Ray wrapped an arm around Cruella. “Are you warm enough? You can wear my jacket.”

  Cruella quirked a smile. “I’d rather you hold me close, baby. Keep me heated that way.”

  He gave their waist a squeeze. “Whatever you want, angel.”

  Neal approached them with Liam in tow. “Just a heads up. We might bail at some point, so if you don’t see us around, don’t worry about it.”

  Liam appeared mortified. He clung to Neal’s arm with his lips pressed in a tight line and his eyebrows drawn together. It seemed as though he wanted to say something, but was holding back.

  “Baby?” Cruella stepped out of Ray’s embrace to stand closer to Liam. “Can I take a selfie with you? I won’t post it anywhere. It’s just for me.”

  The crease in Liam’s brow deepened. “I’m sorry.”

  Neal carded his fingers through Liam’s curls that stuck out from beneath the tie-dye headband he wore. “No reason to be sorry.”

  “I meant it for real when I said I’d try.” Liam didn’t appear to have registered anything related to picture-taking. He glanced between him and Cruella. “I shouldn’t have said I would come tonight because now I’ll ruin it for you guys and I want you to have an amazing date instead of worrying about me having a panic attack or…or…”

  Neal didn’t shush Liam or speak for his sub. Instead, he continued to keep them connected through touch, his caresses slow and gentle. To avoid pressuring Liam by staring at him and increasing his anxiety, Ray tugged on Cruella’s hand and brought their bodies together. He licked at Cruella’s mouth, tasting their lips as he continued to steal soft kisses. He pushed Cruella’s hair back from their shoulder with one hand then trailed his palm down the length of their back before settling his hand on the swell of Cruella’s ass.

  “Oh. Taking a picture is a great idea. You should see how amazing you both look together.”

  Liam’s small voice cut through the moment with Cruella, but it was worth it. Hearing him return to a state of calm made Ray happy. He’d become attached to Liam as they’d gotten to know each other over the past several months and thought of him as a little brother. His own brothers couldn’t stand the sight of him, so Ray cherished the relationship he had with his best friend’s fiancé.

  They each got out their phones and took several pictures of one another and as a group. Liam had begun to enjoy posing so much, he told Cruella he wouldn’t mind if they posted some of the shots of them together on their Instagram.

  Once they headed into the crowd, Liam appeared more at ease as they took in the wild sights. Every imaginable costume combo seemed to be on display. From the outrageous to traditional to celebrities and pop culture—the crowd was getting their inner freak on.

  “Oh man.” Ray leaned into Neal as a group of men dressed as Dorothy, the Tin Man, Scarecrow and the Cowardly Lion skipped by singing We’re Off to See the Wizard. “I could use some water with a Jack and Coke back.”

  Neal snorted. “Shouldn’t that be the other way around?”

  “As fucking thirsty as I am, I’ll need the water first.”

  Neal let out a guffaw and whacked him on the shoulder. “Okay, dude. Let me see how Liam’s doing.”

  Cruella yanked on his sleeve. “Baby, look!”

  They pointed to a spectacular merman and their peacock-costumed partner. The merman had long, flowing blond hair that fell to his knees—crowned by a wreath of silver seaweed—and the glittery, intricate tail of his costume was done in shades of aquamarine and silver with indigo outlining the scales. The peacock costume was even more elaborate with a full, royal-blue body suit—including an attached cap with wispy feather plumes on top. But even more breathtaking was the feathered fan tail that was so authentically made that Ray doubted he’d see anything more amazing that night.

  Good time to head inside a club.

  Neal got Ray’s attention and he turned to get an update from his friend while Cruella was busy snapping photos of the magnificent pair in their finery.

  “Dude, me and Liam are going to watch some more of the parade of costumes for a while then we’re gonna grab a bite to eat somewhere quieter. Him coming here at all was huge, and I don’t want to push him.”

  “No, man, of course not. He did great as it was.”

  Ray glanced over at Cruella and saw that Liam had sidled up to them. He seemed as entranced by the costumed pair as Cruella was.

  Neal clasped his shoulder. “You guys have fun. Especially since you both have tomorrow off.” Neal winked. “Take advantage.”

  Ray gave him a lopsided grin. “Oh, I plan on it.”

  After saying their goodbyes, with both Cruella and Ray assuring L
iam they were having the most amazing date ever, they headed up the street, arms encircling each other’s waists as they discussed which club would be the best to hit. They debated between two worthy contenders, then decided on Rage. The place had a great dance floor, a balcony, was very popular and bound to have the best DJ in honor of the holiday celebration.

  A small line had gathered at the entrance, but it was still early enough with most of the revelers out on the boulevard that Ray was sure it wouldn’t take long to get inside. He wrapped Cruella in his arms and they embraced him back. They leaned their heads together as they watched the parade of people strolling by, waiting in comfortable silence to make it to the front of the queue.

  When it was finally their turn, they showed their IDs, paid the cover charge then made their way into the main section of the club. The place was packed, a multitude of people on the dance floor crushed together as they jumped and writhed to the pounding beats. Above them a large disco ball twirled, bathing the ceiling and sparkling walls with a constant array of glittering points of light.

  An homage to the holiday had been added with an enormous spiderweb comprised of thick, knotted ropes hanging like a hammock from the ceiling, with a collection of gigantic, furry spiders making it their home. Even one of the go-go dancer platforms had been sacrificed to house a giant glowing skull. Every bartender boasted an elaborately painted face mask, with the devil and Day of the Dead skulls being the most popular.

  Ray kept hold of Cruella’s hand as they were both repeatedly bumped into and pushed past by the enthusiastic group of people moving through the club. “Hey, you wanna see if we can find a spot at the bar? There’s no hope of getting a table tonight.”

  “Lead the way, hon.”

  They hovered around one side of the large, square bar that ran adjacent to the dance floor, waiting to make their move as soon as a space opened up. A guy slid off his bar stool and headed toward the restrooms. Ray moved like lightning and grabbed the seat. He opened his legs so Cruella could stand between them and get out of the aisle of continuously moving humanity.


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