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Kink Aware (Kiss of Leather Book 9)

Page 11

by Morticia Knight

  He spoke next to their ear. “I’ll get our drinks then you take the chair so you can get off your feet.”

  Instead of saying anything in response, Cruella kissed him, the exchange languid and sensual. They continued to make out with the trance music thumping all around them, the excited cheers and laughter of their fellow patrons enveloping them, the energy of the night making him feel more alive than he’d ever been.

  When they finally came up for air, he couldn’t stop touching Cruella. He ran his fingers through their hair, up and down their slender, tight frame and over the fullness of their ass. Cruella gazed at him through hooded eyes, their long lashes fluttering as they stole more soft kisses from him.

  “What can I get you to drink, angel?”

  Ray couldn’t keep his hands still even while asking what they wanted. He brushed his thumbs over their nipples that tightened beneath the thin fabric of the dress and Cruella’s rigid length bumped his inner thigh.

  “A dirty vodka martini, up.”

  “Any particular vodka?”

  “Grey Goose or Stoli is fine, baby. Thank you.”

  Ray pressed another quick kiss to their lips, then angled his body around to get a bartender’s attention. He conveyed Cruella’s order along with his Jack and Coke, and two bottles of water. Then he returned his attention to his amazing date.

  Cruella used a couple of dampened cocktail napkins to wipe the sweat off their brow and what was pouring down their neck. They were on their third martini, and they hadn’t been paying close attention, but Ray seemed to be on his fourth Jack and Coke. However, the dance floor was what had done them in more than anything. They’d lost track of how long they’d been out there, grinding against each other within the circle of each other’s arms, staying fused together as they writhed and swayed to the never-ending music. Halfway into an extended mix of You Spin Me Round, they hadn’t been able to take it any longer.

  Cruella sat perched on a bar stool as they waited for Ray to return from the restroom, wiggling their toes that were getting number as the night wore on. They checked the black satin drawstring bag that held their phone, makeup and ID. Eleven o’clock. Damn. They hadn’t realized how late it was already. Not that they hadn’t been having a blast, but they’d also hoped to save a bit of energy for blow jobs when they got back to Ray’s place.

  They spotted Ray approaching and broke into a smile. Ray grinned in response and stepped right into the vee of Cruella’s legs once he reached the bar. They fell back into a grope-fest, kissing and feeling each other up, much as it had been ever since they’d arrived.

  At this rate, we won’t be waiting until we get to Ray’s for those blow jobs.

  Ray interrupted the kiss to reach over them so he could grab his drink from the bar surface.

  Cruella opened their eyes and gasped. Tucker. “Fuck.”

  Cruella tensed in Ray’s arms as Tucker glared at them from where he stood on the edge of the dance floor, not more than a dozen feet away. Ray straightened, his brow creased as he considered Cruella.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I can’t believe he’s here. In a fucking gay bar of all places.”

  Ray’s frown deepened. “Who’s here?” He glanced over his shoulder then back at Cruella. “That guy staring at us?” Ray’s jaw slackened as the light of understanding crossed his features. “It’s him, isn’t it? Your fuckwad of an ex!”

  Ray twisted his body in an attempt to turn around and face Tucker, but Cruella clutched Ray’s biceps to stop him.

  “Don’t do anything, Ray. He doesn’t matter. I shouldn’t have said anything, but he surprised me.” Cruella snorted. “Tucker the homophobe in a gay dance club. Who knew?”

  A growl of frustration came out of Ray, his hands balling into fists with a sneer building on his face. Cruella doubted the combination of anger and liquor was helping matters. They darted their gaze to Tucker and noted he was scowling and making fists as well.

  Cruella rolled their eyes. Men.

  “Baby, why don’t we go? I was getting tired anyway.”

  Before Cruella could take a breath, Ray had lifted them off the bar stool by their waist then turned them around until their back was to Tucker before depositing them on the floor. With their positions reversed, Ray was now facing Tucker and undoubtedly trading glares with the little asshole.

  “There.” Ray narrowed his eyes as he threw more shade over Cruella’s shoulder. “Now you don’t have to look at him.”

  Cruella let out a heavy sigh as their pleasant buzz finished evaporating entirely. “This is ridiculous, Ray. And I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t manhandle me like that ever again. Not cool.”

  Something they said must have reached Ray because he seemed to snap out of his anger-fueled trance and regarded Cruella with wide eyes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. I was only trying to make it easier for you, to…” Ray bit his lip as if he’d just realized his flawed reasoning. “I don’t know. I was trying to protect you.”

  Cruella grasped his chin and locked on his eyes. “Baby? That’s very sweet of you, and if I was being physically attacked or about to be harmed in another way, a knee-jerk reaction is sometimes what’s called for. But we’re in a public space and no matter how much I can’t stand the dick, there’s no law against staring. I got away from him on my own and I don’t need you stepping in and trying to fix this for me when there’s nothing left to fix.”

  Cruella let go of Ray’s chin. His expression had fallen, and Cruella wanted to kiss him better. But not in front of Tucker.

  “Come on, baby. I meant it when I said I was tired. This has been the best night ever, but I’d rather spend the rest of it alone with you, okay?”

  Ray gave a small nod. “Whatever you want. I really am sorry. I know you can handle yourself. I guess I was caught off-guard too. But I won’t ever grab you like that again, I promise.”

  Cruella gave him a smile in reassurance. “Thank you, I accept your apology.” Cruella toyed with Ray’s shirt, searching for patches of skin through the tears in his costume. They nipped Ray’s bottom lip. “Perhaps I should give you a spanking when we get to your place, hmm? You’ve been such a naughty, naughty boy.”

  Ray let out a strangled whimper. “Jesus. Yeah, let’s go.”

  As Ray turned to take a last gulp of his drink and toss a tip onto the bar, Cruella stole a quick glance over their shoulder.

  Tucker was nowhere to be seen.

  Chapter Eleven

  Cruella tried not to fidget, wiggling in their chair and alternately fussing with the collar and sleeves of their silver satin button-up. They glanced around the main room of Kiss of Leather as other attendees of the shibari class graduation celebration arrived. The only other time they’d been in the regular club instead of downstairs, where the classes were held, had been during the tour.

  Wish I had the money for a membership.

  Even though they’d concluded that attending a fancy club wasn’t mandatory to exploring a Dom/sub relationship with Ray, the club had grown on them. The people, the quality of the facilities, the atmosphere—it would make them feel so much better about taking on the role of a Dominant, since Ray was also a newbie.

  Ray clasped hands with them under the table. “Look. There’s Neal and Liam.” Ray squeezed their fingers. “Is that your friend Tai? I can’t tell from here.”

  Tai had dropped in at Rogue one day to give them some new lip matte samples and Ray had been introduced then. “It is.” Cruella waved. “His sub is overseeing the special appetizers for tonight in the kitchen, so Tai isn’t sure when he can join us.” As soon as Tai spotted them, he broke into a toothy grin and waved back.

  I can’t believe he isn’t still modeling.

  Cruella had wondered why Tai didn’t just model his own cosmetics, since he had the experience and was so fucking gorgeous, but Tai had apparently decided he wanted to remain behind the scenes.

  God, I hope he hires me in the New Year. They bit thei
r lip, mentally calculating how much extra they’d need to bring in to afford the Kiss of Leather dues and things like rope and toys. Some leather gear would be a must have, too.

  As Tai drew closer, on the heels of Neal and Liam, Cruella noted that Master Lucas was with them as well. Don’t get all worked up. They weren’t performing for the graduation, just receiving a certificate onstage from Taro with the other candidates, but something about Master Lucas made them nervous. Master Lucas was a co-owner of Tai’s cosmetics company, and Cruella always felt as if they were under the close scrutiny of the intense Dom.

  “Hey, sugar!” Tai leaned down and gave them a hug before turning their attention to Ray. “Great to see you again, big fella. Is this seat taken?” Tai indicated the empty one next to them.

  “No, have at it.” Cruella glanced at Master Lucas, who was chatting with Neal while Liam sat on the chair next to Ray. “Should we save one for Elliot?”

  Tai shook his head. “Nah. He can sit on mine or Lucas’ lap.” Tai winked. “We’ve been showering him with extra affection lately.”

  Cruella didn’t know Tai well enough to be nosy, but Elliot had once made a remark in passing that had struck them as self-denigrating. “He’s really sweet. I can see why you’d both want to.”

  Tai leaned in closer. “Do you wanna grab some coffee sometime this week? Not our usual makeup report exchange, but get to know each other better?”

  Wow. “I’d love that. I have Thursday and Saturday off this week.”

  “Saturday morning would be perfect.”

  They made plans on when and where they would meet up, and by that time, everyone in their group except Elliot had sat at their table. Cruella glanced around the bustling room. Servers were bringing the appetizer trays around and taking drink orders. The Sunday afternoon gathering was taking place before the club opened for business, and some of his classmates had brought their friends along for the celebration as well. Then, after everyone was settled, Taro would be doing a demo with his rope bottoms that would feature suspension.

  Tai had been leaning over them to talk to Liam, and Cruella noted how comfortable Liam seemed to be with the vivacious Tai. Neal was continuing whatever conversation he’d begun with Master Lucas and the easy camaraderie between everyone made them long more than ever to have the good fortune to be a part of Kiss of Leather.

  I can at least take the intermediate shibari class until I can figure something out. Taro wouldn’t be starting any new classes up until early January, so they could probably save up the fee by then.

  Liam appeared to have reached his sensory overload capacity for the moment, and had laid his head against Neal and closed his eyes. Neal continued his conversation, but kept one arm wrapped around his sub. Ray still held their hand as he gazed around the room, clearly taking the opportunity to absorb in detail the décor of the lavish club.

  Tai regarded them again, keeping his voice low. “Not that it’s any of my business, honey, but is he going to sub for you outside of the shibari class? I assume you’re a couple?”

  Cruella whispered in Tai’s ear, “We are now. And yeah, we want to. Still trying to figure it all out, though. We’re both pretty new at this.”

  “Well, he’s quite a hunk of man meat, so go you.”

  Cruella snorted out a laugh. “I’ve been drooling over him for a while.”

  Tai arched his eyebrows. “I bet! Listen, I know how it is to have people make assumptions based on how I appear. Everyone gets this ‘that’s a bratty bottom sub’ vibe from me and, honey, fuck that shit. So, if you want to ask any questions about Topping, then feel free. I can’t train, by any means, but advice I can handle.” Tai elbowed them. “Lots of great trainers here, though. You couldn’t go wrong by getting involved with Kiss of Leather.”

  I wish. Cruella forced a smile, trying not to let the disappointment of not being able to jump in and sign up for a membership show.

  “I’ve been thinking about it. Maybe after the holidays and everything.”

  Tai grinned. “Well, things are looking real good for Breathless Cosmetics to be up and running by Valentine’s Day, so we’ll need to get some photos for the website done soon.”

  Tai winked again, and Cruella didn’t dare pry any further. They didn’t want to jinx it. Maybe I’ll bring it up on Saturday.

  Taro entered the room from the other side of the bar, with three subs in tow, their heads bowed and hands clasped behind their backs. Cruella straightened and the light scrape of chair legs sounded as people angled themselves to get a better view. All three of the rope bottoms were ones Taro had worked with in class, but never all at once. Taro had given them all a heads-up on what to expect at the ceremony. After tying then suspending each subject, he would personally bring each student up on stage to receive their beginner’s certificate.

  The paper was more of an acknowledgment of completing the class than anything else, but it had become important to Cruella. Whereas they’d originally signed up for the class out of curiosity and love of the artistic aspects, the act of binding their partner had since taken on a more significant meaning. The certificate stated they weren’t goofing around, that they respected the skill that went into the discipline.

  Right as Taro was directing his subs into position, Elliot emerged from a door near the bar that Cruella assumed led to the kitchen. He traveled the periphery of the room until he reached their table, then made his way to Tai and Lucas. Without uttering a word and with his eyes still trained on the stage, Master Lucas opened his arms and Elliot moved into them as he climbed onto his lap.

  The moment Cruella felt as if they were staring, they tore their gaze away. But something about the interaction struck them, made them ache for something they’d never had. They stole another glance and were met with a breathtaking scene which was so simple, yet powerful. Elliot was curled in Master Lucas’ embrace, his expression one of peace as Tai stroked Elliot’s thigh while leaning against Lucas.

  They looked away again, wondering why the exchange between the men had affected them so much. Tai seemed to hold his own with the intimidating Master Lucas in caring for Elliot. I can care for Ray too. They hadn’t considered all that might go into dominating Ray, but while they weren’t trying to live out a power exchange in the same way Neal and Liam were, they could still add some care into the equation. It didn’t have to all be about control.

  I want that strong a connection with someone.

  Taro had begun welcoming everyone and announcing what they could expect over the course of the next couple hours. As he fell into a narration on the history of shibari and kinbaku, Cruella’s mind drifted. They took Ray’s hand back into their own and laced their fingers together. Ray offered them a smile and rested their joined hands on his lap. An image of Ray after he’d been released from their ropes came to them, how much he’d needed their emotional support and comfort.

  So trusting.

  Cruella went back to watching and half-listening to Taro. Soon. They would have a discussion with Ray soon about Kiss of Leather. Maybe it could be a goal for them that by summer they’d be ready to purchase memberships. Cruella swallowed hard and pretended that it was no big deal that they were thinking about a future with Ray.

  As my sub.

  Tai came sauntering across the patio of the bistro and Cruella waved to get his attention. Tai waved back and moved toward them with the grace of a panther. They’d been a bit in awe of the stunning ex-model ever since Elliot had first taken them to meet Tai at their downtown business.

  “Hey, sugar. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.” He artfully lowered himself onto one of the wrought-iron chairs with as much finesse as if he’d been shooting a designer brand commercial. “Don’t tell Lucas. He about soaks his drawers every time I’m late.”

  Cruella let out a laugh. “We wouldn’t want that. It’s our secret, I promise.”

  Tai made an exaggerated sigh of relief. “Thank you, Jesus. I’m saved!” He seemed to finally absorb his surr
oundings. “Oh no! You didn’t wait for me to order, did you?”

  “That’s all right.” Cruella hadn’t wanted to seem rude. “I got some water with lemon.”

  Tai narrowed his eyes at them. “Can we have a heart to heart, sugar?”

  Cruella wrapped their fingers around the cool glass of water and crossed their legs. “Sure.” They wanted to get to know Tai better, but they hoped like hell he wasn’t about to tell them they just weren’t right to represent the company in a fashion shoot.

  “Let me put in our order first. What are you getting?”

  “I was just going to have some green tea.”

  Tai pursed their lips. “The chocolate croissants will taste nasty with green tea.”

  Cruella hadn’t had a pastry, let alone chocolate, in so long they couldn’t imagine what it would taste like with or without the green tea. “You go ahead. I’m not really hungry right now.”


  Tai got the server’s attention then ordered the tea, a vanilla latte and two chocolate croissants. Cruella didn’t comment.

  “Well.” Tai folded their hands then leaned forward, placing them on the table. “I tend to be blunt, so bear with me. But let’s start off with something that’s had me curious ever since Elliot first told me about you.”

  “Sure, hon. What do you want to know?” They genuinely liked Tai, and could use a few friends, since Tucker had chased away so many of their old ones.

  “Where did you get the name Cruella from?”

  Cruella chuckled. They’d been asked that enough times over the years. “When I was around twelve, right when I went into middle school, I adopted a very goth look. I was honestly scared to be at a new school. My older brother, an asshole, had already paved the way by telling everyone he could in his grade that I was nothing but a little pussy queer. I decided that I needed to reinvent myself, come across tough.” They sighed. “It worked to a degree. The new kids there didn’t know any better, and I could use my persona as a way to avoid social interaction. No way would my voice ever come off tough. But my decision to dye my hair black then bleach the front white made everyone start calling me Cruella.”


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