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A Chance On Love (A World Apart Book 1)

Page 6

by Laura B. Martinez

  “I heard the prodigal son had returned. Where the hell is that Figlio di puttana?” Vincenzo, my cousin, hollers.

  “Over here, man.” I chuckle as I see my aunt Agatha, his mom, slap his arm for calling me ‘son of a bitch’ in Italian.

  Vincenzo and I are very close, being the oldest sons and being born in the same month, always made us experience everything together. Marco, the ‘oops’ as we called him, is his younger brother.

  Did I mention he’s also single? Yeah, that has also helped create a strong bond between us throughout the years.

  “Look at you man, you look like shit.” He hugs me and slaps me at my back.

  “Well, aren’t you a ray of sunshine?” I joke.

  “Fine, you look like a walking spray tan commercial.”

  “Says the Calvin Klein model.” I snort.

  Vincenzo is an underwear model, with a billboard or two in Times Square, his job has taken him all over the world. It’s one of the reasons why we don’t see each other much. That and the fact I moved to L.A.

  He pulls up his shirt and makes a pelvic dance ala ‘Magic Mike’ style while saying. “All natural baby.” I’ve missed the bastard.

  He gestures for me to follow him. “Let’s grab a beer before we eat.”

  With our beers in hand we go to the quietest corner we can find so we can catch up on whatever news we have since we last spoke.

  “So,” Vincenzo leans against the wall, “I thought you weren’t gonna come, it’s been awhile since you decided to grace us with your presence.”

  His sarcastic tone is not lost to me. “Well, I’ve been really busy and traveling hasn’t been an option.” Taking a pull of my beer I continue, “Not until now. I couldn’t miss Nonna’s birthday party.”

  “Folks in L.A. are treating you okay?”

  “Same ol’, same ol’.”

  I know what he’s asking but I don’t feel like talking about my problems, so I quickly change topics.

  “What about you? Have you been running into trouble with the ladies?”

  Vin chuckles, “You know me, I’m always getting into some sorta problem, brother. And you? Have you found a hot little aspiring actress to sink your teeth into?”

  “Nah, you know that’s not my type.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” he takes his hand to his chest, “I didn’t know you had a pussy instead of a dick,” he mocks.

  We both laugh it out but deep inside, my caveman primal instinct has me spilling out the words I know I shouldn’t.

  “I actually met someone.”

  His brow raises. “Is that so? Did you bring her? Is she here?”

  “No, I... Shit.”

  “No, shit, what? C’mon man, spill it.”

  I’m about to rip off the band aid and be done with it, when my sister approaches us.

  “Spill what?” Gabs asks as she steps besides us.

  “Heeey, look at you lil’ G.” Vin scoops her up and spins her in his arms. “Have I told you, you’re my favourite cousin?”

  Gabs squeals. “All the time, now put me down.”

  I laugh because I can’t remember a time when Vin didn’t treat her as a little baby girl. I think in his mind, she’s still the little five-year-old that told him she was going to marry him one day.

  “What were you talking about? Internet girl?”

  “Internet girl?” Vin looks at me with a questioning look.

  “Christ, thanks Gabs.”

  “Well, I want to know all about her,” she protests.

  “Yeah,” Vin wraps an arm around her shoulders. “We, want to know.”

  I sigh and tell them all about how I met Kaitlyn, and how she’s become so important to me in such a short span of time. It’s weird, but I always find myself looking forward to our conversations or reading her messages, even when our timing doesn’t match and we just reply to each other whenever we can. What’s even weirder is that I don’t feel uncomfortable baring my soul to the two pairs of widened eyes in front of me.

  “She makes me feel great, like I haven’t felt in a long time and there’s nothing you can say that will make me feel like shit about it.” I finish. Proudly speaking my mind.

  “Well, shit,” Vin mutters and Gabs cringes.


  “I think you might think differently in about ten seconds.” He gestures for me to turn and when I do, air leaves me in a whoosh as I see Peyton walking towards us.

  “Hi Peyton.” Gabs launches forward and greets her as if trying to stop her from getting anywhere near me. But I know her effort is in vain.

  “Hi, Gabriella. It’s so good to see you.” She hugs her back.

  As their hug ends, her eyes lock with mine and she smiles. “It’s so good to see you too, Leo.”

  Without saying a word, I nod letting her know I heard her.

  “Am I invisible or some shit?” Vin says loud enough to startle her. He dislikes her almost as much as I do.

  “Hi, Vincenzo. I see you haven’t changed much.” Peyton says with a small smile.

  He mutters something under his breath and then slaps my shoulder. “Let’s go grab some food man, I’m starving.”

  I’m about to kiss the floor he’s standing on for giving me an out without causing a scene, when Peyton grabs my arm.

  “Actually,” she squeezes making me look at her. “Can I have a word with you?”

  I want to say no, she had every chance to talk to me for the whole six months I spent trying to work things out with her. But she decided to cut all ties with me and didn’t bother to look back. Fuck no, I don’t need this shit, but as I look around, I know we’ll cause a scene if I refuse and tell her how I really feel. That's why I stand still and glance at Vin who, to my surprise, just nods and says. “I’ll get a plate ready for you.”

  Gabs and Vin leave quietly and Peyton moves until she’s standing in front of me. She hasn’t changed, she’s still a gorgeous woman. She’s even more striking with her fuck me heels and a short black dress; her blonde hair falling in soft waves around her shoulders is longer than the last time I saw her. Yeah, now you get why I don’t like blondes?

  But her looks don’t do anything to my cock. Women often say that guys think with our dicks instead of our brains, that’s true, but there are some rare occasions when looks don’t do anything for us, especially if what’s inside the wrapper is as rotten as Peyton’s heart.

  “I see L.A. suits you. You really look great, Leo.” She smiles and I lose it.

  “Cut the crap, Peyton. Was this all you wanted to say?”

  Her smile disappears and she straightens her back. “No, that’s not it. I just thought we could talk about us. I thought we could be friends again.”

  “What do you really want, Peyton? Because I ain’t buyin this shit. I tried to talk to you, to end things on good terms and you just disposed me like a piece of trash.”

  “It’s been two years…”

  I cut her off. “So, that fucking makes it okay? The hell it does. So, you better tell me what the fuck you want now before I lose my shit and ruin my Nonna’s birthday, which by the way, you had no right coming to.”

  “Your family still likes me Leo, that’s not my fault. We’re still close.”

  “That’s because I never told them what you did, Peyton.” Her eyes widen at my confession and she bites her bottom lip.

  “I guess I knew that. You were always a gentleman.”

  “Then speak before I show you how much less of a gentleman I am now.”

  She goes silent for a moment and I can see I’ve startled her. She’s right, when we were together, I always treated her like a queen, like the most precious thing I had in this world, after all, she was going to be my wife.

  “I’ve met someone.” When she sees I don’t react at her words she continues. “I’m going to marry him, but he’s just starting his own business and right now, all his money is invested in his company.”

  “And this concerns me, why?”

sp; “Well, my apartment...our old apartment. You never really signed it over to me like you said you would, and I’d like to get that sorted so we can live there after our wedding, only until his business picks up.”

  I laugh. “I’m assuming you already have the papers ready.”

  She nods. “I didn’t bring them, I thought we could go grab a coffee and then...”

  “Don’t bother, you can send them over here, I’ll even pay for the delivery.”

  “You’ll sign them?” she seems surprised. Oh, the irony.

  “Yeah, you want the apartment? It’s yours. Like you said, L.A. has been good to me and my business is doing great. Consider this as my wedding gift to you, and please, don’t bother sending me or anyone in my family an invitation to your wedding.”

  “Leo, I…” I wait. When I realize she doesn’t have anything else to say, I put an end to this awful conversation.

  “It was good seeing you Peyton, I really hope you’ve finally found what you were looking for. You’re welcome to stay and enjoy the party. But please, stay the fuck away from me.”

  Without another word, I leave her standing there. As I move toward the buffet area, Vin gestures for me to go over to the table where him, Marco and Gabs are eating. I signal for them to wait. I make a beeline towards the hallway, and I stop near the lobby, away from the noise.

  I get my phone out of my pocket and check to see if I have any texts from Chrissy. A pang of desperation hits me, and I log into my Facebook account. Kaitlyn isn’t online and I have a sudden urge to ask where she is, who she’s with. It’s irrational, I know. She’s not Peyton, but still, I want to talk to her, I want her to know I’m thinking about her. Pull it together man.

  I breathe once, twice, and soon enough I feel a little bit calmer. I type her a message, wishing I could make time move faster and be back home already.

  Leo: I can’t wait to get back home and have you all to myself again. I want another date and this time you’ll be telling me everything that you’ve been thinking about me. No more holding back.

  Chapter 9


  My heart races as I re-read the message I received from Leo yesterday. He wants to know what I’ve been thinking about? Hmm, that may be a bit of an embarrassing conversation, considering he is all I’ve thought about. I can’t get the bloke out of my mind, I’ve burnt three meals so far, and god knows how but I managed to burn water. I feel like a schoolgirl with a crush. It’s ridiculous, but can I stop myself acting like a fool? Nope.

  Putting away my phone, I finish getting ready for my dreaded monthly meeting with my boss. I don't see the point in dragging myself all the way into town to be asked how work is going. This could all be done on the phone, and I wouldn't have to worry about running into he who is not worth being named.

  Once is enough, I don’t want to see them all loved up. It’s not that I want the cretin back, they destroyed my world. I don’t even have my sad excuse for a family anymore. Not that it’s a great loss, but I have no one and it’s a lonely life.

  I look at myself in the full-length mirror, in my office attire I look nothing like the sloppy nerd I usually am. I get on my hands and knees and search for my black three inch heels, I know I kicked them under here after the last meeting. I don’t do heels, give me a pair of flats, boots or Nike Cortez’s anyday.

  “Aha, gotcha,” I shout retrieving the dusty shoe. Brushing off the dust I slip them on and stand; straightening my grey pencil skirt and shirt. I look very business-like but I feel like an imposter, I hate that it’s more about the upholstery and less about what’s under the bonnet.

  Blowing out a breath, I smooth my hair back hoping it stays neat, but the odds of that are low since my hair has a mind of its own.

  On the drive there, in my trusty flats I give myself a pep talk while taking deep breathes.

  “You can do this. It’s just fifteen minutes.” I shouldn’t be nervous, Sean assured me he wasn’t there today.

  I have no idea how two people that are so closely related can be so different. Sean is Shane’s older brother. He is kind, caring and lovable. If I didn’t love him like a brother I might have fallen in love with him myself. A pang of sadness hits me as I remember how close we were, I chose to cut all ties when Brianna and Shane…Well, after the shit storm happened. I was out on my arse, no home, no job. Sean pulled some strings and got me a job at their dad’s magazine, but Shane being the tosser he is he also had a hand in it and got me writing soppy shite. I refused to let him get a rise out of me, so I bit my tongue and got on with it. I release all my dark and evil thoughts towards him in my book, he is the character that is gonna die a slow and painful death.

  A laugh leaves me as I pull up outside the grungy old building. It could do with some remodelling, but that won’t happen until Sean takes over. His dad hates spending money when it isn’t necessary, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” I roll my eyes hearing his favorite saying in my head. He won’t even go digital, he could be making a fortune but the old fool is too stuck in his ways.

  Changing shoes, I get out of my car and straighten my back, confidence is key here. In this place, there is no such thing as family and friends, they’re all vultures. Sean being the only exception, he is way too sweet for this place.

  I walk in and see Sherry filing her nail and chewing noisily at the reception desk. What a great welcome.

  I stand there for a minute waiting for her to notice me, when she doesn’t I clear my throat.

  She jumps up, dropping her nail file. “Oh, it’s just you. You know the way,” she snaps going back to grinding her fake nails down.

  “Nice way to greet people, Sherry. I’ll be sure to let Sean know what a bang up job you’re doing,” I say and walk away without another word.

  As I walk by people, they stop, stare and immediately start whispering like I’m feckin’ deaf. I hear Brooke’s voice in my head, telling me to flip them off and I laugh, I miss my girl. We haven’t spoken much and I still haven’t gotten the dirt on her date.

  “Kaitlyn O’Roarke, is that really you?” I smile as I turn toward the loud voice.

  “The one and only,” I say as I take him in. It may have been a while since we’ve seen each other but he’s still a handsome devil, at five eleven he isn’t the tallest man I know but it takes nothing away from his imposing figure. He is built like a brick shithouse, his suit jacket barely contains his guns. He would be scary if his eyes weren’t the kindest I have ever seen, those pale green irises are assessing me with the love of a friend, brother even. His presence puts my nerves at ease and I walk into his arms when he opens them. When they close around me I feel safe, homesick; I miss this. Why did I let him take away the only person that loved me more than my own family?

  “I’ve missed you, love,” he says into my hair not caring about the employees whispering around us.

  “I’ve missed you too. How are you? Hasn’t a nice lass snapped you up yet?”

  “What? When would I have time to meet a lass? When I’m constantly picking up after that eejit you were smart enough to kick to the curb.”

  “It’s a wonder he even bothers coming to work,” I reply pulling back. “So, who is asking my three questions?”

  He laughs loudly and slings his arm around my neck, leading me down the corridor. “Well, that would be me. Is that okay with you, love?”

  “Thank god,” I breathe wrapping an arm around his waist.

  When we reach his office, he opens the door for me and asks if I’d like a drink. I refuse, I’m jumpy enough without any more caffeine. We sit closely on the leather sofa, I kick off the damn heels and sigh. Laughing he opens his jacket, I suspect he does it to stop the button from popping.

  “So, how is life treating ya, love?” He asks turning towards me his arm across the back of the seat.

  “It’s good, I can’t complain,” I say with a shrug. What else do I tell him? That I’m lonely? Homesick for the people who hurt me the most?

sp; “You still writing ya book?”

  “Yeah, horror. Guess who is the character that will die.”

  “Hmm, that is a hard one…How about Brianna?” He says tapping his chin. “Wait, no. It has to be our Shane.” He laughs.

  “Got it in one, I’m exorcising my demons.” Nodding he looks at me closely.

  “There’s more…Something has changed.”

  “I, well. I may have met someone,” I whisper brushing imaginary fluff off my skirt.

  “Really? Who is he? He must be a good ‘un since you swore off lads after our Shane.”

  “He er, he’s nice. It’s new, we actually met over Facebook.”

  “Facebook? Oh Christ, please tell me you haven’t done anything stupid like given him your number or address?”

  “No, but we have been talking and I like him Sean, he’s gorgeous.”

  “Are you sure that is even his picture? Have you seen him in person? On video at least?”

  “No, not yet but we will video chat soon, I hope. I know it’s risky but I know he is genuine.”

  “You thought my brother was genuine until he shagged your sister,” he snaps jumping up from his seat and starts pacing the room.

  “That was a feckin’ low blow. If you’re gonna be a knob I’m gonna go,” I say slipping my feet back into my shoes and standing.

  “No, wait. I’m sorry that was out of line and I didn’t mean it. It’s just you don’t know this lad he may be a serial killer or a rapist. Maybe I should check him out. What’s his name?”

  “Sean. I am not giving you his name. I know they pulled the wool over my eyes but I learned my lesson and I think I can judge a man myself,” I snap scowling at him as he steps forward standing over me his face unreadable. He seems angry, but the look in his eyes scares me more than his imposing presence.

  “Sean…” I take a step back, my nerves firing again. His face softens and he sits back down. The anger dissipates leaving an awkward silence behind, what I saw can’t be unseen. Now I understand why he didn’t put up a fight when I cut ties, I never understood why he never fought me on it since we were so close. I get it now, and I feel weird and awkward being alone with him.


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