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A Chance On Love (A World Apart Book 1)

Page 9

by Laura B. Martinez

  Tink instantly blushes. Yeah, he’s the reason they’re all blushing.

  “Seriously man?” I scowl. Of course, neither of them pay me any attention.

  “Tanya,” Tink answers, her voice barely a whisper.

  “Sweet Tanya, I’m Vin.” And then the fucker kisses her hand.

  “Tink, this is Vincenzo, my cousin.” I add already annoyed.

  “The hot one,” he winks at her before adding. “Wait, Tink? As in Tinkerbell?”

  “Yes,” I answer. “I chose the nickname because I think…”

  “Nickname? She doesn’t need no nickname,” he cuts me off. “Tanya, your name is almost as hot as you are,” he says in a seductive tone.

  “I see charm runs in the family.” Tink giggles.

  I shake my head and point to the plates. “C’mon let’s eat before it gets cold.”

  After finishing our meal I offer Tink a ride home, it’s late and I don’t feel comfortable sending her home in an Uber after all she did for me tonight. Vin tags along. He helped me a fuck ton too so the least I can do is offer him one of my guest rooms for the night since he’s catching a midday flight to Vegas tomorrow.

  Once we drop Tink off at her place, and after I talk her into accepting my job offer so she doesn’t need to work two jobs anymore, I make my way home with Vin singing his ear off at my side.

  “Don’t want to clooooose my eyes. I don’t want to faaaaall asleeep, ‘cause I’d miss you baby and I don’t want to miss a thiiiiing.”

  He might have the looks but he definitely doesn’t have the voice. Have you heard dogs howling whenever they hear a siren? Yeah, that’s what I’m hearing right now.

  I expect to find a mess and a battle going on at my house, but when I enter, everything is so quiet that for a moment I worry that Chrissy might’ve murdered muffin. Or vice versa.

  What I see as I enter my living room has me stopping in my tracks. I quickly take out my phone and snap a photo of a sleeping Chrissy on my couch, cuddling Muffin. I smile not because of how sweet they look, but because now I have evidence that she secretly loves Muffin and she won’t be able to deny it.

  As Vin makes his way inside the entryway carrying a duffle bag, I signal for him to be silent and to make his way to the guest room at the end of the hallway, while I go and grab two bottles of water from the fridge.

  “Here you go man,” I say as I toss the bottle of water toward Vin.

  He catches it and plops over the bed. “Thanks. What a night, huh? It reminded me of when we were younger and were forced to help around your folks’ restaurant.”

  “Yeah, I remember we hated having to work there. Lorenzo was the only one who enjoyed it.”

  We were both silent lost in thoughts of our teenage years.

  “So, what’s new? Internet girl still around?” Vin asks, pulling me away from my memories.

  “Yeah,” I smile. “We talk every chance we get.”

  Vin takes a sip of his water before asking. “When are you guys meeting in person?”

  “It’s funny you mention that, we were talking about meeting the other day. I might have promised her we would someday,” I sigh. “I probably shouldn’t have done that.”

  “Why the fuck not?” Vin frowns. “She married or something?”

  “Fuck no,” I snap. “I would never mess with a married woman, you know that.”

  “Then what the fuck is the problem?”

  “She lives in Ireland, man.”

  “So?” Vin asks nonchalantly.

  “Did you hear what I just said? She. Lives. In. Ireland.” I slowly enunciate each word.

  “I’m not fucking dumb, asshole, I heard you. And I still don’t see the fucking problem.”

  “I can’t leave everything and travel all over the world to meet her.” The moment I say the words I feel an ache in my chest when realization hits me. If I could, I would travel all over the world just to meet her.

  “The fuck you can,” Vin points at me. “You have feelings for this girl, I can tell.”

  “You saw how things can get tonight. The restaurant is a handful, I have responsibilities, big ones. I…I just can’t.” I run a hand through my hair. “I shouldn’t have said I wished I was there on Valentine’s day to be with her.”

  There are a lot of things I shouldn’t have said to Kaitlyn and a fuck a lot more I should say to her. But I can’t. Not yet anyway.

  Vin stares at me and sits up straight. “The way I see it, you’re just making excuses.” His tone grows serious as he says. “If she’s important to you, you’ll find a way, if not, you’ll find an excuse.”

  I snort. “Did you get that out of a Hallmark card?”

  “Close, a Hallmark movie.” We both laugh.

  “But seriously man, I think you should do this. Better an oops than a what if.”

  “Christ, don’t turn all philosophical on me right now. Besides,” I sigh. “I’m too tired to point out every reason why I just can’t go, no matter how bad I want to.”

  “Then sit back and relax brother, because I already know what you’re going to say and I have a solution for everything.”

  “Oh yeah? Let’s hear it.” I dare him.

  Holding up his index finger, he starts. “You worry about the money? I have enough flight miles to last me a lifetime, take them. You can even fly first class, motherfucker.”

  “It’s…” I attempt to speak but he waves me off.

  Raising his middle finger, he continues. “You’re worried about the restaurant? My schedule is clear after Vegas so I can come back here and help you with whatever you need, I might not have a restaurant like you DeLucas but I know my way around, and what needs to be done on daily bases thanks to our folks. “And,” he wiggles his eyebrows. “I’ll get to know Tanya a little more.”

  “Don’t you even think about it.” I deadpan. “She’s off limits. She’s been through enough.”

  “I was joking. God, lighten the fuck up.”

  “Just making sure.” I add.

  I’m about to tell him that he’s missing the most important thing. The very first thing on each and every one of my lists when we both get startled. Not by Chrissy’s voice, but because of what she says. “And I’ll help with everything else.”

  “Ah, there, you see? Everything’s taken care of now,” Vin grins at me.

  I turn to look at Chrissy who’s rubbing the sleep off her eyes. “How long have you been listening?”

  She yawns. “Long enough.”

  Shaking my head, I tell them. “Thank you guys, but I…”

  “You,” Chrissy points at me. “Are going.”

  Vin chuckles and I scowl at him. He holds his hands up in surrender.

  Chrissy enters the room and approaches me. “Next month is going to be tough, Leo. We both know it.”

  I don’t say anything because she’s right, because I don’t want to think of what’s coming, not right now.

  “You’re a good guy, you work hard.” My eyes meet hers as she says. “You deserve a little break, and you might not get another one for a while. If this girl is important to you, now’s your chance.”

  “Have I ever told you I’ve always liked you kid?” Vin says.

  Chrissy rolls her eyes. “I’m not a kid.”

  “No,” I smile at her. “Not anymore.”

  She smiles back, “So, are you going?”

  I turn to look at Vin while trying to pull off the most serious expression I can conjure. Inside I’m fucking elated. “I hope you meant what you said because I’m flying first class, motherfucker.”

  Vin claps and Chrissy squeals.

  “I have three days to organize this,” I say. I pull out my phone from my pocket, “Let’s do this.”

  Three days later

  I’ve been purposely avoiding Kaitlyn for the past couple of days. Leaving her vague messages, hinting at how busy I’ve been. Which isn’t a lie. I’ve been busy as fuck organizing everything with the help of Vin, Chrissy and even Tink, so
I can go meet Kaitlyn and spend Valentine’s day with her. It’s fucking crazy, I know but as I find the perfect spot to make the call I’ve been dying to make for the past three nights. I can’t help but smile.

  I log onto my Facebook and see Kaitlyn online. Great, this is a good sign, I reassure myself.

  I’m about to press the call button on top of my messenger app when I suddenly change my mind and press the video call one instead.

  After a few rings the call gets connected and Kaitlyn comes into view.

  “Leo?” She has a little frown on her forehead that makes her look adorable. She’s even more gorgeous than in her pictures.

  “Hey,” I smile. “What are you doing on Valentine’s day, pretty girl?”

  She giggles. “I told ya already. Nothing, just sit in my living room and watching some TV.”

  Fuck. I’ve heard her voice before but somehow hearing her sexy accent while watching her has my body humming in anticipation. Cool it, man.

  “Well, I hate to break it to you, but your plans are about to change. Kaitlyn, will you be my Valentine?” I smile.

  “What are you talking about?” She asks. “Where are you? There’s a lot of noise.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Let me show you.” I wink at her before turning the screen, giving her a pan view in front of me.

  When I turn the screen back to face me, I see the confused expression on her gorgeous face.

  “Is that?” She doesn’t finish the question but she doesn’t need to.

  “Yes, baby, it is.” She gasps and covers her mouth.

  “But I ain’t boarding that plane if you don’t answer me first. Will you be my Valentine?”

  I can see her eyes getting watery but at the same time a big smile makes her face light up as she nods.

  “Thank fuck,” I chuckle. “I hope you’re ready for me baby, because I’m coming for you.”

  Chapter 13


  I sit on my sofa in shock, I can’t believe it…he’s coming, Leo’s coming here. He’ll be here in a day? I’m not sure how long the flight will be, but he is coming to Ireland. To see me. I squeal loudly doing a jig on the sofa.

  Shit, he’s coming here.

  I need to clean up, change my bed sheets, and go shopping. I need to change…I can’t believe I answered a video call from Leo in my sweats, no makeup and my hair looking like a rat’s nest.

  I look around my small living room as if seeing it for the first time. It’s small, comfy and homely. I have a small sofa, two high backed chairs, a small bookcase and a coffee table., But the focal point of the room is the open wood burning fire, it’s my favourite part of the room. On a nippy day there’s nothing I love more than curling up under a blanket as the wood burns and pops.

  The image of Leo and I lying in front of the fire making love hits me like a freight train, my body heats as my heart beats a frantic rhythm.

  Grabbing my notebook, I nervously twist the pen between my fingers thinking about all I need to do. It will be better if I write it all down so as to not forget something.

  Cleaning is at the very top, the house needs a clean, just the bathroom and bedroom. Presuming he will be staying here and...but where would he sleep? My bed? I could take the sofa...or not.

  The thought of Leo in my bed has my thighs tingling in anticipation.

  Shaking my head, I get to work on a shopping list. I look up ingredients for a few Italian dishes. I’m not the best cook but I can try; I want to try for him. Hopefully I don’t give him food poisoning in the process.

  It’s lucky I cleaned out my boot to make space for the big shop I am currently doing, I have more food in my trolley than I would ever eat, but he’s a bloke, they eat more right?

  As I wander into the drinks aisle I stop dead, what do people from L.A. drink? Me, I’m a beer or Bailey’s lass, I don’t do wine. I never liked it when me Mam tried to make me more refined.

  It’s not like I can call him to find out, his phone will be off the whole time he’s in the air. New York is like LA right?

  Me: I have huge news!!!

  Brooke: What? You used Facebook’s handy video call to have cyber sex with Leo?

  Me: No! Anyone could be watching on that thing.

  Brooke: What could be bigger news than you finally getting laid?

  Me: Leo is coming to Ireland for Vday!

  Brooke: Holy shit! Seriously?

  Me: Yeah, I am out at the moment shopping.

  Brooke: Good idea you need new lingerie and a sexy outfit to meet him in.

  Me: I’m shopping for food.

  My phone rings in my hand. “What the hell are you doing food shopping? You need to get your priorities right woman. The first thing you need to do once you are done playing Betty Crocker is go to the nearest salon or whatever you have and get a wax, then your nails and hair done. Tell them it’s an emergency.”

  “Hello to you too. Well, I thought feeding the man and having bathroom supplies ready for the first male to stay at my house was a good idea,” I laugh.

  “Oh, good idea. Do you know how big he is?” She asks and I choke on my own spit.

  “N-no. I meant shampoo, things like that. It’s not like it’s ever come up in conversation, Brooke. I can’t just ask him how big his dick is.” I blurt and hear a shocked gasp behind me. Turning I see an old lady quickly walking away, she throws me a disgusted look before turning down another aisle.

  “I bet it has come up while you were talking, you just never realized it,” she giggles.

  “Can we stop talking about dicks, I’m in the supermarket and I’ve just offended an old lady,” I whisper into the phone, she laughs hysterically.

  “This would be so much more fun if I were there,” she sighs.

  “I know, you are better at all this shite than me. My first thought was to clean my house and feed the bloke.”

  “Those are good things to do but he’s coming to see you, not your house. And you can always order in,” she snickers, she loves throwing innuendoes around.

  “Okay, listen. The reason I really called was to ask what you drink.”

  “Water,” she says laughing.

  “I mean alcohol. What do people from L.A. drink?”

  “Chill out and stop obsessing over everything. Wine will do or beer.”

  “Okay, I can do that. I think?” I blow out a breath and look at all the choices.

  She laughs in my ear. “Just pick up some beer and a few bottles of wine and get to the salon.”

  “I will, I need to pay for all this and try and fit it in my car,” I say looking at my overflowing trolley dubiously.

  “Okay, call me after you’ve been to the hairdresser’s.”

  “Yeah, thanks Brooke.”

  “Just remember to breathe and to not obsess over everything.”


  “Bye hon.”

  “Bye and thanks again.”

  I end the call and dump my phone in my bag. Grabbing a few different nice looking wines and some beer I head for the check out.

  I fight to push the last of my many shopping bags into the boot, I quickly shove it closed and throw my hip into it a few times to get it to click shut. I sigh in relief and jump in, I have so much left to do and little time to get it done in.Ten hours and counting.

  I twist the sleeve of my new fluffy off the shoulder jumper nervously as I wait at the arrivals gate. Butterflies assault my stomach as his time ticks closer, I have never been so nervous in all my life; I feel physically sick with nerves. The airport is crazy today, the day before Valentine’s Day is evidently a day people like to travel.

  I’m glad I spent the time and money to get my hair and makeup done for the occasion, my hair hangs in shiny waves down my back and the dark circles under my eyes have disappeared with a wave of Shannon’s makeup brush.

  I check my phone again, and get up, too restless to stay seated any longer. A few minutes later people around me start to stand too and move forward. It’s time.

  My hands shake as I stand waiting, watching as the door opens and passengers start to disembark. I watch as loved ones greet each other enthusiastically, I wonder how we will greet each other.

  Will he kiss me? Hug me? Would it be weird if I ran at him and threw myself into his arms?

  I’m pulled from my thoughts when a shadow falls over me.

  “Hey, gorgeous.” That voice, the voice that haunts me. A shiver runs down my spine as I tip my head back, my eyes drinking him in. From his casual dress pants to his white open necked shirt. I swallow hard as I take in the strong column of his tanned neck, what is it about a blokes neck? My lady parts sit up and take notice of every inch of the very male specimen in front of me.

  “Leo,” I say, it comes out embarrassingly close to a whimper. I blush as my eyes finally connect with his.

  Oh, Jesus help me. I am in so much trouble.

  I’m not sure who moved first, or how it even happened, but I end up with my face buried in the crook of his neck as he hoists me into the air and spins me around in a circle.

  “God, I have been dying to know what you would feel like in my arms,” he sighs, clutching me tightly.

  “Me too,” I say, but I’m not sure he can hear me since I’m talking into his neck.

  He pulls back smirking. “Do I need to be on my knees for you to wrap your arms around me?” He asks bending as if to get on his knees. I laugh shaking my head and wrap my arms around his broad chest.

  “This’ll do, but I was referring to feeling your arms around me.”

  “Mmm,” he hums, as his arms go around me again. I feel tiny, we are so mismatched in height we must look hilarious. “Maybe we should leave the airport before my return trip.”

  I giggle letting go of him and step back blushing. “Sorry,” I whisper.

  “C’mon,” he says grabbing his bag with one hand and grabbing my hand with the other. Tingles race up my arm and warm places that have been recently tortured.


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