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A Chance On Love (A World Apart Book 1)

Page 8

by Laura B. Martinez

  “But I don’t. And yeah, in a way they still think one day I’ll get back together with her but that’s only because they don’t know the truth about what really happened. If they knew they wouldn’t want her anywhere near them or me.”

  “Why haven’t you told them?”

  “Because, Peyton is a bitch but it wasn’t just her, it was my fault too.” I sigh. “I didn’t want people hating on her, I knew she would move on and eventually she would be out of our lives.”

  “Maybe she still has feelings for you, she showed at your Nonna’s party and,” I cut her off and laugh.

  “No baby, she was there because she needed something from me.”

  “What? What did she want from you.”

  “She’s getting married and she wanted me to sign our old apartment over, so she could live there with her future husband.”

  “Seriously? And you told her to feck off, right?”

  “Nah, I signed it over. It was hers after all. I never planned on going back to it.”

  “You’re an amazing guy, Leo DeLuca.” Kaitlyn says, and a sense of pride washes over me. It’s been a long time since I wanted to be an amazing guy for a girl. But I do, I want to be Kaitlyn’s amazing guy.

  “In the immortal words of Han Solo,” I pause for dramatic effect. “I know.”

  Kaitlyn laughs and I join her. “Well, now that I’ve told you one of my biggest secrets, maybe someday you’ll share one of yours with me.”

  “Maybe.” That’s all she says before we say goodnight.

  I keep replaying our conversation over and over. I know I shouldn’t but I can’t help but overanalyze every word, every reaction. I can’t deny my feelings for Kaitlyn, I don’t want to hurt her; but I can’t let her go either.

  Sleep slowly starts to take over as I wonder if I’m ever going to find someone I can share my life with, or if what happened with Peyton would repeat over and over again. Because if there’s something in this life I’m certain of, no matter what happens, without hesitations, I will always choose them.

  Chapter 11


  I hate February. All the lovey dovey shite makes me sick, and being single sucks this time of year. Everywhere I look there is romance, love and hearts. I can’t even escape it at work.

  The past few weeks I’ve had to do research, and an interview of an elderly couple who are celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary on Valentine’s Day.

  They were so sweet together, obviously still in love; even after all these years. Their love story was amazing, it would warm even the coldest of hearts, mine included. The love and devotion on Cathleen’s face when she told me about the struggles she went through when Patrick was away fighting for our country, will stay with me forever. I teared up a little seeing the look of utter devastation on her face as she described the day she was informed that he was in the hospital somewhere across the world, where she couldn’t be. They even let me read a few of their letters to one another.

  It made me feel sad sitting there reading love letters from two people so deeply in love that it survived fifty years and a long distance marriage. It made me hopeful that maybe one day I will have someone look at me the way Patrick did Cathleen.

  It’s the first time writing for the magazine has been fun, hearing about their trials and triumphs was incredible. As a writer, I thrive on the twists and turns of a story, how the characters, people in this case, grow and overcome the things thrown at them. So, I was definitely drawn in listening as Patrick described their good and bad times.

  I have been so busy with this story I have barely spoken to Leo. There has been the odd text and a quick call, but with the time difference we keep missing each other. I was so shocked when he told me about his ex. For him to be honest with me is major points in his favor, but I still can’t shake the feeling that he is hiding something from me; I hope it isn’t something to do with his ex. What if he’s still with her and lying to me? My mind throws doubts at me, constantly playing on my insecurities.

  Secrets and lies have made me the jaded person I am today. Shane ensured trusting a man wouldn’t be easy. Lying is one of my biggest peeves in life, second only to cheating. I do not tolerate it and I won’t put myself through that again. If Shane can lie to my face every day, why can’t Leo? Lying on Facebook is so much easier, people do it daily.

  The genuine emotion that came through when he told me about his past tells me he is a good man, and the man I have gotten to know tells me I can trust him. To give him a chance, but my head is screaming at me to be careful who I bare my heart and soul to.

  According to Brooke I need to forget about what happened in the past and open myself up to the chance I’ve been handed. I know she’s right, but the unknown is scary. And I don’t want to be hurt again.

  Hmm, speaking of Brooke she still hasn’t given me the dirty deets on her mystery man. Every time I’ve brought it up she’s changed the subject or evaded my questions. Normally she tells me every detail, and when I say every detail I mean every. Single. Detail. I cringe remembering the last “date” she described in full technicolor, that is one visual I did not need. Me being a writer and having a vivid imagination is a curse sometimes and that was one of them.

  Needing a distraction from thoughts of the creeper that couldn’t go deeper. I laugh at the name Brooke came up with and grab my phone.

  Me: So, when are you ever going to give up the deets on ya mystery man?

  Brooke: I have no idea what you’re talking about…

  Hmm, evasion again. She definitely likes this chap if she is unwilling to share.

  Me: You know what I’m on about. The hottie that you couldn’t keep your hands off.

  Brooke: Hmm, I tell you what. You tell me all about your convo’s with the Italian Stallion and I’ll tell you about my one nighter.

  Me: That’s not going to happen…

  Brooke: Oh well…

  Me: But you are normally dying to tell me every sweaty little detail.

  Brooke: Hmm, well things change, I guess.

  Me: You must like this one if you won’t talk.

  Brooke: Maybe…

  Mr, Willy Shakespaw meows and nudges my leg, I scratch his head and get up to feed him, before he gets moody. Bloody cat has more mood swings than me. As I stroke Mr. Willy my mind goes back to Leo and our first private conversation, I laugh remembering how I teased him about my pussy.

  Grabbing my phone I open messenger and click on Leo’s name, I pause thinking of what to say.

  Me: Hey, just wanted to see how you were.

  I delete it and stare at the cursor.

  Me: How are you?

  I groan and click send, that’s all I can think of to send, pathetic.

  Leo: Hey beautiful, long time no…Text?

  I laugh, because that is what happens every time Leo messages me.

  Me: Hey, Mr, DeLuca. It’s been a while…

  Leo: Has it really? Maybe we should remedy that.

  I groan and laugh, I walked right into that one.

  Me: Maybe you should.

  I click send before I can rethink it and hold my breath.

  Leo: I will get on that the first chance I get.

  Me: When will that be exactly?

  Leo: Whenever you want me.

  I squeal, my belly fluttering at the thought of having Leo here in person.

  Me: Is now too soon?

  Leo: I wish it were possible…

  Me: Me too.

  Leo: Soon…

  Me: Promise?

  Leo: Abso-fucking-lutely.

  I shift in my seat, my body is heated, waiting and excited for him to come through on that promise.

  Me: What are you doing on Vday?

  I know I’m prying but I want to know.

  Leo: Probably working, what about you?

  Me: Nothing, sitting in my living room watching the shite that they put on T.V.

  Leo: I wish I could be there…

  I read and re-read
the message and I gather the courage to ask him something I've been dying to for long.

  Me: Have you ever thought of us meeting IRL?

  Leo: Yes

  His quick answer makes me giddy and I smile like an eejit.

  Me: Do you think there's a chance of us really meeting?

  Leo: Yes.

  That’s all I get? Yes? Really?...

  Leo: We will meet Kaitlyn, I promise and when we do we will be doing a lot of exploring…

  Me: Oh, I love exploring. If you were here I would show you all my favourite places, Ireland is a beautiful country.

  Leo: Not the kind of exploring I had in mind but I think we could squeeze a little tourism in too.

  My face burns bright red. How the feck did I miss that innuendo?

  Me: Oh… That sounds nice too.

  Leo: It will be anything but nice. Hot, sweaty, long, hard and mind-blowing. Are a few words that come to mind.

  Me: Mmm, when did you say you were coming?

  Leo: In about a minute if we keep this up.

  I laugh, this is what I love about Leo he can make me go from laughing to hot and back again with just a few words.

  Wait, what? Love? Do I love Leo? Can I love a person I’ve never even seen or met in person?

  I sit frozen in my seat having a little freak out.

  Leo: Too much?

  Me: No, just got distracted.

  Leo: Thinking about me?

  Me: Always.

  Leo: I hate to do this but I have to go. Speak to you soon, gorgeous.

  Me: Okay, bye.

  I put the phone down, blow out a breath and let my head fall onto the table. I can’t believe it, all this time I have been enjoying the back and forth PMing, the laughs and flirting and I didn’t even see it happening.

  My cat jumps on the table and nudges my head. I stroke his fur not lifting my head. “How did I not see it Mr. Willy?” I ask him. He looks at me like I have lost my mind. “Well, all I can do now is pray he is who he says and he doesn’t rip my heart out,” I mutter getting up.

  Grabbing my laptop, I head for the stairs, I need my bed and to kill someone off.

  Chapter 12


  “Where the heck did I put that goddamn paper?” I mumble to myself while rummaging through my top desk drawer. The last thing I need right now is a headache, but that’s exactly what I’m starting to get. I can’t find the fucking piece of paper that has the hostess prospects interviews in it.

  I know what you’re thinking: Leo, there’s this thing called phone contacts and online agendas, you’re probably chanting the numerous apps or computer programs that are available, so I have all this information at the tip of my fingers. Well, let me stop you right here, I know this, believe me, I’m a huge fan of technology. But it never occurred to me that I would need this piece of paper that’s currently playing hide and seek with me. And I’m a man, I fucking forgot to save that information.

  When I got to the restaurant I found one disaster after the other. My sous-chef, bartender and hostess all called in sick. Apparently they all have food poisoning. No, they didn’t get it from eating at our restaurant. They went out partying and decided it was a good idea to eat sushi from a street vendor. Not the smartest thing to do.

  Tonight the restaurant is hosting an anniversary party for a big PR company. We’re at full capacity and I’m about to lose my shit. I could bartend, but I still need a sous-chef and hostess.

  Running my hands through my hair, I’m about to give up and try to manage everything myself when I hear a loud laugh coming from the foyer. I sprint toward the sound.

  “Then I said, hey gorgeous if you touch the merchandise you’ll have to buy it.” Vin laughs as he finishes whatever story he was telling one of my waiters. The moment I see him I look up to the ceiling and mouth ‘Thank you, Jesus.’

  Vin notices me and slaps Carlo’s arm before walking toward me.

  “Hey brother, how’s everything going?” He greets me.

  “I’m in deep shit, man. You couldn’t have arrived at a better time,” I answer.

  “Well, I have a job in Vegas and decided to stop by here on my way through. What’s up?”

  “I need your help. Do you still have your cooking skills?”

  Oh, yeah ladies, all the male members of the DeLuca clan and extended family know how to cook, in fact, we’re great at it.

  “You can bet that tanned ass of yours I do. How do you think I keep in such good shape? I work on my own meal plans,” he says confidently.

  “I’m short on staff. I need you to cover for my sous-chef, can you do that for me?”

  He eyes me, sobering he asks. “Who’s the chef?”

  “Tony. I let Alberto go a few months ago,” I smile, knowing he likes Tony a lot more than Alberto, the previous one.

  “Then yeah, I’ll help you brother.”

  Half hour later I’m rearranging everything at the bar and reminiscing about my old bartending days back in college when my phone pings with a reminder. Fuck. I quickly look for Chrissy’s contact and press the call button. She answers on the third ring.


  “Hey Chrissy,” I say trying to keep my tone soft. She’s gonna fucking hate me even more for this.

  “Hi Leo, are you on your way?”

  “I’m really sorry, something came up at the restaurant and…”

  She cuts me off. “I can’t go to the restaurant tonight, I have to finish an essay.”

  I sigh, “No, it’s okay, I just need you to do me a favor. Muffin had an appointment at the vet today, and the kid that walks him every afternoon took him, but I need someone to pick him up.”

  She doesn’t say anything and I do something that I only do for Chrissy. I beg. “Please, Chrissy. I’m really sorry Muffin ate one of your favorite pair of shoes the last time he was at your house, but if it makes you feel better, he ate one of my favourite Xbox controllers too.”

  My voice becomes almost a whisper. “I really need your help.”

  “Fine, as long as I get to feed him another one of your controllers,” Chrissy giggles. “Or better yet, one of those games you love so much.”

  I release a sigh of relief because this is the easy going Chrissy I know, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a comeback. “All my games are digital, you know since it’s twenty seventeen and all.”

  “Don’t tempt me to feed him the whole box.” Shit.

  “Sorry,” I apologize.

  “Are you going to be home late?” she asks.

  “I think that’s highly likely.”

  “I’ll stay until you get home and I’ll handle dinner,” she says.

  “You can stop by and grab some burgers or something on your way back to the house. My treat,” I offer.

  “No, it’s fine. I got it,” she reassures me.

  I could kiss Chrissy right now. “Thank you, really.”

  “Yeah, yeah, you still owe me a pair of shoes.” She reminds me.

  “I’ll buy you two, just pick them online, send me the link and they’re yours.”

  After ending the call I sigh in relief. Three out of four crises averted, ain’t bad. Then the proverbial light bulb goes off in my head. Burgers.

  I actually got fired from one of my jobs. I was working as a hostess in a really fancy restaurant. Tink!

  The phone rings and on the second ring, Tink greets me with a cheerful “Hey Leo.”

  “Tink, you working tonight?” She can’t see me, but I’m bouncing on my heels.

  “Uhm, why? Are you going to ask me on a date?” she giggles.

  “Uh, not exactly but, how about a nice dinner?”

  “Huh?” she asks, confusion coloring her tone.

  “I don’t remember if I mentioned it before but I own a restaurant and I have a big event happening in a few hours. I know this is shitty of me, but I’m one hostess short and I could really, really use your help.” This begging thing is getting a lot easier the more I do it.

  “I’ll pay you double of whatever you’re making tonight and I’ll add a nice dinner,” I plead, then I go for the killer move. “With whatever dessert you want. As many as you want.”

  Hey, don’t look at me like that, I know how much women love their sweets, even if you don’t admit it to yourselves.

  Tink giggles. “Well, it’s your lucky day, it’s my day off. What time do you need me there?”

  “Now?” I ask tentatively.

  “Text me the address and I’ll be right over,” she says.

  “I have a better idea, text me yours and I’ll send you an Uber.”

  Two hours later I’m working the bar while Vin is in the kitchen helping Tony and making everyone laugh their asses off with some of his ridiculous stories, I’m sure. Tink is a pro at what she’s doing, it’s like she’s been working here for years instead of hours. Her smile and charm have all the guests in a cheerful mood. Once I showed her the whole restaurant, she barely needs any assistance from me. Not to mention she looks fucking hot in her little black dress. The moment I saw her entering the restaurant, my jaw almost dropped to the floor. She’s gorgeous and her personality is even more charming.

  “Here,” I give Tink a pair of fluffy slippers. “Ely made me buy a ton of these for her after I hired her. They’re brand new.”

  “Thank you,” Tink says while taking them and sitting at one of the barstools. “My feet are killing me, I’m so out of practice.”

  “It’s not that you’re out of practice, you didn’t only act like a hostess, I saw you going to the kitchen’s entrance a couple of times and helping Kaye out.” Kaye was a new waitress but so far she was doing great.

  “I noticed she was a bit nervous.” She points out. “I like her, she’s a sweet girl, but I couldn’t get why she was blushing like crazy.”

  “I bet I can,” I mutter. And at that moment Vin comes out of the kitchen holding two plates.

  “You guys, hung...Whoa!” He roars when he sees Tink.

  He pushes past me and sets the plates on top of the bar, then he wipes his hands over his clothes and then takes Tink’s right hand with his. “My kingdom for the name of the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever set my eyes on.”


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