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SEAL of Fate: A Navy SEAL Romance

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by Darcy Kent

  Ryder didn’t appear affected in any way. He glanced around my tiny apartment. Taking in my small brown couch with two orange decorative pillows. I had a huge chair which was white and orange in an Aztec design. The kitchen was small as well, a galley-type style, with maybe a few dishes in the sink, hey nobody’s perfect.

  Ryder stepped forward after he had done the mini-tour with his eyes. “Well, sorry you came all the way out here, but now you can leave ‘cause there’s no way you two are hooking up tonight.”

  My mouth dropped open as soon as Ryder finished his sentence. Grant was just as dumbfounded, and locked eyes with mine. “Excuse me, is this guy for real?” He jabbed his thumb in Ryder’s direction.

  Ryder was smiling a big, cocky grin as he leaned up onto his tiptoes.

  “Okay, hold on,” I stepped in. “First off, how do you know that’s why he’s here? Second, what gives you the right to send him away? What if I want to sleep with him?”

  Ryder stepped closer to me, which made Grant step back. “First, you would have told me you had a live-in boyfriend on the train, but you didn’t.” Ryder leaned very close and spoke right to me. “Second, you don’t really want to fuck this guy.” He took a sideways glance at Grant.

  Grant, I had to admit was keeping his shit together, but as soon as Ryder was done talking he grabbed my arm and twirled me to face him. “What the fuck, Helena?” he screamed.

  I didn’t know what to do, I mean part of what Ryder said was true. I wouldn’t be sleeping with Grant while Ryder was in the next room. The walls were thin, and I don’t know I felt odd about it. I just wanted to take a shower and go to bed. The fighting, or stand off, or whatever the hell this was needed to stop.

  “Okay, time to go,” I said, pushing Grant toward the door. “No more, I’m tired and cranky.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Grant followed me outside, and we stood on my front porch staring at each other.

  His brown eyes, and dark curly hair was wild with anger and he stood brooding for a second before he spoke again. “Who is this guy? I don’t like him.”

  Grant towered over me, and his strong frame was rigid and solid. He was obviously pissed, and I completely understood why. I just didn’t want to deal with it tonight.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow, I’m going to bed. Tonight, has been one hell of a night.” I grabbed my doorknob as Grant huffed off toward his car. He didn’t even say goodbye.

  Walking back into my apartment, Ryder was rummaging through my fridge and I locked the front door. I made my way into the small kitchen, and sat up on top of the counter. My legs dangled in front of me, and Ryder turned to face me.

  “What do you have to eat?” he asked. His eyes roamed my body as I sat there thinking of what to make him.

  “There’s a frozen pizza in the freezer we can heat up.” I jumped off the counter and stood next to him to get it.

  He stepped back and watched me as I pulled the pizza out and turned on the oven. He was making me nervous. Not really sure why, but he watched me like a hawk.

  Now with dinner cooking, I started walking toward my bedroom. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to get out of these clothes.” I was still in the shirt which had dried with beer and whiskey in it. It reeked, and I shut the door to my bedroom as I threw on my yoga pants and another t-shirt.

  When I walked out of the bedroom, Ryder’s shirt had come off and he stood in my living room in just his low-rise jeans.

  Fuck, he was hot. He had the body God intended for men to have. His chest was firm, solid and packed one hell of a punch. His six- pack was the first thing I noticed, leading a sharp V-shape into his jeans. Manly shoulders- check, Firm pecks-check, a nice golden tan to complete the look- check. I couldn’t turn away, and wanted to study him longer until he coughed and it snapped me out of my admiration daze.

  His body wasn’t Arnold Schwarzenegger big, but he had a perfect firm body with short, dark hair and deep, blue eyes that twinkled in the moonlight. Or maybe they twinkled all the time. Either way, I was sure I was drooling.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Getting ready for bed, I take it I’m on the couch.” He moved for his bag by the front door, and I decided to be a gracious hostess and grab a pillow and some blankets from the linen closet. He grabbed his bag, scooted past me, and went into the bathroom.

  This was weird, I felt weird in my own home. Or maybe I was nervous.

  I placed the blankets on the couch and went into the kitchen just as the pizza timer dinged from the oven. The pizza was oozing with yummy goodness, and I ran the silver cutter through it and dished us both out a slice.

  When Ryder arrived in the kitchen from the bathroom, it was even worse. He had ditched the jeans and wore black gym shorts which hung just off his hips. I tried to pretend I hadn’t noticed, but inside I was a pile of mush. My mind was racing with how quickly I could get myself undressed.

  But then, the images were back, fluttering through my mind as if I had just stepped into the room and saw Ryder fucking some bimbo. My smile faltered as I grabbed my plate of pizza and headed to the couch. I snapped on the television, and ignored him.

  He followed me and sat next to me on the couch with his pizza in hand. We sat quietly watching the tube, and eating our food. Until finally, Ryder got up and headed back into the kitchen. Again, I tried to ignore him but he was rifling through my cupboards and I finally got off the couch and followed him.

  “What are you looking for?” I asked as I set my plate down on the counter.

  “That bottle of wine Grant was drinking from.” He continued looking high and low for it as I laughed.

  The bottle of wine sat right in front of him on the counter. I grabbed it and held it in front of me. “This bottle of wine?”

  Ryder flashed his eyes at me and smiled. “Yes, did you want some?”

  God, he sure made himself at home. “Sure,” I said, grabbing two wine glasses down from the cabinet.

  We settled back on the couch and he took the remote from my hand and switched the television off. With our red wine in our hands, he leaned back. “This is nice.”

  “Um, yeah,” I said.

  The air was intimate and I didn’t want to stop soaking in Ryder and his dreamy eyes, but like I said before... the images of his latest conquest were still fresh in my mind.

  “So, Grant huh? What’s up with him?” he asked.

  I pulled the blanket I had on the couch for him to sleep with and covered my body. “What do you mean? He’s a friend.”

  “Uh huh. You don’t have to be shy, I just think you could do better.”

  “Better? What with you?” I asked, laughing.

  He glanced down my body and lingered on my chest, which was having a hard time breathing. Heat warmed my body as he stared at me.

  He moved in closer and closed his eyes.

  What the hell was he doing?

  When his eyes popped open, they were intensely staring at me. “Maybe,” he said, and I had already forgotten my question to him.

  “Not interested.” When I said it we all know it was a lie, hell even I knew it, but I don’t know. There was something about him, and I didn’t trust myself with him anymore. He appeared hurt when I turned him down, and then quickly replaced it with a smile.

  “Neither am I,” he said.

  “So, then why did you kick Grant out of my house?”

  “I just didn’t want to listen to you two go at it all night long,” he said as he sipped his wine.

  “I can watch you have sex, but you don’t want to hear me having sex…seems fair enough.” I held my glass up to my lips as he closed his eyes for a moment, again. Was he picturing the break room? Was he picturing himself and- what was her name- Sasha?

  “It wasn’t like I had invited you into the break room with us.” His eyes opened and he studied the glass in his hands.

  “I’m sure you would have loved that. Don’t all guys fantasize about two women?”

’m not all guys,” he whispered before taking the last gulp of his wine. He hopped off the couch and went into the kitchen. With the bottle in his hand, he filled up his glass and then topped off mine.

  “Oh,” was all I could say.

  When he sat back down beside me, he laughed. “So, I’ve decided I need to stay here for a while longer.”

  “Wait…what? Why?”

  “I think you need me,” he said, dead serious.

  “Why would I need you,” I scoffed, taking a sip of my wine. Was I hearing him right?

  “To keep an eye out for you. Grant isn’t a good guy, and besides I need a place to live. I could pay you.”

  This was ridiculous, or better yet, ridonkulous! The money part had a nice ring to it, but what did he care if I hooked up with Grant. There was also a question burning into my subconscious which I knew I was dying to know, but with the alcohol coursing through my system made it hard to remember.

  “No,” I said, flatly.

  “Yes, it’s already decided.”

  “No, it isn’t.” I stared him down, and our eyes connected. Neither of us were backing away.

  “Yes,” he said, still not breaking eye contact.

  “No, I could do this all night.” I stood my ground as we scooted closer to show the other we were serious. Our eyes bore into each other, and I could see the different shades of blues going on in his.

  “I can do it all night too, and I’m not talking about staring you down,” he whispered leaning closer to where we were inches apart.

  Frazzled and bedazzled, I didn’t know what to do. His body sent mine into overdrive and I tried to control my breathing. His jaw was lightly covered in stubble, and I wanted to graze my fingers over it. I was so close to his lips, if I stuck out my tongue it would be able to touch his bottom, plump lip.

  His lips curved into a smile and the dimples appeared out of nowhere. Okay, I wanted to lick them too. He was so fucking hot, and he was half naked in my house. His body gave off a warmth that wrapped me up in a cocoon of happiness, and I wanted to nuzzle my face closer.

  “I’m sure you could do it all night,” I whispered not even knowing what I was saying.

  Wake up, get out of the daze. I was screaming to myself to snap out of it. Snap out of this Ryder spell he had me under.

  “You want to find out?” he asked, breathily.

  Was he under the same spell? Were my brown eyes captivating him? Most likely not, they weren’t an intense color such as his. Shit brown as I’d always called them, no sexiness about it.

  “No,” I said, snapping out of it. I leaned a hand on his chest to push him away and it was a bad move. His rock-hard muscles didn’t budge under my fingertips. The skin was warm, and I wanted to slide my hand down further.

  “Why are you fighting this?”

  I hopped off the couch and returned the wine glass to the kitchen. “Time for bed, goodnight.” I scurried off to my room without so much as a glance back to Ryder.

  I shut my door, and leaned my head against the back of it. Shit, the one question I had been dying to know and forgot to ask…why did he say my name?

  Chapter Three


  I was afraid to openmy door in the morning. Would he be in the living room? Would he be gone?

  I wasn’t sure which one I wanted either. I needed to assess the situation. First, a hot guy wanted me. I mean, he asked me last night, right? I think, now I wasn’t too sure where our conversation was going. Had he asked me to sleep with him? I had thought he had, but now I wasn’t too sure.

  My brain was quite foggy with all of the events from last night. Also, I still had the image of Ryder saying my name as he came. And, I wanted to know why he said it. Was it because I had walked in the room? The way our eyes connected when I entered the break room that night, was more intense than anything I’d ever felt.

  With bravery and pride, I exited my room and searched my house high and low but that fucker was nowhere to be found.

  Where did he go?

  No note, nothing. So, I continued on my daily routine, and when it was time to get ready for work I wondered if he’d be there.

  It was Saturday night so chances were high I would see him again, and I didn’t know why but I was nervous.

  Walking into work, my eyes searched everywhere for him. I didn’t want to come off needy, or psycho but let’s face it- I kind of felt both.

  Marissa cornered me in the break room as I stashed my bag into my locker. Her long brown curls and deep dark eyes sparkled with excitement.

  “Hey, so I think tonight is the night,” she said as she came to stand next to me. Wearing a tight t-shirt a few sizes too small and even tighter jeans, her red lips curved into a smile.

  “I’m sorry.” I turned around to face her.

  Her deep red lips and saucy attitude was something I had always loved about her.

  “I think tonight I am gonna try to sleep with Ryder.”

  Scratch the part about loving her, right now I wanted to rip her eyeballs out. Why was I getting so upset? I shouldn’t have been getting so angry, but something inside of me snapped and this little primadonna standing in front of me could tell I was agitated.

  I just huffed and continued placing my bag in my locker as she grabbed my arm. “Hey chica, you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’ve just had a lot on my mind,” I said. Yeah, like Ryder. I couldn’t shake him, every time I closed my eyes he was the only thing I could see. I wanted to fucking quit, walk out the door and never look back. But, come on let’s not be immature here, I would endure my shift, make my money, and hopefully head home alone.

  I shrugged off Marissa and pretended I was fine as we made our way out into the club. The place had not opened yet, and we were busy setting up when Ryder strolled through the front doors looking fuckable as hell.

  His long torso was covered by a dark gray t-shirt with the club’s logo across the front. Tight jeans, and what was this…a cowboy hat? I’d never thought cowboy hats were sexy until Ryder Drake decided to put one on his gorgeous head.

  He walked like he didn’t have a care in the world, and when he saw me…gawking, yes, I was gawking…he winked.

  Fuck me. He strolled behind the bar and high-fived Mark the other bartender. They chuckled to each other like they were in a high school gym locker room and I blew out a breath and turned away.

  The club was sure to be busy on a Saturday night, and I made sure I had everything where it needed to be. I was in a sour mood, and tried to lighten up. Until I saw Marissa flirting with Ryder and my sour mood turned downright devilish.

  In the first few hours of operation, I hung back and tried to stay away from everyone. I watched as Marissa and Ryder’s flirting became over the top, and then watched as he ran his hand down her cheek. The moment his hand made contact with her stupid skin, I couldn’t turn away. He tilted his head sideways and his eyes met mine from across the room.

  No one was in the club except for the alcoholic locals who always showed up first to grab the best seats at the bar. When Ryder watched me as he ran his hand down her cheek, he brought her face closer to his.

  His eyes were still hooked on mine and he leaned in and kissed her on the lips. Right! I know, he fucking kissed her, and my anger boiled. It exploded out of every pore in my body and I broke eye contact and headed into the restroom.

  I took a deep breath as I slammed my way into the restroom, gripping the sink for support. What the hell just happened?

  Breathe, Helena, hell, breathe. Why did I care if he kissed Marissa? I wouldn’t have cared two days ago, but now for some reason I cared. Shaking my head, I tried to gain control of the situation and return back out into the club to make some money. That was the most important thing, not some lame ass bartender, who had a habit of staring me down all the time.

  Why had he said my name? Why had he stared at me while he kissed Marissa?

  With no
answers to any of my questions, I pulled out my phone and saw I had a missed text from Grant.

  Hey, headed to your work tonight with some friends. Can’t wait to see you.

  Great, more pissing. I ran my fingers through my hair as I straightened my shirt and headed back out.

  When I came out of the bathroom I noticed three things:

  One, Ryder had a line of women trying to gain his affection, and he laughed and smiled to them all as he poured their drinks and every once in awhile took his hat off and waved it in the air, eliciting catcalls from the women.

  Two: Marissa was on the opposite side of the room, busy with tables.

  Three: Grant was heading right for me.

  Oh tonight was going to be a blast. Grant never normally visited me at work, actually I couldn’t tell you a time when he had ever stepped foot inside Club Arrow.

  We had only known each other for about a month or so, and met through my best friend Waverly. We had an instant attraction to one another, and started sleeping together shortly after. But, we both made it very clear we wanted a no-strings attached kind of ordeal, and up until last night that’s all it had ever been.

  “Hey sexy,” Grant said as he put an arm around me.

  “Hey.” I led him to one of my booths lining the dance floor and his friends followed. There were six men altogether. With Waverly being one of them. I pulled Waverly aside and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug as he kissed my cheek.

  Hell, fab girl, you look hot.” Yes, Waverly was your typical flamboyant, homosexual male. Every girl needs one as a best friend, and if you don’t have one….well then you need to seek one out, immediately. They’re awesome.

  I kissed his cheek back, as he snapped his fingers. “Something’s different about you.” Waverly stared me up and down and then pulled me away from the group of men he was with.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said.

  “Yes, there’s something going on. Spill it.” He stood there waiting patiently for me to tell him, nothing. Nothing had changed since I last saw him, absolutely nothing…except maybe a new attraction to a huge playboy.


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