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SEAL of Fate: A Navy SEAL Romance

Page 3

by Darcy Kent

  I glanced in Ryder’s direction and even though he had thousands of women (okay not thousands, about twenty) feigning for his affection, his eyes were glued to mine…again. Fuck.

  Waverly followed my gaze, and let out a low whistle when he caught sight of Ryder.

  “Who is that stud, and how do I get one?” Waverly spoke in a low voice. It was the lowest I’d ever heard his voice go, and I cracked up at the sound of it.

  “Believe me, he has issues.”

  “I don’t mind a little issues, didn’t say I wanted to marry him. I just want to play with him.”

  “Well, have fun,” I said as Waverly’s eyes were still trained on Ryder’s.

  He twirled around as if he was struck by lightning. “Did you and he, did him and you. Did you guys fuck?”

  “Classy,” I said, chuckling.

  He turned all the way around, and grabbed my shoulders so he could gain my full attention. “Did you?”

  “No, we didn’t.” I pushed his hands off me, and walked away from him. Walking up to Grant’s table, I took their drink orders.

  Work sucked sometimes, I plugged their order into the computer, and made my way over to the bar. With tingles in my tummy, and a little nervous energy I grabbed a tray and waited at the server area at the end of the bar for Ryder to make my drinks.

  When he saw me approach, he left the women in mid bar trick and rushed over. Leaning his arms across the bar, he smiled to me…a pretty big, dazzling smile.

  I was in trouble, I knew it.

  “Hey, Helena.” I swear he talked normal…but when he always said my name it always came out in a breathy, hot whisper.

  “Hey.” My eyes darted around, and I tried not to make eye contact. My words sputtered, stuttered, and damn near wouldn’t come out of my mouth properly.

  “Did you want me to come over tonight? We could play around, maybe even fuck,” he said in a serious whisper.

  My cheeks flushed and I stood still. “Umm, no thanks.”

  “What is with you Helena? I know you want me.” He chuckled as he stood his body upright.

  “Oh, you think so? Well, I have news for you…I don’t want you, never will.” God, I sounded like a fifth grader, the snooty kind who always had all the right answers and told on everyone in class when the teacher turned his back.

  “Well, I have news for you too. I could have anyone in this bar tonight, and I want you.” His cocky attitude was grating on my every nerve. Even though him saying he wanted me, kind of made me hot. And, I won’t lie, every bone in my body was anxiously awaiting his touch, I couldn’t believe he was talking to me in such a manner. As if.

  “What about Marissa?” Oh goody, don’t let him know I’m jealous or anything. God, I sounded pathetic.

  “What about her? I could go home with her tonight if I wanted.”

  “Good idea, I think you should do that.” No, I didn’t, I didn’t want him and her to sleep together. My mouth was betraying me, but I couldn’t think straight.

  “You want me to fuck her?”

  The way he threw the “f” word around made my insides tingle, even though he was talking about someone else enjoying the pleasure of receiving him.

  “Ryder, I don’t care what you do.” Yes, I did…you and I both know I did.

  “Okay, but listen, there is no way I am letting you go home so you can get your kicks from that mother fucker.” He pointed across the bar toward Grant, and I turned around to see Grant watching the exchange between Ryder and I.

  “What is your problem?” I asked.

  “You, you’re my problem it seems.” He played with a cup that sat next to him on the bar as he stared at me with his big, blue eyes.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Like this morning, I woke up with my usual hard on. I tried to jerk off and I couldn’t get the image of you out of my head.”

  Oh my God, I was floored by his admission, and didn’t know what to say.

  “Okay.” I fumbled over the word.

  “So, I figure if I could fuck you and get it out of my system, then I’d be fine.”

  “Oh, but of course. You could just fuck me and all will be swell. Yeah, I don’t think so.” I said, sarcastically.

  “It isn’t like that, Helena,” he said staring deep into my eyes all sexy and shit.

  “What’s it like then?” I needed to get the drinks over to Grant and his friends, and with a glance I noticed a few more of my booths were being filled with partygoers.

  “One night, I’m just asking for one whole night with you.” He pleaded to me with his eyes, and I couldn’t turn away.

  I grabbed my drinks and placed them on my tray as I walked away. My mind raced with the possibilities, yes, I was considering his preposterous plan. One night, what could it hurt?

  One night to get this sexual energy to disappear between us, one night to completely forget about him and things could go back to normal.

  I handed the drinks off to Grant and his friends as Waverly stared me down, he knew. Of course, he did. It's like he had some crazy spidey sense.

  Heading over to my other customers, I went through my routine in a daze. Ryder’s eyes were still glued on me throughout the night, and I couldn’t even speak to anyone.

  Hours passed, and my mind was still cloudy. I was just going through the motions, making my money and not interacting with anyone. Grant and his friends finally left and as I kissed Grant goodnight, my mind was stuck on Ryder.

  My body wanted Ryder in the worst possible way, my mind was still unsure, but as I contemplated his request I felt giddy with the chance to sleep with him. Was I really thinking about doing this?

  Hell, yeah I was, he was hot, sexy, and I was sure he was housing a complete package in his pants. The whole kit and caboodle, the things erotic stories are written about.

  I couldn’t understand why I wanted him so fiercely. My whole adult life was made up with random boyfriends, and sexual partners. I’d had sex before, but never enjoyed it like I would read about in romance novels. I had orgasms before, but I would never use the word explosive to describe them. Mind-boggling sex wasn’t something I’d ever had. I enjoyed sex, I’m not saying that I didn’t…it’s just it wasn’t something that overpowered me in a way that would gravitate my life.

  Even when I had sex with Grant, sometimes I would be silently thinking in my head about other things. Like, did I remember to turn off the oven, or did I lock the front door. Even with other boyfriends, sex was great and I enjoyed it, but I was the type to have one orgasm, and then be done.

  It amazed me how some women would talk about the multiple orgasms they would have and how sex lasted for hours, to me sex lasting longer than fifteen minutes grew tiresome for me, and I would pray the guy I was with would hurry up.

  But, for some reason my body was growing needy with one stare from Ryder. My legs shook and my insides churned, wanting to feel his touch.

  So yes, by the end of the night, when Ryder hung back and waited for me to grab my things from my locker, I smiled with the realization that tonight I would get to lick him everywhere. And, when I say everywhere that is what I wanted more than anything.

  “Hey, so have you thought about it?” Ryder asked me as we walked out of the back doors of the club.


  “Yes, you’ve thought about it, or yes you agree?”

  “Yes, to both.” I blushed.

  “Holy shit, are you kidding?” His smile was huge as his eyes searched mine to be sure I was indeed taking him seriously.

  “Yes, one night Ryder.”

  He almost jumped for joy at my statement, but in a cool manly type of way not in a Richard Simmons type pansy-ass move.

  One night, I would spend one night with Ryder and the sexual energy we both felt for each other would evaporate, or so I thought.

  Chapter Four


  I felt like I ju
stsold my soul to the devil. Nerves everywhere, I could feel each tiny sensation traveling through me, igniting an obscene amount of tension behind my eyelids. Blurry vision and sweaty palms, a heartbeat that was borderline tachycardia, and a deep pitted feeling in the bottom of my chest which made me tingle when Ryder stood too close.

  We were headed to my apartment, via the subway, and I was silent as a mouse. I didn’t know what to say. What do you say to the guy who is about to rock your world? ‘I hope you don’t screw up’, no I couldn’t say that to him.

  His shoulders were back as he walked with all the confidence in the world. It only made me more nervous. Do I pounce on him as soon as I open my apartment door? Or do we talk first?

  With a feeling that maybe I had jumped the gun and was going to back out of our pre-arranged deal, I sat silently watching him as he glanced around the subway car looking for a place to sit his fine ass.

  I was giddy with the thought that soon, I’d be able to touch it. Maybe sink my teeth in it, don’t judge.

  This was it, this was the night. I hope I wasn’t putting too much pressure on myself. I stared out the window as Ryder silently sang the theme song to Cheers.

  “Be glad there's one place in the world

  Where everybody knows your name,

  And they're always glad you came;”

  After he sang the verse, he stared to me. “Are you going to be glad when you come, Helena?” he soothed.

  I stared into his eyes which were filled with laughter, and blushed. “If you can even make me come,” I retorted. Which I knew he’d be able to do, sitting this close to him I was about to lose it already.

  “Oh, I can assure you I will make you come a couple of times tonight.”

  “Cocky much? I doubt it, I’m a one-horse pony,” I said.

  “Trick?” He stared at me.

  “Or treat? What?”

  “It’s a one trick pony,” he said.

  “Oh, well , you know what I mean. I’m only good for one orgasm a night.”

  “That’s a shame.” He laughed.

  “It isn’t, I’m okay with it. I just don’t want you to get your hopes up,” I said.

  “Are we going to plan this whole thing out? I mean, if we are that’s cool just let me know and I’ll start taking notes.”

  Ha ha, I believe now he was making fun of me. But, in my head I was planning everything out. I felt like I had our night pegged down to the minute, but I wouldn’t let him know that.

  “You need to take notes for a fifteen-minute ordeal?” I asked, gazing into his deep, blue eyes.

  “Fifteen minutes? Is that all you’re allowing me?” He leaned his lips next to my ears and whispered, “I asked for the whole night with you.”

  Shivers tickled down my neck from the feel of his hot breath across my skin. Okay, so he would take longer than fifteen minutes which brought on more nerves.

  His hand traveled along the nape of my neck and my whole body came alive under his touch. Holy cow, what was he doing?

  He leaned in to touch his lips to my skin and I about jumped out of my seat. I needed to catch my breath, control the impulse to jump him right here on the subway, and to fucking think about what was going on.

  “Just let go, Helena.” There it was again, him saying my name all sexy and whisperey. I know whisperey isn’t a word, I see the red squiggly line, but it was all I could think about in the moment with Ryder’s hot lips along my skin. I was freaking out, and I didn’t know how to calm the fuck down.

  My hands shook as his hand traveled down my back. I leaned my head to the side, to give him better access and he took the hint. He plunged his teeth into my neck and sucked. Like hard, and I squealed like a stark raving lunatic.

  What was happening to me? This wasn’t how I normally reacted to a man’s touch. But, I wanted more, I craved more. I gulped trying to suck down as much air as my lungs could take.

  And then, he stopped and I missed his touch. I turned to face him and caught his big, cocky grin appear before me.

  “What’s so funny?” I asked.

  “You. I think I will be able to make you come at least four or five times tonight.”

  “Doubt it.”

  “Want to make a wager?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chiseled chest.

  “You want to bet on how many orgasms I’m going to have tonight?” I screamed. Again, I glanced around and noticed we were the only ones on the sub, and berated myself. I needed to stop shouting obscene things out loud.

  He laughed and shook his head.

  “Yes, if I can make you come four or more times tonight then you have to let me stay with you for a month.”

  “What? No way.”

  “Yes, come on I thought you were a one trick pony. So what have you got to lose?” he asked.

  I thought about it, I thought about it long and hard. “Why do you need to live with me if you have your own place?”

  “Because, it’s a…”

  Before he could finish I cut him off. “A long story, I know.” I thought harder. I knew I couldn’t have more than one orgasm, maybe two but in all of my twenty-five years of life I’d always had one. So I nodded, and smiled. “Okay, deal.”

  He glanced around the subway and then turned his attention back to me with a fire in his eyes, it shook me to my core.

  His fingers landed on the apex of my thighs and my head spun. He rubbed his fingers along my center as my breath caught in my throat. My eyes flew to the back of my lids, and I was panting….yes panting like a cat in heat.

  The sound of my zipper startled me and then Ryder’s finger was deep inside me, making me breathe heavier. I brought my hips up to meet each thrust of his fingers, and my chest constricted.


  His thumb coiled around my clit, flicking and rubbing.

  “You’re so fucking wet,” he breathed against my ear and I could barely hear him. The need deep within me was building and I knew I was close. He wasn’t even inside of me yet, we were on the shit damn subway, and I was so close.

  With a flick of his wrist, he went deeper and I moaned. I moaned so loud, I thought everyone in New York could hear me. I tried to stifle my cries, but couldn’t focus on anything but Ryder’s rhythm he was playing me with.

  I was coming unglued, unhinged, and I couldn’t stop moaning. And, then the cursing started and the intense feeling his fingers were causing inside me.

  “Helena, come for me,” he said as he went even deeper inside me. I gazed into his heated eyes and was amazed at how turned on he appeared.

  Gone was the bored look he’d had with whatever that chicks name was; he was enjoying himself.

  Arching my back, my thoughts became unintelligible as my walls clenched around his fingers. Like a wave crashing along the shore, my orgasm hit me like a freight train I’d never seen coming.

  Not only did it come, it wouldn’t stop. I kept pulsating around his fingers and my skin burned. Trying to breathe properly, I clutched onto his shoulders as I bucked my hips a few more times.

  In the afterglow of my tumultuous orgasm, I leaned my head back and shut my eyes. My body felt amazing and I didn’t want it to end.

  “That’s one,” Ryder said, breaking me from my reverie.

  Chapter Five


  We hadn’t even madeit to my apartment yet and I already had an orgasm, a mighty good one at that. When I turned the lock, we stepped inside my tiny apartment. There was an electrical current buzzing between Ryder and I which made me nervous. I let go in the subway, and he knew he could make me feel so good.

  “What do you want to do?” he asked.

  I stared at him, confused for a moment and then he grabbed me with both arms around my waist.

  “Just kidding, come here,” he said.

  He walked me back to my bedroom, and I felt lightheaded. He brought his lips crashing down to mine. This was the first time he kissed me,
and his lips were softer than I had imagined.

  His tongue touched mine, and it was the perfect amount of saliva and sucking. Not too much, definitely not too little and I enjoyed every moment of it. His hands held onto me with such force, as if he never wanted to let me go.

  When we made it into my room, he broke away from me and gazed around. Taking in my bed and purple everything.

  “You sure do like the color purple huh?”

  I grabbed a purple strand of my hair and smiled. He stepped closer and kissed the tip of my nose. “It’s damn sexy,” he said, running his fingers through my hair.

  His touch was soft, much different than it had been on the subway. We both stood staring at each other until I went to sit on my bed. He ripped off his shirt, and then unbuckled his jeans. I stood back up and followed suit.

  His eyes were raging, and he couldn’t turn away. When I finally stood before him with just my bra and panties, he sucked in a breath. I sucked one in as well, he was fucking hot.

  He moved like a flash of lightning, encasing me in his strong arms. He lifted me up, and then I came crashing down on the bed behind me as his lips worked vigorously on my neck and breasts. I couldn’t control my shaky legs as he spread them before him.

  He pulled back as he laid me out. “You’re so fucking gorgeous,” he whispered in between breaths.

  I was sprawled out, ready and waiting as he removed my panties from my legs. He took them in his balled up fists and brought them to his nose and took a sharp inhale of breath, then tossed the panties over his shoulder.

  Grabbing me by the ankles, he yanked my ass to the edge of the bed. He fell to his knees and I swear... was he whimpering? I tried to sit up, but then his mouth was on my center in a matter of seconds.

  Oh God, this felt so good.

  I couldn’t concentrate on anything but his rapid movements of his tongue as he lapped at the apex of my desire. His finger entered my opening as I tried to relax. This was happening so fast, and my body was building, oh how it was building. I wanted him inside me, stop playing around and fuck me was all I could think, but I couldn’t form any words. I gazed at the top of his head as he worked me over.


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