Book Read Free

Soul Sweet

Page 18

by Nichelle Gregory

  Rachel touched her arm. “Congratulations!”

  “Thank you so much.”

  “Has winning sunk in yet?”

  “You know it still feels a bit surreal.”

  “I’m sure. I’m a huge fan of the show and I’ll admit you were one of my chef favourites from the start.” Rachel gave her a conspiratorial wink. “I was rooting for you to win the entire time.”

  Misha gave her another generous smile as she tried not to fidget in her seat. “Being a part of Celeb Chef has been an incredible experience.”

  Rachel nodded, her playful air turning serious. “What do you think gave you the edge over Jackson?”

  Misha gave a gracious shrug. “I couldn’t have won without the camaraderie and professionalism of my crew. I’m sitting here because of a team effort. Jackson is a fantastic chef and I enjoyed the way we challenged each other during the show.”

  “What would you say about the rumours flying around concerning you and Chef Banner?”

  Misha felt her face heat up as she tried to keep her expression neutral. “I make it a rule to never chat about rumours.”

  “Fair enough.” Rachel grinned into the cameras. “Apparently she lets her lips do the talking.”

  Misha pushed her nails into the palm of her hand to keep from yanking the perfect bun out of Rachel’s hair.

  Stay calm and smile.

  It took considerable effort to remain nonchalant, happily engaged as she continued to answer Rachel’s questions about her favourite moment on the show and her future plans. She answered on autopilot, grateful when her segment ended and the red light above the camera went black.

  “Thanks for coming on Morning Talk.” Rachel held out her hand.

  Misha shook her hand and offered a tight smile. “Thank you.”

  She walked off the set, barely speaking to anyone as she left the studio. Misha breathed a sigh of relief once she was back inside the quiet confines of her limo. Only when the driver had pulled away from the kerb did she take out her cell to go to the website her sister had mentioned. She pushed play to hear the new voice message she had and cursed as she listened to Shawn Rill coolly asking her to meet him in his office before the photo shoot got underway. Exhaling, she deleted the message then checked out the vid of her and Cameron.

  Misha sucked in a quick breath, shocked by the sight of them together—the erotic intensity of the moment could not be denied. Despite being upset, her body reacted as she watched Cameron kiss her. She was viewing it a second time when his name popped up on her phone.

  “Did you see the video?” Misha asked, skipping the hello.

  “I saw it. I left you, like, ten texts trying to catch you before you went on that show.”

  “Serene got a hold of me minutes before I went on. Thank God. I keep thinking this is just a sick joke.” Misha shook her head. “But it isn’t. I just can’t believe this happened.”

  “Neither can I.”

  “I’m humiliated, publicly humiliated. Did you see Rachel’s expression when she said I just let my lips do the talking? I wanted to strangle her. I guess I should be grateful she didn’t come right out and ask me about that online gem.”

  “Misha, take a deep breath.”

  “Deep breath? There’s a video of the two of us plastered all over the Internet in the most compromising position ever.”

  “I know you’re angry.”

  “I’m furious.”

  “I am too. Misha, I hate like hell this happened. I would’ve never let things go as far as they did had I thought about security cameras.”

  “I don’t blame you for that. I didn’t think about it either. Cameron, we had sex in that gym. What if that is leaked over the next few days?” Misha shook her head. “This is unreal.”

  “I have my lawyers working on this now.”

  Misha snorted. “Even if they can do something, the video is out on the World Wide Web—there’s no getting it back.”

  “Where are you?”

  “On my way to the Celeb Chef studio for the winner’s photo shoot. Are you there already?”

  “I’m about to get out of the limo now. I’ll see you when you get here.”




  “No matter what happens we’ll face it together. All right?”

  Tears clouded her vision as she shifted on the leather seat. Tiny twinges between her legs reminded her of all they’d shared last night. Misha blinked and a single tear fell down her cheek. “All right.”

  Misha tried to push back her feelings of trepidation as she walked into the building Celeb Chef had been taped and headed towards Shawn Rill’s office. She heard voices and recognised Cameron’s as she approached the semi-closed door.

  “Our deal still stands, Cameron. Think about it.” Shawn’s voice was cajoling.

  “I already have and my decision will not change.”

  The barely concealed anger in Cameron’s voice stunned her as she paused by the door.

  “Well, once Jackson’s announced the winner—”

  Jackson announced the winner?

  “What did you just say?” Misha busted into the office before she could think better of it.

  Cameron and Shawn both looked at her with surprise.

  “Good, glad you’re here, Misha.” Shawn gestured towards a chair around the round table. “There are some things we need to discuss.”

  “Did I hear you correctly concerning Jackson?” Misha cast a quick glance at Cameron and saw the anger she’d heard in his voice on his face.

  “Look, as executive producer of Celeb Chef, I have to make sure the integrity of the show comes first. After all, that’s what our viewers want.”

  “Integrity?” Misha shook her head. “What are you talking about?”

  Shawn drew a circle around some figures on the papers in front of him. “I’m talking about that steamy little video of you and Cameron kissing splashed all over the Internet. Already, there are bloggers and tabloid magazines hinting at possible favouritism, wondering if you won because of your involvement.”

  “I won because I worked hard to create the best dishes possible with my team.”

  “And although that may be true and there isn’t a specific rule concerning the issue at hand, there are very definite guidelines on what can be done if I feel the final outcome of the competition was somehow unfairly tilted in a contestant’s favour.”

  “Misha would have won regardless of my vote, Shawn. I told you before and I’ll say it again—I consistently judged the contestants on their creativity, skill and presentation. I even voted against Misha at a crucial point in the show.”

  Shawn stood with a shrug. “Again, I’m inclined to believe you, but what I believe doesn’t matter. What matters is what Celeb Chef viewers might perceive as unfair. I’ve made an executive decision to name Jackson the winner. I’m sorry.”

  Misha cleared her constricted throat. “I don’t believe this.” She hardly noticed when Cameron took a step closer to her.

  “You’re making a mistake, Rill.”

  Shawn wagged a finger at Cameron. “You’re the one about to make the biggest mistake of your career if you don’t seriously reconsider my offer.” He looked at Misha without the slightest hint of empathy. “Don’t worry, just being on the show has changed the course of your career as a chef for the better. You made it to the top two. You’re walking away with fifty grand—all is not lost.”

  Misha bit the inside of her cheek to keep from screaming with frustration. What she’d lost had nothing to do with the Celeb Chef title and everything to do with her reputation. It was incomprehensible. She watched Shawn open and close the door behind him through the sheen of tears.

  The look in Misha’s eyes twisted Cameron’s heart. He went to her and wrapped his arms around her.

  “Oh, my God.” Her voice wavered as she struggled not to cry.

  “Take a deep breath. Misha, it’s going to be okay.”
/>   He heard her inhale, felt the slight tremor run through her body before she pulled away.

  “I don’t even know what to think or do right now.” Misha paced the floor as she shook her head. “I was just on television talking about how surreal it felt to win. How embarrassing is this?”

  “I’m not even sure he can get away with this. I have my lawyers looking into it as we speak.”

  Misha stood still and looked at him. “What offer was he asking you to reconsider?”

  “Before the final show, Shawn discussed his concerns about the bad publicity of our alleged relationship.” Cameron paused as Misha stared at him. “He offered me a multi-million dollar deal if I voted for Jackson.”

  Misha gave him a wobbly smile. “But you voted for me.”

  “Of course I did. I don’t give a damn about his deal.”

  “Yet, it stands because Jackson wins by default thanks to my involvement with you”—Misha crossed her arms beneath her breasts—“which means your multi-million dollar deal remains on the table and you can still sign on the dotted line.”

  Cameron cursed. “You’re upset—”

  “I am beyond fucking upset.”

  He wanted to take her back into his arms, but nodded instead. “I get it, so am I, but please don’t tell me you actually think I’d take Shawn’s offer, especially now. I voted for you.”

  “I know.” Misha averted her gaze from his. “How you voted wouldn’t have mattered if you knew I’d lose anyway with any damnable evidence of my involvement with you.”

  Cameron kept his rising irritation in check as Misha began to pace the floor again. “Ah, I see, so I invited you to the gym fully aware of the security cameras?”

  “What was that you said?” Misha stopped moving to wag her finger at him. “Oh, I remember, I’m a natural in front of the camera.”

  “Stop.” Her words, the uncertainty in her eyes, cut through his growing anger and pained him like a stake through the heart. “So, what are you saying exactly, Misha? That I put together this nefarious plan, strategically voting for you in an effort to secure this multi-million contract for Celeb Chef by wooing you and taking you to bed?”

  Misha flinched in the face of his harsh tone. “No.”

  “And let’s not forget who initiated that whole hot little scene in the gym.”

  “Don’t do that.”

  Cameron scoffed. “Do what? Attack your character?”

  Misha let out a strangled groan, took a step towards him. “Cameron, I don’t even know what I’m saying.”

  Cameron held up his hand, beyond furious, annoyed by the ache in his chest. “Misha, I can’t believe you’d say something like that to me after everything we’ve shared. I’m sorry for the recent turn of events. I hate like hell I am the reason your dream to be the next Celeb Chef may not be realised, but I do not regret a single moment of our time together.” The tears welling in her eyes killed him. “There were many reasons why I wouldn’t have accepted Shawn’s proposal”—Cameron held her troubled gaze—“but I only needed one.”

  Seconds of silence ensued before Misha looked away. “I’m sorry.” She lifted her face to his again. “I’m sorry I said that.” She reached out to touch his arm. “I’m just overwhelmed.” Her apology did little to calm the raging storm of emotions within him as a tear slid down her cheek. “Cam?”

  He moved from her grasp. “I’m going to get you out of here.”

  * * * *

  Cameron wheeled his suitcase out of the bedroom then walked over to the mini bar. He pulled out two small bottles of Scotch then shut the door. With a dark curse, he opened the fridge again and took out two more. After pouring the contents of two into a glass with ice, he took his drink and sat in the chair facing the window. He drank the liquor fast, wanting to dull the ache gnawing at his insides.

  His lawyer had confirmed that Shawn had legal grounds to give the Celeb Chef title to Jackson. The hotel manager had apologised and assured him that he was looking into pressing charges against the employee suspected of snatching the footage—Cameron got the sense that the hotel manager couldn’t wait for him to check out. He was probably worried about a lawsuit himself, which Cameron had considered, until he thought about how proceeding with one would affect Misha. He’d thought about calling her, but had quashed the idea. He wasn’t sure she wanted to hear from him and after the words spoken between them, he wasn’t sure he wanted to speak to her.


  He did want to talk to her, couldn’t get her off his mind since he’d said goodbye to her as she’d exited the elevator on her floor. They’d said nothing to one another during the drive back to the hotel, barely touching, behaving like strangers.

  Fucking insane.

  After all they’d shared, Misha’s frazzled accusations had hit him like a sucker-punch to the gut. He thought of her declaration of almost loving him. She couldn’t feel that way about him and distrust him. Despite what he’d said, she hadn’t believed him when he’d said they’d get through this together.

  Just like Jess.

  “No.” Cameron violently swirled the ice in his glass.

  Misha wasn’t like his ex-wife. She’d explained why she’d reacted the way she had, apologised even. She hadn’t shut him out completely. He’d seen the regret in her eyes following what she’d said, but the fact remained that she’d uttered the words. Somewhere within her she questioned his intent, his feelings towards her, in spite of him telling her that he didn’t want to let her go.

  But you didn’t tell her the rest.

  The rest…

  Cameron knocked back the Scotch and got up. He went for the remaining two mini bottles and poured more. The rest had been hard to admit, harder to say even when Misha had mumbled her heartfelt sentiment. He hadn’t bargained on falling for her, wasn’t sure he wanted to fully open himself up to the inevitable heartaches and vulnerability a relationship endured when the ‘L’ word was involved, not after what he’d gone through with Jess.

  His cell chimed, interrupting his dark thoughts. Cameron went to his phone and answered it when he saw it was his brother calling. “Hello?”

  “Wow. I guess I should’ve been worried.”

  “What the hell are you talking about, Olie?”

  “Trouble. You did find some in the Emerald City.” Oliver chuckled. “Damn. You and Misha? Since when did you start dating anything other than petite brunettes? Not that I blame you, she’s very sexy—”

  “Shut the fuck up.”

  “Okay. I’m sorry. This is a surprise.”

  “What is?”

  “You’re serious about her. You haven’t let any woman get close to you since Jess.”

  Cameron remained silent.

  “Hey, I’m happy for you. I know things must be crazy right now.”

  “Crazy? Try a complete disaster. Misha’s a mess. Everything is fucked up.”


  “Yeah.” Cameron scratched at his five o’clock shadow. “She’s no longer the winner of Celeb Chef.”

  “I know. It’s been all over the news.”

  “Shit. I haven’t wanted to turn the television on.”

  “Cam, everything will work out.”

  “That’s what I told her, but she’s understandably upset. So am I.” Cameron set his empty snifter on the bar counter. “The worst part is that she thought I could have had anything to do with Shawn Rill’s decision.”

  “He’s the executive producer of the show.”


  “I don’t understand. Why would she think that?”

  Cameron quickly explained and Oliver swore. “What?”

  “That guy is a piece of work.”

  “That he is.” Cameron tossed the empty bottles into the trash and glanced at his watch. He needed to be at the airport in less than four hours.

  “So, you’re not taking Rill up on his lucrative offer to be a recurring Celeb Chef judge?”

  “How did you know about that?”
r />   “He had a meeting with Dad earlier this week, presented the idea of a tie-in with you being a returning judge and using a Banner Hotel to host the show next season. Of course, our father was interested in the publicity and revenue this could generate for the family business.”

  “I didn’t think he’d have the balls to approach our dad without a green light from me.”

  “Rill was relentless. Dad played it cool, but he was very excited by Rill’s offer, thinks it’s a marketing coup too good to pass up.”

  “It’s not going to happen. I refuse to be a judge for Celeb Chef again. That jerk offered me a multi-million dollar contract if I voted against Misha.”

  “Cam, Rill said he would still consider a Banner hotel for the locale as a top choice for next season’s show whether you come back or not.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “You know I’m not, and you should know Dad wants this deal almost as much as he wanted you to be a part of the family business.”

  “That’s too bad. He’s about to be disappointed again.”

  “What are you going to do about Misha?”

  Cameron ran his hand through his hair. “There isn’t much I can do. I know how to handle a media frenzy. This madness is all new to her.”

  “You’ll help her through it.”

  “Honestly, Olie, I’m not sure that’s what she wants.”

  “Are you going to ask her?”

  “My flight leaves in a few hours. I’m sure she’s heading back to Chicago soon too.”

  Oliver snorted. “What does that have to do with my question? Look, I know you’ve gone through a lot, relationship-wise. I’ve watched you handle shit I’m not sure I could, but I’ve heard something in your voice lately I haven’t heard in a long time.”

  “And what would that be?”

  “Happiness. Genuine joy. For me, that makes working things out with Misha worth it, man.”

  “Thank you, Dr Phil.”

  “Hey, just calling it like I see it. I’ll take you out for steaks and beers when you get back.”


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