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Soul Sweet

Page 19

by Nichelle Gregory

  Cameron grinned. “You bring the beers over and I’ll cook the steaks.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Misha smoothed stray strands back, sighing at the sight of her fuzzy ponytail. Blow-dried heat was no match for Cameron’s brand of passion. Her body ached in several places, every twinge a reminder of her wild night with him. She touched her tender breasts through her pink turtleneck and winced. Zings of awareness shot through her nipples down to her still sensitive pussy and ass. Flashes of Cameron lifting her legs over his shoulders and taking her anal virginity sent a wave of heat through her and she tugged at her turtleneck.

  Yes, but it’s a good kind of pain, isn’t it?

  Misha exhaled. Just thinking about the way he’d introduced her to how good it could be made her wet. Annoyed, she reached for her lip gloss, applied it then tossed it into her makeup bag. It didn’t feel right entertaining thoughts of Cameron’s lovemaking skills, not when there were so many other things she needed to focus on, like how she’d completely flipped out on him. The things she’d said…

  She’d felt the wall come up between them the moment she’d all but accused him of purposefully messing up her chance to win. He’d been furious, but he hadn’t yelled or called her irrational. No, he’d seen her back to her hotel room without uttering a single word. Well, one—goodbye.


  Misha grabbed her makeup bag then exited the bathroom. Her gaze fell on the stainless steel knife Shannon had presented her with. Tears filled her eyes as she picked it up and stared at the embossed words on the handle. She’d wanted to win so badly. The thought of going home no longer the winner of Celeb Chef hurt, but was nothing in comparison to losing Cameron. Had she ruined everything between them?

  A knock on the door drew her attention away from the stainless steel and her scattered thoughts. She placed the knife on the bed, went to the door and opened it to see her sister. “Where’s Ava and Josie?”

  Serene walked into the room. “They’ll be here. I wanted to talk to you alone first. Where have you been? We’ve been trying to reach you for hours.” She hugged Misha.

  “I just needed some time to myself.” Misha squeezed her sister tightly.

  “I’m sorry all of this happened.” Serene moved back to look at her. “I can see in your eyes how upset you are.”

  Misha sighed. “Wouldn’t you be?”

  “I would. But it was just a vid of you two kissing. It wasn’t like you two were having sex in the gym.” Serene’s eyes widened as she stared at Misha. “Oh, my God. You did, didn’t you?”


  “Do you think that was recorded too?”

  “Serene, I don’t know, okay? I just can’t believe this is happening, how recklessly I’ve been behaving since…”

  “Since Cameron.”

  Misha sat on the bed. “None of this would’ve happened if I’d just stayed focused on the reason I came to Seattle in the first place.”

  Her sister came over and sat next to her. “C’mon. I know it seems bad, but all that video showed was a kiss between two lovers, a very hot kiss. It’s not like a sex tape, Misha.”

  “But one could exist. Maybe this person is just waiting for the right moment to let the other shoe drop.”

  “Whoever shared that video made some quick cash giving that footage to some tabloid. You best believe they would have shared something juicier for more money if they’d had it. So, try not to let that thought drive you crazy. Crazier.” Serene picked up the Celeb Chef knife and sighed. “This is beautiful.”

  “It is. I guess I should give it back.”

  “Like hell you should. It’s got your name on it.” Serene handed it to her. “You earned it. It’s yours.”

  Misha hesitated before taking the gleaming utensil from her.

  “Look, you won. Everyone knows that. Don’t let what happened shake your confidence. Now, take this damn thing, put it back in that lovely box and pack it in your suitcase. We are going to find a special place to display it when we get back.”

  Misha grinned as she took the knife. “I love you, Serene.” She kissed her sister on the cheek then walked over to her suitcase.

  “I love you back. Speaking of love…”

  Misha whirled around and pointed the kitchenware at Serene. “Don’t.”

  “Don’t what? Talk about the fact you’ve found a man that you obviously care a lot about?”

  “My involvement with Cameron is what messed things up.” Misha stuffed the wooden box inside her suitcase.

  “I know the timing was a little off, but are you really sorry you got involved with him?”

  Misha paused for a moment then zipped up her bag. “No, I’m not sorry.”

  “I know you aren’t.”

  Misha came back over to the bed and flopped down on it beside her sister. “I also have absolutely no idea what I’m doing with him either.”

  Serene lay back with her. “That’s how it is with love—unexplainable, unpredictable.”

  “I didn’t say I loved him.”

  “Don’t you?”

  Misha thought about what she’d mumbled to Cameron before she’d drifted into sated dreamland. “I said some things to him I seriously regret.”

  “Was it that bad?”

  “Worse.” Misha shook her head, remembering the coolness in Cameron’s gaze when he’d said goodbye to her. “If you had seen his face.”

  Serene nodded. “You were upset, reacting to the situation. He understands, I’m sure.”

  “I don’t know. He was pissed.”

  “You need to talk to him.”

  “I plan to. I’m just not sure he’ll want to hear what I have to say,” Misha wailed. “I wish I could go somewhere with no access to the media for a month.”

  “What you need to do is face this. Misha, look at me.”

  Misha turned her head towards her sister. “I’m looking at you.”

  “I know how much winning this competition meant to you, but if you’ve found love here in the Emerald City, you’ve gained much, much more.”

  “That’s true.”

  Serene squeezed her hand. “Damn straight.”

  A knock on the door brought a smile to both women’s faces.

  Serene giggled. “Ava and Josie have arrived.”

  Misha sat up as Serene moved off the bed to get the door. She listened to the excited banter of her friends and uncharacteristically wished again that she were a million miles away. She got up as Ava, Josie and her sister came into the room. “Hey, guys.”

  “How are you?” Ava gave her a quick hug, concern evident in her beautiful hazel eyes.

  “I’ve been better.” Misha hugged Josie, who held up a carry-out bag.

  “We thought some comfort food would help. “ Josie pointed to the bag in her hand. “You’ve got a loaded baked potato and a slice of lemon cake in there.”

  “Thank you.” Misha took the food. “Do I smell coffee too?”

  “Right here.” Ava passed her a paper coffee cup. “Forgot the Kahlúa, though.”

  Misha grinned. “It’s okay.”

  “No, it isn’t. How could they make Jackson the winner over a damn kiss?” Ava popped the lid off her coffee and stirred it. “Especially when it looked like the lip lock of a lifetime.” Her friend came over and placed her hand on Misha’s forehead.

  “What are you doing, Ava?”

  “Checking to see if you’re still hot from Chef Sexy’s kiss. Good Lord, now that was some quality television watching right there. I could feel the heat through the screen.”

  “Ava.” Serene gave her best friend a ‘Would you stop?’ look.

  Ava shrugged. “What? I did.”

  Misha opened the lid on her potato. “To know that moment between me and Cameron is available to anyone in cyber-land kills me.”

  “Mish, I’m sorry. I was trying to make you smile. I know you must be just sick with that video being out there like that.”

  “I’m not upset about what yo
u said, Ava.”

  “Are you going to try to fight this?” Josie passed her a stirrer for her coffee. “I could get you in quick with a lawyer at my firm.”

  Misha grimaced. “I’m not sure I want to take things that far. The last thing I want to do is draw more attention to our relationship.”

  “Relationship?” Ava and Josie asked at the exact same time, shocked expressions on their faces.

  Misha was a little surprised at how easily the word had flowed off her tongue as well. She avoided her friends’ curious gazes as she pushed the lid back on her cup.

  “So, you and Cameron are officially a couple?”

  Misha hesitated in answering Josie’s question. She wasn’t sure ‘I’m not ready to let you go’ qualified as a declaration of their relationship status. “You know what, Josie? I don’t know what the hell we are.”

  “Ahh.” Ava lifted an eyebrow. “But there is a definite ‘we’.”

  “What time do you three fly out again?”

  “Five twenty.” Ava placed a hand on her hip. “Don’t try to change the subject. This is so exciting! I knew my feeling about you two was on point.” She wagged her finger at all of them. “The sooner you guys believe in my powers, the quicker I can help find the right man for you.”

  “I believe in you, Ava.” Josie grinned. “But I don’t have time for Mr Right, unless he’s going to help me study for my bar exam.”

  Ava clucked her tongue. “There should always be time for love, chica.” She moved to sit on one of the leather chairs and lifted one of Misha’s favourite pairs of heels. “Don’t forget to pack these.”

  “Oh, boy. Thanks.” Misha sighed and pointed to her overstuffed suitcase. “What a disaster. I don’t think I can fit another thing in there.”

  “I have room in my bag.” Josie grinned as Serene groaned. “Hey, don’t envy a master packer. I tried to show you how it’s done.”

  Serene rolled her eyes. “Packing only one pair of shoes is not how I want it done. What time is your flight, sis?”

  “I’m taking the red-eye.”

  “Yuck.” Ava wrinkled her nose. “Can you change flights? “

  “I—” Misha froze at the sound of knocking. She looked at her friends. “Any of you order something?”

  All three ladies shook their heads.

  “It’s Cameron.” Serene gave her a knowing smile as Misha moved to the door and opened it to find her sister had been right.

  Misha’s breath hitched as their gazes locked, her pulse instantly quickening. “Cameron.”

  “I wanted to talk to you before my flight.” He looked over her head at her nosy friends and sister who’d all moved forward to see him. “Hello, again, Serene.”

  “Hey, Cameron.” Her sister smiled as he stepped inside her hotel room.

  “Cameron, these are my best friends, Ava and Josie.” Misha tried to swallow the lump in her throat while her friends came forward to shake his hand.

  “Nice to meet you both.” Cameron’s deep voice sent a wave of longing through her. Her eyes ran over every inch of him as her friends engaged him. He chatted easily with her friends, charming as ever, effortlessly sexy in his dark jeans and grey sweater. She was close enough to him to be affected by the subtle scent of his cologne. God, she loved the way it smelt on his skin, loved the smile curving his lips. His mouth, damn she loved kissing him. She just loved…him. A small groan escaped from her throat and all eyes were on her.

  “Mish, we’re going to finish lunch downstairs, so you two can talk.” Serene moved towards the table and gathered all the carry-out bags.

  “You ladies are welcome to finish eating in my suite.” Cameron held up his room key card. “The space is empty and I have it until I check out.”

  Josie eyes widened. “Umm… That’s n—”

  “How thoughtful.” Josie rolled her eyes at Ava when she grabbed the key card with a delighted giggle.

  Ava winked at Misha. “Serene, don’t forget the bag with the cake.”

  “Got it.” Serene squeezed Misha’s hand again as she went past. “Thanks, Cameron.”

  “My pleasure. Just leave the key card at the front desk when you’re done.” He smiled at the women as they exited, not looking at Misha until the door had clicked shut.

  She stared at him and flashbacks of the kiss they’d shared in the exact same area flooded her mind. There was so much she wanted to say.

  “My flight leaves in a few hours.” Cameron shifted his gaze briefly to her suitcase. “Are you ready to go home?”

  “Not really, but I’m ready to sleep in my own bed.”

  “Me too.” Cameron rubbed his neck. “That hotel pillow hasn’t been kind to me.”

  “What time is your flight?”

  “Eight thirty. Yours?”

  “Ten o’clock. You must be anxious to get back to running your restaurants.”

  Cameron shrugged. “I wouldn’t mind a trip to Tahiti instead of New York. I could use a little downtime before having to get back into the thick of things.”

  “Tahiti. That would be nice.”

  “It would be. What are your plans upon your return to Chicago? Do you think you’ll take Darius up on his offer to become a partner in his restaurant?”

  Misha’s eyes widened in surprise. She hadn’t thought of Darius once since he’d left. “I–I don’t know. I’ve got fifty grand coming my way as the Celeb Chef runner-up. It might be time to make some changes.”

  “That’s good.”

  Misha nodded absently, thinking how fast things seemed to have changed between them.

  Cameron swore. “I don’t like this.”

  “Like what?”

  He gestured between them, his eyes stormy. “You and I acting like polite strangers.”

  “I don’t either.” Misha averted her gaze from his as her vision blurred with tears threatening to fall any second.



  Cameron tilted his head in her direction. “You first.”

  “Okay.” Misha exhaled. “I know I apologised already, but I want you to know I am truly sorry for what I said yesterday. I was angry, confused and I just reacted.” She touched his arm. “I know you wouldn’t have had anything to do with that videotape being leaked.”

  “But the bottom line is, for a moment you did entertain the thought as a possibility.” Cameron pressed his hand to her chest and her heart thudded beneath his touch. “Somewhere in here, you don’t trust me.”


  “You don’t, and maybe that’s because of how fast everything went down between us. Maybe we moved too quickly.” He brought his hand up to her face. “I was mad as hell at you for what you said, but I’ve tried looking at this from your perspective, tried to understand, and I don’t blame you for having doubts or questioning my motives.”

  Misha blinked, determined not to cry in front of him. “We did move fast, but I don’t regret that.” She drew in another shuddering breath, ready to tell him she didn’t think she loved him, she knew she did.

  “Good. I don’t ever want to think you had regrets about us.” Cameron held her gaze. “I need you to believe me when I tell you everything that happened between us was an unexpected, uncalculated surprise.”

  “As it was for me.” Despite her resolve, a tear slipped down her cheek. She breathed through the pain ripping through her heart as the finality of his words sank in.

  “Misha, please don’t cry.” Cameron took a step towards her and wrapped his arms around her. He held her as she drew in a few shaky breaths. “I feel responsible for your unhappiness—it’s killing me.”

  Misha reluctantly pulled away from him. “What happened wasn’t your fault.”

  “Maybe not, but I still feel responsible for having your win snatched away. You put your heart into that competition and Shawn’s decision was bloody unfair. Celeb Chef winner or not, don’t you ever forget how beautiful and talented you are, one of the best chefs I’ve had the
pleasure to watch cook. You can create the tastiest dishes under an extreme amount of pressure. I respect you and admire your culinary gifts.”

  “Cameron, thank you.”

  He smiled at her. “You’re welcome. You are divine, you know that?”

  She shook her head. “Stop.”

  Cameron reached out and brushed his thumb over her lip. “I’m serious. I think you’re delicious, so sweet.”

  Misha gave him a wry look. “So sweet?” Her mind conjured up erotic memories of him making her come with his mouth.

  “Addictive.” He placed his hand above her heart again. “Not only that, you’re soul sweet. I’m going to miss you like hell, Misha.”

  Then don’t say goodbye.


  Cameron slid his hand from her chest to behind her back and pulled her against him. “Call me when you get in and let me know you arrived safely.”

  “I will.”

  More tears clouded her vision as she cleared her throat. “Why does this feel like a final goodbye?”

  I love you.

  She couldn’t get the words out, not when it took every ounce of energy not to fall apart in front of him and not when it felt like saying them wouldn’t change anything. His life was in New York and hers was in Chicago.

  And he doesn’t feel the same way.

  “Nothing is final, but we do have to say goodbye. You said we’d have to go back to our respective lives after the show ended and, of course, you’re right.” He leaned his head down, kissed her softly at first then more urgently, stoking the fire he’d created within her from the very first moment he’d touched her. She wrapped her arms around his neck with a moan as he crushed her against his body and ravished her mouth. Her heart ached when he pulled back and stared at her, his green eyes dark with desire. She wanted more as she drew in a shuddering breath, his taste still on her tongue.

  “We’ll talk soon.” His voice was husky, evidence that he’d been affected as much as her.

  Misha nodded, not trusting herself to speak. She didn’t want to be right, she wanted…

  The impossible dream.

  But real life wasn’t a fairy tale. Her Prince Charming walked out of the door without a goodbye and for that she was grateful, even as she crumpled to the floor and sobbed.


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