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Unforgettable (Family Justice Book 5)

Page 50

by Suzanne Halliday

  The temptation to fire up a sibling sparring match was strong but she resisted and took a more somber approach. They had a lot to talk about.

  “Better sit down. It’s quite a story.”

  Stomping like a pissed off toddler, he crossed the office and dropped into a chair with a sulky grunt. “I fucking hate being the last to know.”

  She sighed. Deliberately keeping things from the family wasn’t where she did her best work but in this case she had no choice. The voices of dissent would have put a crimp in her plans.

  “You can start,” he growled, “by telling me who the father is.”

  Okay. If that’s what he wanted…

  “Client number two-seven-zero-five. Age, thirty-five. Health, excellent.”

  He glowered at her. “Is that code for Bob Smith? Jesus, Sophie. Stop. Just tell me.”

  She got comfortable on the sofa, pulled her feet up and to the side and patted her protruding belly.

  “I am telling you Alex. But you have to listen with an open mind.”

  “Cut me a break, would you? When have I ever not given you every benefit of every doubt, Soph? Huh? I’m a little hurt by your attitude.”

  Her brother looked quite pointedly at her stomach. She’d had plenty of time to feel guilty about her decisions so any regret she had for keeping him in the dark had already left a mark.

  He really was the best brother she could hope for and she told him so.

  “I love you, bro. For really, real Alex.” She caressed her belly with big round strokes. “It’s a boy by the way and I’m over the moon about this, okay?”

  He nodded and then quickly shook his head and looked away. It was tough to watch him struggle with his emotions.


  She took a big breath, let it out and smiled. “Here it is Alex. You know me. You know my history. This isn’t about that. This is about being in my thirties and feeling like I’m on the outside looking in. You fell in love—nice going by the way. Meghan’s a keeper! And then Angie managed to nail Parker’s ass. The ‘rents deciding it was time to do the retirement thing and take off to smell the roses. Where did I fit in to all of that?”

  Looking around the familiar room she was struck by the intense masculine vibe that seemed part of the space. She never really thought of it that way before. This had been her granddad’s study and his dad’s before him. Alex belonged here. The Villa de Valleja-Marquez and hundreds of years of family history was deeply embedded in his DNA.

  Was it wrong that she wanted to find where she belonged? Where her dreams might flourish and the happiness she refused to chase would come naturally?

  “Everyone around me was making plans for the future. The moment I realized that I wasn’t, that’s when I knew things had to change. So I thought about what would make me happy. A novel experience,” she drawled sarcastically. “Happy wasn’t exactly on my to-do list.”

  Rubbing both hands back and forth on her bump, she let the happy smile reflect her joy.

  “Long story short, I wanted to be a mom. No discussion,” she quickly said with a dismissive wave. “I’m not defending shit to anyone. Being the pragmatic, fact based nightmare I’ve always been, I made a bunch of lists. Pros and cons, stuff like that and decided to take a huge leap of faith. I’m young, independent and a person of means for lack of a better way to put it. Finding a fertility doctor with an extensive donor bank and a high level of confidence took some time but...” she shrugged. “Here we are.”

  “Wait,” Alex mumbled. “What? Are you saying this is a donor of the clinical kind situation?”

  “The term you’re struggling not to say is artificially inseminated and yes. That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

  “What about Mom and Dad? What did they say?”

  “Well, since it was my decision and not theirs, they didn’t know until after the pregnancy was confirmed. Since then they’ve been on board a thousand times over.”

  “Does Angie know?”

  “Alex,” she snapped. “It’s not a competition but no, Angie has no idea whatsoever. If you must know, I wanted to tell you first. It’s important to me that I have your support.” She held her breath and smiled weakly. “And understanding.”

  All the reasons she’d always been proud of her brother and looked up to him as a sort of demi-god came rushing home when he stood up and pulled her into one of his signature bear hugs. They didn’t make ‘em like this anymore, she thought heavily.

  “I’m your man, Soph. Whatever you need. Anything. I’m serious. All I care about is your happiness. When’s the little guy due? Are you gonna crush me to the grandparent finish line?”

  She clung to his hug and drank in some of his strength. Everything was perfect now that she had Alexander’s approval.

  “Afraid so,” she giggled when they separated. Wiping away a single stray tear she smiled broadly and then patted her belly. “First week in May. Beat you by a whole month!”

  He was looking at her like he was seeing her for the first time. His astute reaction made her heart soar. Alex got it. She wasn’t what happened to her any more than he was. They’d each been transformed by dark forces but that fact didn’t fundamentally alter who they were. He had his ‘come to the lord’ moment with Meghan and walked confidently into the future. She was just doing the same thing only in her case, the man by her side would someday soon be her son.

  “You want me to build you a house? Maybe near Calder?”

  A bark of laughter burst from her throat. “What?”

  Leave it to Alex, she thought. His first inclination was a huge gesture. Go big or go home had always been his modus operandi.

  “Absolutely not, Alexander. For now it’s the casita, but my long range plan is to buy a little house in a nice neighborhood where my son can grow up like we did. In happy family suburbia.”

  He started to interject but she rode over him with fast facts that shut him up.

  “I’ve got a dozen real estate print outs and have contacted a few agents. Turns out I really like that area where Angie ended up. Half way between here and Sedona so easy access to you guys and Mom and Dad. Win, win.”

  There wasn’t going to be much room to shit on her carefully thought out plan because she was that good.

  Her new motto was Uno para todos and Screw the haters. All for one. The sentiment of pulling together, no longer solitary, even if it just meant mother and son, appealed to the hidden romantic in her soul.

  The rest of the motto was obvious.

  Parker set his phone down and pondered Alex’s unusual message.

  Make sure you’re sitting down.

  What the hell did that mean? He texted him back but so far no answer.

  “She’s here!”

  He looked up at Angie’s girlish yelp and watched as she went through her half of a goofy shimmy she and her sister did.

  “Woot woot. I’m so happy,” she gushed, clutching a phone to her breast. Throwing it aside, she laughed and happily dove onto his lap. When she curled into him like this all was right with the world.

  “Are we still waiting for Christmas Eve dinner or do you want to go now?”

  Wiggling like an overeager puppy, she drove him fucking crazy with her ass and surprised him with her restrained answer. She’d lost none of her fiery passion or irrepressible ability to stir up shit but she’d also taken his message to heart. About putting them first. Always.

  “It’s just one day. I mean, we’re talking about tomorrow night. I’m good,” she drawled, her fingers starting to fiddle with the buttons on his shirt. “Besides, Mom is making me crazy with all her wedding nonsense. I need Sophie backing me up next time we’re in the same room.”

  “I’ll tell you what,” he teased. “It’s kind of cool that my aunt is also my fiancée’s mom and my mom’s best friend. Makes getting my own way that much easier plus I get a ton of insider information.”

  “Like what?” Her fingers stopped working on his shirt.

  He like
d playing with her. She was so damn cute when she got riled up. “Like the fact that you picked a dress and that you drove to Flagstaff and personally measured the aisle at the church. You don’t need backing, baby girl. You’ve got this. And while you’re at it, stop pretending you’re not into it. I see those bridal magazines you’ve got stashed everywhere.”

  She sulked for the hell of it and because she knew he’d fuck her sads away.

  “Yes, well sometimes it feels like our mothers forget who the damn bride is. I know they’ve only been planning this for decades but come on. Cut me a break.”

  “Hey,” he said as humor curved the corners of his mouth. “I know something only the bride can do. Something I need help with.”

  She brightened up with a satisfied smirk on her face. “Now this is what I’m talking about! The bride is all ears. What can I do for you?”

  “I’m worried about my part of this. Wanna get it right.” He said it matter of factly, and had to bite off a laugh when she nodded her agreement.

  “What part exactly?”

  “The part after all the hoopla and craziness. After we land in Hawaii and it’s just you, me, the ocean and a whole lot of naked? Maybe we should practice. You know. Come up with a few possible wedding night scenarios and test ‘em out. See where each scores on the orgasm index.”

  “Scenarios? I like where this is going. Continue.”

  Never had he been more glad that he had to think fast for a living by pulling an oldie but goodie out of thin air.

  “Since we’re in the fantasy realm, I’m thinking the whole virgin surrenders thing is a great way to start. “

  She wiggled on his lap. “Will this involve tearing a nightgown to shreds?”

  “Should it?”

  “Oh definitely.” Her sexy purr banished everything else from his mind except playing with his fiancée.

  “Okay, my virgin bride. Then let’s do this right. We’ve come from the church, now you’re mine to use as I see fit. You’ve gone to our bedroom to prepare yourself for the marital ravishment you fear is coming. That’s where I’ll find you. Prepped and ready for fucking.”

  In pure Angie style she was up and off his lap, laughing as she raced away and headed to their bedroom. “Give me thirty minutes.”

  God, what a shame she was so reluctant!


  “I’m so glad we decided to stay home. First Christmas in our new home. I like this,” Angie said.

  She looked up into Parker’s eyes. Every time his gaze met hers she swore her heart did a little dance. When he traced a finger lightly along the side of her face she turned into his touch. He was so solid and strong. Exactly what she needed.

  “I think after last night we earned some distance from our families. Don’t you?”

  How much more right could he possibly be?

  “My sister. Pregnant. A clinical conception and a veil of secrecy that extended to your parents.”

  “Nice touch, huh?” His peeved tone did not go unnoticed.

  “Let’s not talk about everyone else, okay? I’d much rather open presents.”

  He chuckled and cradled her closer. “Nope. We start as we intend to proceed. Remember? New house. New family. New traditions. In this home we empty our stockings first and then eat breakfast.”

  “I can do that,” she told him with a cheeky eye wag when she sat up and looked at him. “You’ll be disappointed though because yours is full of coal and Wookie droppings. Yuck.”

  “And yours angel baby is filled with fairy dust and anal lube.”

  “Parker!” She shrieked playfully and fake smacked him. “Real nice.”

  He was fucking with her of course. What he put in her damn stocking alone burned a hole in his wallet upwards of ten grand.

  “And then after breakfast, to make things interesting, only some of your gifts are under the tree. There are others hidden around the house.”

  For real? She gasped with excited delight. “A Santa scavenger hunt?”


  “Was Santa able to get in the playroom?”

  “Most definitely. I think I heard him boning Mrs. Claus late last night. Probably brought her back for a little ho-ho-ho time.”

  “Ho time in the playroom. Hmm. Why do I feel like you worked on that line?”

  “Nah,” he chuckled. “That name calling shit isn’t my style. I want you dripping. Not ready to rip my nuts off.”

  “Oh, well that’s good to know cause I kind of like your nuts exactly where they are. Gotta keep them in good working order cause after the new year when there’s no more birth control, I’m counting on you to do your thing. You know. The fuck a baby into me thing.”

  “So romantic,” he growled.

  “Shit! Really counselor? Do you need me to romance your ass too?”

  “A little romance might be nice. Don’t wanna just be a fuck stick.”

  “Wrong use of the phrase,” she teased.

  “What the fuck do I care? I like the way it sounded. Fuck stick. Works on some level.”

  She kissed him because she had to. He was too damn wonderful not to.

  “I love you Parker Sullivan.”

  “And I love you soon-to-be Mrs. Parker Sullivan.”

  What a year! Now that it was almost over and she could turn all her attention on their future, her heart soared with happiness.

  In a few short months they’d be married and starting off on a whole new adventure in the continuing saga of Parker and Angelina.

  “This is the coolest selfie stick ever,” Cameron proclaimed when the three of them huddled on the floor in front of their beautiful tree and posed for pictures. Dylan stood in between them, a hand on one of their shoulders and a finger in his mouth.

  Christmas morning in the Cameron household was a non-stop photo opportunity. Her husband was quick enough with the camera to catch a shot of her beautiful son bending over to put a kiss for baby sister on Mommy’s tummy. A happy smile lit up her face.

  They were having a wonderful morning and Santa even granted her wish for the constant nausea to back off because she’d had a fairly easy time of it so far.

  Dylan plopped on the floor and occupied himself with a new toy while she relaxed against her husband’s side.

  “Have you heard from anyone at the big house yet?” She asked the question because in all honesty she was curious how Christmas morning was going in the wake of Alex’s parents’ arrival and Sophie’s unexpected announcement.

  Pregnant. That made five pregnancies in different stages all happening at the same time.

  She almost felt sorry for the guys.

  “No. And I didn’t expect to. It’s Alex’s way. He needs time to navigate the facts before he gives anything away. Until he’s ready, he can have all the time he needs.”

  “Hey. Do you think Brody and Heather…”

  She loved the sound of his laugh. In her mind it was one of the first tracks in their love soundtrack.

  “Easy, love. I’m sure they’ll make an announcement at some point. Knowing Bella I’d guess a Christmas morning selfie featuring some jewelry will be forthcoming.”

  “No, no,” Dylan scolded his toy. He looked at them and laughed. “Baby?”

  Cameron patted her big tummy and said, “Ah, ah baby.”

  Dylan crawled to them and got up on his knees with a hand on her arm for balance. Real gently like Daddy showed, he rubbed her tummy and said, “Ah, ah, baby,” in the sweetest voice.

  She scrubbed her fingers on both of their heads and grinned. “My guys,” she said with a contented sigh.

  “This has been a great year for us. Despite a minor bump here or there.”

  She gave him a good dose of eye-shade as a reminder that she’d been to hell and back between having a miscarriage and almost losing him on an assignment.

  He gave her a Jason Cameron original smile. “We’re together. Our son is a magnificent joy and though it’s been hard, the universe has seen fit to grace us with another chil
d. I’d call all that the makings of a good year.”

  “And next year will be even better!” she dramatically exclaimed to Dylan’s delight. “I predict an unforgettable year ahead.”

  “You’ve earned a serious push present, babe. Whatever you want.”

  She looked at the detailed portrait in its beautiful vintage frame, propped against a shelf in the bookcase. It was her mother. A painstaking reproduction of the only picture she had. Except instead of an old photograph showing a happy, smiling woman holding a baby, the oil portrait focused on her mom’s wonderful face with the calming smile and loving eyes she remembered.

  He’d given her so much already. An identity. A home. His love. A family. The portrait was just one in a stream of meaningful things.

  “I think men misunderstand what a push present is. The gift is what happens when the pushing stops. The new life we’ve made together taking her first breath. That’s the push present. Anything else is background noise.”

  “How did you get so wise,” he asked softly. “For one so young you have a unique and old soul way of looking at things.”

  Unbelievably, her stomach growled with hunger. It really was a perfect morning. “I’m famished. Let’s make pancakes!”

  She struggled to her feet the way only a pregnant lady could. “I think we should make a Christmas morning pancake tradition. Red and green sprinkles!”

  “Sounds good to me. We can use that new electric griddle Carmen gave us. That thing is big enough to make six pancakes at a time.”

  Lacey beamed at her guys when Cameron picked Dylan up and came toward her with their son in his arms.

  “Merry Christmas, boys!”

  She kissed them both soundly and headed off into the kitchen to whip up a memorable holiday breakfast.

  Finn cut the engine and sat with his legs on either side of the dirt bike he lugged into the desert. He took in the panoramic vista and let the desert energy seep into his senses.

  It was Christmas morning and instead of horning in on somebody else’s celebration, he decided new life, new traditions. So he loaded the dirt bike into his truck and headed out to a spot he knew was perfect for riding. And he hadn’t been wrong.


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