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Unforgettable (Family Justice Book 5)

Page 51

by Suzanne Halliday

  Stopping to clear his thoughts he ended up immediately thinking about Remy. His foolproof plan to wear her down with a public couple’s charade was stalled. Her defense mechanisms were finely honed and difficult to get around.

  He was also down with admitting if only to himself that was falling more than a little in love with her. Oh, he saw the problems and knew some of the things they faced would be significant, but he also knew they had something going on worth exploring. He couldn’t push so he bided his time and waited until the attraction that she couldn’t hide became voluntary instead of something she fought.

  Remy was spending time with her family for the holiday and he was a bit surprised at how much he missed her even though all they did was snipe at each other. She glared at him like he had a screw loose when he demanded she stay in touch because that’s what couples did, he insisted. So far her contacts had been half-hearted but she’d kept the lines of communication open and that’s what counted.

  He had no goddamn idea what next year would bring seeing as how this one turned out differently than anything he expected on the last New Year’s Day. The one thing he was sure of though was he liked Arizona. It was a good fit for him. And now that everything was going his way, he expected the new year to keep the good times rolling.

  “That was beautiful,” Stephanie murmured lovingly.

  Calder watched her swipe at a tell tale tear when he closed the beautiful child’s nativity storybook he read aloud to the baby. She could tell he was having a tough time with Sophia’s surprise reveal. It felt completely natural that he would find comfort in their child.

  It wasn’t that he minded how or why she ended up pregnant. What bothered him was her continued solitude—especially with a baby to parent. In the quiet of last night as they lay in each other’s arms, he poured his heart out about his concerns for Sophie. Her heart clutched remembering the poignant way he spoke of his wish that she find love with another. Someone her equal who would cherish and take care of her. She wasn’t surprised that he thought so highly of his oldest niece. Calder loved all three of his sister’s children with equal abandon. They were the kids he never had.

  “I found it in an old book store in Flagstaff. Beautiful illustrations. Something to pass on.”

  “It’s funny,” she told him. “I got a nativity storybook for Danny.”

  “Like minds.”

  “Indeed, shugah,” she chortled. Lightly stroking his handsome face she gazed lovingly into his eyes. “We’re so lucky. So blessed. How did this happen?”

  He chuckled softly in perfect harmony with her happy laugh. “My wolf pup brought us together. Meghan told me he denied having anything to do with it for the longest time. Eventually he had to admit his part. She says he told her that it hit him like a thunderbolt one day while he was at his computer responding to an email from you when I happened to text him.”

  “Aw,” she cooed. “How sweet is that?”

  He got quiet and seemed to drift off in thought. “In a lot of ways I think Alex and the girls were my surrogate kids.”

  Her eyes widened because she’d just had the same thought.

  Calder caressed their baby’s bump with his big, capable hands. “I’m going to be a dad,” he murmured in a voice filled with wonder. “Stephanie. How can I thank you?”

  “Oh shugah darlin’, that expression on your face and the wonder in your voice is thanks enough. Besides,” she purred contently. Throwing her legs across his, she snuggled close. “You take such good care of us I feel like I should be thanking you.”

  “I love you Duchess and can’t wait for moonlight lullabies and soft kisses in the sunlight with my beautiful wife. You make my world complete.”

  He bent and kissed her belly.

  “I have a question,” she said softly.

  “Anything, my love.”

  “When are you going to tell me where the wedding will be?” She prayed a horrible case of Pinocchio nose didn’t mark her with her next lie. “Is it Amore Vortice? Where Meghan and Alex said their private vows?”

  His expression turned playful. She wondered if he knew what a terrible busybody she’d been.

  “It’s a surprise.” He gave her a blank look and added, “I hope.”

  Damn. “Honey. There’s something I need to tell you.”

  He tapped her nose. “Took you long enough.”

  She looked at him quizzically trying to figure out what he meant.

  “Next time you use a drone for surveillance, delete the SD card when you’re finished.”

  “Shit. I can explain…”

  “How much did you see?”

  “Shugah, I swear,” she emphasized by crossing her heart, “that the second I realized what it was, I got out of there in a hurry. I’m so sorry. I learned my lesson though. Please don’t tell Alex.”

  He looked at her for a long moment with a growing glitter firing up in his eyes.

  “I know how you can make up for your unchecked curiosity.”


  “We have time to kill before heading out to Tori and Drae’s. I think a nice bath in our city size claw foot tub would be a good start. Get a nice fire going. See what develops.”

  She loved this man so damn much.

  “Bring the Kama Sutra book Santa left. And the honey butter. I bet something delightful develops.”

  “Raven! Catch!” Drae yelled as he flicked his wrist and sent the colorful Frisbee flying. The dog took off like a bat out of hell, her strong rear legs and determined front paws propelling her across the back yard in fast pursuit.”

  “Dog!” Danny laughed. Clapping his hands, he was standing in between Victoria’s legs on a patch of grass along the edge of the patio, bending at his knees and bobbing up and down. “Mama! Dog!” he cried.

  “The T-shirt tuxedo jacket definitely gives him a junior 007 look,” he joked with his wife. “All he needs is a shoulder holster and he’s ready to kick ass.”

  “Speaking of guns and shoulder holsters, thank you again for the Red Ryder rifle. I feel so Ralphie.”

  She’d gotten him a garish replica of the iconic leg lamp complete with fragile stickers all over the wrapping paper, and he’d presented her with the classic pump action bb rifle. The one Ralphie’s mother warned would most likely take his eye out.

  For shits and grins they even dressed Danny in a hilarious pink bunny suit and set up a bunch of family photographs using the tripod and camera setup Santa left under their tree. He envisioned video logs and family movies, which would be a great way to stay connected to his sister and her family.

  “I hope the Christmas Story theme ends there, he quipped. “Cause if Raven messes with our dinner, she’ll be in the dog house for real.”

  Taking the Frisbee from Raven’s mouth, he patted her on the head. “Good girl.”

  “Hey. What did I tell you about that?”

  Drae snickered at his wife’s admonishing tone. “My bad. I forgot. When you’re around there can be only one good girl.”

  “Damn right,” she crowed. “Earned the title with stripes on my ass. The damn dog can get in line.”

  All of a sudden Danny yelled, “Dog! Damn dog!”

  They froze in mid breath, stared at each other wide eyed and then lost it completely, rolling on the lawn in a fit of laughter.

  Victoria laughed till she cried, then sat cross legged and tried to clean tears and snot from her face. “Oh my god. Our son is going to get banned from Lacey’s for swearing.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Cam and I made a pact at Danny’s birthday party. When the bad words happen, and believe me, they will, we’re going to pretend she’s imagining things.”

  She looked at him with pity. “You’ve met Lacey Cameron, right?”

  They laughed and Danny chanted, “Damn dog,” a few times. These crazy two were his heart. His family. And next year come summer, they’d add a new face to the family.

  This time around Victoria positively glowed morning noon and n
ight. Still in her first trimester, they were having a problem free pregnancy so far. He hoped they’d learned from their messy previous mistakes and would have a better experience with baby number two.

  There was a veritable baby explosion happening in Family Justice with so many pregnant ladies shaking up their already crazy world. He couldn’t think of anything better than this group of people living, working, and playing with each other in the years ahead. The support they all counted on made their unique family a strong unit.

  He thought about junior Justice and the next generation of kids they were raising. Bella, Dylan, Danny. And next year Calder and Stephanie’s first child, a daughter for Cam and Lacey and twins for Alex and Meghan. And then there was Sophie. The biggest surprise of all.

  It was hard to ignore the blessings pouring into all their lives.

  His wife was watching him with a peaceful and contented smile. “I know what you’re thinking.”

  “It’s crazy, huh?” he asked.

  “Thank you for an amazing year. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for using your head.”

  “You know, honey, when I was growing up I remember my unholy mother harping on at my dad all the time to fix things. Fix me. Fix Desi. Fix her cold, brittle, miserable life. I hated the expression.”

  She raised her brows in surprise.

  “But here’s what I know for sure. I was a fucking mess until you came along.”

  “I didn’t fix you Draegyn,” she murmured in a voice brimming with love. “You did that yourself. The man you’ve become was always inside you. I’m so proud that you had faith. Faith in us. Faith in me. Faith in yourself.”

  “My love for you is everlsating.”

  She didn’t respond with a snappy comeback, instead his fantastic wife smiled and blew a gentle kiss.

  “Damn dog,” Danny yelled.

  Yep. The kid was a St. John for sure.

  “Oh, Alex. They’re so beautiful,” Meghan whispered as she met his eyes in the mirror. Touching the magnificent pearls around her neck, she marveled at the love shining back at her in his eyes.

  He bent down and kissed her cheek. “Want to go for a walk?”

  “I’d love to,” she said enthusiastically. Anything to get his mind off other things, she thought somewhat caustically.

  She removed the pearls and laid them carefully in the burgundy colored velvet necklace case. They’d look awesome with the outfit she would wear later when Sophie and his parents arrived from Sedona for dinner.

  Soph was still planning to live in the casita but during these first few days and especially because of the holiday, she chose to stay with her parents.

  In a way Meghan was relieved. Alex needed a chance to catch up. Something he wouldn’t be able to do if she was right next door.

  Some time later, they were ambling along slowly, hand-in-hand, when she sensed he had something on his mind. This wasn’t the first time she picked up on a subtle flutter in his aura. He was keeping something from her. Or he was worried about something. One of those two things were true.

  And she was positive it was work related—a feeling made worse because the fact that he wasn’t sharing meant she wouldn’t like whatever was going on.

  His natural instinct to command and protect became stronger, if that was even possible, after learning about the twins. And sometimes those instincts clashed with the seriousness of his work.

  It was too easy to forget all about the agency in the day-to-day bubble of the family. The men knew how to keep the two things separate so most of the time it was possible to pretend Justice was just a job like any other.

  But then a call from the Pentagon would interrupt dinner or some out-of-control celebrity they were guarding got caught in a public scene and tensions would build. And always, hovering just out of range in the background, was the ever present threat that what happened before with Cam would happen again. That one day the military or the government or heaven forbid a blending of the two would call one or all of them back in. And if there was anyone they couldn’t say no to, it was them.

  She wanted to be his rock. The source of love and support he deserved. She couldn’t prevent him from trying to protect her from all that Justice stuff but she could be the sort of clear-headed partner he needed.

  Hugging his arm to her side, she pushed away her fears and concentrated on her husband. In a way she was transferring some of her own strength and love to the heart of him.

  “Everything will be all right.” She murmured her loving assurance in a quiet but sure voice. “I believe in you, Major.” Patting her belly she smiled. “I believe in us. We’re on the adventure of a lifetime. Just focus on that and let everything else be.”

  “Who taught you how to be so wise?”

  She laughed. “Lacey Cameron. She teaches me something new practically every day.”

  Her mess of a hunky alpha beast walked along in silence after that. She was just going to have to let him be.

  Looping around the playground and behind the pool cabana, they were rounding a corner on the way to the main house when she almost stumbled over her feet.

  “Watch it,” Alex warned. He grabbed her before she face-planted. “What is it?”

  She didn’t think about how he knew something was up. Looking at him in wild-eyed wonder, she put both hands on her belly. “I think I just felt something. Movement.”

  “Are you serious?” He sounded boyishly excited.

  “Yeah, yeah,” she exclaimed. “Quick. Give me your hand.” She snatched at his fingers and pressed them into her bump, moving them around into a certain spot and then… there it was again! She gasped and locked eyes with her shocked husband.

  “What was that? It felt like a ripple or a flutter.”

  They stared at each other and then before she knew what was happening her lip began to quiver and a flood of tears filled her eyes.

  “Our babies,” she whispered, her voice full of awe.

  “Oh my god, Meghan,” he cried.

  They fell into each other’s arms and hugged, cried and laughed until her desperate need for tissues and a bathroom set them moving again.

  “I have to tell you, sweetheart, that this has been a hell of a year.”

  Laughing happily, she took his hand and pulled as she walked along backwards. “I know, right? We’ve travelled from Arizona to Boston to Europe and back again with a few stops in between. I got my name changed, you gained a tax deduction, and in spite of more unchained fuckery than a Hollywood action movie, Family Justice continues rolling along. And then there’s that whole knocking me up thing.”

  “The pleasure was mine,” Alex sniggered. “And yours. And then mine again. And then two more, well… you get the picture.”

  “Such an overachiever,” she drawled. “One baby wasn’t enough. Nope. You had to unload a Thunder Cock double shot.”

  Alex roared his pleasure. “A Thunder Cock double shot. There’s either a book title or a song in that.”

  He pulled her in and pressed his lips to hers. The kiss was loving and tender. She ran her fingers through his hair and rested her bump on his big, warm body.

  “I knew the moment I laid eyes on you Major Marquez that you were trouble.”

  “Did you?” he asked with a wide grin.

  “Yeah. The absent minded professor act and your old school gentleman charm destroyed a perfectly good pair of teal colored panties before we even finished lunch. Doomed from the start, I’m afraid.”

  “If I’ve never said this before, thank you for stopping in Bendover. My life changed completely that day and every single second of every day since you agreed to marry me has been unforgettable.”

  She framed his face with her hands and lightly kissed his lips. “The best is yet to come, my beloved. What we have? It’s everlasting. There’s never been anyone but you. All that I have, all that I am, all that I’ll ever be… is yours. Completely.”

  “I love you Double M.”

  “Right back atcha’ Major
. Now let’s go raid the refrigerator and see if Carmen left us some tamales.” She pointed to her belly. “The kids like them and whatever they want,” she giggled.

  “I think we just started a Marquez family tradition.”

  ‘Oh?” she said. “How so?”

  Alex smiled. “Two words. Christmas tamales. Perfect don’t you think?”

  Her belly did that rippling flutter thing again and she laughed. “I think it’s unanimous Daddy. Christmas tamales it is!”

  Heather stopped to check out her reflection in the bathroom mirror. She fingered the dainty diamonds hanging from her ears. She’d never spent Christmas with Brody before and hadn’t known what to expect. He was full of surprises—some sweet, some funny and some charming.

  He also came prepared to throw down with some pretty cool traditions that combined with hers and made the holiday completely unforgettable.

  Last night they gathered as a family and unwrapped their Christmas Eve pajamas. Bella found the ritual completely enchanting. After Santa did his thing and they awoke to find a veritable ass load of brightly wrapped presents under the tree, she and Bella were flabbergasted to discover a special ornament trinket box on the tree with their names in fancy handwriting on a gold tag.

  Inside Heather’s box were the earrings and inside Bella’s was a dainty chain with a tiny heart studded with a small diamond. It only got better from there.

  The present opening mess cleared away, she ducked in the bathroom while Daddy and Bella went to the kitchen to get brunch set up.

  When she entered the kitchen, she noticed Brody and Bella in the midst of a serious looking conversation that ended the second they saw her. Those two were excellent at secrets and surprises—something Brody found great delight in. Bella was a natural too. The kid could deliver a killer laugh line with a completely straight face.

  Whatever they were up to would be revealed in time so she didn’t give it any more thought and threw herself into the brunch she and Bella painstakingly prepared the day before. When everything was arranged and ready to go, instead of grabbing plates and digging in, Brody took her by the hand and led her into the living room. Bella was already sitting in her little chair with an exuberant, happy expression lighting up her face. George was asleep on the floor in a pool of sunlight.


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