Book Read Free

Mr. Midshipman Easy

Page 13

by Frederick Marryat



  Whatever may have been Jack's thoughts, at all events they did not spoilhis rest. He possessed in himself all the materials of a truephilosopher, but there was a great deal of weeding still required.Jolliffe's arguments, sensible as they were, had very little effect uponhim, for, strange to say, it is much more easy to shake a man's opinionswhen he is wrong than when he is right; proving that we are all of avery perverse nature. "Well," thought Jack, "if I am to go to themast-head, I am, that's all; but it does not prove that my arguments arenot good, only that they will not be listened to;" and then Jack shuthis eyes, and in a few minutes was fast asleep.

  The master had reported to the first lieutenant, and the firstlieutenant to the captain, when he came on board the next morning, theconduct of Mr Easy, who was sent for in the cabin, to hear if he hadany thing to offer in extenuation of his offence. Jack made an oration,which lasted more than half an hour, in which all the arguments he hadbrought forward to Jolliffe in the preceding chapter were entered fullyinto. Mr Jolliffe was then examined, and also Mr Smallsole wasinterrogated: after which the captain and the first lieutenant were leftalone.

  "Sawbridge," said Captain Wilson, "how true it is that any deviationfrom what is right invariably leads us into a scrape. I have donewrong: wishing to get this boy out of his father's hands, and fearfulthat he would not join the ship, and imagining him to be by no means theshrewd fellow that he is in reality, I represented the service in a muchmore favourable light than I should have done; all that he says I toldhim I did tell him, and it is I who really led the boy into error. MrSmallsole has behaved tyrannically and unjustly; he punished the lad forno crime; so that what between the master and me, I am now on the hornsof a dilemma. If I punish the boy, I feel that I am punishing him morefor my own fault and the fault of others, than his own. If I do notpunish him, I allow a flagrant and open violation of discipline to passuncensured, which will be injurious to the service."

  "He must be punished, sir," replied Sawbridge.

  "Send for him," said the captain.

  Jack made his appearance, with a very polite bow.

  "Mr Easy, as you suppose that the articles of war contained all therules and regulations of the service, I take it for granted that youhave erred through ignorance. But recollect, that although you haveerred through ignorance, such a violation of discipline, if passedunnoticed, will have a very injurious effect with the men, whoseobedience is enforced by the example shown to them by the officers. Ifeel so convinced of your zeal, which you showed the other day in thecase of Easthupp, that I am sure you will see the propriety of myproving to the men, by punishing you, that discipline must be enforced,and I shall therefore send for you on the quarter-deck, and order you togo to the mast-head in presence of the ship's company, as it was in thepresence of the ship's company that you refused."

  "With the greatest pleasure, Captain Wilson," replied Jack.

  "And in future, Mr Easy, although I shall ever set my face against it,recollect that if any officer punishes you, and you imagine that you areunfairly treated, you will submit to the punishment, and then apply tome for redress."

  "Certainly, sir," replied Jack, "now that I am aware of your wishes."

  "You will oblige me, Mr Easy, by going on the quarter-deck, and waitthere till I come up."

  Jack made his best bow, and exit.

  "Old Jolliffe told me that I should have to go," said Jack to himself,"and he was right, so far; but hang me if I hadn't the best of theargument, and that's all I care about."

  Captain Wilson sent for the master, and reprimanded him for hisoppression, as it was evident that there was no ground for punishment,and he forbade him ever to mast-head another midshipman, but to reporthis conduct to the first lieutenant or himself. He then proceeded tothe quarter-deck, and, calling for Mr Easy, gave him what appeared tobe a very severe reprimand, which Jack looked upon very quietly, becauseit was all _zeal_ on the captain's part to give it, and all _zeal_ onhis own to take it. Our hero was then ordered up to the mast-head.

  Jack took off his hat, and took three or four steps, in obedience to theorder--and then returned and made his best bow--inquired of CaptainWilson whether he wished him to go to the fore or to the main-mast head.

  "To the main, Mr Easy," replied the captain, biting his lips.

  Jack ascended three spokes of the Jacob's ladder, when he again stopped,and took off his hat.

  "I beg your pardon, Captain Wilson--you have not informed me whether itis your wish that I should go to the topmast, or the top-gallantcross-trees."

  "To the top-gallant cross-trees, Mr Easy," replied the captain.

  Jack ascended, taking it very easy: he stopped at the main-top forbreath; at the main-topmast head, to look about him; and, at last,gained the spot agreed upon, where he seated himself, and, taking outthe articles of war, commenced them again, to ascertain whether he couldnot have strengthened his arguments. He had not, however, read throughthe seventh article before the hands were turned up--"up anchor!" andMr Sawbridge called, "All hands down from aloft!" Jack took the hint,folded up his documents, and came down as leisurely as he went up. Jackwas a much better philosopher than his father.

  The _Harpy_ was soon under way, and made all sail, steering for Cape deGatte, where Captain Wilson hoped to pick up a Spanish vessel or two, onhis way to Toulon to receive the orders of the admiral.

  A succession of light breezes and calms rendered the passage verytedious; but the boats were constantly out, chasing the vessels alongshore, and Jack usually asked to be employed on this service: indeed,although so short a time afloat, he was, from his age and strength, oneof the most effective midshipmen, and to be trusted, provided a whim didnot come into his head; but hitherto Jack had always been under orders,and had always acquitted himself very well.

  When the _Harpy_ was off Tarragona, it so happened that there wereseveral cases of dysentery in the ship, and Mr Asper and Mr Jolliffewere two of those who were suffering. This reduced the number ofofficers; and, at the same time, they had received information from themen of a fishing-boat, who, to obtain their own release, had given theintelligence, that a small convoy was coming down from Rosas as soon asthe wind was fair, under the protection of two gun-boats.

  Captain Wilson kept well off-shore until the wind changed, and then,allowing for the time that the vessels would take to run down thedistance between Tarragona and Rosas, steered in the night, to interceptthem; but it again fell calm, and the boats were therefore hoisted out,with directions to proceed along the shore, as it was supposed that thevessels could not now be far distant. Mr Sawbridge had the command ofthe expedition in the pinnace; the first cutter was in charge of thegunner, Mr Minus; and, as the other officers were sick, Mr Sawbridge,who liked Jack more and more every day, at his particular request gavehim the command of the second cutter. As soon as he heard of it, Mestydeclared to our hero that he would go with him; but without permissionthat was not possible. Jack obtained leave for Mesty to go in lieu of amarine: there were many men sick of the dysentery, and Mr Sawbridge wasnot sorry to take an idler out of the ship instead of a working man,especially as Mesty was known to be a good hand.

  It was ten o'clock at night when the boats quitted the ship; and, as itwas possible that they might not return till late the next day, oneday's biscuit and rum were put on board each, that the crews might notsuffer from exhaustion. The boats pulled in-shore, and then coasted forthree hours, without seeing anything: the night was fine overhead, butthere was no moon. It still continued calm, and the men began to feelfatigued, when, just as they were within a mile of a low point, theyperceived the convoy over the land, coming down with their sailssquared, before a light breeze.

  Mr Sawbridge immediately ordered the boats to lie upon their oars,awaiting their coming, and arranging for the attack.

  The white lateen sails of the gun-boat in advance were now plainlydistinguisha
ble from the rest, which were all huddled together in herwake. Down she came like a beautiful swan in the water, her sails justfilled with the wind, and running about three knots an hour. MrSawbridge kept her three masts in one, that they might not be perceived,and winded the boats with their heads the same way, so that they mightdash on board of her with a few strokes of the oars. So favourable wasthe course of the gun-boat, that she stood right between the launch onone bow and the two cutters on the other; and they were not perceiveduntil they were actually alongside; the resistance was trifling, butsome muskets and pistols had been fired, and the alarm was given. MrSawbridge took possession, with the crew of the launch, and brought thevessel to the wind, as he perceived that at the alarm all the convoy haddone the same, directing the cutters to board the largest vessels, andsecure as many as they could, while he would do the same with thelaunch, as he brought them to: but the other gun boat, which had not yetbeen seen, and had been forgotten, now made her appearance, and camedown in a gallant manner to the support of her comrade.

  Mr Sawbridge threw half his men into the launch, as she carried a heavycarronade, and sent her to assist the cutters, which had made right forthe gun-boat. A smart firing of round and grape was opened upon theboats, which continued to advance upon her; but the officer commandingthe gun-boat, finding that he had no support from his consort, andconcluding that she had been captured, hauled his wind again, and stoodout in the offing. Our hero pulled after her, although he could not seethe other boats; but the breeze had freshened, and all pursuit wasuseless: he therefore directed his course to the convoy, and, after ahard pull, contrived to get on board of a one-masted xebeque, of aboutfifty tons. Mesty, who had eyes as sharp as a needle, had observed thatwhen the alarm was given, several of the convoy had not rounded thepoint, and he therefore proposed, as this vessel was very light, thatthey should make short tacks with her, to weather the point, as if theywere escaping, and by that means be able, particularly if it fell calmagain, to capture some others. Jack thought this advice good. Theconvoy who had rounded the point had all stood out to seaward with thegun-boat, and had now a fresh breeze. To chase them was thereforeuseless; and the only chance was to do as Mesty had proposed. Hetherefore stood out into the breeze, and, after half an hour, tacked inshore, and fetched well to windward of the low point; but finding novessels, he stood out again. Thus had he made three or four tacks, andhad gained, perhaps, six or seven miles, when he perceived signals ofrecall made to leeward, enforced with guns.

  "Mr Sawbridge wants us to come back, Mesty."

  "Mr Sawbridge mind him own business," replied Mesty, "we nebber takeall dis trubble to ply to windward for noting."

  "But, Mesty, we must obey orders."

  "Yes, sar, when he have him thumb upon you; but now, must do what tinkmost proper. By de powers, he catch me 'fore I go back."

  "But we shall lose the ship."

  "Find her again, by-and-bye, Massa Easy."

  "But they will think that we are lost."

  "So much the better, nebba look after us, Massa Easy; I guess we have afine cruise anyhow. Morrow we take large vessel--make sail, take more,den we go to Toulon."

  "But I don't know my way to Toulon; I know it lies up this way, andthat's all."

  "Dat enough, what you want more? Massa Easy, 'pose you not find fleet,fleet soon find you. By God, nobody nebba lost here. Now, Massa Easy,let um go 'bout gain. Somebody else burn biscuit and boil kettleto-morrow for de gentlemen. Murder Irish! only tink, Massa Easy--I boilkettle, and prince in my own country!"

  Easy was very much of a mind with Mesty; "for," argued Jack, "if I goback now, I only bring a small vessel half full of beans, and I shall beashamed to show my face. Now it is true, that they may suppose that wehave been sunk by the fire of the gun-boat. Well, what then? they havea gun-boat to show for their night's work, and it will appear that therewas harder fighting than there has been, and Mr Sawbridge may benefitby it." (Jack was a very knowing fellow to have learned so much aboutthe service already.) "Well, and when they discover that we are notlost, how glad they will be to find us, especially if we bring someprizes--which I will do, or I'll not go back again. It's not often thatone gets a command before being two months at sea, and, hang me, nowI've got it if I won't keep it; and Mr Smallsole may mast-head whom hepleases. I'm sorry for poor Gossett though; if Vigors supposes me deadhow he will murder the poor little fellow--however, it's all for thegood of the service, and I'll revenge him when I come back. Hang me ifI won't take a cruise."

  "I talk to the men, they say thay all tick to you like leech. Now datjob settled, I tink we better go 'bout again."

  A short time after this decision on the part of our hero, the day broke:Jack first looked to leeward, and perceived the gun-boat and convoystanding in for the shore about ten miles distant, followed by the_Harpy_, under all sail. He could also perceive the captured gun-boatlying to in-shore to prevent their escape.

  "_Harpy_ hab um all, by Gosh!" cried Mesty; "I ab notion dat she soonsettle um hash."

  They were so busy looking at the _Harpy_ and the convoy, that, for sometime, they quite forgot to look to windward. At last Mesty turned hiseyes that way.

  "Dam um, I see right last night; look, Massa Easy--one chip, one brigtree lateen--dem for us. By de power, but we make _bon_ prizeto-night."

  The vessels found out by Mesty were not above three miles to windward;they were under all sail, beating up for the protection of a battery notfar distant.

  "Now, Massa, suppose dey see our boat, dey tink something; keep boatalongside, and shift her when we go 'bout every time: better not sail sofast now--keep further off till they drop anchor for de night; and den,when it dark, we take 'em."

  All Mesty's advice was good, with the exception perhaps of advising ourhero how to disobey orders and take a cruise. To prevent the vesselfrom approaching too near the others, and at the same time to let herhave the appearance of doing her best, a sail was towed overboard underthe bows, and after that they watched the motions of the _Harpy_.

  The distance was too great to distinguish very clearly, but Mestyshinned up the mast of the vessel, and reported progress.

  "By Jasus, dare one gun--two gun--go it, _Harpy_. Won't she ab um, sureenough. Now gun-boat fire--dat our gun-boat--no, dat not ours. Now ourgun-boat fire--dat pretty--fire away. Ah, now de _Harpy_ cum up. All'mung 'em. Bung, bung, bung--rattle de grape, by gosh. I ab notion deSpaniard is very pretty considerable trouble just now, anyhow. Allhove-to, so help me gosh--not more firing; _Harpy_ take um all--dare gunboat hove-to, she strike um colours. By all powers, but suppose deytink we no share prize-money--they find it not little mistake. Now, mylads, it all over, and," continued Mesty, sliding down the mast, "I tinkyou better not show yourself too much; only two men stay on deck, anddem two take off um jackets."

  Mesty's report was correct; the _Harpy_ had captured the other gun-boat,and the whole convoy. The only drawback to their good fortune was thedisappearance of Mr Easy and the cutter: it was supposed that a shotfrom the gun-boat must have sunk her, and that the whole crew weredrowned. Captain Wilson and Mr Sawbridge seriously regretted the lossof our hero, as they thought that he would have turned out a shiningcharacter as soon as he had sown his wild oats; so did Mr Asper,because our hero's purse went with him; so did Jolliffe, because he hadtaken an affection for him; so did little Gossett, because heanticipated no mercy from Vigors. On the other hand, there were somewho were glad that he was gone; and as for the ship's company ingeneral, they lamented the loss of the poor cutter's crew fortwenty-four hours, which, in a man-of-war, is a very long while, andthen they thought no more about them. We must leave the _Harpy_ to makethe best of her way to Toulon and now follow our hero.

  The cutter's crew knew very well that Jack was acting contrary toorders, but anything was to them a change from the monotony of aman-of-war; and they, as well as Mesty, highly approved of a holiday.

  It was, however, necessary that they should soon proc
eed to business,for they had but their allowance of bread and grog for one day, and inthe vessel they found nothing except a few heads of garlic, for theSpaniards coasting down shore had purchased their provisions as theyrequired them. There were only three prisoners on board, and they hadbeen put down in the hold among the beans; a bag of which had beenroused on deck, and a part put into the kettle to make soup. Jack didnot much admire the fare of the first day--it was bean-soup forbreakfast, bean-soup for dinner, and if you felt hungry during theintervals it was still bean-soup, and nothing else.

  One of the men could speak a little Lingua Franca, and the prisonerswere interrogated as to the vessels to windward. The ship was stated tobe valuable, and also one of the brigs. The ship carried guns, and thatwas all that they knew about them. As the sun went down the vesselsdropped their anchors off the battery. The breeze continued light, andthe vessel which contained Jack and his fortunes was about four miles toleeward. As for the _Harpy_, they had long lost sight of her, and itwas now time to proceed to some arrangement. As soon as it was darkJack turned his hands up and made a very long speech. He pointed out tothe men that his zeal had induced him not to return to the ship until hehad brought something with him worth having--that they had had nothingbut beans to eat during the whole day, which was anything but agreeable,and that, therefore, it was absolutely necessary that they should bettertheir condition; and there was a large ship not four miles off, and thathe intended to take her; and as soon as he had taken her he intended totake some more; that he trusted to their zeal to support him on thisoccasion, and that he expected to do a great deal during the cruise. Hepointed out to them that they must consider themselves as on board of aman-of-war, and be guided by the articles of war, which were written forthem all--and that in case they forgot them, he had a copy in hispocket, which he would read to them to morrow morning, as soon as theywere comfortably settled on board of the ship. He then appointed Mestyas first lieutenant; the marine as sergeant; the coxswain as boatswain;two men as midshipmen to keep watch: two others as boatswain's mates,leaving two more for the ship's company, who were divided into thelarboard and starboard watch. The cutter's crew were perfectly contentwith Jack's speech, and their brevet rank, and after that they commenceda more important topic, which was, how they were to take the ship.After some discussion, Mesty's advice was approved of; which was, thatthey should anchor not far ahead of the ship, and wait till about twoo'clock in the morning, when they would drop silently down upon her inthe cutter, and take possession.

  About nine o'clock the vessel was anchored as they proposed, and Jackwas a little astonished to find that the ship was much larger that hehad any idea of; for, although polacca-rigged, she was nearly the sametonnage as the _Harpy_. The Spanish prisoners were first tied hand andfoot, and laid upon the beans, that they might give no alarm, the sailswere furled, and all was kept quiet.

  On board of the ship, on the contrary, there was noise and revelry; andabout half-past ten a boat was seen to leave her and pull for the shore;after which the noise gradually ceased, the lights one by onedisappeared, and then all was silent.

  "What do you think, Mesty?" said Jack; "do you think we shall take her?"

  "It is take her, you mane; sure enough we'll take her, stop a bit--waittill um all fast asleep."

  About twelve o'clock there came on a mizzling heavy rain, which was veryfavourable for our hero's operations. But as it promised soon to clearup, by Mesty's advice they did not delay any longer. They crept softlyinto the boat, and with two oars to steer her dropped under the bows ofthe vessel, climbed up the forechains, and found the deck empty. "Takecare not fire pistol," said Mesty to the men as they came up, puttinghis finger to their lips to impress them with the necessity of silence,for Mesty had been an African warrior, and knew the advantage ofsurprise. All the men being on deck, and the boat made fast, Jack andMesty led the way aft; not a soul was to be seen: indeed, it was toodark to see anybody unless they were walking the deck. Thecompanion-hatch was secured, and the gratings laid on the after-hatchways, and then they went aft to the binnacle again, where there was alight burning. Mesty ordered two of the men to go forward to secure thehatches, and then to remain there on guard--and then the rest of the menand our hero consulted at the wheel.

  "By the power we ab the ship!" said Mesty, "but must manage plenty yet.I tink der some damn lazy rascal sleep 'tween the guns. A lilly whileit no rain, and den we see better. Now keep all quiet."

  "There must be a great many men in this ship," replied our hero; "she isvery large, and has twelve or fourteen guns--how shall we manage tosecure them?"

  "All right," replied Mesty, "manage all dat by-and-bye. Don't care howsoon daylight come."

  "It has left off raining already," observed Easy; "there is a candle inthe binnacle--suppose we light it and look round the decks."

  "Yes," replied Mesty, "one man sentry over cabin hatch, and another overafter-hatch. Now den we light candle, and all the rest go round thedeck. Mind you leave all your pistols on capstern."

  Jack lighted the candle, and they proceeded round the decks: they hadnot walked far, when, between two of the guns, they discovered a heapcovered with gregos. "There de _watch_," whispered Mesty; "all fast--not ready for dem yet."

  Mesty blew out the candle, and they all retreated to the binnacle, whereMesty took out a coil of the ropes about the mizzen-mast, and cutting itinto lengths, gave them to the other men to unlay. In a few minutesthey had prepared a great many seizings to tie the men with.

  "Now den we light candle again, and make sure of them lazy hounds," saidMesty; "very much oblige to dem all de same; they let us take de ship--mind now, wake one at a time, and shut him mouth."

  "But suppose they get their mouths free and cry out?" replied Jack.

  "Den, Mr Easy," replied Mesty, changing his countenance to anexpression almost demoniacal--"there no help for it"--and Mesty showedhis knife which he held in his right hand.

  "Oh, no! do not let us murder them."

  "No, massa--suppose can help it; but suppose they get upper hand--whatbecome of us? Spaniards hab knives, and use dem too, by de power!"

  The observation of Mesty was correct, and the expression of hiscountenance when he showed his knife proved what a relentless enemy hecould be, if his blood was once roused--but Mesty had figured in theAshantee wars in former days, and after that the reader need not besurprised. They proceeded cautiously to where the Spaniards lay. Thearrangements of Mesty were very good. There were two men to gag themwhile the others were to tie their limbs. Mesty and Easy were to kneelby them with the candle, with raised knives to awe them into silence, orto strike home, if their own safety required it.

  The gregos were removed off the first man, who opened his eyes at thesight of the candle, but the coxswain's hand was on his mouth--he wassecured in silence. The other two men were awaked, and threw off theircoverings, but they were also secured without there being occasion toresort to bloodshed.

  "What shall we do now, Mesty?"

  "Now, sar," said Mesty, "open the after-hatch and watch--suppose moremen come up, we make them fass; suppose no more come up, we wait tilldaylight--and see what take place."

  Mesty then went forward to see if the men were watchful on theforecastle; and having again gone round the whole of the deck to see ifthere were any more men on it, he blew out the candle, and took hisstation with the others at the after-hatchway.

  It was just at break of day that the Spaniards who had to keep themorning watch having woke up, as people generally do at that hour atwhich they expect to be called, dressed themselves and came on deck,imagining, and very truly, that those of the middle watch had fallenasleep, but little imagining that the deck was in possession ofEnglishmen. Mesty and the others retreated, to allow them all to comeup before they could perceive them, and fortunately this wasaccomplished. Four men came on the deck, looked round them, and triedto make out in the dark where their shipmates might be. The grating wasslapped on agai
n by Jack, and before they could well gain theireyesight, they were seized and secured, not, however, without a scuffleand some noise.

  By the time that these men were secured and laid between the guns it wasdaylight, and they now perceived what a fine vessel they had fairlytaken possession of--but there was much to be done yet. There was, ofcourse, a number of men in the ship, and, moreover, they were not a milefrom a battery of ten guns. Mesty, who was foremost in everything, leftfour men abaft and went forward on the forecastle, examined the cable,which was _coir_ rope, and therefore easily divided, and then directedthe two men forward to coil a hawser upon the fore-grating, the weightof which would make all safe in that quarter, and afterwards to jointhem on the quarter-deck.

  "Now, Mr Easy, the great ting will be to get hold of captain; we mustget him on deck. Open cabin-hatch now, and keep the after-hatch fast.Two men stay there, the others all come aft."

  "Yes," replied Jack, "it will be a great point to secure the captain--but how are we to get him up?"

  "You no know how to get captain up? By de holy, I know very well."

  And Mesty took up the coils of rope about the mizzen-mast, and threwthem upon deck, one after another, making all the noise possible. In ashort time there was a violent pull of a bell at the cabin door, and ina minute afterwards a man in his shirt came up the cabin-hatchway, whowas immediately secured.

  "Dis de captain's servant," said Mesty, "he come say no make such damnednoise. Stop a little--captain get in passion, and come up himself."

  And Mesty renewed the noise with the ropes over the cabin. Mesty wasright; in a few minutes the captain himself came up, boiling withindignation. At the sound of the cabin door opening, the seamen and ourhero concealed themselves behind the companion-hatch, which was veryhigh, so as to give the captain time to get fairly on deck. The menalready secured had been covered over with the gregos. The captain wasa most powerful man, and it was with difficulty that he was pinioned,and then without his giving the alarm, had there been anyone to assisthim, but as yet no one had turned out of his hammock.

  "Now we all right," said Mesty, "and soon ab de ship; but I must makehim 'fraid."

  The captain was seated down on the deck against one of the guns, andMesty, putting on the look of a demon, extended above him his longnervous arm, with the sharp knife clutched, as if ready every instant tostrike it into his heart. The Spanish captain felt his situationanything but pleasant. He was then interrogated as to the number of menin the ship, officers, etcetera, to all which questions he answeredtruly: he cast his eyes at the firm and relentless countenance of Mesty,who appeared but to wait the signal.

  "I tink all pretty safe now," said Mesty. "Mr Easy, we now go downbelow and beat all men into the hold."

  Our hero approved of this suggestion. Taking their pistols from thecapstern, they rushed down with their cutlasses, and leaving two men toguard the cabin door, they were soon among the crew, who were all nakedin their hammocks: the resistance, although the numbers were more thandouble of the English, was of course trifling. In a few minutes, theSpaniards were all thrown down into the hold of the vessel, and thehatches placed over them. Every part of the ship was now in theirpossession except the cabin, and to that they all repaired. Our herotried the door, and found it fast; they beat it open, and were receivedwith loud screams from one side of the cabin, and the discharge of twopistols from the other, fortunately without injury: those who had firedthe pistols were an elderly man and a lad about the age of our hero.They were thrown down and secured; the cabin was searched, and nobodyelse found in it but three women; one old and shrivelled, the other two,although with their countenances distorted with terror, were lovely asHouris. So thought Jack, as he took off his hat, and made them a verylow bow with his usual politeness, as they crouched, half dressed, in acorner. He told them in English that they had nothing to fear, andbegged that they would attend to their toilets. The ladies made noreply, because, in the first place, they did not know what Jack said,and in the next, they could not speak English.

  Mesty interrupted Jack in his attentions, by pointing out that they mustall go upon deck--so Jack again took off his hat and bowed, and thenfollowed his men, who led away the two prisoners taken in the cabin. Itwas now five o'clock in the morning, and there was movement on board ofthe other vessels, which lay not far from the ship.

  "Now then," said Jack, "what shall we do with the prisoners?--could wenot send the boat and bring our own vessel alongside, and put them allin, tied as they are? We should then get rid of them."

  "Massa Easy, you be one very fine officer one of dese days. Dat damngood idea, anyhow;--but suppose we send our own boat, what they _tink_on board of de oder vessel? Lower down lilly boat from stern, put infour men, and drop vessel 'longside--dat it."

  This was done; the cutter was on the seaward side of the ship, and, asthe ship was the outermost vessel, was concealed from the view of theSpaniards on board of the other vessels, and in the battery on shore.As soon as the lateen vessel was alongside, the men who had already beensecured on deck, amounting to seven, were lowered into her, and laidupon the beans in the hold; all, except the captain, the two cabinprisoners, and the captain's servant. They then went down below, tookoff one part of the hatches, and ordered the Spaniards up from the hold:as they came on deck they were made fast and treated in the same manner.Mesty and the men went down to examine if there were any leftconcealed, and finding that they were all out, returned on deck. Themen who had been beaten down in the hold were twenty-two in number,making the whole complement of thirty. As soon as they had all been putinto the xebeque, she was again hauled off and anchored outside, andJack found himself in possession of a fine ship of fourteen guns, withthree prisoners male and three prisoners female.

  When the men returned in the boat from the vessel in which the prisonershad been confined (the hatches having been secured over them, by way offurther precaution), by the advice of Mesty they put on the jackets andcaps of the Spanish seamen, of which there was a plentiful supply below.

  "Now what's to be done, Mesty?" inquired Jack.

  "Now, sar, we send some of the men aloft to get sails all ready, andwhile they do that I cast loose this fellow," pointing to the captain'sservant, "and make him get some breakfast, for he know where to findit."

  "Capital idea of yours, Mesty, for I'm tired of bean-soup already, and Iwill go down and pay my respects to the ladies."

  Mesty looked over the counter.

  "Yes, and be quick too, Massa Easy; damn the women, they toss theirhandkerchief in the air to people in the battery--quick, Massa Easy."

  Mesty was right--the Spanish girls were waving their handkerchiefs forassistance; it was all that they could do, poor things. Jack hastenedinto the cabin, laid hold of the two young ladies, very politely pulledthem out of the quarter gallery, and begged that they would not givethemselves so much trouble. The young ladies looked very much confused,and as they could no longer wave their handkerchiefs, they put them upto their eyes and began to weep, while the elderly lady went on herknees, and held her hands up for mercy. Jack raised her up, and verypolitely handed her to one of the cabin lockers.

  In the meantime Mesty, with his gleaming knife and expressive look, haddone wonders with the captain's steward, for such the man was: and abreakfast of chocolate, salt meat, hams and sausages, white biscuit andred wine, had been spread on the quarter-deck. The men had come fromaloft, and Jack was summoned on deck. Jack offered his hand to the twoyoung ladies, and beckoned the old one to follow: the old lady did notthink it advisable to refuse his courtesy, so they accompanied him.

  As soon as the females came on deck, and found the two cabin prisonersbound, they ran to them and embraced them with tears. Jack's heartmelted, and as there was now no fear, he asked Mesty for his knife, andcut loose the two Spaniards, pointing to the breakfast, and requestingthat they would join them. The Spaniards made a bow, and the ladiesthanked Jack with a sweet smile; and the captain of the vessel
, whostill lay pinioned against the gun, looked, as much as to say, Why thedevil don't you ask me? but the fact was, they had had such trouble tosecure him, that Jack did not much like the idea of letting him looseagain. Jack and the seamen commenced their breakfast, and as the ladiesand prisoners did not appear inclined to eat, they ate their share andtheir own too; during which the elderly man inquired of Jack if he couldspeak French.

  Jack, with his mouth full of sausage, replied that he could; and thencommenced a conversation, from which Jack learned as follows:--

  The elderly gentleman was a passenger with the young man, who was hisson, and the ladies, who were his wife and his two daughters, and theywere proceeding to Tarragona. Whereupon Jack made a bow and thankedhim; and then the gentleman, whose name was Don Cordova de Rimarosa,wished to know what Jack intended to do with them, hoping, as agentleman, he would put them on shore with their effects, as they werenon-combatants. Jack explained all this to Mesty and the men, and thenfinished his sausage. The men, who were a little elevated with the winewhich they had been drinking, proposed that they should take the ladiesa cruise, and Jack at first did not dislike the idea, but he saidnothing; Mesty, however, opposed this, saying, that ladies only made arow in a ship, and the coxswain sided with him, saying, that they shouldall be at daggers drawn. Whereupon Jack pulled out the "articles ofwar," and informed the men, that there was no provision in them forwomen, and therefore the thing was impossible.

  The next question was, as to the propriety of allowing them to taketheir effects; and it was agreed, at last, that they might take them.Jack desired the steward to feed his master the captain, and then toldthe Spanish Don the result of the consultation; further informing him,that as soon as it was dark, he intended to put them all on board thesmall vessel, when they could cast loose the men and do as they pleased.The Don and the ladies returned thanks, and went down to pack up theirbaggage; Mesty ordering two men to help them, but with a caution, thatthey were not to encumber themselves with any of the money, if thereshould happen to be any on board.

  The crew were busy during the day making preparations for sailing. Thecoxswain had examined the provender in the ship, and found that therewas enough for at least three months, of water, wine, and provisions,independent of luxuries for the cabin. All thoughts of taking any moreof the vessels were abandoned, for their crew was but weak to manage theone which they had possession of. A fine breeze sprang up, and theydropped their fore-topsails, just as a boat was shoving off from theshore; but seeing the fore-topsails loosed, it put back again. This wasfortunate, or all would have been discovered. The other vessels alsoloosed their sails, and the crews were heard weighing the anchors.

  But the _Nostra Senora del Carmen_, which was Jack's prize, did notmove. At last the sun went down, the baggage was placed in the cutter,the ladies and passengers went into the boat, thanking Jack for hiskindness, who put his hand to his heart and bowed to the deck; and thecaptain was lowered down after them. Four men well armed pulled themalongside of the xebeque, put them and their trunks on deck, andreturned to the ship. The cutter was then hoisted up, and as the anchorwas too heavy to weigh, they cut the cable, and made sail. The othervessels followed their example. Mesty and the seamen cast longing eyesupon them, but it was of no use; so they sailed in company for about anhour, and then Jack hauled his wind for a cruise.


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