Book Read Free

Mr. Midshipman Easy

Page 14

by Frederick Marryat



  As soon as the ship had been hauled to the wind, Jack's ship's companyseemed to think that there was nothing to do except to make merry, sothey brought some earthen jars full of wine, and emptied them so fastthat they were soon fast asleep on the deck, with the exception of theman at the helm, who, instead of thirty-two, could clearly make outsixty-four points in the compass, and of course was able to steer to amuch greater nicety. Fortunately, the weather was fine, for when theman at the helm had steered till he could see no more, and requested tobe released, he found that his shipmates were so overpowered withfatigue, that it was impossible to wake them. He kicked them one by onemost unmercifully in the ribs, but it was of no use: under thesecircumstances, he did as they did, that is, lay down with them, and inten minutes it would have taken as much kicking to awake him as he gavehis shipmates.

  In the meantime the ship had it all her own way, and not knowing whereshe was to go she went round and round the compass during the best partof the night. Mesty had arranged the watches, Jack had made a speech,and the men had promised everything, but the wine had got into theirheads, and memory had taken that opportunity to take a stroll. Mestyhad been down with Jack, examining the cabin, and in the captain'sstate-room they had found fourteen thousand dollars in bags: of thisthey determined not to tell the men, but locked up the money and everything else of value, and took out the key. They then sat down at thecabin table, and after some conversation, it was no matter of surprise,after having been up all the night before, that Jack laid his head onthe table and fell fast asleep. Mesty kept his eyes open for some time,but at last his head sank down upon his chest, and he also slumbered.Thus, about one o'clock in the morning, there was not a very good watchkept on board of the _Nostra Senora del Carmen_.

  About four o'clock in the morning, Mesty tumbled forward, and he hit hishead against the table, which roused him up.

  "By de mass, I tink I almost fall asleep," cried he, and he went to thecabin window, which had been left open, and found that there was astrong breeze blowing in. "By de Lord, de wind ab come more aft," saidMesty, "why they not tell me?" So saying, he went on deck, where hefound no one at the helm; every one drunk, and the ship with her yardsbraced up running before the wind, just by way of a change. Mestygrowled, but there was no time to lose; the topsails only were set--these he lowered down, and then put the helm a-lee, and lashed it, whilehe went down to call our hero to his assistance. Jack roused up, andwent on deck.

  "This nebber do, Massa Easy; we all go to devil together--dam drunkendogs--I freshen um up any how." So Mesty drew some buckets of water,with which he soused the ship's company, who then appeared to berecovering their senses.

  "By heavens!" says Jack, "but this is contrary to the `articles of war';I shall read them to them to-morrow morning."

  "I tell what better ting, Massa Easy; we go lock up all de wine, andsarve out so much, and no more. I go do it at once, 'fore they wakeup."

  Mesty went down, leaving Jack on deck to his meditations.

  "I am not sure," thought Jack, "that I have done a very wise thing.Here I am with a parcel of fellows who have no respect for the articlesof war, and who get as drunk as David's sow. I have a large ship, but Ihave very few hands; and if it comes on bad weather, what shall I do?--for I know very little--hardly how to take in a sail. Then--as forwhere to steer, or how to steer, I know not--nor do any of my men; but,however, as it was very narrow when we came into the Mediterranean,through the straits, it is hardly possible to get out of them withoutperceiving it: besides, I should know the rock of Gibraltar again, if Isaw it. I must talk to Mesty."

  Mesty soon returned with the keys of the provision-room tied to hisbandana.

  "Now," says he, "they not get drunk again in a hurry."

  A few more buckets of water soon brought the men to their senses: theyagain stood on their legs, and gradually recovered themselves. Daylightbroke, and they found that the vessel had made an attempt for theSpanish coast, being within a mile of the beach, and facing a largebattery _fleur d'eau_; fortunately they had time to square the yards,and steer the ship along shore under the top-sails, before they wereperceived. Had they been seen at daylight in the position that theywere in during the night, the suspicions of the Spaniards would havebeen awakened; and had a boat been sent off, while they were all drunk,they must have been recaptured.

  The men, who perceived what danger they had been in, listened verypenitently to Jack's remonstrances; and our hero, to impress them morestrongly on their minds, took out the articles of war, and read that ondrunkenness from beginning to end; but the men had heard it read sooften at the gangway, that it did not make a due impression. As Mestysaid, his plan was better, and so it proved; for as soon as Jack haddone, the men went down to get another jug of wine, and found, to theirdisappointment, that it was all under lock and key.

  In the meantime, Jack called Mesty aft, and asked him if he knew the wayto Toulon. Mesty declared that he knew nothing about it.

  "Then, Mesty, it appears to me that we have a better chance of findingour way back to Gibraltar; for you know the land was on our left sideall the way coming up the Mediterranean; and if we keep it, as it isnow, on our right, we shall get back again along the coast."

  Mesty agreed with Jack that this was the _ne plus ultra_ of navigation:and that old Smallsole could not do better with his "pig-yoke" andcompasses. So they shook a reef out of the top-sails, settop-gallant-sails, and ran directly down the coast from point to point,keeping about five miles distant. The men prepared a good dinner; Mestygave them their allowance of wine, which was just double what they hadon board the _Harpy_--so they soon appeared to be content. One man,indeed, talked very big and very mutinously, swearing that if the otherswould join him, they would soon have liquor enough, but Mesty gave himhis look, opened his knife, and swore that he would settle him, and Jackknocked him down with a handspike; so that, what with the punishmentreceived, and that which was promised, the fellow thought he might aswell say no more about it. The fact is, that had it not been from fearof Mesty, the whole of the men would, in all probability, have behavedequally as bad; nevertheless, they were a little staggered, it must beowned, at seeing Jack play so good a stick with the handspike.

  After this night Jack and Mesty kept watch and watch, and everythingwent on very well until they were nearly abreast of Carthagena, when agale came on from the northward, and drove them out of sight of land.Sail after sail was reduced with difficulty from their having so fewhands, and the gale blew for three days with great fury. The men weretired out and discontented. It was Jack's misfortune that he had butone good man with him: even the coxswain of the boat, although afine-looking man, was worth nothing. Mesty was Jack's sheet-anchor.The fourth day the gale moderated, but they had no idea where they were:they knew that they had been blown off, but how far they could not tell;and Jack now began to discover that a cruise at sea without a knowledgeof navigation was a more nervous thing than he had contemplated.However, there was no help for it: at night they wore the ship, andstood on the other tack, and at daylight they perceived that they wereclose to some small islands, and much closer to some large rocks,against which the sea beat high, although the wind had subsided. Againwas the helm put up, and they narrowly escaped. As soon as the sailswere trimmed, the men came aft, and proposed that if they could findanchorage, they should run into it, for they were quite tired out. Thiswas true; and Jack consulted with Mesty, who thought it advisable toagree to the proposal. That the islands were not inhabited was veryevident. The only point to ascertain was if there were good anchorage.The coxswain offered to go in the boat and examine; and, with four men,he set off, and in about an hour returned, stating that there was plentyof water, and that it was as smooth as a mill-pond, being land-locked onevery side. As they could not weigh the bower-anchor, they bent thekedge, and, running in without acciden
t, came to in a small bay, betweenthe islands, in seven fathoms water. The sails were furled, andeverything put in order by the seamen, who then took the boat and pulledon shore. "They might as well have asked leave," thought Jack. In anhour they returned, and, after a short discussion, came aft to our heroin a body.

  The coxswain was spokesman. He said that they had had hard work, andrequired now to have some rest,--that there were provisions on board forthree months, so that there could not be any hurry,--and that they hadfound they could pitch a tent very well on shore, and live there for ashort time,--and that as there was no harm in getting drunk on shore,they expected that they might be allowed to take provisions and plentyof wine with them; and that the men had desired him to ask leave,because they were determined to go, whether or no. Jack was about toanswer with the handspike; but perceiving that the men had all put ontheir cutlasses, and had their pistols at their belts, he thought properto consult Mesty, who, perceiving that resistance was useless, advisedJack to submit, observing, that the sooner all the wine was gone thebetter, as there would be nothing done while it lasted. Jack,therefore, very graciously told them, that they should have their ownway, and he would stay there as long as they pleased. Mesty gave themthe keys of the provision-hatch, and told them, with a grin, to helpthemselves. The men then informed Jack that he and Mesty should stay onboard, and take care of the ship for them, and that they would take theSpaniard on shore to cook their victuals; but to this Jack observed,that if he had not two hands, he could not obey their orders, in casethey wished him to come on shore for them. The men thought there wasgood argument in that observation, and therefore allowed Jack to retainthe Spaniard, that he might be more prompt to their call from the beach:they then wished him good day, and begged that he would amuse himselfwith the "articles of war."

  As soon as they had thrown a spare sail into the boat, with some sparsto make a tent, and some bedding, they went down below, hoisted up twopipes of wine out of the three, a bag or two of biscuit, arms andammunition, and as much of the salt provisions as they thought theymight require. The boat being full, they shoved off, with three cheersof derision. Jack was sensible to the compliment: he stood at thegangway, took off his hat, and made them a polite bow.

  As soon as they were gone, Mesty grinned with his sharp-filed teeth, andlooking at our hero, said:

  "I tink I make um pay for all dis--stop a little; by de piper as playedbefore Moses, but our turn come by-and-by."

  As for Jack, he said nothing, but he thought the more. In about an hourthe men returned in the boat: they had forgotten many things theywanted--wood to make a fire, and several utensils; they helpedthemselves freely, and having now everything that they could think of,they again went on shore.

  "How damn lucky we never tell dem about the dollars," said Mesty, asJack and he were watching the motions of the men.

  "It is, indeed," replied Jack, "not that they could spend them here."

  "No, Massa Easy, but suppose they find all that money, they take boatand go away with it. Now, I hab them in my clutch--stop a little."

  A narrow piece of salt pork had been left at the gangway: Jack, withoutknowing why, tossed it over board; being almost all fat it sank verygradually: Jack watched it as it disappeared, so did Mesty, both full ofthought, when they perceived a dark object rising under it: it was aground shark, who took it into his maw, sank down, and disappeared.

  "What was that?" said Jack.

  "That ground shark, Massa Easy,--worst shark of all; you neber see himtill you feel him;" and Mesty's eyes sparkled with pleasure. "By depowers, they soon stop de mutiny; now I hab 'em."

  Jack shuddered and walked away.

  During the day, the men on shore were seen to work hard, and make allthe preparations before they abandoned themselves to the sensualgratification of intemperance. The tent was pitched, the fire waslighted, and all the articles taken on shore rolled up and stowed awayin their places; they were seen to sit down and dine, for they werewithin hail of the ship, and then one of the casks of wine was spiled.In the meantime the Spaniard, who was a quiet lad, had prepared thedinner for Easy and his now only companion. The evening closed, and allwas noise and revelry on shore; and as they danced, and sung, and tossedoff the cans of wine by the light of the fire, as they hallooed andscreamed, and became more and more intoxicated, Mesty turned to Jackwith his bitter smile, and only said:

  "Stop a little."

  At last the noise grew fainter, the fire died away, and gradually allwas silent. Jack was still hanging over the gangway when Mesty came upto him. The new moon had just risen, and Jack's eyes were fixed uponit.

  "Now, Massa Easy, please you come aft and lower down little boat; takeyour pistols and then we go on shore and bring off the cutter; they allasleep now."

  "But why should we leave them without a boat, Mesty?" for Jack thoughtof the sharks, and the probability of the men attempting to swim off.

  "I tell you, sar, this night they get drunk, to morrow they get drunkagain, but drunken men never keep quiet--suppose one man say to others,`Let's go aboard and kill officer, and then we do as we please,' theyall say yes, and they all come and do it. No, sar--must have boat--ifnot for your sake, I must hab it, save my own life anyhow, for they hateme and kill me first;--by de powers, stop a little."

  Jack felt the truth of Mesty's observation; he went aft with him,lowered down the small boat, and they hauled it alongside. Jack wentdown with Mesty into the cabin and fetched his pistols--"And theSpaniard, Mesty, can we leave him on board alone?"

  "Yes, sar, he no got arms, and he see dat we have--but suppose he findarms he never dare do any thing--I know de man."

  Our hero and Mesty went down into the boat and shoved off, pullinggently on shore; the men were in a state of intoxication, so as not tobe able to move, much less hear. They cast off the cutter, towed her onboard, and made her fast with the other boat astern.

  "Now, sar, we may go to bed; to-morrow morning you will see."

  "They have everything they require on shore," replied Easy; "all theycould want with the cutter would be to molest us."

  "Stop a little," replied Mesty.

  Jack and Mesty went to bed, and as a precaution against the Spaniard,which was hardly necessary, Mesty locked the cabin door--but Mesty neverforgot anything.

  Jack slept little that night--had melancholy forebodings which he couldnot shake off; indeed, Jack had reflected so much since he had left theship, he had had his eyes so much opened, and had felt what aresponsibility he had taken by indulging himself in a whim of themoment, that it might be almost said that in the course of one fortnighthe had at once from a boy sprung up into a man. He was mortified andangry, but he was chiefly so with himself.

  Mesty was up at daylight and Jack soon followed him: they watched theparty on shore, who had not yet left the tent. At last, just as Jackhad finished his breakfast, one or two made their appearance: the menlooked about them as if they were searching for something, and thenwalked down to the beach, to where the boat had been made fast. Jacklooked at Mesty, who grinned, and answered with the words so oftenrepeated:

  "Stop a little."

  The men then walked along the rocks until they were abreast of the ship.

  "Ship ahoy!"

  "Halloo," replied Mesty.

  "Bring the boat ashore directly, with a breaker of water."

  "I knew dat," cried Mesty, rubbing his hands with delight. "Massy Easy,you must tell them No."

  "But why should I not give them water, Mesty?"

  "Because, sar, den they take boat."

  "Very true," replied Easy.

  "Do you hear on board?" cried the coxswain, who was the man whohailed--"send the boat immediately, or we'll cut the throats of everymother's son of you, by God!"

  "I shall not send the boat," replied Jack, who now thought Mesty wasright.

  "You won't--won't you?--then your doom's sealed," replied the man,walking up to the tent with the other. In a short time all the sea
menturned out of the tent, bringing with them four muskets, which they hadtaken on shore with them.

  "Good heavens! they are not, surely, going to fire at us, Mesty."

  "Stop a little."

  The men then came down abreast of the ship, and the coxswain againhailed, and asked if they would bring the boat on shore.

  "You must say No, sar," replied Mesty.

  "I feel I must," replied Jack, and then he answered the coxswain, "No."

  The plan of the mutineers had been foreseen by the wily negro--it was toswim off to the boats which were riding astern, and to fire at him orJack, if they attempted to haul them up alongside and defend them. Toget into the boats, especially the smaller one, from out of the water,was easy enough. Some of the men examined their priming and held themuskets at their hips all ready, with the muzzles towards the ship,while the coxswain and two men were throwing off their clothes.

  "Stop, for God's sake, stop!" cried Jack "The harbour is full of groundsharks--it is, upon my soul!"

  "Do you think to frighten us with ground sharks?" replied the coxswain,"keep under cover, my lad; Jack, give him a shot to prove we are inearnest, and every time he or that nigger show their heads, give themanother, my lads."

  "For God's sake, don't attempt to swim," said Jack, in an agony; "I willtry some means to give you water."

  "Too late now--you're doomed;" and the coxswain sprang off the rock intothe sea, and was followed by two other men: at the same moment a musketwas discharged, and the bullet whistled close to our hero's ear.

  Mesty dragged Jack from the gangway, who was now nearly fainting fromagonising feelings. He sank on the deck for a moment, and then sprangup and ran to the port to look at the men in the water. He was just intime to see the coxswain raise himself with a loud yell out of the sea,and then disappear in a vortex, which was crimsoned with his blood.

  Mesty threw down his musket in his hand, of which he had several allready loaded, in case the men should have gained the boats.

  "By the powers, dat no use now!"

  Jack had covered his face with his hands. But the tragedy was nowcomplete: the other men, who were in the water, had immediately turnedand made for the shore; but before they could reach it, two more ofthose voracious monsters, attracted by the blood of the coxswain, hadflown to the spot, and there was a contention for the fragments of theirbodies.

  Mesty, who had seen this catastrophe, turned towards our hero, who stillhid his face.

  "I'm glad he no see dat, anyhow," muttered Mesty.

  "See what?" exclaimed Jack.

  "Shark eat 'em all."

  "Oh, horrid, horrid!" groaned our hero.

  "Yes, sar, very horrid," replied Mesty, "and dat bullet at your headvery horrid. Suppose the sharks no take them, what then? They kill us,and the sharks have our body. I think that more horrid still."

  "Mesty," replied Jack, seizing the negro convulsively by the arm, "itwas not the sharks--it was I--I who have murdered these men."

  Mesty looked at Jack with surprise.

  "How dat possible?"

  "If I had not disobeyed orders," replied our hero, panting for breath,"if I had not shown them the example of disobedience, this would nothave happened. How could I expect submission from them? It's all myfault--I see it now--and, O God! when will the sight be blotted from mymemory?"

  "Massa Easy, I not understand that," replied Mesty: "I think you talkfoolish--might as well say, suppose Ashantee men not make war, this nothappen; for suppose Ashantee not make war, I not slave--I not run away--I not come board _Harpy_--I not go in boat with you--I not hinder menfrom getting drunk--and that why they make mutiny--and the mutiny whythe shark take um?"

  Jack made no reply, but he felt some consolation from thecounter-argument of the negro.

  The dreadful death of the three mutineers appeared to have had asensible effect upon their companions, who walked away from the beachwith their heads down and with measured steps. They were now seen to beperambulating the island, probably in search of that water which theyrequired. At noon, they returned to their tent, and soon afterwardswere in a state of intoxication, hallooing and shouting as the daybefore. Towards the evening they came down to the beach abreast of theship, each with a vessel in their hands, and perceiving that they hadattracted the notice of our hero and Mesty, tossed the contents of thevessels up in the air to show that they had found water, and hooting andderiding, went back, dancing, leaping, and kicking up their heels, torenew their orgies, which continued till after mid night, when they wereall stupified as before.

  The next day Jack had recovered from the first shock which thecatastrophe had given him, and he called Mesty into the cabin to hold aconsultation.

  "Mesty, how is this to end?"

  "How do you mean, sar?--end here, or end on board of de _Harpy_?"

  "The _Harpy_!--there appears little chance of our seeing her again--weare on a desolate island, or what is the same thing; but we will hopethat it will be so: but how is this mutiny to end?"

  "Massa Easy, suppose I please I make it end very soon, but I not in ahurry."

  "How do you mean, Mesty, not in a hurry?"

  "Look, Massa Easy, you wish take a cruise, and I wish the same ting: nowbecause mutiny you want to go back--but, by all de powers, you tink thatI, a prince in my own country, feel wish to go back and boil kettle forde young gentlemen. No, Massa Easy, gib me mutiny--gib me anyting--but--once I was prince," replied Mesty, lowering his voice at the lastfew emphatic words.

  "You must one of these days tell me your history, Mesty," replied Jack;"but just now let us argue the point in question. How could you put anend to this mutiny?"

  "By putting an end to all wine. Suppose I go shore after they alldrunk, I spile the casks in three or four places, and in the morning allwine gone--den dey ab get sober, and beg pardon--we take dem on board,put away all arms 'cept yours and mine, and I like to see the mutinyafter dat. Blood and 'ounds--but I settle um, anyhow."

  "The idea is very good, Mesty--why should we not do so?"

  "Because I not like run de risk to go ashore--all for what? to go back,boil de kettle for all gentlemans--I very happy here, Massa," repliedMesty carelessly.

  "And I am very miserable," replied Jack; "but, however, I am completelyin your power, Mesty, and I must, I suppose, submit."

  "What you say, Massa Easy--submit to me?--no, sar, when you are on board_Harpy_ as officer, you talk with me as a friend, and not treat me asnegro servant. Massa Easy, I feel--I feel what I am," continued Mesty,striking his bosom, "I feel it here--for all first time since I leave mycountry, I feel dat I am someting; but, Massa Easy, I love my friend asmuch as I hate my enemy--and you neber submit to me--I too proud toallow dat, 'cause, Massa Easy--I am a man--and once I was a prince."

  Although Mesty did not perhaps explain by words half so well as he didby his countenance, the full tide of feeling which was overflowing inhis heart, Jack fully understood and felt it. He extended his hand toMesty, and said:

  "Mesty--that you have been a prince, I care little about, although Idoubt it not, because you are incapable of a lie; but you are a man, andI respect you, nay, I love you as a friend--and with my will we neverpart again."

  Mesty took the hand offered by Jack. It was the first peace-offeringever extended to him, since, he had been torn away from his nativeland--the first compliment, the first tribute, the first acknowledgment,perhaps, that he was not an inferior being; he pressed it in silence,for he could not speak; but could the feelings which were suffocatingthe negro but have been laid before sceptics, they must haveacknowledged that at that moment they were all and only such as could dohonour, not only to the prince, but even to the Christian. So much wasMesty affected with what had happened, that when he dropped the hand ofour hero, he went down into the cabin, finding it impossible to continuethe conversation, which was not renewed until the next morning.

  "What is your opinion, Mesty?--tell me, and I will be governed by it."

Den, sar, I tell you I tink it right that they first come and ask tocome on board before you take them--and, sar, I tink it also right, aswe are but two and they are five, dat they first eat all theirprovision--let 'em starve plenty, and den dey come on board tameenough."

  "At all events," replied Jack, "the first overtures of some kind oranother must come from them. I wish I had something to do--I do notmuch like this cooping up on board ship."

  "Massa, why you no talk with Pedro?"

  "Because I cannot speak Spanish."

  "I know dat, and dat why I ask de question. You very sorry when youmeet the two pretty women in the ship, you not able to talk with them--Iguess that."

  "I was very sorry, I grant," replied Jack.

  "Well, Massa Easy, by-and-by we see more Spanish girl. Why not talk allday with Pedro, and den you able to talk with dem."

  "Upon my word, Mesty, I never had an idea of your value. I will learnall the Spanish that I can," replied Jack, who was glad to haveemployment found for him, and was quite disgusted with the articles ofwar.

  As for the men on shore, they continued the same course, if not asbefore, one day succeeded another, and without variety. It was,however, to be observed, that the fire was now seldomer lighted, whichproved their fuel scarce, and the weather was not so warm as it hadbeen, for it was now October. Jack learnt Spanish from Pedro for amonth, during which there was no appearance of submission on the part ofthe mutineers, who, for the first fortnight, when intoxicated, used tocome down and fire at Jack or Mesty, when they made their appearance.Fortunately drunken men are not good marksmen, but latterly this hadbeen discontinued, because they had expended their ammunition--and theyappeared to have almost forgotten that the ship was there, for they tookno notice of her whatever.

  On the other hand, Jack had decided that if he waited there a year, theovertures should come from them who had mutinied; and now, having anoccupation, he passed his time very quietly, and the days flew so fastthat two months had actually been run off the calendar, before he had anidea of it.

  One evening, as they were down in the cabin, for the evenings had nowbecome very cold, Jack asked Mesty whether he had any objection to givehim a history of his life. Mesty replied, that if he wished he wasready to talk; and at a nod from our hero, Mesty commenced as follows.


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