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CW Boys: The Beginning (CW Boys #1)

Page 4

by C. Shell

  “It was a sweet victory, but not an easy one,” I concede. “I had to get my mom on my side. It wasn’t easy and took a lot of begging, pleading, and a few forced tears. Once she agreed, they were out-numbered. Not even Dex is crazy enough to try and argue with my mother. The harder they pushed the more she dug her heels in.”

  The warning bell rings, and Cammy gives me an annoyed look. “Got to go, girlie.” She shakes her head and takes off down the hall at a fast pace, calling back to me over her shoulder.” See you at lunch. First one there saves the other one a seat.”

  “Always,” I answer back.

  I enter the classroom with a pep in my step. I started playing around with photography last year after my dad sent me a high-tech camera for my birthday. The thing has enough buttons and options that I had to read the operating manual three times just to learn how to take the lens off. I got a part-time job over the summer at the local ice skating rink and saved enough money to buy a sophisticated software that allows me to edit and create all kinds of projects. Once I figured it all out, I was hooked.

  Mrs. Johnson gives me a broad smile as I take my usual seat in the front row. In all my other classes I hide in the back, ignoring everyone around me, and counting the minutes until I’m released so that I can do it all over again in the next hour. My routine is different in this room. In photography, I sit front and center and not only do I hang on to every word Mrs. Johnson speaks, but I also participate. The dynamics are different in this class. In here my peers don’t make me feel like an outsider because of who my brother or his close friends are. In here we are all equals working to create something beautiful and unique.

  The final bell rings as I’m tucking my bag under the desk. Mrs. Johnson is closing the door just as Daniel Leamon slides through, igniting her ire that spills into a five-minute long monolog on the importance of being punctual.

  “Hey, Addison,” Daniel says. He takes the seat beside me as the teacher begins roll call. His eyes brighten as he catches my attention.

  I give Daniel a smile. A genuine one, because he has always been nice to me and doesn’t seem to have a bad bone in his body. The CW boys are the soccer gods of our school, unlike Daniel, who runs not only runs with the artsy types but is on the football team. As my mom would say, he is a ‘jack of all spades’ and is liked by many.

  “Hi, Daniel. How was your summer?”

  “Good,” he replies with an infectious grin. “My cousin came and stayed with us for a few months. He’s got patience like a Saint and spent time teaching me how to surf.” He pulls up the sleeve of his shirt to show off his biceps. “Not only am I rocking out a tan this year, but I’ve got muscles to show for all my hard work. “

  I drink Daniel in with appreciation. He’s not exaggerating about his transformed physique. His once wiry frame is now filled out in all the right places. Add to that golden brown eyes, sandy colored hair, playful disposition, and a heart of gold and you’ve got one hell of a package. Daniel…a package?

  I’ve never thought of Daniel as anything other than a good friend. Could he possibly be more? My mind goes off the rails with that line of thinking. Luckily, Mrs. Johnson chooses that moment to begin class. With a sheepish smile, I turn away from Daniel and bury my flushed face in my camera bag.

  As always, I lose myself in work and before I know it the bell rings, dismissing us to our next period. I gather my things and give Daniel a quick wave before slipping out of the room and heading toward the cafeteria for my lunch hour.

  Before I reach the double entry door to the lunchroom, where crowds are already gathered, pushing and shoving their way through, I feel a set of eyes boring into the back of my skull. I don’t have to turn around to know who is watching me. I know the feel of his heavy gaze as well as my own name. Stopping suddenly, I whirl around and face him.

  My stomach plummets as my eyes sweep down his body, taking in his rugged attire, slim torso, perfectly sculptured arms, and long legs. His refined face is the cherry on top of a scrumptious, calorie ridden, sugar induced, toxic sundae. As if reading my thoughts, Dex gives me a killer smile. One that shows his pearly whites and the faint dimple that only makes an appearance when he is truly happy. Which isn’t very often.

  I stand to my full height, all five foot four inches of it, and hold his gaze. His pale blue irises narrow on me as he closes the gap between us. His voice washes over me as he speaks. “I missed you this morning, Jelly Bean. The car ride wasn’t the same without you fighting with me over which radio station to listen to.”

  A nervous feeling comes over me. Dex might be my friend, but he is still a boy, a gorgeous one at that, and despite how mad he can make me and how off limits he is, I’m still an average hormonal teenage girl and being this close to him affects me. I bite the inside of my cheek to ground my thoughts and the strange flutter in my belly.

  “I’m a big girl now, Dex. All my friends drive themselves to school, so it’s only fitting I do the same. Besides, now you guys have room to offer one of your many groupies’s a ride.”

  Surprise then annoyance flashes across his face before he schools his features and gives me a smile that never reaches his eyes. Gripping my backpack strap, he takes it from me and slings it over his shoulder before placing a hand on the small of my back and steering me through the now empty double doors. As we near our regular table in the back corner, I see that Nate, my brother Jimmie, and Cammy are already seated along with a few other guys from the soccer team.

  I take my place next to Cammy as Dex drops into the seat beside me. While Cammy and I swap stories about our classes, the boys go and collect our food. The moment they are out of earshot, she pulls me close and speaks low so only I can hear.

  “The rumor circulating is that your brother and Missy Haynes got it on over the summer. I’m begging you to tell me that is not true. I know the boys get around and stuff, but seriously, he could do so much better than Missy Haynes.”

  Cammy doesn’t know that I’m on to her big secret. Over the summer whenever she came over she was always dressed up, her hair freshly styled, and when we hung out, she always inquired about what Jimmie was up to. I admit I didn’t get it right away. When the pieces finally fell into place, I realized that my best friend had a crush on my twin brother. I’ve never questioned her about it because my brother is a bon-a-fide moron when it comes to girls and I don’t want to encourage her to pursue him. I love him, but he leaves a trail of hearts wherever he goes. He’s never settled down with one girl long enough to know what color eyes she has.

  Spotting the guys heading back to our table with our food, I quickly shoot her an answer. “Never happened. She came over once or twice and watched a movie. She put the moves on him, but he never took the bait. Not sure why, but that was the extent of it.”

  Cam’s body visibly relaxes as she accepts my answer. I hate that she is so hung up on Jimmie, but my bestie is headstrong. If she decides to take things further with him, then all I can do is be here for her if she needs me. Jimmie’s in for the ass-kicking of his life if he ever hurts her. Shaking off my glum feelings, I accept my plate of pizza from Nate and spend the next hour listening to the boys talk about sports and the upcoming season.

  Besides having the boys in a few classes with me, the rest of the day goes by without any drama and before I know it the last bell is signaling the end of class. With the promise that Cammy will meet me at my house within the hour for our study date, I grab the books I need from my locker and head out to my car.

  I smile as my cherry red VW Beetle comes into view. I’m not one of those people who get all tongue-tied fancy makes and models of vehicles, but from the moment I saw this vibrant red car that was cute in its own right sitting among a sea of bland colors, I knew I had to have it. As corny as it sounds, the damn thing makes me smile.

  With my bags thrown into the trunk, I slide into the driver’s seat, only to be caged in by muscular arms resting against the frame of my door. I startle, a small squeak slipping past
my lips as my body whips around, searching out the immediate danger. Nate stares back at me, his eyes dark and daunting.

  Swallowing down the golf ball sized lump that’s formed in my throat; I give him my best what-the-hell-look. “You scared the shit out me. What’s gotten into you? A simple, “Hello”, would’ve sufficed.”

  He looks amused despite the small tick along his jawline, a sure sign that he’s on edge. Leaning in he holds his face inches from mine, making the interior of my car feel smaller than it is. “Are you serious about wanting to drive yourself to school or is your way of fucking with Dex, because if it’s the later than you can stop now because your plan worked.”

  I grit my teeth in annoyance, letting out a harsh breath as I speak. “Of course, I’m serious, and I hate that I had to whine to mom to make it happen. I’ve been sixteen for several months now. I don’t understand why you all insist on treating me like a child. I love my car, and I want to drive the thing further than a few measly miles. Grandma’s drive more than I do.”

  Nate’s body shakes with silent laughter. “No one’s trying to control you, babe. Don’t think that’s even possible. You’re about as controllable as a feral cat.” Nate pauses and gives me a serious look. “We do what’s needed to keep you safe. Nothing less, nothing more.”

  My eyes roll at his cryptic response. “What does that even mean? This town is about as unadventurous as you can get. Is it my driving? Because I assure you, not only do I drive the speed limit but I can parallel park and change a tire. Not many girls my age can say the same thing.”

  He frowns and looks past me for a long moment before giving me his full attention once again. “I’m only going to explain this once Addy Bear, so listen up. The guys and I have made a few enemies over the years. Some here in town and some further away. I’m not going into detail about how or why, but if they ever want to hurt us, you are the easiest way to do that.”

  My head jerks back. I swallow down that bitter piece of information with the intention to dig more into it later. I’m not naive. I’ve heard stories from friends, some real and some embellished to the extent of ridiculousness. Never once have I thought the guys to be angles. I’ve seen their bruises and busted knuckles enough times to know better. The thought of someone using me to hurt them twists my stomach in knots.

  “So I’m your weak link?”

  His dark eyes snap to mine. Regret and some emotion I can’t read flashes across his face. “No baby girl. There is nothing weak about you. You make us strong. Without you, we’re a broken mess. If anything, you’re our kryptonite.”

  I nod. His words strike me hard, slicing away my armor and tunneling deep into my heart. What a clusterfuck. I hate the thought of giving up any more of my freedom and at the same time, I don’t want to cause them unwarranted worry. The fear of the guys’ future and sanity weighs heavily on me. Enough so, that I do something that surprises even me.

  “How about a compromise?”

  Nate gives me a crooked grin. “I’m listening.”

  “Despite your sound reasoning, I need some semblance of independence. Your protectiveness is stifling, and it scares everyone away. I swear I’ve seen some of the teachers act nervous when you walk me to class. It’s crazy.” I pause and wet my parched lips before continuing. As much as I hate agreeing to this, I think it might help smooth things over. “What if I drive Monday, Wednesday, and Sunday? I belong to the CW Boys, the other days of the week.”

  “Belong to us?” I don’t miss the double meaning behind his question or the happiness laced in his voice.

  Ishake my head and stare out the front windshield trying to formulate the right response. “You know what I mean, Nate.”

  A heavy weight of silence falls between us. When he finally speaks, his tone is casual, but I see straight through him. His body is humming with pleasure. He’s satisfied with my compromise. “Doesn’t matter Addy Bear. You can call it what you want, but at the end of the day, the truth remains the same.” He turns his head to me, and a ghost of a smile appears on his lips. "You’ve always belonged to us just as we belong to you.” In a fluid motion, he stands, pulls out his phone, and stalks across the parking lot to his truck.

  Damn, he didn’t even wait five minutes before calling Jimmie and Dex. I shake my head in annoyance. Gripping my keys in my hand, I absently stare at the few students still milling around. With a defeated sigh, I start up my car and head home.

  The tension in my shoulders refuses to go away Giving up some of my time to the guys was a good move to keep the peace. So why do I feel like I just made a monumental mistake? Nate’s response that I belong to them keeps swirling around my mind on auto-loop. Was he serious, and if he was, what does that mean for me?

  Will my life ever be my own or will my actions always be dictated by the CW Boys?

  Chapter Five

  Dex – Present day, Age Seventeen

  “Spread those legs a little wider for me,” I command.

  Lacey gives me a devious smile. Like a puppet on a string, the girl does as I ask, giving me a good look at her barely there black silk panties.

  Damn, I love silk.

  Ignoring the loud noises from the party in full swing behind us, I stalk forward and plant myself between her creamy thighs. With a jerk, I lift her up and place her on the hood of my truck. Lacey giggles with excitement as my eyes peruse her luscious body. My erection thickens in approval of all the skin she’s showing off. Lacey is a fun girl to fool around with as long as she doesn’t speak. Her high-pitched voice grates on my nerves. It sounds like she’s inhaled too much helium whenever she gets excited.

  “Like what you see Dex?” she asks. Her large eyes blink seductively at me. “I knew you couldn’t stay away for too long. Ashley McKinzey has been blabbing to everyone that you were with her last weekend.” She pauses as she tries to read my response. When I give her nothing, keeping my face neutral and unresponsive, she presses on. “It’s okay if you were. I don’t mind. Everyone knows that Ashley is a two-bit slut. I heard she snuck out of her house to be with Evan Gibson from the basketball team last night.”

  “Enough talking. I didn’t come here to have a chat or here you gossip about your friends,” I say, giving her a tired look. “You’re not my girlfriend. What we do,” I say pointing a finger between the two of us, “is for fun. It’s a release for me and nothing more. I don’t owe you anything, and I undeniably don’t give two shits who you suck off or climb in bed with once I’m finished getting mine.

  With her fists clenched at her sides and her face turning as red as a tomato, I can tell she’s on the verge of going off on me. The longer she talks the softer my cock gets. Before she can say another word, I smash my lips against hers. Girls like Lacey are a dime a dozen. Although she has one hell of a talented mouth, no inhibitions, and opens her legs willingly; I don’t need this girl starting to think of me as her boyfriend.

  I don’t do girlfriends. There is only one person who could tempt me into taking that leap, and she’s off limits. At least, that’s what I keep telling myself. Being around her every day and not publicly claiming her as mine is no easy task. No matter how much of a selfish asshole I am, I don’t want to make it life harder than it already is. Being with me would only bring her heartache. I’m not wired for all the romantic hearts and flowers shit.

  I try and keep her at arm’s length because one taste of her and I would be a doomed man. She’s got me wrapped around her finger and she doesn’t even know it. The fucked up part is that Nate loves her too. It’s the one and only thing that almost split up our friendship back when we were kids. We settled it with a fist fight. She was my prize when I won.

  My Dad taught me that you don’t shit where you eat, and being with Addison would be the equivalent of just that. My mind understands it all too well, but my damn dick hasn’t gotten the memo.

  Lacey nips at my bottom lip, pulling me back into the moment. “Touch me Dex,” she begs. Like a cat in heat, she rubs her big breasts against
my chest. “Make me feel good, baby.”

  I raise a brow at the pet name. With a grit of my teeth, I let it slide. I’m too on edge tonight to waste the next thirty minutes arguing with Lacey about how she’ll only ever be a warm place to wet my dick. It might sound cruel, but it’s the truth. Besides, it’s nothing she hasn’t heard before. If Lacey doesn’t have enough respect for herself to tell me to get lost, then why should I?

  I down the beer beside me in one go before getting down to business. Pulling the stretchy fabric of her tank top down, I feast on her taunt nipples. She squirms against me, making enough noise that one would think she was auditioning to be the star of a porn flick.

  With her creamy skin in my mouth and my hand down her pants, I’m lost in the moment. So much so, that it takes me far too long to comprehend that someone besides the moaning girl clinging to me is calling my name. Releasing her nipple with a pop, I inch away in search of the brave fucker encroaching on my fun.

  Daniel Leamon stands a few feet behind me with his hands shoved deep in his pockets and an unapologetic smirk on his face. I turn and give my back to Lacey, offering her a semblance of privacy to right her clothing without an audience. I might be a jerk, but that doesn’t mean I was raised without manners. My swollen erection digs painfully into my jeans, causing me to readjust my posture.

  “What do you want Daniel?” I inquire. My tone is sharp as I scrutinize the little prick.

  Daniel is one of my least favorite people. It wasn’t always that way. At one time, I considered him somewhat of a friend. Then I found out he had a thing for Addison and in a blink of an eye, the bastard was dead to me. I hate the way he looks at her. It reminds me of a dog drooling over a tasty steak.

  I’ve warned him away from her more times than should be necessary. Anyone with half a brain in our town knows to stay away from Addison, and the few who ignored the warnings got a beating they will never forget. Daniel’s petulance for not following the rules is becoming a problem. The only reason he’s still standing now is because he’s smarter than he appears. He hasn’t outright asked her out yet or put a hand on her, but at the same time, the bastard has pushed himself into her life by posing as her good friend, something my Addy doesn’t enough of. He’s straddling a thin line. He steps one foot off that line, and I will happily put my foot so far up his ass he’ll be shitting rubber for weeks to come.


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