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CW Boys: The Beginning (CW Boys #1)

Page 5

by C. Shell

  “Nate said I had to come find you. He said to tell you it was Defcon Four,” he answers with a shrug. Daniel’s shuffling his feet side to side, no longer looking as confident as he did when he first showed up. “He mentioned something about seeing a jelly bean or some weird candy like that.”


  My blood runs cold. Is she here?

  I swear my heart stopped beating the moment I heard the word Jelly Bean. I take off across the field, weaving around vehicles, ignoring curious glances by kids hanging out on the backs of trucks, and the awful screech of Lacey shouting my name. I ignore it all because the only thing that matters right now is finding Nate and getting Addison the hell out of here.

  Not knowing where to head to first and not wanting to waste any more time searching blindly, I whip out my phone only to see I’ve missed a handful of calls and twice as many texts from Nate. God, I’m such a fucking moron. I make the call and Nate answers on the first ring.

  “She’s by the bonfire. Jimmie is with her now. I haven’t approached her yet. Before you bulldoze your way in there and piss her off, find me first by the tree line.” With nothing left to say, he hangs up, and I haul ass through the crowd.

  Nate is leaning against a large tree with his arms crossed over his chest. His casual stance and aloof features don’t fool me for a second. Judging by the constant tick in his jaw, Nate is wound tighter than a cobra ready to strike.

  I ask as soon as I stop beside him, “What is she doing here?”

  My question goes unanswered. Nate nods towards the roaring fire. My eyes follow and take in the sight before me. Addison is sitting on a log off to the side with Jimmie and Cammy surrounding her. My heart kicks up a beat as I drink in her appearance. She looks fucking amazing dressed in a sheer long sleeve top with a sparkly tank underneath. Her jeans are tight, hugging her delicate hips like a second skin, and showing off her tight ass.

  My muscles are strung tight as I stand in the shadows watching her laugh at something Jimmie said. Her hands flutter through the air as she talks with him, her body language fluid and expressive. Although she wears a smile, there is no happiness shining from her eyes. Reading Addy’s moods has become second nature to me over the years. She’s upset, and I want to know why. No, it’s more than that. I need to know why so I can fix it.

  “What am I missing?” I ask Nate. My fingers flex at my side as I continue to watch her. “I thought Jelly Bean was going out to eat with her old man tonight. What is she doing here?”

  “Not sure. She showed up with Cammy close to thirty minutes ago. Judging by the way she was wobbling on her heels, I would say our girl is three sheets to the wind.”

  That takes me by surprise. “She’s drunk?” My skin crawls with unease. Addy’s had a drink or two over the years, but never enough to get drunk on and always in our presence so we can keep an eye on her. If she’s upset enough to turn to booze than that dipshit she calls, a father is to blame. He’s done nothing but cause her pain since he arrived in town. I’m not sure why he showed up in the first place, but I’ll be happy when he finally leaves. Good riddance.

  “My thoughts exactly.” Nate looks back toward where I parked my truck. “Are you done playing with Lacey tonight? I’ve got this if you have someplace you need to be.”

  I shake my head as my eyes snap up to meet his. I’m pissed that he would think of questioning my priorities where Addison is concerned. Lacey, or any other girl for that matter, won’t ever hold a candle to Addy. She is an integral part of my life now, of our lives, and she will always come first.

  Reaching into my pant pocket, I retrieve my truck keys and toss them his way. “I’ll grab Jelly Bean, and you can get the truck warmed up for us. I think that old blanket we used at the pond is still under the seat. Spread it out for her in case she needs it.” My brows bunch in concern as I watch her hands get livelier the longer she talks. “We’ve never seen a drunk Addy before. This should be interesting.”

  With a grunt, Nate takes off across the field. For his sake, I hope Lacey has already taken off. A happy Lacey is hard enough to deal with, but a pissed off Lacey is nothing short of a nightmare. When word circulates that I left her high and dry to deal with Addy, shit is going to hit the fan. I’m going to have to step up and do some major damage control. I don’t give a rat’s ass about Lacey’s feelings or her being mad at me, but I’ve seen her go nuclear on a few cheerleaders when she thought they were flirting with me. There is no way I am letting Addison take the brunt of my bad decisions.

  Stepping from the shadows of the trees, I make my way towards my friends. Catching Jimmie’s eye, I give him a hard look. I have no rational reason to be mad at Jimmie, but right now I’m pissed that Addy is hurting to the point that she thought getting trashed the best option. With her father, not around to take out my anger on, Jimmie is the next best thing. The jackass should’ve been with her tonight instead of skipping out on the so-called family dinner so he could party and have his dick sucked off by Trish Sanders.

  As I approach, a breeze whips across the open field. The fire dances in the night, casting shadows across the crowd of party goers and illuminating strands of honey and gold as they whip across Addy’s face. Without thinking, I reach down and push the tresses behind her ear, my hand brushing against the soft skin of her cheek as I do so.

  My heart starts to race. Just being close to her has me on edge. I hate and love the effect she has on me in equal parts. It’s always been this way with us. A push here and pull there, always with a sexual and somewhat possessive underlying message that makes no fucking sense. I have no doubt she would give in if I pressed hard enough. Her sweet lips call to me, and it takes all my restraint not to capture them with mine.

  I pull back before I start something I can’t finish. I have no clue how a relationship between us would work. There are too many variables that could go wrong. What scares me the most is the thought of ruining our friendship or breaking her heart. Despite what everyone thinks - I’m not that selfish. At least, not where she’s concerned.

  Two more years and school will be over. With the great grades she has, she’ll go to some far-away college and begin the life she deserves. I just need to hold off a little longer. I’m hoping that when she leaves, the temptation of her goes too.

  Out of sight out of mind.

  I give a nod of acknowledgment to Jimmie and Cammy before taking a seat next to Addy. My hands ball into tight fists as I notice the dried trails of tears streaking down her cheeks. My girl is hurting. My fingers ache to reach out and wipe away all the pain I see reflected back at me through her big hazel eyes.

  My breath comes out in heavy white bursts as I try and reign in my temper. I don’t want to frighten her, so I don’t speak until I feel calmer.

  “What are you doing here, Jelly Bean?” I ask.

  She twists her head in my direction and gives me a nervous smile when she notices my frown. “It’s a free country Dex. I think I can handle a measly high school party.”

  My brows shoot up, and I bite back a chuckle. “Well, you sure are feisty tonight. I was asking a simple question, Jelly Bean. No need to bring the claws out.”

  She lets out a big huff and points to random people. “I came to unwind and have some fun just like everyone else here. If they can do it, then so can I.” She glances my way. Her eyes roll over my appearance and narrow in on my rumpled clothing. Turning her face away as if she can no longer stand the sight of me, she speaks through clenched teeth. “If you’re worried that I will rain on your parade you can rest assured that I won’t. I didn’t come here with the intention of seeking any of you out. Go back to whoever you were doing. I’m a big girl Dex. I can take care of myself.”

  Addison’s insolence only proves to agitate me further. Fire ignites in my veins at her flippant attitude. I yearn to grab her up, flip her over my shoulder, and take her someplace private where I can bury my dick in that sultry mouth of hers. My jeans grow tight as my length thickens. Dir
ty images of Addy writhering beneath me run rampant through my head. For the sake of not causing a scene, I swallow down my need to touch her and shift positions to hide the thick bulge tenting the front of my pants.

  I reach over and give Jimmie a nudge. “Fletch is getting my truck. We’re going to take your sister home and let her sleep off the booze.” I ignore Addison’s immediate protests and gesture to Cammy. “You plan on staying here or would you like us to drop you off somewhere?”

  Cammy lifts a shoulder and glances back and forth between Addy and me before finally holding my gaze. The poor girl looks afraid to give me a definite answer; no doubt worried what Addy will say if she chooses to stay behind. Jimmie leans around his sister and claps Cammy on the shoulder. “I can take you home later if you would like to hang out a bit longer.”

  “Thanks, Jimmie. I’d like that,” she answers with a big smile on her face. Amused, I bite back a bark of laughter as I watch she and Jimmie eye fuck each other. I swear the two of them need to bypass all the coy bullshit, let loose, and find a dark corner to get better acquainted.

  The roar of a familiar sounding truck honks from the field behind us. I react by grabbing Addy by the arm and hauling her up. She doesn’t disappoint and puts up a weak fight, the alcohol in her system making her moves sluggish and disorganized.

  Seeing her stumble about, I simmer with my fury. “Time to go, Jelly Bean.” That earns me a sharp glare. Not giving her a moment to respond or protest, I scoop her up and throw her over my shoulder.

  With long, quick strides and a hand clamped tightly around the back of her legs, I make it to the truck in no time. Addy’s continuous cursing gains us lots of attention, including that of Lacey, the one person I was hoping to slip past unnoticed.

  Nate already has the passenger door open when I get there. With a squirming Addy still hunched over my shoulder, I maneuver myself in the seat, pull her down onto my lap, and slam the door shut before she can right herself.

  “What the hell, guys,” she screams. “Why can’t I have one night out with a friend without you baboons interfering? I’m seventeen years old. I’m not a baby who needs your constant supervision.” She starts pushing at the passenger side door. “Move and let me out of here.”

  I run a frustrated hand through my hair and reposition her between Nate and me. The farthest from the door she is, the better. I’m counting on Nate to help me calm her down. With the irrational way she’s acting tonight, I need all the help I can get.

  “Hey, sweet girl. I’m glad you showed up. I’ve been missing you.” Nate keeps his voice low and steady and as if on cue, Addison’s tirade vanishes as quick as it began. Relaxing back into the seat, she gives him a devilish smirk.

  “You ruined my fun, Nate,” she retorts, but there is no heat in her words. “I needed to unwind tonight and forget how fucked up life can be. I never get to let loose and see where the night takes me. Just when things start to get interesting, the two of you show up and make it all go away.” She lays her head back on the headrest and lets out a harsh laugh. “We are the same age. So, why is it okay for everyone to party at Old Man Wilson’s pasture but me?” Her brows knit in confusion. “Did I do something wrong or embarrass you somehow?”

  I want to pull my fucking hair out. Embarrassed by her? What the fuck is going on in that head of hers? With expressive eyes, golden hair, a slender frame, and a knockout figure, Addison Bethany Lewis is a walking, erection inducing aphrodisiac. From the age of fourteen when the boys and I brought her into our circle, we all swore to protect her, even if that meant from ourselves. Back then she was pretty but now; she is fucking beautiful.

  Keeping other guys away from her has become a full-time job. It’s stupid to think we can keep her to ourselves, but the thought of someone else’s hands touching her, touching what should be mine, paints my vision red. I’ve jacked off to images of her more times than not, and each time I cum, it’s Addy I imagine, her body squeezing my dick, choking the life out of it while she screams my name. It’s a sick fantasy. She’s my best friends’ sister no matter how much I want to sink balls deep into her silk heat; I can’t go there with her. Fourteen years ago, Nate and I were stupid enough to think that the stubborn girl who called us out on our shit and took on any challenge we set out, could join us and be one of the boys. We never took into account of what a beautiful woman she would become or how she would burrow under our skin, live in our hearts, and turn us into huge protective pricks.

  Nate answers when it is apparent I won’t. In truth, I don’t know how to express what she means to us without spilling my guts and scaring her away. I’m shit for words when I’m mad. Some people have word vomit when they’re flustered or upset; I do the opposite and stew on shit until I finally blow. You don’t want to be around when that happens.

  “No one is trying to control or stop you from letting off steam, Addy Bear. That party was a set up for a fight that will be happening later tonight between a few players from our football team and ones from Donner's High. Shit has been brewing between them for months. It’s time they get it out of their systems and put it to bed before things get out of hand and cost everyone the season. Cops might be called, and we don’t want you caught up in that.”

  Addison’s head bounces up; her features morphed with alarm. “You left my brother and Cammy there. What if they get caught or worse yet, hurt?” She yanks on Nate’s arms and damn near causes us to run off the road. I curse, and Addy screams as the tires meet with a patch of dirt on the shoulder, the truck is surrounded by a cloud of dust as Nate rights the wheel.

  The alcohol in her system isn’t mixing well with her increased adrenaline. “Turn around. We need to go back,” she yells.

  I grab Addy’s arms and pull her to me, holding her tightly to my chest. “Calm the fuck down!” I order. “Your brother is far from stupid. He is in tight with the football team and knows when the others will be arriving. Stop worrying. He’ll be far gone with your friend before anything goes down.”

  Her chest heaves as she fights to regain control over her emotions. The pungent stench of tequila taints the air. I have no clue how much she drank tonight, but considering how little she is, there’s little doubt that my Jelly Bean is going to have her first hangover tomorrow.

  Nate butts in and begins telling Addison all about his day and the three goals he scored against Jim Sanders during soccer practice. The simple conversation grabs her attention and little by little she starts to relax. Her body molds into the seat and before long her laughter fills the air. It’s a small victory, but one I’ll take any day of the week.

  Chapter Six


  With a belly, full of greasy hamburgers and fries, my buzz is becoming a thing of the past. As we near my house, I’m filled with dread. As we round the next bend, I notice in the distance my dad’s car parked in the driveway. A heaviness settles in my chest as his perfect Lexus comes into view. I grit my teeth and dig my nails into the soft leather of the seat. My dad has a freakish drive for perfection in all things. Perfect car, perfect wife, perfect children – which I’m not-, perfect job, and the list goes on and on. I can’t walk into that house and deal with him and his self-righteousness right now.

  I love my dad. That being said, after the divorce, he distanced himself from us and the extensive time apart has made us practically strangers. We talk on the phone a couple of times a month and send each other gifts during the holidays, but not once did the jerk take the time to visit his only children. Despite what he might think, Skype doesn’t count as a visitation. The fact that he expects to ingrain himself back into my life within a few days after years apart is a massive error on his part. The man I had built up in my head is nothing like the real deal. My dad’s a huge fucking joke. It’s obvious to me that my smarts must have come from my mom’s side of the family.

  I swallow hard as I stare out the window. The closer we get to my home the harder it is to take a full breath. My palms are sweating a river and it feels
like the inside of the truck is closing in on me. Am I having a panic attack? I’ve never had one before, but from the stories I’ve heard, I think that’s what I’m experiencing.

  “What’s wrong Jelly Bean?” Dex’s voice sounds grave as he sees the worry written on my face. I’ve never been good at hiding my emotions and now is no different.

  I jerk forward in my seat as I blink back tears of frustration. In less than a minute, we’ll be at my house. My time slot for changing our course is diminishing by the second. Panic sets in as I turn to Nate and give him a pleading look. “Please don’t stop. I’m not ready to face him.”

  Dex lets out a fluid monolog of curses. His eyes darken as they snap to mine, a million questions are swirling in their depths. “What the fuck happened? He seethes. “I’ve never seen you this upset, and it’s pissing me off. Did that motherfucker hurt you?”

  My mouth hangs ajar. I scurry to find the right words to explain my actions. My driveway is up next, and I’m desperate to keep Nate turning in. My father is not a bad man, but he’s not someone who deserves “daddy of the year” either.

  “No, he didn’t lay a hand on me.” My voice is steady, unlike my shaky hands. I clasp them in my lap to keep them still. “We fought earlier, and he said things that upset me. Things I wasn’t expecting. My dad is a gigantic dick and a pompous ass, but he’s no monster.”

  Nate gives me one hard glance, then to my relief, he presses down on the accelerator and zooms past my house. My body deflates like a balloon as my mom’s little cottage style home with the sweeping front porch and manicured lawn is left in our dust. I collapse back into the seat and mutter a heartfelt, “Thank you,” as I lay my head against his arm. I can feel Dex’s eyes staring me down, trying to dig under my skin and learn all my hidden secrets. He wants answers. Out of instinct, I reach across the seat and grab his hand. Our fingers intertwine and for the first time tonight I feel at peace. With Nate on one side and Dex on the other, I know that everything will be okay.


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