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CW Boys: The Beginning (CW Boys #1)

Page 13

by C. Shell

  I groan in frustration then cup my hands over my ears before Jimmie has a chance to refute his statement. “I’ve heard enough. I don’t want to be privy to who or how many girls either of you have done the horizontal tango with. Please, stop the insanity before I lose my dinner.”

  Jimmie chuckles before becoming serious once again. His finger ping pong backs and forth between Dex and I. “You two can’t be together. It’s wrong and I won’t allow it.” Jimmie’s head shakes side to side, fast and furious like a bobble doll. He looks ridiculous. When he stomps his foot, I have to bite back a bark of laughter knowing it will only make matters worse.

  “No one said we were together. We’re just…um…” I’m floundering. I can’t think of the right word to use to describe what we are to each other. I glance to Dex for help, but he looks entirely too amused to come to my aid. “We’re experimenting. Trying something new and seeing if it works.”

  “Experimenting?” Dex laughs so hard and loud I’m afraid he’ll wake up the neighbors. Luckily, my parents are out having a little pow-wow about Jimmie and my future. Daddy dearest is asking for visitation for the first time. I’m sure Jimmie is all too happy to give up his free time to drive across country to play the loving son. If dad had taken the time to ask me, I would’ve told him he was wasting his breath, not to mention my gas money.

  “Okay, I admit I haven’t a clue as to what we’re doing or what you would label us.” I huff when Jimmie gives me a sour look. When his face scrunches up like he’s about to go into one of his long, drawn-out speeches he is so fond of, I turn on the charm. “You’re my big brother. My own personal knight in shining armor. If Dex steps out of line -even once- you can kick his ass. Dex won’t even fight back.”

  “What?” Dex’s laughter dies off. “The hell I will.” Dex rips my upper arm and spins me around to face him. He doesn’t bat an eyelash as he stares me down. I ignore his dark look and rub my hands down his chest. He might not be happy with me, but I don’t miss his sharp intake of breath when my fingers brush over his nipples. When I reach his waist, I take his hand in mine and turn back to my brother.

  Jimmie’s frown has turned into a cheesy. His excitement has me more than a little worried. He gives me a slight nod. “I can live with those terms,” Jimmie says, not sounding one bit happy about it. “But, if you want my blessing on this thing between you two, then you have to abide by a few of my rules.”

  The light atmosphere I was starting to enjoy is long gone. Dex’s jaw tightens as does the hand that’s holding mine. The tone Jimmie is using has me annoyed. It’s the same one he used when we were younger and he spoke to me as if I was an idiot and he had to speak loud and sound out every syllable for me to understand what he was saying. The fact that my IQ is higher than his never deterred him from doing it time after time. I should get an award or something for putting up with his shit and never once slapping him silly, no matter how much my fingers itched to let loose on him.

  “Name your price,” I say with a loud sigh.

  A cruel glint appears in my brother’s eyes. There is no way he is going to make this easy. Jimmie holds up a finger. “Number one. No making out in front of me. There is only so much my stomach can take and seeing you two being all touchy and mushy is pushing the limit.” Another finger goes up. “Number two. I don’t want to hear any noises coming from this room. These walls are paper thin, so if something dirty is going on, you won’t be able to keep it private. I love you Addy, but hearing you doing anything remotely sexual could possibly scar me for life.”

  I chuckle. “I can live with that.” Jimmie slings out a hand, which only increases my giggles. It feels like we're agreeing to a car deal or a conspiracy instead of the right for Dex and me to date without his interference.

  I shake Jimmie’s hand as does Dex. “Deal,” we all say in agreement.

  After having a little private guy chat of their own, Jimmie finally leaves my room. With the drama finally over, the prior events hit me all at once and instead of feeling refreshed, I’m suddenly a little weak in the knees.

  “What just happened?” My shoulders rise and fall as if I’ve run a mile. I lean against my dresser trying to get a full breath into my deflated lungs.

  “Whoa,” Dex says, stepping up and cupping my face in his hands. “Calm down, Jelly Bean. You should be happy right now. We’ve got your brother’s blessing, which is huge when you really think about it. There is no reason to be having a panic attack right now.”

  With a tug on my arm, he pulls me over to the bed and positions me on his lap. My head falls into the crook of his neck and my eyes close. I inhale deeply, taking in his musky scent mixed with fresh soap. It’s weird how just the smell of him can calm my frazzled nerves. I do my best not to think too hard on that and just accept the tranquility it brings. He’s like my personal version of valium.

  “Did we really just tell my brother that we’re dating? I don’t remember us having a conversation about this before. I mean, that’s several steps above where we are on the get to know you scale. Right?

  His chest shakes with quiet laughter. “I’ve never heard of such a scale before, Jelly Bean. I thought girls typically got all squealy and shit when a guy publicly claimed them. Labels are for amateurs, babe. We bypassed taking it slow the night you came all over my fingers at Nate’s house.”

  My face flushes a bright red. I rear back and punch Dex’s shoulder which only makes the bastard laugh harder. “Stop trying to change the subject,” I mutter.

  He flashes me a wry grin. “I for one am extremely happy. I didn’t enjoy Jimmie trying to beat the crap out me, but I’m glad its all out in the open. I can’t wait to tell the world that you’re my girl.” He shifts me on his lap so he can see my face. His tone is light when he asks, “Does being a couple scare you?”

  I shake my head. “I think I’m in shock,” I answer truthfully. “Dex this is big. I mean like really, really big. Mount Everest big.” I smile and run my fingers through his hair. He’s got the silkiest strands. The kind girls will spend hundreds of dollars at a salon for. Dex’s face is relaxed. He wasn’t lying about being happy. He looks so content that it makes me momentarily regret what I’m about to say.

  “Dex you’ve never been in a relationship before. You’re a hit it and leave it kind of guy. My track record isn’t much better. Thanks to you, Jimmie, and Nate, no one’s ever stuck around with me for over a month.”

  He blinks those gorgeous pale blue eyes at me, and it makes my throat tighten up. I have to physically force the rest of my words out. “What makes you think we can make this work? What if you get bored and cheat on me? I’m new to this so there’s always a chance that I could suck in bed. What if after it’s all said and done you regret taking my virginity. I’m not asking for roses and romance, but that would suck for me.” My voice escalates to the point that I’m practically yelling at him. “A relationship between us could ruin our friendship. I don’t want Jimmie to be forced to pick sides if we get in a fight or don’t work out. Maybe we should rethink this whole thing before it goes any further.”

  His amusement is gone. After a hard swallow, Dex answers me with a kiss. It’s not the hurried, frantic kind I’m used to, but a slow, panty-wetting kiss. A shudder of pleasure runs the length of me as his tongue duels with mine. When his teeth suck on my bottom lip, a moan rips from the back of my throat. Dex is a masterful kisser. My toes even curl up a little right before it ends.

  Dex takes my chin in his hand and turns it until we’re eye to eye. His sky blue eyes bore into my brown ones, searing me from the inside out. He has my full attention. I couldn’t look away now if I wanted to. “Jelly Bean, you’re all I’ve ever wanted. It’s always been you. I won’t lie and say things will be perfect or easy for us. Nothing worth fighting for ever is, but as long as we’re honest with each other and put each other first, we can beat the odds. We’ll prove everyone who doubts us wrong. All I’m asking for is a chance. We both deserve that at least.” There is no a
nger in his voice, but there is a lot of conviction.

  With a few poetic words, Dex has cemented himself in my life. And not just as my best friend, but as my boyfriend, my future lover, and who knows, maybe my soul mate. If there are such things as soul mates in life, maybe Dex will turn out to be mine. Crazier things have happened.

  I can’t move or speak, so I do the next best thing. Leaning forward, I brush my lips against his and claim him as mine. The kiss is short, but it holds a lot of promises- hope, a chance for a future, understanding, my heart. All promises that I intend to keep.

  When I finally find my voice, it sounds scratchy with emotion. “Dex Lohmann, will you be my boyfriend?”

  Chapter Fifteen

  One week has turned into two, and now three. My life has fallen into a comfortable pattern. During the day, I go to school and fight to ignore all the whispers and sneers aimed my way. Over half the female population now blames for stealing away the one guy they all considered communal property (cue the violins). Girls can be so caddied over the dumbest things. Besides a few sneers, everything else at school has gone back to normal. In the afternoons, I head to Cammy’s house for a little girl time and relaxation.

  Dad and I have become strangers once again and being able to do so while cooped up in the same home is quite a feat. Mom has been working long hours at the hospital so I’ve taken it upon myself to make dinner every night. I’m not an amazing cook, but I get the job done and haven’t heard a complaint yet, so I must be doing something right. Like clockwork, around ten o’clock, my spider monkey comes to visit. Dex sneaks in through my bedroom window that I now make a point to leave unlocked. I could be nice and quietly bring him through the front door, but I like watching the muscles in his arms bunch as he climbs the tree. It’s freaking hot.

  Our nights are spent either watching television, playing cards, doing homework, or listening to music before indulging in a heavy make-out session. Things have heated up between us to the point that I’ve been thinking our relationship is ready for the next level. His kisses alone make my body wish for things it never has. I find myself going to sleep each night with my resolve hanging on by a thread. I’ve made sure to always turn the television volume way up to drown out our voices and keep our moans from reaching Jimmie’s blessed ears. A promise is a promise after all.

  Having someone to cuddle with every night has spoiled me. The few times he hasn’t been able to come over have been pure hell. Dex has become my new addiction. Everything about him from his smell to the way he talks gibberish in his sleep, to waking every morning with his lips exploring every inch of my body, is now ingrained in the deepest parts of me.

  Everything has been going so well that all the bad things, such as my locker getting trashed and a possible psycho on a mission to humiliate me, has been pushed to the back of my mind. I’m living my life in a sea of rainbows and happy pink haired unicorns. It’s awesome and if I’m being honest, completely scary.

  Today is Friday, the day I’ve been looking forward to all week. This is the day my dad leaves and heads back to his perfect life, with his perfect bleach blonde fiancé, to live in his new perfect house, and let’s not forget his perfect job. In my opinion, perfection is overrated. It's nothing but an illusion used to cover up all the nasty shit you don’t want others to see.

  I woke up this morning with a pep in my step and a dark hickey on my collarbone. After spending far too much time in the bathroom frantically trying to cover-up the love bite with globs of make-up and a high-collared shirt, I grab a quick breakfast from the kitchen, and hightail it outside only to find all four tires on my prized car slashed and the word ‘slut’ keyed into the side door in great big capitalized letters. Because apparently small letters isn’t enough of a statement.

  It takes a lot to render me speechless. Seeing my precious baby in such a sad state has done just that. There are no adequate words for such a senseless tragedy. I blink, then I blink some more as I stare at my car, taking in all the wrongness before me. I’m so engrossed in the shit storm that has become my life that I don’t notice when the guys pull up in the driveway to retrieve Jimmie.

  Nate’s severe voice is what brings me out of my stupor. “Addy Bear, when did this happen?”

  “I…I don’t know.” I motion to Dex, who’s huddled together with my brother in a hushed conversation, something they’ve been doing a lot of lately. “Ask Dex. He left my house close to two hours ago. He might have noticed something.”

  Hearing his name spoken, Dex’s head pops up. A concerned look is etched upon his face. “Your car was fine when I left earlier. The damage had to have been done recently. I’m surprised no one heard or saw anything.”

  I frown. “Great, so now not only am I being tormented at school but my home as well.” I point to my little car. “My baby did not deserve this. I want to know who did this so I can shove my foot so far up their ass they will be walking bowlegged for the rest of their days. This is . . .”

  My voice trails off as I catch the guy’s eyes shifting from one to the other. It is a subtle look, but I’ve seen them do it too many times for it not to go unnoticed. They know something and for whatever reason, they’re keeping me in the dark about it. My teeth grind together as my anger grows.

  “You three better tell me everything right now, or so help me, I will castrate each and every one of you with a dull knife while you sleep.”

  Jimmie’s eyes go wide like saucers. “Sis, that’s not funny. You don’t joke about hurting a guy’s anatomy. I’m going to be sleeping with one eye open for a while after that little speech of yours.”

  I ignore my brother’s chastising and stare at each of the guys with a hard, unrelenting scowl. The jerks are stalling and its pissing me off. The longer I wait, the angrier I get. Narrowing my eyes to mere slits, I place my hands on my hips as I prepare to give them a piece of my mind.

  “We all promised never to keep secrets from each other, and you three are doing just that. You better open your mouths and spit it out! Stop treating me like I’m weak just because I have a vagina and boobs. The stupid buldge in your pants doesn’t make you any better than me.”

  The silence between us all is deafening. I feel an ache form inside my chest and for a moment, I think they’re going to ignore my request. Jimmie must see the sadness in my eyes because he is the first to speak. “My dick isn’t stupid. Most girls say that it’s quite spectacular. One even kept calling me God while we were making out. Her actual words were, ‘Oh God”, but I knew she was referring to me and my masterful ways.”

  I throw my hands up and turn away to hide my smile. Leave it to my brother to take an uncomfortable moment and turn it into something completely different. He’s such a big dork, but I love him. How could I not, he’s my twin, my other half.

  The guys have a chuckle over his remark and like magic the tension lifts. Dex steps forward and before I can say a word his arms are around me. He gives the most amazing hugs. With my anger deflating, I wrap my arms around his middle and hold on tight. As my eyes meet with Nates over Dex’s shoulder, I see a glimpse of understanding flashing back at me.

  Jimmie is the one who finally speaks. “Let’s all get in the car and we’ll tell you everything we know on the way to school. I’ll make a call from school and have your car towed to the mechanic and get everything fixed. We’re in luck mom left for an early shift at the hospital. She would’ve freaked out if she saw this.”

  School? I’d forgotten all about it being a school day. The catastrophe to my car has thrown me off my game. Not wanting to waste any more time, I crawl in the backseat next to Jimmie and wait as patiently as possible – which isn’t easy - for them to finally speak up and let me in on their big secret.

  Jimmie leans his head against the seat and studies me as he speaks. “We don’t have any concrete evidence to support our theory, but we think Lacey and maybe even Shannon and some of the other cheerleaders are behind your locker being trashed, the Photoshopped picture of you o
n the school’s newspaper blog, and now your car being sliced and diced. “

  “It’s no secret that I’ve never been Lacey’s favorite person, but few people are. Why would she go to such lengths to humiliate me? It just…” I pause and review what Jimmie just told me. I suck in a harsh breath when it all sinks in. “You said something about me being in the school’s newspaper blog. What is that about and why in the hell haven’t I heard about it before now?” My panic is full blown as my eyes sweep around the car begging for someone to step up and make this nightmare go away. I don’t know how much more I can take.

  Dex’s watches me through the review mirror. His gaze slides to mine and his slow, smile is enough to give me the strength I need to push through. I remember the blood pack we all took when we were kids. We promised to have each other’s’ backs and knowing they have mine now is enough to keep me fighting.

  Dex speaks up. “Jelly Bean, Cammy called and alerted us that something weird was going on with the school blog. Someone got ahold of her sign in and password information and used it to access the school newspapers main frame. Whoever it was, used your school picture and replaced your tits with large cow utters. Above your head, they typed ‘Utterly Whoreable’ along with your cell phone number. With Cammy’s help, Nate was able to get it deleted before it was sent out to the whole school.”

  “Oh dear god!” My voice comes out high-pitched and shrill. The guys stay silent while I have a mini-meltdown in the back seat. My mumbling and cursing continue the remainder of the drive until Dex pulls up at the school. While he parks, I do my best to compose myself. I still have questions that need answers and freaking out isn’t going to get that done.


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