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CW Boys: The Beginning (CW Boys #1)

Page 14

by C. Shell

  I lean forward in my seat so I can face the guys. “You really think it’s Lacey? I mean, we aren’t talking about a little bullying but outright sabotage. What could be so important to her that she would risk expulsion and possible jail time?”

  Jimmie stiffens beside me, and that’s when I realize that whatever answer I’m about to get probably isn’t one I’m going to like. I give his shoulder a nudge. “Treat it like a Band-Aid and just spit it out at once. I can’t protect myself if I don’t know the whole story. I promise to handle whatever you tell me like a big girl and not throw a fit or a tantrum.”

  Dex clears his throat. “We think it’s because of me.

  I stick my finger in my ear and wiggle it around. “I don’t believe I heard you right. Run that by me again. Why would it be your fault?”

  He shifts in his seat uncomfortable and then turns around so we can see each other better. “You already know that Lacey and I have messed around before.”

  Holding his gaze, I bite out a reply. “I think everyone in our little town pretty much knows that. As I’ve told you before, Lacey likes to flaunt your escapes to anyone who’ll listen.”

  Silence reigns once again. After several minutes, Dex speaks up, “Yes, well, what people don’t see is how possessive Lacey can be. I’ve always been upfront with her about us not being a couple. I was open with her about sleeping with other girls and on occasion pushed her to seek out other guys. No matter how rude I was, she always comes back for more. Last week I told her it was over for good between us. I said I didn’t want anything she was offering.

  The story was starting to make sense. “And I take it she wasn’t happy with your decision?” I ask as calmly as possible.

  “ Oh yeah,” he confirms. “Lacey blames you for my change of heart.Before she stalked away, she threatened to make you pay if I didn’t take her back.”

  How does shit like this fall on my doorstep?

  I love being with Dex and in all honesty, I love him. I’ve loved him for years, but I hate the baggage attached to him. Am I going to have to always watch my back, fearful that one or all of his favorite fuck toys will be out gunning for me? It’s all so crazy. You just can’t make this shit up.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I’m having a hard time reading Addison right now. The turmoil raging in her eyes sends a searing pain through my gut. My heart is racing a mile a minute as I wait for her to speak. I would rather her yell and scream at me than not say anything at all.

  The warning bell from the school rings out, we all jump, each of us lost in our own messed up thoughts. Jimmie is the first to exit the car, with a tug he brings Addison with him. Nate and I follow until we’re all huddled in a small circle in front of my truck.

  I fold my arms over my chest. Whether she’s ready for it or not, she needs to hear what we’ve been up to for the last week. I realize now that we made a mistake in shutting her out. She needs to know everything. She might not be happy with us for lying to her, but everything we’ve done, we did for her. It’s always been about her. She is what makes us whole.

  “The guys and I have been trying to question Lacey, but she’s been absent since the locker incident. I went to her house but was sent away. According to her housekeeper, she has the flu and has orders to stay in bed. With her uncle being a local doctor and her mom and dad out of town, she could easily be faking it. The problem is that it gives her a foolproof alibi. Hell, knowing Lacey she probably had one of her cheerleader minions do the dirty work to keep her hands clean.”

  Addison shakes her head. I notice lines of frustration etched between her brows. “None of this is adding up. I can’t imagine Lacey being smart enough to steal Cammy’s login information. And let’s say for shits and giggles, that she managed that task, I’ve seen her in the computer lab before and trust me when I say that girl doesn’t know the difference between a folder and a hard drive. She wouldn’t be able to work the school’s blog system or Photoshop a photo. Lacey isn’t tech savvy. Plus, with her being MIA from school all week, it doesn’t seem possible for her to be in two places at once. Are you sure there’s no one else with a motive? Any other girls who would rather die than get kicked out of your bed?”

  My eyes narrow on her, and I give her a stern look. “Not that I know of. I wouldn’t expect Lacey to get her hands dirty. Like I said before, she’s smart where it counts. It’s not beneath her to use someone, let them do all the heavy lifting while she sits on the sidelines watching it all unfold.” Stepping forward, I slip an arm around her waist and bring her closer. Our mouths are a mere inch away. “And for the record, I haven’t been with as many girls as everyone thinks and certainly, none that count. You count. Only you, babe.”

  My hands slid into her hair, and I held her to me as my lips found hers. Using my body, I push her up against my truck, move into her, and kiss her with everything I’ve got. Her answering moan is music to my ears.

  “Eww,” Jimmie groans, an arm coming up to cover his eyes. “You two stop. I told you both never to do any mushy stuff in front of me.”

  “I second that request,” Nate adds. I catch the glare he sends me and shrug it off. I know seeing me with Addison is hard for him, but he’s going to have to get over that shit. Addy’s my girl now, and I plan on shouting it to the world.

  Addison pokes fun at the guys as the final bell rings. Grabbing our backpacks, I pull her back to me before she has a chance to sprint away. She gives me a concerned look. “What’s up?”

  I scratch at my jaw. “As I’m sure you are aware, tonight is our soccer game. Coach is making us all stay after school for warm-ups and shit until game time. I won’t be able to drive you home, so you’ll need to bum a ride from Cammy.”

  “Oh. That’s not a problem,” she assured me.

  “Text me when you get home so I know that you're safe. I’ll worry otherwise.”

  “You worry too much. I’m a big girl, and I can take care of myself, but if it makes you feel better than I promise to text you as soon as I get home.”

  I smile tightly. She has no clue how much time I spend worrying about her. She’s all I can think about lately. “Thanks, Jelly Bean.” I reach for her hand and entwine our fingers and start walking towards the school doors. “You’ll be at the game tonight right?”

  She smiles, and the sight of it hits me right in the gut. Addy is so damn beautiful. “Of course,” she answers. “I’ve never missed a game yet.”

  I tilted my head so I could see her better and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Be prepared to leave with me after the game. I’ve got something special planned for us.”

  She blinks a couple of times. Her mouth fell open as her eyes got big. I can tell she’s excited, and that fucking makes this shitty day ten times better. “Really? What is it?” she asks.

  Stopping in front of the school doors, I chuckle and pull her in for another kiss. “It’s a secret, babe. One I think you will like.” I peck her lips once more, hating that I have to let her go. “Be careful today and don’t forget to text me when you get home.”

  “Ok. I will.” Addison glanced to where Cammy is waiting by their lockers, and with a little wave, she’s gone.

  I stand back and watch her go. I wasn’t lying about the surprise. With all the shit she’s been through the last week, I thought she deserved something special, so I put together a romantic little picnic in a place that’s special to the both of us. It’s not much, but I’m hoping it’s enough to show her how much she means to me. I’ve never done something like this for a girl before, and I’m ashamed to say I had to ask Nate to help me put it together.

  Pushing off the wall, I check my watch and haul ass to my first class. As always, I’m going to be late.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “I have English next, what about you?” Cammy inquires, flashing me one her signature grins.

  I open my locker and retrieve my camera, class notebook, and two new pens. “Photography
class. We’re working in groups today and editing each other’s pictures. Mine is that one I took of you and I a few months ago at the movie theater.”

  I close my locker with my hip and lean against it. “Sounds interesting. I hope no one decides to give me rabbit ears or a mustache,” she says with a laugh. “Who’s your partner?”

  “Daniel of course. You think I would trust anyone else’s opinion in there? No way. There are some hard up students in that class. They would probably eat me up and spit me back out with just a few words.”

  We began walking down the hallway toward her class that is before mine. “I thought art was subjective and shit like that? If someone doesn’t like your work, then fuck them and their snooty expectations. I’ve seen what you can do with a camera and it’s great.”

  “I agree wholeheartedly.” I laugh as we move down the crowded halls. With her classroom within our sights, I dart out a hand and catch her shoulder, bringing her to a stop beside me. “Before I forget to ask you. Would you mind taking me home after school today? The guys have to stay after to prepare for the game and with my car out of commission, I’m a little stuck.”

  “Of course. I’ve got to go turn in an article for the newspaper after my last period, but that will only take me about ten minutes. Do you want to go with me or wait for me by my car?”

  I push a stubborn piece of hair that keeps falling out of my clip behind my ear. “Your cars fine. Those back hallways around the newspaper room confuse me too much to try them on my own.”

  “You’re crazy.” She gives me a funny face before going to her class.

  Gripping the strap of my backpack tighter in my hand, I walk a fast pace to the photography hall and with roughly two minutes to spare, make a quick stop at the bathroom. Not that I go around rating school bathrooms, but if I did, this one would get a five out of a five star. It’s almost always empty which means it also stays clean and smelling as fresh as any bathroom is capable of being. Entering the stall, I quickly take care of business, and head to the sink so I can wash my hands.

  I’m in the middle of drying the water off my hands when the door swishes open. I glance up expecting to see a teacher or an art student enter because those are the people you would presume to find in this area of the school, but that’s not who walks in. With a manicured hand resting heavily on her hip, and a nasty sneer curling her lips, Lacey stops right in front of me. I glance at the door behind her noticing how her stance efficiently blocks me from the only exit.

  “Well, hello Addison. Heard you’ve been having a bad week.” There was a nasty bite in her voice. If this bitch is looking for a fight, then I’m more than willing to give her one.

  I stand tall and give her a big smile. There is no way I’m going to let her see me as weak. “I’ve had better, but it takes more than a few rumors and someone messing with my things to get me down.” She casts me a puzzled look, and it takes everything in me not to laugh in her face. “Speaking about hearing things, a little birdie told me you’ve been home with the flu.”

  “Oh, yeah. I was sick. I’m feeling much better now.”

  With the bell seconds from ringing, I lean my hip against the counter and give her a bored look. “I need to get to class, so if there is anything you need to say, then just say it. Stop wasting my time.”

  Anger stirred in the depths of her blue eyes. She is undoubtedly losing her composure, and I’m more than happy to take advantage of that fact. She points her long finger at me as she speaks, her face turning a light shade of red as her fury rises. “Listen here you little shit. Dex is my man, and you need to stay the hell away from him. No one actually likes you; they just pity you. You’re like an ugly mutt everyone feels sorry for.”

  My jaw clenches and my vision goes red. I’m not the type to fight or speak badly about others, but this bitch has gone too far. I snatch her finger in my hand and squeeze them will all my might. The painful squeal that escapes Lacey’s parted lips eases the tension in my shoulders. She yanks her hand back, and her eyes go wide.

  “You ever touch me again, I swear I’ll have you kicked out of this school within the hour. I have connections in this town. I’m the head cheerleader, and people in this school want to be me. Dex will come to his senses and choose me over you. He and I have our spats, but he always comes back to me. I’ve warmed his bed more than any other girl. You will never be able to please him the way I do. Mark my words, I’m not someone you want to mess with Addison.”

  My teeth grind together in annoyance. I try not to let her words get to me, but to an extent, she’s right about Dex. For whatever reason, he’s always gone back to her. That fact sparks a flicker of jealousy in me. Whether she’s got a golden vagina or gives award winning blowjobs, she’s got an intimate history with him that I don’t have. That alone bothered me more than I wanted to admit.

  My eyes narrow at her. I’m not one to back down and now was no exception. “I know you’re behind the rumors and pranks on me Lacey. I swear to you I’ll find a way to prove it and have you expelled. You’re not the big wig you think you are,” I clipped out. “News flash, Dex and I are now a couple. You might’ve warmed his bed on and off for the past year, but those days are over. He’s got me and no longer needs two-bit whore like you. Stop embarrassing yourself by chasing after a guy that doesn’t want you. You’re looking a bit desperate these days.”

  The bell rang, and I bit back a curse. Not caring to continue to have this pointless conversation, I pushed past her and fled out of the door. A person can only take so much in a day, and Lacey had dished out more than enough bullshit to last a lifetime.

  I speed walk down the hallway and skid to a stop as I enter the last door on the right. Mrs. Johnson is still seated at her desk, so I move as quietly as possible through the room and slip into my seat next to Daniel. I let out a sigh thinking I’ve made it in unscathed until Mrs. Johnson barks my name out and the room goes silent.

  My head shoots up. If it weren't for the smile on her face, I would’ve thought she was upset with me. “Yes?” I ask.

  “Be a dear and pass out these papers for me.” I nod and retrieve them from her desk. As I start to walk off, she leans in toward me and whispers. “Be late to my class again and you’ll be spending your afternoon in detention.”

  I groan softly. “I’m sorry. I promise it won’t happen again.”

  I work fast to get the papers back to their proper owner. Once finished I take my seat and get to work with Daniel on our group project. I laugh when Daniel slides his picture in front of me. It’s of his bulldog named Tank riding his skateboard. I’ve met Tank a few times when Daniel walked him through town, and he is by far the cutest, bulkiest, slobbery dog you’ve ever met.

  “So,” I begin, scanning through my textbook for what we need to do. “The directions say that we must take each other’s work and label the type of lighting, props, and if the picture tells a story. Then we must scan in the photo, and make three changes to it with a computer software.”

  I look up to find that he wasn’t paying attention. Instead, he was staring off into space not hearing a damn thing I just said. I jerk my leg up and give him a little nudge with my knee. Daniel jumps and gives me a puzzled look. “What?”

  “Did you hear anything I just read? I was telling you what we need to do.”

  He lifts his hand to the back of his neck and gives it a rub. “Yeah I heard you. Sounds simple enough. If we work fast, we should have it finished by next Friday.”

  “Yea,” I agree.

  My brows bunch in concern as I take in Daniel’s appearance. He doesn’t look like the normal carefree guy I’m used to laughing and joking around with. Daniel is tense, and his usual smooth face is sporting several days of stubble. His eyes look tired, and his shoulders seem heavy as if the weight of the world were perched upon them. If I had to sum it up in one word, I would say Daniel appears troubled.

  I reach out and touch his arm. “You doing okay?”

  “What?” He acts cau
ght off guard by my question. With a shaky hand, he rakes his fingers through his sandy colored hair. “I haven’t been sleeping well the past few nights. I guess between that and the extra work I’ve been putting in at work, it’s all just starting to catch up with me.”

  I flinch feeling a small connection to how he’s feeling. “Must be going around. I’m sure you’ve heard all the wonderful things floating around the school about me. My week hasn’t been all that pleasant either. And then to top it all off, my car was attacked this morning. Jimmie is getting it fixed, but I’m going to have to find a way to pay him back, which means I’m probably going to have to suck it up and get a part-time job.” I rest my chin on the top of my folded hands. “High school sucks.”

  Concern flooded his gaze. “What happened to your car?”

  I wave off his question. “It’s a long, sad story. I prefer not to go into details, it’s too depressing.”

  He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple moving with the motion. “Have you gotten any further in figuring out who’s bothering you? I know The CW boys have been combing the school for answers. Someone said Dex was even going as far as offering a reward for information.”

  I nodded. “You how the guys are. They’re trying to protect me the best way they can. I keep telling them I’m a big girl now and can handle myself, but they never listen.”

  Daniel’s elbow bumped mine, and as I look up, our eyes connect. A swirl of emotions reflected back at me. “I also heard that you and Dex are an item now. Is there any truth to that?”

  A surge of warmth spread from the tip of my head down to my toes. My blush can’t be contained even if I tried, which I don’t. There was no point. Daniel’s been my good friend for years; he would see through my lies like they were made of glass. “Yep,” I answer, my voice soft. “I finally lost all my marbles and gave in. Are you disappointed in me?”


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