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Bare Back

Page 6

by Kuhn, N

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you Ma’am. Put those arms in the air now and turn towards me.” That voice, I know it, but can’t quite place who it is. The low rumble sounds like a grown man, yet has a slight lisp, as if someone didn’t learn how to correctly pronunciate things.

  “Well well well. Looks like I get a two for one tonight! You and my brother,” Cameron says. My eyes fly wide open and my heart races, pounding in my ears. Instinctively I take a step backwards. He looks like he weighs about a hundred pounds more than he did the last time I saw him, ten years ago. His hair that used to look so much like Mitch’s is now greased and slicked back, just like the Italians we ran into earlier.

  “Don’t move Kel, I’d hate to have to shoot ya before I get to play with ya.”

  “Still sound like an uneducated hillbilly, huh Cam?” I say, unable to bite back my sarcasm. His face flushes red. I’m not that weak little girl I was last time I encountered this monster.

  “Yea, well Mr. Gessatti doesn’t care how I talk. I get the job done. Better than those screw up kids of his too. I mean, really, how they can mess up when it’s just you, your shot up dad and a tied up Fenton. It was pure luck that my brother, the hero, ended up being one of the Rangers sent out here huh? You two have a nice little game of catch up? I hope so, cuz it’s my turn now.” He leers at me, as if expecting an answer, but I keep my face stony, glaring at him. I hope he can feel all the hate I have welled up inside of me for him. If he doesn’t know, he soon will. Fingering at my jeans, I try to slide them up a little without Cam noticing. My knife is still strapped there.

  “Ok then Kel, I think you and I need some time to have fun. Dear little brother is out ‘making rounds’ but I’m sure he’ll run into Ricky somewhere out there. That should keep him occupied for a bit. I wouldn’t want to be the one to run into him in the dark. Oh no, I’d rather be in here with you, nice and snug. Let’s pick up where we left off last time. I know someone with a sexy little body like yours knows what your doin now, right? I mean ya ain’t no little virgin anymore. Plus, I’ll just gag ya, then ya can’t throw up on me ‘gain.” He takes a step towards me, the gun still aimed at my chest. His fat hand is covering most of his weapon, I don’t know how he gets his meaty fat fingers into the trigger guard to pull the trigger. It looks like it’s just a little .22. Raising my hands in front of me, I step back again, hoping that I can distract him and get out my knife, or to the other gun that’s laying on the ground by the blankets.

  “That’s right Kel, jus’ keep backing up til you hit that nice little bed ya set up. Must have been expecting some action tonight huh? Well, sorry, but I’ll have to take Mitch’s place. This time, ya better be more cooperative or ya ain’t gonna enjoy it.” When he gets within a foot of me, I lunge. Bending down at the knees, I rush towards him, plowing into his round belly with my shoulder. As I hear the rush of air expelling from his lungs, he begins to fall backwards. But instead of being able to get out of the way in time, his flailing hand finds its way into my hair. Grabbing on, he drags me to the ground with him. Crying out, I struggle, trying to get his hand out of my hair unsuccessfully. His grip tightens. For a fat guy, he moves quickly. Rolling on top of me, he pins me to the ground with his legs and weight, one hand still in my hair, the other holding the gun to my face. Pressing the barrel into my cheek, he leers down at me. The cold metal pushing in my skin, I bite on my lip to keep from screaming and lashing out. My neck is at an awkward angle from him pulling at my head, but I’m afraid to even attempt moving. His hand releases my hair, but the gun remains where it is. As he begins to run his pudgy fat fingers down my neck, across my breasts, he takes a moment to squeeze each one. The bile taste in my mouth returns. The fact that this man can cause me to throw up just by his touch is astonishing. Even after all this time, I’ve never felt sicker around someone. The worst part is its Mitch’s brother. How could I have been so in love with him, yet disgusted by his brother, his own flesh and blood?

  “Calhoun, let’s go, we don’t have time for this. Ricky is following that brother of yours. We need to get out of here with the chick.” The voice from the entrance of the cave has to be one of the Gessatti brother’s. The one that Mitch shot. Paul.

  “Pauly, ya need to give me a few minutes. Me and this here little filly gots some unfinished business,” Cameron shouts over his shoulder, not even bothering to move his gaze from my face. His beady eyes roam my body, as if devouring the sight of me.

  “I don’t think so man. Dad said he wants her alive and unharmed. She may be the only chance we have at finding that money now that Billy Joe is dead. So get up off of her and let’s go, or I’ll get Ricky up here.” Mumbling about idiots and orders, Cameron stands, wrapping his hand around my arm. He yanks me to my feet, kicking my gun out of the way as he leads me out into the open. Covered in dirt and my hair tangled from being pulled, I’m sure I look like a mess, but that doesn’t change the look of hunger that Paul gives me. Almost the same predatory look that came from Cameron. Thankfully my knife is still hidden on my leg.

  “Maybe dad will let us play with her when he’s done. She looks like she could be fun. Plus, your brother shot me because of her, so the way I see it, she owes me. Now let’s get out of here while Ricky takes care of your brother.” His leer makes my skin crawl. Without further talk, Cameron pulls on my arm, dragging me along the rocky ledge. Stumbling, trying to keep up, I try to scan the surrounding area. Dark was almost settled in and I can’t see much.

  “Mitch, help me, please, Mitch,” I scream out at the top of my lungs. Hopefully I at least alert him that something’s wrong. He probably can’t reach me in time, but it’s a warning that he’s in danger. “Mi-“ A hand connects with my face, knocking me sideways into the rock wall, cutting off my shouts. My head bounces off of a rock and begins throbbing with pain. Sliding down to my knees, I hold my head in my hands as I hear Cameron and Paul arguing. I can feel the blood instantly.

  “Be careful with her, you dumb ass. My father wants her unharmed. Did I not just say that to you? You really are an idiot. The less marks you leave on her, the less angry he will be for this botched up mess.”

  “I’ll do what I want. She owes me. She’s owed me for ten years and I’m aiming to collect.”

  “Listen you stupid hick, she just alerted your brother we’re here. Even I’m not stupid enough to wait around for him. Let’s go.” Without warning, I feel arms wrap around me, hefting me easily over their shoulder. Trying to look through the hair hanging in my face, I see Cameron behind us, so Paul must have picked me up. As I bounce around while he walks, his shoulder keeps pushing into my stomach and I’m glad I didn’t really get to eat. Cameron stares at me as we move along the ledge. A wave of dizziness blurs my vision.

  “Don’t worry Kel, we’ll catch up soon enough. You owe me, remember?” I choose to ignore him. The three of us all remain silent, except for Cameron’s labored breath as we climb down the rock hill.

  Finally reaching the base of the forest, there are horses waiting. I can’t look around to see where or how many, but I can hear them snorting and stomping at the ground. A pang of sorrow flashes through my chest. I hope my horses are okay. I’m thrown to the ground, landing on my ass, not for the first time today. Pain spirals up my spine. As I look up, Paul is adjusting something on the saddle that I recognize. Sansa. It’s my horse.

  “Where’d you get the horses Cam?” I hear Paul ask.

  “They’s running around when I was trying to get to your location so I just grabbed em up.”

  “Nice, wonder if they were Billy Joe’s,” Paul says. Keeping my mouth shut, I feel Cameron jerk me to my feet. His meaty hand wrapped around my arm again. Holding both my wrists together in front of me he ties them together with rope I had hanging from my saddle bag. But he doesn’t stop there, he then wraps it around my arms, pinning them to my sides. Great, there goes any shot I have of getting out of here.

  “Don’t even think about it Cam. You’re not taking her. You won’t
be able to keep your hands to yourself. I know we both want some fun, but I have to follow my dad’s orders or it’s my ass. This is my last chance. If I fail, who knows what he’ll do to me,” Paul says. Guess he must have really messed up bad before. Sighing, Cameron leads me around Shelby towards Paul, who’s waiting next to Sansa. She must realize I’m here because she turns her head, snorting at the men. She nudges me with her face, and I try to rub my cheek on her nose. Inhaling the familiar scent helps ground me a little. Pushing my fear deep down, I steel myself, knowing that Mitch will find me. He has to, it’s his job, and it doesn’t even have to do with whether he really loves me or not. I can ignore my feelings. They aren’t real anyways. Love isn’t real. But he’s ex-Military and a Ranger. He has to find me. It’s just the way those kind of guys work, right? God I hope so. Sending a prayer skyward, I hope my father is at least alive and alright.

  The ride was uncomfortable. The circulation in my arms felt cut off and my fingers were going numb. Holding on to the horn of the saddle, Paul had an arm around my waist, the other on the reins. For a dumb ass, he actually rode pretty well, even though his basic commanding of the horse was lacking. Sansa knows well enough what to do though, so she just led the way. Cameron held out a flashlight, trying to light our way through the woods. Finally finding a trail, we picked up speed, racing off to who knows where. As we near a clearing, I realize it’s where the chopper was. There’s a glowing pile of debris in the middle of the meadow, with another, newer chopper sitting a couple hundred yards away. Cameron must know how to fly that thing, or maybe there’s someone else out here. As we ride up alongside the helicopter, Cameron slides off Shelby, reaching out for me. He carries me to the chopper, buckling me into a back seat. There’s no one else in here, which means he must know how to fly and that’s a scary thought.

  “What should we do with the horses?” I hear Paul shout.

  “Forget em. Can’t fit em in here,” Cameron says, looking over his shoulder and smiling at me. He climbs up to the front seat, putting on a head set and flipping switches. Paul removes the other saddle, throwing it in the Chopper with the one Cameron pulled off.

  “These are nice, I’m sure we can get some money for them. At least a hundred,” Paul says. What an idiot. That saddle is well worth almost a thousand, its hand made. Just great, now they’re selling my stuff and losing my horses. They may as well kill me now. Paul smacks Sansa’s ass and sends her flying through the meadow to safety, Shelby following right behind her like always. He climbs into the empty seat up front, closing the door of the machine. All I know is that Mitch better hurry up and find me, because I’m dying to kick everyone’s ass, including his, and then get as far away from these Calhoun brothers’ as I can. They only seem to bring misery to my life.

  Chapter 9


  The footsteps nearing me sound too heavy to be Kelli. Crouching down, I switch off my flashlight. The fire must have given us away. I tried to keep it small. We needed it for warmth as well as protection. Now I’m kicking myself. I have to figure out how to get to Kelli. Out of nowhere, I hear screaming.

  “Mitch, help me, please, Mitch.” It’s Kelli. Damn it! They found her. My heart racing, I have to figure out which of the brothers is here with me. My adrenaline begins coursing through my body and I shake, trying to hold still. Anger driving me, I creep towards the sound as the man curses under his breath. It’s got to be Ricky, because he just called his brother a dumbass. This may not be super easy then. The guy is pretty big, even though dumb a as rock. Circling silently around to his rear, I can just barely make him out in the moonlight. He turns towards my position, so I lean down, grabbing a rock and tossing back the way I had come from. He snaps his attention that way. Then I pounce on him. Wrapping my arm around his neck from behind, I squeeze. My bicep being so large, it quickly presses into his throat, cutting off his air. His hands claw at my arm, but achieve nothing. Lowering myself to my knees, I drag him down with me.

  As his breathing slows, I release his neck, twisting an arm behind his back. Pushing him to the ground, onto his stomach, I twist the arm up towards his shoulder blades. He cries out in agony. It’s a boost to my adrenaline.

  “Hey there Ricky. How’s it been going? Blow anything up lately?”

  “Fuck you,” he spit out.

  “So, what is your brother doing with Kelli? I swear if anything happens to her, you’re both dead.”

  “It’s not my brother you need to worry about,” he laughs.

  “What does that mean?” I shout at him. Finding my gun in my pants, I pull it out, pressing the barrel against the back of his head, his whimpers instantly shut off.

  “Where is she? What’s he doing to her?”

  “I’m not telling you shit man. You’re dead anyways.”

  “Really? I’m dead huh? Doesn’t look like it. From here, it looks like you’re the one in trouble, now talk,” I shout at him, pressing my gun into his shoulder.

  “You won’t shoot me like this, you’re an officer of the law and to you, rules are important. You got them morals and all,” Ricky laughs into the dirt. My anger reaching boiling point, I pull the trigger, and listen with glee as Ricky screams and cries into the ground.

  “Now, where the fuck is your brother taking Kelli? Or do I need to move lower this time?” Sliding the barrel of my gun down behind me, I place it on his ass.

  “Okay, okay,” he cries out, “My father wanted to see her. He’s hoping that she may know where the money is, seeing as how Billy Joe is dead and can’t tell us. He sent reinforcement and they are going to take her to my dad’s cabin near Victoria. That’s where they’re taking her. Please, come on Mitchell, don’t kill me. I promise nothing will happen to her.” Setting my gun down, I press my knee into his lower back and keep a grip on his wrist.

  “Don’t kill you? Isn’t that what you were planning to do with me? I highly doubt that you can guarantee her safety from here ol’ Ricky boy. But, maybe your dad gives a small shit about you and we can work out a trade.” Patting him down, I pull his gun from one pocket and a rope from the other. Using the rope, I tie both arms behind his back, then pull him to his feet. He sounds like he’s still crying, though I can’t really tell in the darkness. The smell of urine grows strong as he stands.

  “Hah, gotta go potty Ricky?”

  “Fuck you,” he mumbles. The man must have pissed himself when I shot him. That brightens my mood a little bit.

  “Great, let’s get moving. We have a long hike ahead of us.” I push him back towards the cave so I can gather whatever supplies are left. I also am going to need the canvas bag I had found at the campsite. It’s definitely going to come in handy now. Hopefully his father thinks he’s important enough to give me Kelli back for him. But who knows with this family.

  Hours later, as the sun rises in the sky, I hitch the bag back up onto my shoulder. Sweat pours down my neck and back, making the damn strap slip every few feet. Pain courses through my arm. Ricky isn’t handling the hike that much better. In fact, he looks worse for the wear. His face is beet red and his breathing is labored. His rumpled, dirt covered suit, dried mud sticking to his pants from pissing himself, and blood soaking his shirt make the man look like a zombie. Glancing at the map in my hands, we’re close to the edge of the forest. There’s a Park Ranger station a few miles away. A thudding noise draws my attention and I pull on Ricky’s arm to still him. Over his gasping for air, I hear the stomping again. Hoping it’s not a bear, I put my finger to my lips, signaling him to stay quiet. Drawing my gun, I silently make my way through the brush, towards a small clearing. There stands two of the most gorgeous horses I’ve ever seen. They have reins but no saddles. They have to be the horses the Smith’s lost. Slowly walking up to the animals, they remind me of Kelli. She always had a weakness for Mustangs. I know this one is hers. Holding my hand out so the horse can sniff at me, I reach around, grabbing the reins. Leading them back to where I left a trussed up Ricky, his eyes widen.

sp; “Where the hell did you get horses from? I thought you dropped in on that chopper we blew up?” Ignoring him, I drop my pack to the ground, stilling the horses.

  “Come on man. I don’t need you dying of a heart attack walking.” I lace my fingers together so he can step up on the horse.

  “What? How am I supposed to do this? You have my hands tied,” he whines. I stare at him, fighting the smile threatening to break out on my face.

  “Guess I’ll just have to toss you over the horse and tie you on.” The look on the thugs face was priceless. Untying his arms, I wave my gun in his face.

  “I wouldn’t try anything if I were you. I have your guns and you have no clue where you are. I’ll leave you out here for the Pumas and Rattlers if you try anything. I’m only letting you ride this horse because I’m sick of listening to your fat ass wheeze. Got it?” Shaking his head, his eyes wide, he gladly climbs up on top of the horse. It takes him a few tries. He must not be the outdoors type. Smiling to myself, I jump up on the Mustang, thinking of Kelli. How she must have looked on top of this magnificent beast. The way her silky skin felt beneath me, and the sounds she made as she came around my cock. I have to save her, have to get her back. I’ll stop at nothing. I’ve already lost her once, and it won’t happen again. Running my hand over the soft hair of the horse beneath me, I lean down inhaling the wonderful horse scent. Closing my eyes for a moment, I prepare for the ride. It’s a little difficult for men to ride horse’s bare back, but the idea of Ricky bouncing around smashing his little brain makes me smile.

  “The fuck you smiling at copper?” Ricky asks gruffly. Shaking my head, I spur my horse into action and take off, the other one following without being commanded. Ricky’s grunts make me smile the whole way.


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