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Bare Back

Page 7

by Kuhn, N

  Travelling in silence the last few miles to the Ranger station, I once again point the gun at Ricky, making sure he stays compliant as he dismounts. A man dressed in the Park uniform comes out of the building, eyeing me and my weapon suspiciously.

  “I’m Mitch Calhoun with the Texas Rangers office. This is Rick Gessatti, his brother and him are the ones that blew up our chopper, and a whole bunch of other charges. We also have a kidnapping. I need you to get me a phone and throw this asshole somewhere. Now!” The young Park Ranger scrambles around trying to comply. He looks scared, nervous, but quickly regains his composure. Grabbing Ricky by the arm, he tosses me a sat phone then drags Gessatti inside. Following him in, I watch as the young man handcuffs Ricky to a chair. Not that it’s much, Ricky could easily stand and carry the chair. But then the young man sits at his desk, gun pointed at Ricky. I can’t help but smile. Stepping back out into the opening, I dial up Dodge.

  “Cooper,” he says when he answers.

  “Dodge, how’s the old man?” I ask him. Pacing, I move around the side of the outpost, carrying my bags.

  “Man, he’s fine, pulling through. He’s been through surgery and recovery and now he’s in his room waiting on his daughter. How long til y’all get here?”

  “Well, about that. Ran into issues. Ricky and Paul caught up to us. They have someone else with them helping Paul. They took Kel while I was making rounds. Snuck in and took her, Ricky tried to get the jump on me. I got him here cuffed up at the Ranger outpost stand. So maybe you can get me a chopper out here now to pick our asses up? Ricky said they are taking her to his dad’s cabin in Victoria, trying to find out if she knows where the money is.” As we speak, I pace around behind the Ranger cabin, making sure no one can see me. It’s just one of their outposts, so it’s a small square place. Finding what I’m looking for, I swing the bag off my shoulder and crouch down.

  “Ok man, take a breath and let me get this straight. Kelli has been kidnapped by Paul, the dumbass brother? And you have Ricky with you?”

  “Yea, can we pick this up a bit? They have a few hours head start on us. And hey, bring me some clean clothes while you’re at it and send out a truck and trailer. I found Kel’s horses.” Disconnecting, I head into the small but sufficient office. The young Ranger stands, extending his hand to me, all the while keeping his gun on Ricky.

  “Ranger Drake, Vick Drake,” he says. Reaching out to shake his hand, he catches me unaware, slamming his gun into the side of my head. As my knees buckle and my world goes black, I hear Ricky laughing.

  Chapter 10


  Struggling in my bindings, I shift uncomfortably in the seat. There’s no way I can get out of these ropes, or even get to my knife. Thankfully, Cam’s roaming hands didn’t properly search me and I at least still have the knife. Cameron and Paul take turns watching me like hawks. The flight doesn’t last long, so I know we didn’t go too far away. I just wish I had some way to let Mitch know where I was, how to find me. This isn’t looking too good for Smith & Smith right now. We lost our skip. He’s dead, and we aren’t going to be able to return him to the courts. No body, means the jumper got away, even if he is dead. Dad’s been shot, and I have no way of knowing if he’s alive or not, and then there’s me. Tied up, sitting in a helicopter going who knows where, and facing the demon from my past. The one who started this whole mess of a life. If he had just left me alone, I would have sat in the woods all night waiting for Mitch and never have known about Penny. If I were a weaker person, I’d be balling my eyes out right now. Thankfully I’ve spent many years building up my walls to protect myself. Nothing much gets in or out. I’ve learned to detach myself from my feelings. Staring out the tiny window, I watch the landscape beneath us, trying to get an idea of where we’re going. As Cameron lowers the helicopter, preparing to land, I see a large plush green lawn with just enough space to land this bird. A small cabin sits in the middle of the property. Great, more seclusion and woods. Only this time, I have no map or help if I can get free and run. But I can tell North, South, East and West, so it’s a start.

  Shutting down the bird, Cameron rushes out, trying to get to me first. Wrapping his fingers around my neck, he yanks me from my seat. Falling to my knees, I struggle to stand. You wouldn’t believe how difficult that is with your arms strapped to your sides.

  “Take it easy with the young lady, Cam.” The calm voice seems to come out of nowhere. As Cameron finally gets me to my feet, I look up to the cabin to see a distinguished looking man walk towards us. If I didn’t already know he was a criminal, I don’t think I ever would have known. The man has salt and pepper hair, neatly trimmed instead of greasy like Ricky and Paul. His suit looked expensive and classy. Dark blue, almost black, with a lavender button down underneath. It was like he just stepped off Wall Street, not out of a hunting lodge. He walks towards me with an air of arrogance. I shudder, thinking of what evil things will happen to me at this man’s hands. He obviously is in charge here. My best guess, this is Daddy Gessatti. Cameron tries to wrap him hand around my arm again but I pull away.

  “Leave her be Cameron. Paul, get over here and get these ropes of this young lady. Her poor fingers are turning blue. You couldn’t just tie her wrists? You have to hog tie her too? Boy, we may live in Texas now, but we aren’t rough neck hicks. You afraid of this little woman?” the man asks, looking purposefully at Cameron as he says it. I can feel Cam’s body tense up and it gives me a small amount of pleasure to know his discomfort. Paul pulls at the ropes, freeing my arms from the side of my body and unbinding my wrists. Instinctively I rub at the raw reddened skin. The rope burns broke open the skin and I’m bleeding slightly.

  “Now sweetie, we need to have a conversation. It’s very important you tell me the truth,” he wraps a hand around the back of my neck, squeezing just enough to let me know if I don’t cooperate, that very bad things will happen. “The more honest you are with me, the better this will be for you, Okay? Come on inside with me, and we’ll have some tea.” He wraps his arm around my shoulder, leading me towards the cabin. The man just gave me a veiled threat then offers me tea. If he’s not a psychopath, I don’t know who is. Noticing Cameron doesn’t follow us, I feel a little relief, though fear is still coursing through my body. At this point, I can’t tell which of these men is the safer bet. They are all dangerous in their own ways. No matter what happens, I’m not making it out of here alive. No matter what lies this man tells me. I’m going to die here, and my only regret, is not telling Mitch back in that cave I still loved him. I always have, and always will. The crushing realization that those feelings still dwell inside of me is scary. Almost as scary as this situation. Maybe they aren’t real. Maybe I only think that because I’m about to die, alone. Time to plan, plot and escape. Seeing Mitch is going to be the only way to find out if my feelings are real or not. Since he doesn’t know where I am, and I have no way of knowing if he’s alive, I have to take it upon myself to be rescued.

  Being free of the rope, if I have time, I’ll be able to reach my knife. Following the man, he leads me inside where the rooms are all connected. I can see a kitchen to the left, living room to the right and dining table directly in front of me. There are stairs leading to a second floor, but no sound comes from there. If this were under normal circumstances, I’d be impressed by the beautiful little cabin. Instead, I’m worried. Images of Mitch flutter through my head. Thoughts of his touch, his kiss, how he made me feel when we made love. It’s surprising to realize that it was only a few short hours ago that we made love, it feels like a lifetime. Motioning for me to sit on the couch next to him, the man reaches for a tea pot on the table.

  “Now young lady, I’m Don Gessatti. You’ve met my boys, correct?” I nod my head yes. The way he’s speaking, you would think I were a new neighbor, not a hostage. The calmness in his voice scares me more than this whole situation. I’d rather be caged up with Cameron right now than in front of this man. He’s dangerous. Very dangerous. He pours two cu
ps of tea, extending one to me. Gripping it between my hands, they shake and the liquid sloshes a little. Slowly taking a sip of the warm liquid, it helps calm my nerves a bit, but not enough. I’m still trembling and the amber liquid spills over the sides of the cup, landing on the pristine cream colored couch. Don takes the cup from me, putting it on the table, sighing.

  “I see you, looking around, assessing and planning. You’re not going to be able to escape. We all have guns, what’s a little girl like you going to do to us? You may as well just cooperate. We need to discuss Billy Joe. He had something of mine, something that doesn’t seem to have been at his camp. What I need to know is where it’s hidden? What did he do with my money?” He stares at me, expecting an answer. Really?

  “Sir, I have no clue what you’re talking about. I’ve been chasing him to return him to the courts. Why would he tell me where the money is? I didn’t see it at the campsite either. Though, I wasn’t looking for it. All I cared about was getting my skip and getting out of those damn woods. We spent a week searching for him. I just wanted to go home. Now he’s dead and y’all took his body, so I’m out my fee. Trust me, I didn’t find any money.”

  “Well, something can be arranged. How much was your fee? I just want my money, and you’ll still be compensated, its win win situation.” He smiles at me and heart beats faster. The man’s smile could turn fire into ice. Shaking my head, I try to speak.

  “No, thank you but no. I don’t know where your money is. I haven’t seen it and I don’t want your money. I prefer to make my money legally.” He nods his head, setting his tea cup next to mine, he turns so that he’s an inch from my face. Without warning, his hand flies across my face, knocking me backwards into the couch. Were it not for the soft cushion, I would have crashed to the floor from the force of his violence. My cheek throbbing, I lift a hand to my face, staring at him with a renewed fear. The pain flares across my face.

  “Don’t lie to me girl. You were there with him long enough to tie him up, have a conversation with him. He didn’t tell you anything? Didn’t bribe you with the money to let him go?” Looking away from Don, I stare out the large picture window on the other side of the room. You have to appreciate scenery like this. The view is of the forest that surrounds us, close to the cabin, so if I can get out of here, I’m good. I have my knife. Now I just have to figure out how to get out of this cabin. Don clears his throat and pulls me back from my thoughts.

  “Even if he had, I would have returned it to the courts. Our bonds service is more important to me than some stolen money. I’m not like you criminals. I have morals.” The second those words leave my mouth, I regret them. The anger that flashes in the once placid brown eyes before me, makes me tremble. Before I can defend myself, he grabs me by my neck, pulling my face flush with his. I can smell the horrid tea on his breath.

  “No more games girl. You’re going to tell me where my money is,” he screams, spit landing on my face. I can’t speak or move. I don’t know how to make him understand I don’t have it or know where it is. He motions with his hands and Cameron takes a step towards me. Shaking my head no, I look at Don. The fear must be visible in my eyes, because Don smiles.

  “Paul, get over here and show Ms. Smith to her room.” Harshly, Paul rips me from the couch to my feet.

  “Please, Mr. Gessatti, you have to believe me,” I beg, “I don’t know anything about your money, I just want to go check on my father. Billy Joe shot him. Please, just let me go. No one has to know I was here. I don’t have your money.” Ignoring me, he turns back to his tea as Paul drags me through a door on the side of the room. He pauses outside the door, retying my wrists in front of me. Leaning into my ear, he whispers.

  “Don’t worry honey, I’m sure Cam and I will take turns keeping you company tonight.” Slamming the door open, he pushes me inside. Falling to my knees, pain throbs through my whole body. Following me in, he kneels behind me. Reaching around, he holds me tight against him.

  “What is it with you assholes? Are you all rapists?”

  “I’m just comforting you, sweetie. That’s all. You look scared. I have standards you know, and smart mouth bitches don’t rank high enough to ride the Paulie Train.” Sounding disgusted, he let’s go of me, exiting in a huff. The door shuts, leaving me to the nearly empty room. Seriously, there’s just a toilet and a mattress. Well, at least they aren’t complete animals. I have a real toilet and not a pot or anything.

  Checking over my shoulder, I make sure the door is shut and no one is standing inside the room with me. There’s a small window that no human could possibly fit through and only a dim light bulb hanging over my head. This is going to be tricky. I walk to the window, peering through. I can see the trees about a hundred yards from me. I’d be lucky if a cat could get through this window. My skin is already raw and broken from these ropes. Settling myself down on the floor, I slide the knife from my leg holster. After a few fumbled attempts, I finally get it situated between my legs and can run the rope over it. It feels like forever, but finally the ropes fall from my wrists. Blood runs down my arms from cutting myself. The menial act of cutting up the rope gave me time to formulate a plan. Other than Paul, Cameron and Don, I’m not sure how many other people are here. I didn’t see anyone else. But with these thugs, it’s like they come out of the woodwork when something happens. So there’s no way of telling how many of them are around. Every now and then I can hear footsteps moving around, pacing past the door. I stay in the dark corner, waiting for the cabin to go silent. What must be hours later, I haven’t heard any noise or footsteps in a while. Slowly I stand, stepping towards the door. Taking my knife in hand, I pound on the door with my empty fist. Leaning back against the wall, when they open the door I’ll be behind it. A few minutes later, nothing. No noise, footsteps, shouts, nothing. Pounding again, I begin screaming at the top of my lungs.

  “Help me, please, somebody. They kidnapped me. Help.” I continue pounding my fists on the door. Finally heavy footsteps sound outside the door. I stop my pounding but keep screaming, resuming my position. Hearing the key turn in the lock, I slowly release my breath. Calming myself, I watch the door swing open.

  “Shut up i-“ Using its momentum, I kick my leg up, sending the door slamming right into whoever opened it, cutting off their words. Hearing them grunt as the door bounces off of them, I rush around in front of them. Great. It’s Paul and I’m going to love beating his ass. Kicking my leg with all the strength I can muster, I plant my foot right in my chest. He flies back, and the crack I heard means he has at least a broken rib if not two. As soon as my feet land on the ground, I waste no time jumping over him and rushing towards the door.

  Cameron comes out of the kitchen, flying towards me trying to get his gun up to aim at me. I pause long enough to swing my arm up, slicing his face with my knife as my arm arches. Holding his cheek, he turns away, protecting himself from anymore slashes. A gunshot rings out, wood splinters by my feet, but feeling no pain, I ignore the shouting from Cameron and Don and rip the front door open. Leaping off the porch without touching the steps, I land awkwardly on the ground. A searing ache moves up my leg but I don’t stop. Pushing to my feet, I run as fast as my body will let me, half limping. I hear an engine coming up behind me, and it sounds like a truck, so I turn away from the driveway and head towards the woods. That truck is most likely their backup and I’ll die before I go back there. From behind me I hear Cameron shouting.

  “I’ll find you Kel. I’m sure you’ll want to see Mitch when he gets here.” His maniacal laugh fills the air as I drive deeper into the tree line, not even stopping to think about Mitch being there. He’s a big boy. He can handle himself. If not, well, hopefully I can find help soon.

  Chapter 11


  When I come to, I’m lying on a wooden floor. At first, I think I’m still at the Ranger station. Maybe I lost too much blood or I was exhausted and passed out. But as I try to move and find that my hands are tied behind my back, realization d
awns on me. The idiot park Ranger is working with the Gessatti’s. That’s how they knew who was in the forest and we didn’t, and where we were going to pick them up. These guys seem to have their hands in everything around here. Trying to sit up, I roll around, finally getting myself upright. My head spins and aches. Waiting for the room to settle, I mentally berate myself. Damn, I can’t believe I let that little loser get the jump on me. Scanning the room, I assess the situation. There’s a tiny window, but hell, who’d ever fit through that thing. These guys must have thought about that when they installed it. A mattress and toilet are the only other things in here. The room smells like Kelli and it stirs my fears and concerns for her. I’m not worried about myself. If I die, I die. But she needs to live. I have to save her. I can die peacefully knowing she’s alive. Pacing the room, I search for any signs that she’s still living. Being passed out when we got here puts me at a disadvantage. Scanning the floor first, I see scuff marks in the dust, a cleaner area that looks as if someone stood there. Fresh blood drops and a bloody rope adorn the floor. That could be a good thing, but it could also be bad. Either she escaped or they killed her.

  The dread in my stomach thickens and I find it hard to breathe. Panting, I move towards the window. Looking out into the sunshine I can see a tree line no more than a hundred yards outside the window. Too bad I can’t fit. That would have been too easy. The door opens behind me, but I choose to ignore it. You learn a lot about captive situations and interrogations while in advanced training for the Marines. This I can handle. First step was always stay calm. Which is easy. These guys are a joke compared to some of the Taliban forces we saw overseas. They are nothing. Footsteps make their way up behind me and a large hand lands on my shoulder, spinning me around. I almost can’t believe my eyes. My own brother. Cameron. How could he do this to me? To our family.


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