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Solar Sizzle

Page 13

by Joan Bramsch

  He began to unbutton the front of her shirt. But just as he started the task with nervous fingers, Mike came clumping down the steps. The two tore themselves apart and sat up, red-faced and breathless.

  Her brother stuck his head around the corner, grinning from ear to ear. “Thought I'd give you lovebirds advanced warning,” he teased, the backward toss of his red head toward the stairs indicating his reason for the noisy entrance. “I came down to get something to eat."

  Five minutes later he came back from the kitchen, holding a huge Dagwood sandwich in one hand and a carton of milk in the other. “I'm just a growing boy.” He laughed, heading back up the stairs more quietly than he'd come down.

  Shawn pushed his hands through his black curls, sending them in tortured disarray. “I wonder how much it would cost to get that growing boy to run away from home?"

  He scowled when Casey exploded with laughter. “Dammit, Casey!” he said in a stage whisper. “Don't laugh at me. I want to make love to you. Mike's here and I just know you won't come back to my place."

  "You could always jog back to the hotel."

  "Thanks a lot!” He brought her back into his arms, his eyes changing into smoldering coals. “Are you trying to tell me you don't feel the inclination to make love? That you're able to control your baser instincts while I go quietly mad with my desire for your delicious body?"

  He groaned, throwing caution to the winds when he captured her lips beneath his and plunged his tongue into her hot wet mouth. His hands began a frenzied exploration of her body, lingering at the hardened tips of her full firm breasts.

  "You don't need to answer in words, baby,” he told her, chuckling wickedly. “Your body is telling me ... everything!"

  When he kissed her again, she surrendered, molding herself against him. Together they lay down, oblivious for the moment of their surroundings as they gave themselves up to their growing need, but both could feel the tension of the situation and eventually they parted.

  Shawn continued to shower her flushed face with fiery kisses. “Oh, honey, I need you so much.” He took a corner of the afghan and rubbed her bare shoulder. “I want to climb inside your soft warm body and pull you around me like this cozy comforter."

  "Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder."

  "Abstinence can make a man a wreck!"

  "And a woman.” She rose from his arms. “Come on, O'Brien.” She held out her hand to him. “It's time you went home. I've got some serious studying to do before I go to bed."

  He came to his feet in one smooth motion and the two began a slow walk to the door. “Yeah, I guess it's time I left ... before I ravish your beautiful body, brother upstairs or not,” he agreed. When he looked down into Casey's eyes, they were ablaze with some inner emotion. Could it be love he saw mirrored there? “Come here, my sweet,” he murmured. “Give the boss a loving kiss."

  She did as he asked, bringing her hands around his neck to pull him to her. When the kissed ended, she buried her face against his soft jacket. “You're not my boss, O'Brien."

  "At least not yet, McDermott.” His tone was light.

  "Not ever."

  Her whispered words, nevertheless, held the firmness of her conviction that they did not have a future together, and she could not deny that echoes of her conversation with Jessica affected her thinking too.

  For an instant, a shadow of concern crossed Shawn's face. Then his features cleared and his eyes danced with the fire of the chase. He'd win her love if it took a lifetime, he decided.

  "I can see you're going to be stubborn about this,” he said. “If you can hold out, I guess I can too, honey. But not for long. Tomorrow is Friday. As far as I'm concerned, it's the first day of the week.” He kissed her commandingly, taking Casey's breath away with his unvoiced promise of exciting times to come. “I can't wait!"

  * * * *

  At eight the next evening he found Casey bent over her drafting board in the study, intent on some figures she was feverishly scrawling across a large yellow legal pad. She hadn't heard Mike answer the bell. Shawn stood for a moment at the doorway, watching her.

  Already dressed for dinner in a blue silk two-piece dress, her careless pose was unconsciously seductive with one high-heeled shoe hooked on the rung of her tall stool while the other leg stretched long, revealing the curves of her body. Her intense concentration caused a slight frown on her beautiful features. She jumped a foot and her pencil flew out of her grasp when he came up behind her.

  "It's time to play, Casey.” He kissed the nape of her neck and turned her into his arms for a proper greeting. “Working hours are over, honey."

  She melted against him in a long relaxed sigh. “Mmmm, that was good, Shawn. Very good!"

  "You ain't seen nothin’ yet!” He chuckled when she put her hand to her throat in a maidenly gesture. But he continued to hold her with his smoldering gaze like a butterfly on a pin, threatening to set her body aflame. “Come on, Casey. We've got a lot of catching up to do tonight."

  She hesitated for a moment, bending to retrieve her pencil from the carpet. “Can you wait for just a minute? I'd like to finish this equation."

  Shawn was instantly alert. “Are you on to something, Casey?” He ran a practiced eye over her work.

  "Don't know yet,” she answered cryptically. “Maybe."

  In two minutes she completed her work and turned toward Shawn who stood quietly beside her perch, showing with his intense expression that he was impressed by her theoretical reasoning.

  "We can go now,” she prompted softly. “It has to cook some more.” She grinned when she tapped the side of her head for emphasis. “You know the old saying about a watched pot?"

  He leaned forward and kissed her thoroughly. “It's just as well, Casey, because you and I have our own cooking to do ... the gourmet course tonight."

  She knew her stomach had been growling its displeasure for over an hour. “Aren't you even going to feed me first, Shawn?"

  "Why, Kathryn, that's exactly what I was talking about! The good Sisters would be scandalized if they knew what was going through your erotic little mind.” His brow rose in an infuriatingly staid arch. then he broke into hearty laughter. “Honey, I can't tell you how many times I was reprimanded for impure thoughts!"

  Still laughing, they told Mike good-bye, but at the car Shawn kissed her with ill-concealed passion.

  "Come on, woman,” he ordered. “First we have to feed your tummy so your luscious body will have the strength and stamina to feed my soul.” He shuddered. “I don't know how I lasted the week, but tonight it's just you and me, babe."

  When they arrived in the lobby of Shawn's hotel, Casey balked at the elevator. “Hey, fella,” she teased softly. “You promised to feed me first."

  "And I won't break my promise ... unless you force me,” he added hopefully. He gave her a slow sexy wink, then offered his arm. “This way, my lovely."

  In moments they were inside his suite and Casey's eyes widened at the candlelit surprise there. A small table had been moved near the picture window. Set for two, the china and crystal sparkled in the glow of a small hurricane lamp centered in a bowl of white and pink baby orchids. Casey smiled her pleasure and turned to kiss Shawn for his thoughtfulness. When their lips met, the fires within threatened to break free and consume them.

  "This is so romantic, Shawn,” she murmured. “You've even ordered orchids."

  "Come sit by the fire and I'll bring champagne and warm Hors d'Oeuvres.” He led her to the quilt he'd spread. Returning quickly, he sank to the floor beside Casey and filled their glasses, handing her one. “Aloha, my fiery emerald-eyed beauty.” He touched her glass with his. “Welcome to Paradise."

  "Mahalo,” she answered, using a word he'd taught her. “Thank you."

  Silently they drank but when they leaned forward to seal their pledge with another kiss, Casey's stomach growled in protest. Mortified, she grabbed her middle and blushed crimson.

  Shawn laughed softly. “You really are
hungry, aren't you, baby?” He brought the plate within her reach. “We can't have that. Come on. Eat."

  Casey forgot her embarrassment and chose a bite-sized piece. “Mmmm, good!” She munched happily. She giggled, opening her mouth for another morsel like a little bird. “More, more!"

  After sharing the entire bottle of wine and another plate of Hors d'Oeuvres, Casey sighed, replete. “I feel so much better,” she admitted. “This first course has finally taken the edge off my appetite. Thank you."

  When she looked up into Shawn's shadowed features, she saw the haunted look in his eyes “Funny thing, sweetheart. Sitting here, watching you by the firelight, drinking in your beauty, feasting on your delight at our impromptu picnic ... I discover the food has done nothing to appease my appetite.” He groaned, gathering her into his hungry embrace. “You're looking at a starving man!"

  She could understand his impatience. In that way, she too was famished. Gently she eased from his arms and stood, smiling seductively into his upturned questioning face. “We can't have that now, can we, darling? Let's see what I can do about it."

  Silently she pulled the combs from her hair and laid them on the table. She shook her long silken tresses until a cloud of iridescent fire formed around her glowing face and shoulders. Dropping her hand to her waist, she deftly untied the sash and peeled away the silk jacket of her outfit, tossing it on the couch at her side. The fabric of her nude colored slip shimmered in the firelight; the lace barely concealed the rosy peaks of her proud breasts.

  She continued to smile, watching Shawn's face light up with anticipation at her impromptu striptease. When she released her skirt, allowing it to skim to her feet, he lifted his hand to balance her as she stepped from the circle.

  "Beautiful,” he murmured throatily. “Beautiful woman."

  His heartfelt whisper released all inhibitions. She withdrew her hand from his steadying grasp and sensuously slipped the narrow straps off her creamy shoulders, first one, then the other. “Would you like to help me with this?"

  His breath grew ragged as he rose to his knees to pull the lace edge. His fingers trembled, he moaned deep in his chest when he watched her seductive body writhe within its silk sheath, intent on shedding her cocoon like an emerging ivory butterfly from her chrysalis. In a tantalizing performance she stretched in high-heeled feline grace clad only in a nude colored silk teddy and dark hose. Gasping, Shawn felt the ache rise in his loins.

  "You are a fiery vixen!"

  She met his beseeching black eyes with a smile so enticing he could feel his insides melt with the power of her control over his emotions. She had to feel something for him, didn't she? he asked himself in a daze.

  "I've never done this before, Shawn. Am I pleasing you?"

  "You're a natural, baby!” He shuddered. “You're more beautiful than I've ever seen you, sweetheart. Don't stop now!"

  His approval nearly moved her to tears of happiness. It was also the catalyst to drive her on. “I could use some help with all these bows,” she encouraged, fingering the ties.

  At once he began to pull each little closure, kissing the smooth flesh revealed. When his lips reached her abdomen, he muttered against her skin. “More? You have on more beneath this sexy thing? I can't stand it!"

  Casey laughed softly and ruffled his dark curls. “Oh, I'm hoping this last item will finally turn you on!"

  Her words almost drove him to ravish her on the spot. Holding to the last of his control, he pulled away and tore off his jacket and shirt, popping two buttons in the process. When she teasingly observed that he didn't need to be in such a hurry, he reached for her. “Honey, this is as slow as I get!” With strong fingers he grasped the shimmering teddy.

  She slipped off the straps and waited for his hoped-for response. His whistle of approval was all she could have wished.

  "Sweetheart, you're every present I ever wanted, rolled into one."

  His bright gaze devoured her white skin, dwelling hungrily on the black lace garter belt around her hips. Feverishly he stroked her silk clad legs, running his fingertips along the edge of the garment, skimming her shadowed flame. His hands dropped to her thighs, then caressed her curves when he bent to kiss her intimately.

  She moved against him, feeling her limbs go weak with desire. At his urging, she sank before him, feeling his trail of moist hot kisses mark her body for love. But her knees did not sink into the thick carpeting. Instead he lifted his leg so that she straddled it and, in this position, her firm breasts were on a level with his mouth. Intoxicated with her inspired provocation, Shawn buried his face in the warm fragrant valley, finally teasing and tormenting her nipples until she began to slide in wanton abandoned.

  Gently he lifted her away and stood to remove the rest of his clothing. But he encountered her insistent fingers at the buckle of his belt.

  "Let me,” she whispered.

  In answer, he threaded his strong fingers into her long titan hair and stood as quietly as he was able. In moments he stood before her in nude splendor. She felt him shudder when she leaned forward to intimately kiss and caress the root of his manhood.

  "Casey!” he choked. “You're driving me out of my mind."

  They sank to the quilt, and he covered her with his body. Stroking him, she could feel his muscles convulsing beneath the surface of his down-covered skin, and she gloried in his passionate response. His hands explored her body, boiling her blood and setting a torch to her already burning center.

  He lifted up on one elbow and gazed darkly into her dreamy eyes that told him the degree of her arousal. Casually he slid his fingertips along the black lace belt and down along her dark hose. “Was this a fantasy of yours, sweetheart?"

  She nodded and smiled, starry-eyed. “You like?"

  "Mmmm, I like,” he whispered. “Do you mind if I add my own embellishments now?"

  "I wish you would,” she murmured. Her heart skipped a beat when he moved between her legs and rose to sit back on his heels. She lay, watching him, growing drunk on the sight of his hard muscled body gleaming bronze in the fire glow.

  Almost reverently, he encircled one slim silken ankle in a firm grasp and lifted it to kiss her flesh and massaged her curves, finally removing her sandal and caressing the arch of her foot with his warm mouth. He repeated the act with her other limb, his erotic movements beginning to cause a trembling grinding motion in her hips. His breath washed over her skin.

  She gasped, feeling herself lose control when he bent forward so he could kiss her. Lifting toward him, she moaned his name. “Shawn, please. No more. Come to me. I want to feel you inside me."

  In one smooth motion, he drew her legs around his hips. “Put your arms around my shoulders, darling,” he instructed as he dropped his hands to cup her derriere. “Now hold me, sweetheart."

  Almost speechless, she whispered against the throbbing pulse in his throat. “I've never experienced anything like it, Shawn. It's wonderful!"

  "It's my fantasy.” He sighed. “And now it's ours, Casey!"

  Their skin glowed with the sheen of exertion as they slid into one another, driving toward the ultimate release. When it came, Shawn cried out her name. He held her tight, driving a series of convulsive shuddering thrusts into her heat. She arched her body, clinging to him and their fantasy. When she felt his arms hold tighter, she hoped he held the same vision. Never had she experienced this closeness.... = this oneness. Not only physically, but emotionally. Sighing she basked in the joy of the moment.

  It was well past midnight when they finally finished their meal, kept warm by tiny flames under silver dishes. They dressed for dinner! Shawn presented Casey with a black negligee that was more lace and imagination than covering.

  Looking handsome in his royal blue robe he dangled her discarded garter belt on one finger, and grinned roguishly. “Looks like we were on the same wavelength, honey.” His molten visual approval caressed her slender form beneath the smoke-veiled gift. Soon his hands followed. Hugging her tight, he sighed,
half contentedly, half in frustration. “I think we'd better eat now while we still have the opportunity, Casey."

  He played the role of gallant host, Casey, his polite guest. The act lasted just under an hour. Then their night was spent in sensual pleasure, each giving, each receiving. Many times Casey wanted to declare her love for Shawn but she continued to keep her secret. Instead she found herself storing more memories. She would need every one when the time came for Shawn to leave. Instantly she banished the thought, refusing it entry to her senses when she joined him on the thrilling mind-boggling journey to rapture.

  In the morning they had to hurry to make the family soccer game. They walked arm-in-arm across the parking lot to the playing field. Katie came running up to them, grabbing them both around their legs and hanging on for dear life.

  "Hi, Aunt Casey.” She had a big smile minus one front tooth. “Hi, Mr. O'Brien."

  "Hi, Katie, me darlin'. What happened?” asked Casey. “You didn't get into another fight with that little boy at school who says he loves you, did you?” Casey waited for her niece's response, jabbing Shawn when he snickered behind his hand.

  "Ah, the next generation of McDermott charmers!"

  "Huh-uh, Aunt Casey,” she denied, shaking her red Orphan Annie curls from side to side. “I was eating a chewy sucker and my tooth got stuck when I bit into it. Of course, it was very, very loose."

  Casey nodded solemnly as befitted the occasion of losing one's first tooth. “And did the Tooth Fairy visit you?"

  "Oh, yes,” Katie answered excitedly. “But Daddy had to help me find my quarter. And know what?"


  "It was way down in the corner of my pillow case.” She gazed adoringly at her father. “He's the smartest Daddy in the whole world."

  "Undoubtedly, Katie,” remarked Shawn, exchanging winks with John who sheepishly admitted by his expression that he'd completely forgotten and had to cover his oversight the best way he knew how.


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