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Solar Sizzle

Page 14

by Joan Bramsch

  The two could not go to their teams until Shawn had knelt at Katie's side. Casey walked a few steps away although she sorely wanted to know what they were talking about. She heard Katie say, “Are you sure, Mr. O'Brien? Well, maybe you should do something else."

  When he came back to her, she could not resist questioning him. “What is it that you and Katie are cooking up?"

  "It's a secret, baby,” he whispered in her ear, sending warm ripples over her skin. “I'll tell you as soon as I can. Okay?"

  "Sure! What else can I say?"

  He smiled tenderly at her upturned puzzled face. “Not a thing, honey."

  Halfway through the game, the referee called the game because of rain. Actually it was a freezing downpour. When both teams groused about his decision, he insisted.

  "I'm a doctor, remember? And I'm telling you, you'll all catch your deaths if you don't get dry ... now!"

  That settled it.

  Casey and Shawn went back to his place for a long hot shower that eventually ended in his bed. “We have to get our exercise some way, sweetheart!"

  During the afternoon they drove into town to visit the Zoo in Forest Park. They had the place almost to themselves and enjoyed mimicking the chimps and growling back at the jungle cats in their freeform cages.

  "I'm glad to see that St. Louis is progressive with their Zoo design,” observed Shawn. “I can't stand to see anything trapped. It seems like such a sad way to have to live."

  "Do you ever feel trapped?"

  He looked genuinely surprised. “Me? No, honey, I've always been a free spirit.” He was quiet for a moment. “Perhaps it's because I was raised in Hawaii. It's a comparatively small space, but we lived outdoors all the time."

  "It must really be grand there."

  He hugged her tight and smiled. “You'll see for yourself someday."

  But will you be with me?

  Later they went to the Jewel Box where the huge glass structure was ablaze with glorious mums—cream, vermilion, crimson, gold.

  "All these different colored flowers make me think of parrots for some reason.” Casey leaned over to sniff at a blossom. “They don't smell!"

  Shawn chuckled when she rubbed her nose. “Neither do parrots. Say, do you know how parrots get to be all those different colors?"

  She shook her titan curls.

  "They breed to blend. You know. Blue and yellow makes green. Red and blue makes purple."

  "Really?” she asked, wide-eyed. “I didn't know that."

  Shawn measured her response. It seemed just a little too innocent. “Say, you didn't take any zoology courses in college, did you?"

  "It was only my minor.” She shook her finger at him. “Shame on you, Shawn O'Brien. Trying to take advantage of me."

  His hand momentarily slid to her firm bottom. “Any change I get, honey."

  Last they visited the famed Planetarium and spent quite a long time discussing the complicated components of space vehicles exhibited there.

  "How did you get so smart, lady? Most old engineers don't know what you do."

  "I'm interested in a lot of things,” she replied. “It's always been fun for me to learn.” She cocked her head to the side and grinned. “For example, I'll bet you don't know Forest Park was the site of the 1904 World's Fair."

  Shawn shook his head and looked shamefaced so Casey gave him chapter and verse about the “greatest world's fair of them all!” Then she insisted they drive to the Art Museum.

  "This building was the first place in the world to be electrified,” she told him, pointing to the large Roman structure on Art Hill. “The whole thing was outlined with electric lights that trailed all the way down the hill on either side and encircled the lagoon below.” She sighed; a far-off look came into her emerald eyes. “I've seen pictures, but it must have been a magnificent sight."

  "I know the feeling,” Shawn whispered. “It must have been something to see. Like you,” he teased. “I think it's your electrifying personality that keeps turning me on!"

  "Shall I zap you?"

  She punched him lightly in the stomach and ran like the wind. When he caught up with her he threatened to throw her into the lagoon for her terrible tomboyish behavior, but he ended up kissing her to distraction instead.

  "Let's go home, Casey. It's too public here for what I want to do right now."

  Their eyes blazed and held the fiery glow. Simultaneously, they dared one another. “Race you!” Laughing, they ran full-out back to the car.

  When they returned to Casey's home, she cooked dinner that they ate before the fireplace. Mike called to say he would again be staying over at Tina's for the night since there was going to be a family gathering and he knew it would be late.

  "You know how these Italians party, Casey,” he informed her with authority.

  "Yeah, little brother,” she answered, already laughing. “They're almost as bad as the Irish when they get together. Have a good time, honey. I'll see you tomorrow."

  Shawn and Casey went into the kitchen to do dishes. Like a happily married couple, she thought bittersweetly. He made playful love to her while she stood in front of the sink. She tried valiantly to finish the chore but finally surrendered to his sensuous onslaught. He led her back toward the living room sofa. At the stairs, Casey surprised him by taking his hand and leading him to her bedroom.

  After closing the door behind them, Shawn began to undress a very aroused and willing Casey. Her brain told her she might regret bringing him here to make love. She digested the thought, feeling Shawn's hands upon her smooth skin, deciding she would rather be surrounded by memories of his visit in the lonely future, rather than only wish he had been here with her for this night.

  "Maybe this was a mistake,” she whispered. She leaned over to the nightstand to switch on her electric blanket. “It's cold up here."

  Shawn nuzzled her neck, slightly calloused fingertips lifted aside her long hair. A sideward glance caught her action and he chuckled softly. “It won't be cold for long, sweetheart.” He sighed, running his strong hands along her nude back to cup her rounded bottom, holding her tight. “You have your own power plant and it's not an electric blanket, I can tell you."

  While they undressed, they spoke with their eyes. Boldly she touched his flesh at his waist and beyond, smiling when he shuddered. “I love it when you trust me with your body,” she murmured, lavishing kisses on his hard nipples.

  He laughed hoarsely, obviously unable to stop the gyrating movement of his hips. “Keep that up, Tiger, and we're both going to go right into orbit!” When she did not stop, knowing intuitively what pleasure she gave him, he outlined her ear with his pointed tongue. “You know, if I weren't such a solar advocate, I'd say we come together like nuclear fission. Explosive and powerful!"

  "Ah, but I present no threat to you, Shawn O'Brien,” she answered, continuing her actions while her inner thoughts intruded momentarily. “You're the dangerous one.” She sighed deeply. “With very little effort, you could destroy me."

  In answer to her charge which he didn't seem to take seriously, Casey was glad to see—she had said more than she'd intended—he swept her high into his arms and dropped her into the bed, pulling the covers over them both. “I don't want to destroy you, sweetheart ... just bend you a little!” With that warning, he put actions to words.

  Soon she lay breathless in her rising passion. Shawn did everything in his power to unhinge her, she knew. When he commented that they were like two little kids bundled together against the cold night air, she could only gasp. “Hardly!"

  His appreciative laughter tickled against her skin. “We're not going over ... not yet, Casey,” he told her, changing tactics to delay the final moment. “Tonight I'm in charge, sweetheart.” He tracked her body with hot kisses and caresses. Each time she cried out, he would pull back, then pleasure her in another way.

  She felt close to tears with her need for him. “You're driving me out of my mind!"

  "But, darling, you've
such a big intelligent mind to lose,” he returned, covering her body with his and rubbing his hair-roughened chest against her swollen breasts with while she moaned and writhed beneath him, trying desperately to capture him inside her body.

  Finally he could hold back no longer and entered the dark moist tunnel of her inner being, bringing her in passion three times before he followed with a violent shudder. She lay wilted in his arms but Shawn found the strength to speak. “Was it worth the wait, honey?"

  Casey lay still suspended somewhere in outer space. All her defenses collapsed while her mind whirled in erotic confusion. “I can't think of anything right now, Shawn ... except how much I care for you.” She barely heard her confession. “I'll always care, Shawn, my darling, forever.” She felt his arms draw her close.

  His response was a tender statement. “I know you will, my precious Casey. I've been waiting for you to tell me."

  Then they both drifted into a deep dreamless sleep.

  * * * *

  Casey awoke with the morning light. Sunbeams danced at her bedroom window, winking through the bare tree branches. She opened her eyes to find Shawn, wide awake, gazing down at her sleepy face. She returned his smile with a sensuous feline stretch against his side.

  "You look like a very satisfied lady,” he observed, running his straight forefinger down her nose to her soft lips. She kissed the tip, flicking her pink tongue against his cool skin, bringing a surprised look to his eyes. “You greedy little kitten,” he scolded, his wide grin countering his gruff words.

  In pure feminine logic, Casey questioned him. “Are you insinuating that my satisfaction may have been more satisfactory than your satisfaction?"

  He laughed happily at her fractured sentence. “If I follow you correctly, my only comment is that I've never been more satisfied in my life. Rest assured that my satisfaction was very satisfactory ... at least until next time,” he added wickedly.

  Her mind began to function again and she slipped out of bed, bringing her slim curves from beneath the covers. She watched unashamedly as Shawn's appreciative gaze ran along her body, dwelling at points and valleys that held special interest to his visual perusal.

  "You really are my match, Casey, my sweet,” he observed lovingly. “A brilliant mind inside a delectable body. Everything, and I do mean everything, you attempt comes out perfectly,” he complimented. “You're the answer to this man's dreams, honey. I just love making love to you."

  She drew on a soft ivory robe, tying the sash snug around her waist. “I expect you tried everything you ever learned in the art of making love,” she commented, meeting his level gaze.

  For a moment he looked a bit embarrassed. “I've had a little more experience than you, Casey. You know that."

  She nodded, then giggled delightfully. “I know, Shawn, and I'm not accusing you of anything. I just can't think of a single thing we didn't try.” She blushed to the tips of her toes when she thought about it.

  He lay back on his pillow, his arms folded comfortably beneath his head, enjoying her discomfort to the fullest. “Shows you need practice, baby,” he replied. “With two brilliant creative minds like ours housed within two strong healthy bodies, I figure it'll take a lifetime to investigate all the ways we'll find to make love together. Maybe longer."

  He gazed off in the distance, wondering silently when she'd recall that she'd told him. When she remembered, he'd tell her what he was feeling too.

  Casey turned her back and walked to the window. His little speech had triggered words she must have uttered aloud in the aftermath of their lovemaking. My lord! she thought, I told him I'd care for him forever. I said it! And now he knows. I've given him the final weapon to destroy my heart. She shuddered. I never meant for him to hear, she damned herself. You stupid unsophisticated woman! You've given it all to him now.

  "Something wrong, sweetheart?” Was she remembering?

  Quickly she pulled her tattered emotions together and pasted a bright smile on her strained features before she turned to him. “No, I was just thinking about last night and how wonderful it was.” At least that wasn't a lie! “But after breakfast I'm going to chase you out of here. The great Hilo Hustler must have a mountain of work to do today.” She teased in a light musical voice, the strength of which surprised even her with its ability to cover her true feelings.

  "Whatever I have to do can wait until tomorrow, Casey. It's Sunday, the day to rest ... and relax.” He opened his arms to her. “Come here, baby."

  She shook her head. “Huh-uh!” Searching for a way to be alone, she finally stumbled upon a truthful reason to make him leave. “It seems your expertise last night not only unlocked all my inner passion, it also released the roadblock that's been bothering me about your new product. In short, my good man—and you certainly are that—the mental cooker is boiling over. I've got to go back to the drawing board or my brain will explode."

  He smiled at her overt compliment. “You wouldn't be interested in a rather stimulating idea I have for releasing all that pressure, would you?” Temptingly he ran his hand along the blanket at his side. “I could make you forget!” And in the process perhaps you'd remember what you said last night.

  "Dammit, O'Brien!” she retorted in feigned anger. “You could make me forget my name. But I think you're forgetting that this problem is on your line, and that can't wait."

  He laughed softly at her embarrassment. “And Casey doesn't break her promises.” Say it, Casey! he begged silently. Tell me again that you promise to care forever.

  "No,” was all she could utter.

  Pushing his personal thoughts aside, he sat up, eyes alert. “You really think you've got it, Casey?"

  "I've got to work it out, Shawn. And I've got to be alone.” For more reasons than you'll ever know, my love, her heart added.

  "Okay,” he blustered theatrically, jumping out of bed. “I know when I'm not wanted."

  Not wanted? cried her heart as it began to shrivel up and die.

  "Promise you'll let me know?"

  Casey watched in mesmerized silence the process of covering up all that long muscled body that she loved so well. “I promise,” she replied, lowering her eyes when he caught her staring.

  Shawn had a light breakfast and freshly perked coffee waiting when she came downstairs in her oldest jeans and a faded soccer shirt.

  "Well, if it isn't the little tomboy come to visit.” He showed by a fierce little nip to her neck that he wasn't fooled for a minute. “Mmmm, seems as if I can tell the difference now. You're a girl,” he murmured, continuing to nuzzle her neck, kissing the fragrant pulse there, caressing her firm unfettered breasts. “No, you're a woman ... and you're mine ... all mine!” Would she speak now?

  "Don't start that again, Shawn,” she scolded, sitting down.

  He knew he would not hear her promise today. They made quick work of the breakfast and in a short time Casey walked Shawn to the door. He hugged her tight.

  "I'm going to miss you like my right arm today,” he whispered hoarsely. “I won't call you because I don't want to interrupt your work but you will get back to me by tonight, won't you?"

  She nodded.

  "Will you miss me too, honey?” Damn, why didn't he just tell her how he felt? he berated himself. Because she's not ready to hear it; she won't accept the inevitable ... yet, answered his aching heart. But soon, my love, soon!

  Again she nodded, unable to speak because every fiber of her body was telling him she'd miss him for all eternity. Then he left, whistling a merry tune as if he hadn't a care in the world.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 9

  Casey returned to the kitchen to clear away the breakfast dishes. Her mind continued to be consumed with thoughts about Shawn. “I'm so afraid.” She sighed heavily, then reminded herself about her promise to gamble everything for his love. And I've done exactly that! I told him I care. But he didn't say the words to me. “Why?"

  Why didn't he tell her? Had he had an u
nhappy experience with another woman? He'd never mentioned anything like that. Was it because he wasn't raised in a family where he could learn about the give and take of love? Surely, the good Sisters and the Puka clan gave him a glimpse of what loving was all about?

  Her head began to throb as she forced herself to continue. Was he afraid of making a mistake? Was he unable to make a commitment because of his parents’ untimely deaths? Did the rumors concerning his possible unsavory takeover deals have anything to do with it? Or, if she continued to have confidence in his honest business dealings as she'd promised herself, did he simply want to be completely on his own until he got his company on an even keel?

  "Good heavens, that could take a lifetime!"

  Nothing stays the same; everything changes. Except my love for you, Shawn O'Brien! she promised, feeling her heart constrict with the assumed knowledge that he would never risk his heart. With anyone.

  "I could make you so happy,” she whispered. “And you could make me complete ... if only you'd love me too.” Silently she finished her chores, using the dishtowel to swipe at the tears that dripped off her chin.

  After washing her face she went directly to her study. Within minutes all thoughts about her relationship with Shawn faded; other problems always vanished when she became immersed in the technological challenges of her profession. Quietly she reviewed her notes and figures as one hour followed another.

  Seeing a clue pop out of her numbers, grasping at the beginnings of a solution, she talked to the empty room. “I am on to something!"

  It was eleven o'clock that night when the answer came. Uncompromisingly she forced herself to recheck her figures and drawings one more time. Then, fully convinced, she shouted for joy and danced across the room.

  Mike came stumbling down the stairs. “What's going on, Casey?"

  She grabbed him around the waist and waltzed him around. “I found the answer, sweet Michael!” She laughed wildly. “I know how to fix it. Isn't that wonderful?"

  He pulled to a halt and smiled proudly. “I never had a doubt, Sis. You're one smart lady.” Then he yawned wide and stretched. “Can I go back to sleep now?"


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