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Beautiful Template_Diva's Ink

Page 11

by Liberty Parker

  “You happened, baby,” I say to her, and can’t hide the chuckle in my voice. She really did a number on him, and it’s fucking hilarious to see that she was able to cause that amount of damage to his face.

  “It’s not funny, Levi! Did I really do that?” she ask Carson.

  “It’s not that bad,” he says, trying to rid her of her guilt.

  “Not that bad! You look like you’ve gone a round or two in the ring…how is that not bad?” she asks, as she begins to cry again. This time, he pulls her away from me and gathers her into his lap.

  “Look at me, baby,” he says to her.

  “I don’t wanna look,” she replies. This time, Carson and I both laugh.

  She digs her face deeper into his neck and says, “I can’t believe I did that to you.” She wraps her arms around his neck, and I’m not sure if it’s guilt eating at her, or the memories that surfaced during her nightmare.

  “We need you to tell us if you remember what your nightmare was about, Rai.”

  “I remember, I remember everything. From the second I crawled out of bed, until the moment I was begging them to stop. I’d never felt pain like that before and I recall my body shutting down and the fight going out of me. They put something over my head and tied me up, I’ve never felt so helpless before. I couldn’t fight back, I had to just lay there and let them do to me what they were going to and pray that I made it out of the situation alive.”

  “That must’ve been terrifying for you,” Carson says to her.

  “It was, I fought, I swear I did, but there were two of them, and they got me while I was down. I stepped on something sharp, it caused me to bleed, and I was trying to feel what it was so I could remove it. One of them attacked me from behind, I didn’t even know she was there.”

  “How do you know it was a woman?” I ask her.

  “Because I could feel her nails, they were sharp and long. I don’t know any men who wear theirs that way.” Logical, I think. I would’ve come to the same conclusion had it been me in the situation.

  “They’ve been taken care of, neither of them will ever be able to hurt you again,” Carson tells her and I agree with his statement. You can see the relief in her eyes, but I have a feeling her nightmares are only beginning. We talk well into the morning, we inform her about Talley and Chrissy and who they were to us at one point in time. She doesn’t judge us, she only sits and listens. She asks questions here and there, and we answer them all to the best of our abilities. Who knows what goes through someone’s mind and why they do what they do. They can blame us all they want for breaking their hearts or whatever, but the actions they portrayed were theirs and theirs alone. No one held a gun to their heads and told them to go after our woman. They first harassed, stalked and then attacked her with no intentions of leaving with her alive and still breathing.

  Bullies come in all different shades of life. They can be men, women or children, they can attack in person or be keyboard warriors and hide behind the computer…whichever way they attack, it still leaves someone emotionally damaged on the inside. They are pussies as far as I’m concerned, and I do agree with my girl, there should be harsher consequences for those decisions. Someone shouldn’t promote self-harm and come out the victor, I firmly believe they should be charged with assisted suicide since they’re the ones encouraging someone to end their life and making them feel there is no one out there to help them, want them or encourage them to keep living.


  There’s nothing worse than waking up to the one you love crying out to stop being beaten. She made the most horrific sounds when she cried, and I feel the guilt settling in my gut from not being there to protect her when she needed me to. I vowed when her sisters went through their individual traumas that Rainey would never suffer the way they have, but she did, and worse. There wasn’t a damn thing I could do to stop it, we tried everything. But while we were out searching for those whores, they were at my house attacking my girl. I’ve never in my life hated anyone the way I hate Talley and Chrissy. What the fuck did I ever see in her to think I should’ve given her my time and effort? She was always a cunt and still is to this day, I should’ve looked the other way when she came into my life. But being a hormonal teenager, when a woman promises to suck your dick and spread her legs for you, all rational thought flies out the window. At fifteen years old, a boy is led around by his dick and nothing more. If I could go back and have a conversation with myself, I’d most definitely tell myself to run and stay away from the easy trolls. But there is no time-machine that lets us go back and fix our mistakes.

  Rainey finally falls back to sleep after hours of long and hard conversations. Levi and I were honest with her and told her what shitheads we were and how we used and left the sisters. She reminded us that we were all shitheads at some point in our lives as teenagers and we shouldn’t blame ourselves because she doesn’t. Wish that helped my mind get past what was done to her, being realistic however, I know that it will take awhile for Levi and me to get past the guilt and time for Rainey to mentally, emotionally, and physically recover. I’ll be there for her, just like I know she’ll be there for me. I once again find myself thinking about what a lucky son-of-a-bitch I am as I fall asleep with her wrapped in mine and Levi’s arms.


  Two weeks later…

  “They won’t touch me,” I’m telling Ariel as we sit in the break room at the shop. I came back to work a few days ago, I’m on light duty, meaning no lengthy hours or all-day tattoos.

  “What do you mean they won’t touch you? I just saw Carson devour your mouth before he took his client back to his station.”

  “Okay, let me put it this way…they won’t fuck me!”

  “Well, that’s different. And would you stop hollering? I’m only sitting a few inches from you and there’s nothing wrong with my hearing.”

  “Sorry,” I mutter, but I’m sexually frustrated and taking it out on anyone that I deem necessary. I know I’m being a bitch, especially if the look Ariel is sending my way is any indication, but I can’t help it, I need them and they won’t touch me.

  “Look, I’m not your enemy here, but I have to say, you didn’t see the two of them after you were attacked. It gave them a mind-fuck and I don’t think they’re over it yet. Give them time, they’ll come around. Just show them you’re fine and they’ll give you what you want.”

  “What do you mean mind-fucked? Explain please,” I say to her.

  She sighs at me, before saying, “You saw yourself in the mirror at the hospital once you woke up, you were a mess, sister. Imagine if it was one of them, and you walked into your house which had been ransacked, glass everywhere, furniture shredded and found one of ‘em passed out in the hallway, hogtied with a burlap sack wrapped around their heads. How would you deal?”

  “Not well,” I admit.

  “On top of that, they find out that it was their exes from a distant past. So, they have guilt of you being hurt and guilt of not being there. Give them a chance to get over the shock of it all…it may take some time, but it will happen.”

  “You’re right, fuck I hate saying those words, but you are. I’ll give it more time before I start pushing the issue with them. But I can’t promise it will be too long, I have needs you know.”

  “And they’ve always met them,” she reminds me. Which, once again, she’s correct, that tastes like shit coming out of my mouth. I don’t tell her yet again, there’s only so much of a swollen head she can take before her overinflated ego begins to work into overdrive. Dillon would make a noose and my head would be the star for that showdown. No thank you, I like my body intact the way it is. Plus, my skin chafes and the rope would give me a burn that wouldn’t look good on me.

  “Are you still going to therapy?” Ariel asks me bringing me out of my thoughts of the permanent noose necklace I’ve envisioned.

  “Every week, twice a week.”

  “Good,” she replies, “don’t give up, no matter how hard it g
ets, because we’re all here for you whenever and whatever you need us for. I love my sisters!

  Chapter 13


  Love is kind, gentle and forgiving…

  Six weeks later…

  I’m on the forum, sharing my story and am loving the feedback and support I’m garnishing from other victims. I still only remember pieces of that night, but what I have remembered has plagued me with nightmares. The guys have been wonderful throughout the ordeal, always getting up and comforting me until I’m able to settle again and fall back to sleep. The club, my family and the guys have been my backbone, how I thought I’d ever do this on my own still boggles me. The support system I have is unbreakable, I wish everyone had the same thing as I do. A lot of the people I talk to have been abandoned by those they trusted most. I am trying to be there and support them through their ordeals, but it’s easier said than done. There need to be stronger laws that protect them, and I’m meeting with an attorney later to see what I can do to try and help that process along.

  On the site, I’ve met a young man that goes by the name of Trevor, I’m not sure if this is his real name or if he’s attempting to be anonymous. He seems to be very young, I have gotten out of him that he’s still in high school and is being bullied for being a geek. He’s been shoved into lockers, beaten up and has been threatened on a daily basis. I’ve reached out to him the best way that I can, and he’s slowly but surely beginning to trust me and open up more and more. I found out today that he’s a foster kid and has been in the system since he was four. His parents were killed in an auto accident on the way home from work one evening. I can relate to him, having lost my dad and uncle in the same way. I’m worried about him since he thinks death would be better than facing the day each morning he wakes up and forces himself to walk out the door and head to school. I private messaged him and shared my number with him, I’m sure I’ll be getting an earful from my men for this, but I can’t sit back and hope that he’ll be on from one day to the next.

  He has nobody that he trusts or can open up to, and I want to be that person for him. I may not know him, but I have a deep-seated feeling that I may be the one who can make a big difference in his life. He signs off to do his homework and asks if it’s really okay to call me from time to time. I feel so bad for him that I promise it isn’t an issue for him to do so. I shut off my laptop and sit back on the couch, luckily my mother has loosened her skirt strings and isn’t making a nightly appearance until the guys get home. I’ve slowly begun working again, but can only do so much with the damage done to me. I’m in physical therapy three times a week, my cast has come off and I’m beginning to get strength back in my limbs. I close my eyes, trying to wrack my brain of ways to get him to trust me enough to meet with me so we can talk face-to-face. Before long, I hear the door rattle and open and know that my guys are here.

  “Rai, where are ya at?” I hear Levi ask.

  “I’m here on the couch.” The lights flicker on and he’s looking at me with a funny look on his face, this is a new one, one I’ve never seen before.

  “What are you doin’ sittin’ here in the dark all by yourself? Is everything okay?”

  “Yes and no,” I tell him.

  “Wanna talk about it?” he asks, sitting next to me on the couch. So I open up and tell him about my new friend, Trevor, and how I’m worried about him. I also tell him that I shared my number before Bomber has a chance to open his big fat mouth and tattle on me.

  “Should I get Bomber to check him out? I don’t like you handin’ out your number so easily to someone you don’t know. It could be someone playin’ a part tryin’ to get some information from you.” I turn my head and roll my eyes at the accusation, what harm can a teenage boy inflict upon me? I don’t voice that however, because since the whole Talley and Chrissy thing, the guys have been so protective that I can’t even sneeze without one of them running into the room to check on me and my well-being.

  “I wouldn’t mind Bomber checking him out, but not for the same reasons as you. I’m worried about him, he thinks death would be a better alternative to how he’s living now. He needs to be found before he does something that can’t be taken back.”

  “I’ll give him a call now, I won’t need any other information from you because as you’re aware, we’re still tracking things to make sure none of the other whores were in on this debacle.”

  “I get it, thank you. This means more to me than words can express. You’re my knight in shining armor.”

  “Not likin’ that title, Rai.” I laugh, because I probably should’ve described him as my knight riding on chrome and leather. I giggle at the thought and he looks over at me as he’s dialing Bomber. “What, Rai?”

  “Nothing, baby. Just a thought, keep going, I’m going to get dinner started. When is Carson due home?”

  “Soon, he had to run some parts to Tic’s house for him. He should be walkin’ in that door any minute now.”

  “I’m in the mood for steak, does that work for you?”

  “Babe, seriously? Meat and potatoes will never be turned down, I do have a dick you know.”

  “I’m very aware,” I say, earning me a growl and I see the heat flame in his eyes. I hope they’re willing to give me some tonight, they’ve treated me like spun glass and haven’t so much as made a sexual move towards me since I got home from the hospital five and a half weeks ago.

  “Soon, Rai, I won’t be able to go without you much longer either,” he says, and I feel like a giddy school girl upon hearing he’s having just as hard of a time as I am.

  I hear the front door open and Carson yells out, “Honey, I’m home! Come give me some lovin’, woman.” I rush to him and lift up on my toes and he meets me halfway giving me an all-consuming kiss. I moan into his mouth and he smacks my ass. “Later,” he says, causing me to moan for a different reason this time. I hate being denied my men, and these bitches have cost me weeks of ‘hands off’ from my men causing me to have the female version of blue balls, if that’s even a real thing, if not, I’m claiming it as so.

  “How much later are we talking here?” I ask him, while still pouting, my bottom lip sticking out.

  “Put your lip up, woman, soon means just that…soon, patience is a virtue you need to learn and plus, the wait will be well worth it, I can promise you that.”

  “You and Levi are so mean, the doctor released me, the least you can do is give me some release as well!” Yes, I’m yelling now, I mean fuck, a woman has needs and all that jazz. Just because I’m not a man doesn’t mean I don’t need to be taken care of as well.

  “You’ll be alright,” Levi says.

  “I’ll be alright once I relieve some of this tension, I’ll just wait until you two leave and take care of my damn self.” Fucking men! When they want some, you better believe I take care of them and their needs, now it’s me that’s suffering because the doctor mentioned in the hospital that if I didn’t heal all the way it could do more damage to my broken bones and bruised limbs.

  “Awe, is our baby feelin’ neglected?” Levi asks me.

  “Yes, yes, I do, what are you gonna do about it?”

  “I’m gonna put you over my knee and spank that sass right outta you is what I’m gonna do,” Carson says, and I roll my eyes, because those two wouldn’t lift a finger towards me unless we’re in bed and doing the horizontal mambo.

  Deciding to test my theory I say to him, “Do it.” His eyes flash with heat, and I clamp my legs tight, because my pussy is throbbing from that look alone.

  “Run,” he says, and I take him seriously and haul ass to the bedroom, with giggles leaving me. Finally, they decide to not treat me like someone so easily broken.


  Levi laughs as I chase Rainey down the hallway, and into the bedroom. I’m hard as stone seeing as it’s been weeks since I’ve had my hands on her in any sexual way. I’ve been jacking off to thoughts of her and things I want to do to her and her body. My hand is tired and my cock
is aching. I need to feel her wet heat as I slide inside of her tight pussy. It’s not a want…it’s a need, one that I plan on taking care of here very shortly. I catch her before she hits the bed and grab her by her chest, I pull her into my body and whisper in her ear, “Thought you could get away from me, wrong, baby, I’ll never let you go. You’re mine, for now and always and whatever lies in between.” I feel her body shiver and notice bumps jump up on her delicate skin. Her beautifully inked masterpiece that I love to run my tongue over every chance I get.

  “I wanted you to catch me,” she says.

  “Well, now that you’re caught, what should I do with you?”

  “You know what you should do,” she states, breathlessly. I watch as her chest pumps up and down in excitement, but I don’t want to give into her too easily. Build up makes it worth it in the end.

  “Ah, should I give in so easily, love?” I question her.

  “Why do you two want to punish me for something that I had no control over? I need you, I need to feel loved by you. Please, love me, Carson.”

  “I’ll always love you, Rainey. That doesn’t mean I’m always goin’ to give you your way instantaneously. You need to learn patience and trust me and Levi to give you and your body what you need.”

  “There’s that word again…patience, I really hate it when you two use it. Can’t we come up with a new word, like, I don’t know…serenity, something I’ll be seeing at the end of a tremendous orgasm?”

  “Someone’s wearin’ their sassy pants today. Do you fit in those pants well, or are they a little snug on you, darlin’?”

  “Darlin’, since when do you call me that?”

  “I think it’s fittin’ to call you that due to the occasion, don’t you?”


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