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Beautiful Template_Diva's Ink

Page 12

by Liberty Parker

  “Would you just shut up and fuck me already!” She’s losing all control, and I like it when the feisty, demanding side of her comes out to play…makes me anxious to punish her while I’m balls deep inside.

  “Think you need a muzzle,” I inform her.

  “Whatever you need to do to fuck me, I’m in,” she says, looking over her shoulder at me. Levi walks into the room and heads towards his dresser. He pulls out a bandana, comes over to us, makes a knot in the center and places it in her mouth. Once it’s tied, I realize that all I’m getting are muffled sounds…it’s a job well done.

  “There, that should shut the little hell cat up,” he states proudly.

  We begin the process of slowly removing her clothes. I can see the impatience on her face, her expression telling me that she’s ready to pounce on us, but we’re going to take it easy on her this first time since she’s still recovering from her assault. Levi and I get rid of our clothes and I lay down on the bed, I pull Rainey on top of me and feel her juices leaking onto my stomach. Guess there’s no need for foreplay, our woman is ready for us.

  “Ride me, Rainey, nice and slow.” She gets a gleam in her eye and positions herself on top of me. She slowly slides down, and I have to count to ten in my head so I don’t explode inside of her before she even begins. “It’s been too long, you feel so fucking good swallowing my cock in your tight pussy.” I feel Levi settle himself behind her and I hear him tear the condom wrapper. Once he has himself and her prepared he grabs her hips to keep her from moving and slides inside of her ass. Once he’s settled he slaps her ass and I hear her moan beneath the bandana.

  Levi leans down over her back and says, “You just had to go and get all mouthy on us so now we can’t hear your moans, baby. Thinking I need to turn your ass red while I fuck it.” Her pussy clenches on my dick and I moan out the same time that she does. Seems our woman wants her ass turned red, I love seeing our handprint impressions upon her pasty white cheeks. She wears our marks so beautifully, just like a beautiful template ready to be framed by our artwork. He slaps her again and then slams inside of her, when he pulls back I push in, I see her eyes roll and know that it won’t take her long to let go and scream out in pleasure…well as best as she can while gagged. We go back and forth, over and over, she squeezes us and Levi smacks her. He pulls out of her and helps her up off of me. “I think we need to find something else to keep that mouth of yours occupied.” Knowing what he wants, I get up and help her get on all fours. He lays on the bed in front of her, back propped up against the headrest and we position her with her mouth right over his dick. He removes her makeshift muzzle and demands, “Suck,” and she complies and wiggles her ass at me as her head descends. I raise her hips up higher, line myself up and slam home. I pump my hips forward and backwards, I go hard, then soft. Fast then slow, I see Levi’s fingers playing with her nipple piercings and she moans around him and he groans out from the pleasure those vibrations are giving him.

  I’ve been on the receiving end of those blowjobs, and it’s hard not to shove yourself down her throat and make her take you whole. “Fuck, Rainey, swallow him!” I command. I pick up the pace, watching her give him head turns me on, I pick up the pace, slamming into her over and over again, as hard and brutal as I can, going as deep inside of her as her body allows.


  “Swallow me, take every fuckin’ inch I have,” I say to her, as I pump my hips up, and bury myself as deeply as I can into her throat. She takes me so well, I love watching my cock as it disappears in her mouth, and past those fuckable lips she wears so well. It doesn’t take long before cum shoots out of the tip of my dick and slides down her throat, I see and feel her swallowing, and if I’m not careful I’ll be hard all over again. Carson and Rainey both holler out seconds apart from each other as they too find their release. They fall into my lap and it takes minutes for us to gain control of our breathing enough to be able to move from our positions.

  Carson heads to the bathroom to clean himself and comes back into the room with a washrag in hand. I help him move her off of me so he can clean her and I can go and take care of myself. I threw the condom on the floor before I shoved my dick in her mouth, so I make sure to grab it so I can toss it. I finish and come back and join them in bed.

  “I can’t feel my legs,” she complains.

  “Was it worth the wait?” I ask her. She gets a sly look on her face before nodding at me. “Then it was a job well done.” She laughs, and I can’t help but lean over and kiss the top of her head.

  “When do you want to get married?” Carson asks her, I’m suddenly more alert than I was previously, waiting on her reply.

  “Not this again, why do we have to get married? I don’t want to be the one to choose between the two of you. I love you equally and could never make that kind of decision. I’m happy just having both of you in my life, I don’t need a paper to tell the world what you mean to me. As long as the two of you know, that’s all that matters…right?” she asks, biting on her bottom lip, which she does when she’s worried about what we’ll say or how we’ll feel.

  I decide to be honest with her, because if nothing else she deserves that from us…honesty at all times. “Rai, I don’t give a fuck which one of us you marry, neither does Carson. But we want to have a wedding and commitment ceremony. Insurance, and those types of things will be easier if you carry our name. Plus, any children we conceive needs our last name and to be legally connected to us. It may just be a piece of paper to you, I know you already wear our patch and in the club’s eyes we’re as good as married, but we need that legality. It’s not only to protect you, but us as well.”

  “Fine, I don’t care either way, you two decide and just tell me when and where and I’ll be there. But, realize just because I’m legally married to one of you, it doesn’t mean I’m any less committed to the other and I won’t put up with any type of jealousy. I’ll cut both of your dicks off and we can just adopt. I won’t put up with any dissension in our relationship, it doesn’t give the one I’m not married to permission to leave the relationship at any time…we’re together, all of us, or none of us.”

  “Agreed,” Carson and I say simultaneously. We really don’t care, as long as we know she and any children we may have are legally protected, no matter what may happen to either one of us in the future. The fact that she’s finally given in and has agreed has my stomach doing cartwheels. Finally!

  “How’s tomorrow sound?” Carson asks her, and she laughs, only I know how serious he is when he asked her.

  “We need to get a license, figure out where and get it planned. A wedding doesn’t just happen overnight,” she states like we’re brain dead.

  “We’ll take care of everything, baby. You just find yourself a dress and flowers and leave the rest up to us to delegate out to your sisters, mother and the Ol’ ladies.”

  “That sounds delightful, I’m not really into the whole planning thing anyways,” she says on a yawn.

  “Sleep, baby, we’ve got this,” Carson says, kissing her. She leans over to me and I give her a kiss as well. This night couldn’t have ended any better if I do say so myself…I fall asleep with a big smile on my face and dreams of our future.

  Chapter 14


  There’s no such thing as cold feet

  when you marry the ones you love…

  The guys weren’t playing around when they said they’d organize and take care of everything. The moment they announced it to our family and friends, things got busy, and I was shuttled here and there in hopes of finding the perfect wedding dress. Instead of letting it stress me out, I’ve found laughter helps you not throttle the mother of the bride-to-be. My mother is an enigma in herself, but when she gets her planning hat on, you better believe you need to steer clear from her path, or destruction will take you under. I know she means well, but she’s done this to all three of us now. My sisters have been plying me with plenty of alcohol so I don’t freaking kill her in her
sleep. They’ve also become my comedic relief, which is where the laughter comes into play. One thing I’ve remembered about my mom, it’s that she’s a control freak from hell. She micromanages everything, and I’m about ready to say fuck it and go to the justice of the peace or just elope.

  My guys would never go for it, but a girl can dream, can’t she? I try to pull my big girl panties on and just deal, but today, right now, she’s driving me up a wall. “Mom! Stop, there’s nothing wrong with my hair, the guys like it hanging down my back the same way I like to wear it. Please stop trying to get me to do some fancy up-do, it isn’t happening.”

  “Why do you girls always have to make things harder than they have to be? You’ll only get married once, let your mother have her way for once. You’ve always been so hard-headed and won’t let me do my motherly things.”

  “Motherly things? That sounds scary coming from your mouth, and it’s not my fault I’ve always been set in my ways, Mom. I’m not a girly-girl, hell, none of us have ever been. You’ve had plenty of years to get used to us being the way we are. Suck it up, and let’s move the fuck on.”

  She slaps my shoulder, “Language, there are little kids present.” I look over, and see both of the kids sound asleep in their playpens in the corner.

  “They’re sound asleep, Mom! Stop hitting me, it’s my wedding day for fuck’s sake.” She goes to slap the back of my head, but I dodge her and run and stand behind Emory.

  “Mom, you can’t be hitting on her, it wasn’t that long ago she was assaulted, she’s still mentally and emotionally healing,” Emory huffs out, hands on her hips, and she’s taken a protective stance in front of me. My next move is childish I know, but I stick my tongue out at my mom, who then glares at me.

  “Not funny, young lady, and I hate it when the three of you gang up on me,” she states, turning around and unplugging all of the torture devices she had lined up to use on my poor head. “One day, I won’t be here, and you girls will remember these times, and be sad that you didn’t let me get my way.” And there it is, Glory Masters’ infamous guilt trip. She’s used it on us our entire lives, and it always works…and I hate that we’re not strong enough to say ‘no’ during these times.

  “Fine,” I huff out, “if it means that much to you, you can do whatever it is you want to do to my hair, stop wallowing though, and don’t hit me. I’ll sit in the torture chair, jeez.”

  Thirty-minutes later, and a bunch of ‘owe, that hurts’ later, I have my hair partially up in the front, and the rest is hanging in curls down my back. “You look beautiful, baby girl,” she says to me, mistakenly kissing the top of my head where I kid you not, she used an entire can of hairspray to make my hair stay the way she wants it to. She begins sputtering and sticking her tongue out to get the aftertaste of spray out of her mouth.

  “Serves you right for putting so much of that gunk on my hair,” I say, and get up to go over and let Ariel do my make-up. Shyann wakes up from her nap, and immediately puts her arms up for her mother. Emory is such a good mom, I’m so happy for not just Marcus and her, but for my niece as well. I hate to think what may have happened to her if they hadn’t come into her life. As Ariel works her magic on my face, I admire and watch as my sister takes care of Shyann’s every need. She talks so sweet to her, but not using those crazy baby like voices. They talk to her as a human and that’s helped in her development. The words that she uses, are crisp and clean, you can understand every word she says while speaking with you.

  “You make a very beautiful bride, sister,” Ariel says, making my eyes begin to water. “None of that, today is a happy day, let’s fill it with nothing but laughter, joy, and smiles.” And just like that, my oldest sister makes everything perfect for me. They help to get me in my dress, and when I look in the mirror, and see the final product -- hair, make-up, and my beautiful dress, I can’t believe it’s really me looking back at myself from the reflection. My family is amazing, as crazy as we all are, we’re a great team at the end of the day.

  “It’s time,” I hear Tic holler out as he bangs on the door. Today, Tic will be walking me down the aisle. When I asked him, I could’ve sworn tears developed in his eyes, but just as quickly as I thought they were there, they were gone. He hugged me so hard that I could’ve sworn I’d leave with a bruise or two. After him telling me how honored he was, over and over again, he finally walked out the back door, inciting he needed ‘some fresh air’. My guys rolled their eyes, because we all knew it was emotional for him, and Tic doesn’t do emotions well. Kori followed him out the door after patting me on the shoulder, saying, ‘I’ve got this’ and left.

  My soon to be sister-in-law is the shit. Kori planned, organized, and made it possible for me not to have to lift one single finger. She’s a damn good wedding planner, I told her she should start a side business, she told me nonsense, she loved nursing, so that was the end of that discussion. The other Ol’ ladies have stepped in and took care of all the minuscule things that are annoying to some, but they took it in stride, all while wearing smiles on their faces. The door opens, and Tic is standing there in his nice jeans, white button-down shirt, and cut. Since he’s my guys’ brother, and he looks this hot, I can’t wait to see what they look like. My mouth waters at the picture that’s in my head. I still don’t know which brother I’m marrying, and which one we’re committing ourselves to, but it doesn’t matter to me which one goes on paper, so I decided I was fine without knowing. I love surprises, and this will be the best one of them all. I wish I didn’t feel like I was picking one over the other, but they don’t see it that way, and hopefully my mind will rectify that decision and not harp on it in a twenty-four-hour loop.

  “I’m here now, if you were plannin’ on runnin’ your time has officially run out,” Tic says, and we all crack up.

  “I’m not going anywhere, those two are stuck with me for the rest of their lives,” I inform him.

  “Best thing that’s ever happened to them, welcome to the family darlin’,” he says, and I have to fan my eyes to keep them from tearing up.

  “Awe, that’s sweet, now let’s get these three married,” Ariel says, grabbing my bouquet of sunflowers and daisies. Odd combination I know, but they’re my favorites, and the Ol’ ladies wanted me to have both instead of having to make a choice.

  “I’m ready,” I say, wrapping my arm in Tic’s, grabbing my flowers and plastering a smile on my face.

  “My brothers are very lucky men indeed,” he states, as he begins walking me out the door.

  “I’m the lucky one,” I tell him. He nods his head and beams a smile down at me.

  “If you say so, but I’m calling bullshit.” Hey, he stole my line!

  We make it to the doors that lead to my men, I watch as my sisters walk down the aisle, Shyann is our flower girl, so she walks with her mother, and Devan is our ring bear. He too, walks down the aisle with his. Of course, my sisters are carrying them, seeing as the art of walking isn’t yet within their grasp. I look around the door and see my men standing at the end of the aisle waiting on me and I gasp, my-my, my men are awfully handsome, I can’t wait to say our vows and spend forever nestled in their arms.


  I didn’t think this day would ever come, and if we’d left it up to Rai, it never would have. I jumped the second she agreed and ran with it, got the ladies to organize everything, my only job was handing over my credit card, which Carson is splitting the charges with me and helping me pay the credit card off, because these women are spend happy. But that’s okay, as long as it’s a dream come true for my Ol’ lady, I’d gladly hand over every cent I have to my name.

  As I stand up front of the clubhouse, Rainey’s only condition on where we should wed, I get butterflies in my stomach in anticipation of making her ours forever. Carson and I sat and talked, he feels that with me being the oldest I should marry her, which means the bargain we made was, he gets to father the first child with her. It was a plan we’d formed a long time ago, we’ll both be
considered fathers to all children that come from our relationship, none will be treated any differently, but we’d both like to have children that are biologically ours. It shouldn’t matter, I realize this, but it’s a pride thing for the two of us. The three of us agreed to only two children, I honestly would like more, but Rainey feels two is her limit.

  Carson picked the song she walks down the aisle to us, and what he picks nearly brings tears to my eyes because it’s the perfect song. ‘My wish for you’ starts, and I see my brother, Tic, walking her towards us. Her eyes are bright, and the happiness radiating off of her is mesmerizing. I find myself drawn to her, as always, and can’t wait until she makes it to me, and I can hold her in my arms. In a few short minutes she will be tied to me forever, and I can’t wait to sign my name on the dotted line of the official document.


  Last night, we had a mini-bachelor party with the brothers at the clubhouse. They drove me crazy with worrying about me and how I’m feeling with not being the one to ‘officially’ marry our girl. I’m secure enough in our relationship and don’t worry about being pushed to the side. I know I’m just as important and essential as a partner in our relationship as Levi and Rainey are. If I were to leave, it would affect them as much as it would me. As we’re standing at the end of the makeshift altar, and the music begins I look over at my brother and see the music is affecting him as much as it did me when I first heard it.

  Rainey makes a beautiful bride, her hair is different, and styled. I prefer her more natural, but I’m sure her sisters and mother had a hand in talking her into this. I just want her to be ours, doesn’t matter to me if she showed up with her hair unbrushed, no make-up on, and wearing nothing but a burlap sack. As long as she’s legally ours, that’s all that matters to me.


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