Jihada: The Lost Scriptures
Page 17
The Gods surveyed the JIHADA’S progress.
The dominant species no longer had the capability of destroying itself by warfare; nuclear fall-out had been eliminated, and a third world war would still leave billions of survivors. They had pursued several culling options over the centuries; countless wars, diseases, famines; and still the human race had resisted all attempts to restrain its ever accelerating onwards progress towards self annihilation. The one thing that the Gods could not control was the never ending cycle of breeding. Evolution had run out of control; no matter what the Gods devised, the ingenuity of this one particular dominant species had always come up with an answer. No other planet had ever presented them with such a problem.
It had been over 2000 years ago that the plan to create a religious war had been devised as a way of culling the species. Initially the plan had been partially successful, as not only had non Christians destroyed Christians, but Christians had waged constant warfare on and between each other; but soon its impact had started to wane. 500 years later a second religion was created; the rivalry between the two religions was expected to put a brake on any further expansion. The birth of the JIHADA was to be the catalyst for the final solution. It had been 1500 years in its’ planning, and now was the time to put the plan into action.
Allah was not pleased with the progress. He had planned to leave the entire planet in the hands of the religion that he himself had created in his own image 1500 years ago. There was to be no sharing with the Christian God. This dominant species were to honor him - and he alone.
There would only be Islam.
The JIHADA’S work was incomplete. His plan had not taken into account the nature and resilience of this dominant species. For Allah’s Prophesy to be completed, Allah himself would have to interfere. He would have to break the rules.
Captain Stevens and lieutenant Knowles were on the bridge of the USS Mississippi as the ship’s doctor entered and excitedly shouted. ‘Its kicked off again sir; Pakistan has just gone nuclear on India. One missile on Mumbai: that will have taken out millions.
I expect that India will by now have pressed the button. Where next; what the hell has gone wrong with the world? Pakistan are completely denying any involvement, and say that all of their weapons are accounted for, and they have no wish to be at war with anyone. No one tracked the missile coming in, it just exploded out of nowhere. Both China and Russia have gone onto red alert and are threatening India with a totally destructive nuclear strike if she were to retaliate’.
The first mate joined them on the bridge and in a completely nonchalant and impassive voice remarked, ‘It has happened again sir, one of our nuclear missiles has gone missing. Do you think we should keep quiet about it this time and wait for it to come back home again sir? I have had the missile room locked down and posted guards at each entrance with strict orders to allow no one other than yourself and Lieutenant Knowles entry’.
Captain Stevens and Lieutenant Knowles looked at each other in both alarm and horror. Where had the disappearing missile gone to? They both had a feeling of deep foreboding; somehow they knew that this time, it was not going to come back. They also knew that to inform the military authorities in America would place the whole country in jeopardy; very few forms of communication were completely secure from prying eyes and listening ears. If the missile that had exploded on Mumbai was indeed an American missile, their American missile, there was simply no telling which way the nuclear powers of the world would react. Would Russia and China assume that the US was looking for world domination and in turn launch a pre-emptive strike against her.
The whole world was balancing between war and peace: no one was safe from suspicion.
Captain Stevens dispatched a war plane from his ship with a hand written message for ‘the eyes only-Admiral Black’. Technology was no longer secure; the principles and practices of the First World War were returning. Was this to be a foretaste of things to come?
It was late afternoon when the missile appeared in Mumbai, directly alongside the Gateway of India monument. Standing 15 metres tall, an excited crowd of onlookers soon gathered around, many of them in a state of shock, as for these people, the missile had just appeared out of thin air before their very eyes.
The Gateway of India monument was an imposing 26 metre basalt and concrete arch, and had been so named because it was the first sight that greeted European travelers as they sailed into Mumbai, or Bombay as it used to be named during the days of the British Raj. Built to commemorate the visit of King George V and Queen Mary, it was finished in 1924, and its historical significance still attracted millions of visitors each year.
Hurried phone calls were made to the higher echelons of the Indian government, most of whom were in Europe to discuss the escalating Muslim problem, and how to deal with it. India already had her solution in place, her presence at the meeting was simply a formality and a well planned cover to distract attention away from her own plans and her own solution: the final solution; unlike Hitler’s extermination of the Jews, this one truly would be final.
Fifty miles away, people looked skywards as a brilliant flash of light lit up the early evening sky.
Ten miles away people seeing the flash would never see again, as their eyes burned and their skin bubbled and split, and permanent blindness set in.
Two miles away, people would never be seen again as their bodies vaporized due to the Thermal effect.
At the Gateway of India Monument, temperatures reached 100 million degrees Celsius, the same temperature as the core of the sun, and the thermal column rose skywards before cooling and forming the familiar mushroom shaped cloud.
Only 35% of the energy had been expended in the thermal flash as it travelled at the speed of light, the rest being contained within the blast wave. Travelling at over 600 miles an hour, nothing was left standing for a radius of 5 miles in any direction; few creatures were still alive 10 miles away in any direction.
Within minutes, most of Mumbai’s 25 million inhabitants were vaporized, dead or dying; there were not enough hospital beds in India to treat even a small fraction of the burns victims.
The Indian Government at the European meeting heard the news almost as it happened and looked on in silent horror as images of the destruction, taken by satellite, were flashed across the screens of the meeting room. Most of them lived in Mumbai; their wives, children and grand children were no longer of planet earth. The world would pay; not just the Muslim world – the entire world.
India was one of the world’s dominant economic super powers, and was the leading pharmaceutical country in both research and production. Both Russia and China were wary and envious of India’s rapid growth, often at the expense of their own economies. Militarily, India had fallen behind, preferring to improve living standards and channel her finances into education, research and development. Western countries flocked to buy the pharmaceuticals and high value goods that India now produced.
The economic importance of Russia was irrelevant as the decline in world demand for oil and gas shrank. Her economy along with that of China had stagnated and was on a steep downwards curve. Too much of Russia’s oil and gas money had been spent trying to keep pace with both the American and Chinese military developments. The remaining trillions had been spirited out of the country by the 5% of the population under whose corrupt control it had been placed. Russian finance, technology and manufacturing had barely moved forwards since the disastrous introduction of Communism well over a century before.
China was no longer a low cost manufacturing economy; wages had risen to the same levels as their economic rivals, and the once world dominant economy was in serious decline. This in turn had created much social unrest, leading to riots, and a massive military clampdown. Lack of food was the problem; their policy of having a one child per family rule had backfired on them, as an ageing popul
ation had proved itself to be economically unsustainable. For the last few decades, the failed policy had been amended and there had been unrestricted breeding, this, together with a massive reduction in competitiveness had led to too many people looking for both work and food.
It was against this background that India had reviewed her options; she was convinced that the complete annihilation of her Mumbai business community had been perpetrated by one or all of the three main Asian powers working together in collusion, with Pakistan being the most likely culprit.
Whilst still at the meeting, the Indian government officials made the fateful decision that would set the human race on the path to destruction.
Simultaneously, tiny phials of a clear liquid were released in all the main cities of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Russia, China and ALL Islamic nations.
India’s agents returned home to India for their injections; many of her population having already received similar injections under the guise of an Ebola vaccination program. Many had been purposely excluded from the program: there were too many people already living in the country; those that did not contribute to the country’s economy were simply a drain on resources – surplus to requirement. India also had to sacrifice a fair proportion of her population: to remain disease free would point the finger of suspicion firmly in her direction, and most certainly provoke retaliation.
The people that did not matter were sacrificed; old people, mentally ill people, disabled people, the lower caste untouchables, and Muslims; particularly the Muslims. The Muslims of India’s new world order must be eliminated from the face of the earth, especially the home country.
The western world would soon be paying vast amounts of money for this vaccine.
Her confidant and co-conspirator in the American establishment had already been paid. He also had to be informed of the action that India had just taken: even though world travel was now seriously curtailed, the oncoming Doomsday scenario had to have limits to its destruction. Where would India sell her products? Having made such tremendous economic progress over the past few decades, there would be little point if she became the only country with the means to buy them ---- the only country with the people still alive to buy them.
The Gods looked down on developments. Things were once again going according to plan; the 2000 year old plan. The destructive, greedy and violent nature of the planet’s dominant species was finally to be used to achieve the God’s long term plans to control its numbers. The cull was now beginning in earnest. In centuries to come, their numbers would rise again, and a new plan would have to bring about the necessary rebalancing.
The Gods were never happy with having to impose a cull. Every planet had to occasionally be rebalanced. This planet had been particularly difficult; the rules prevented them from taking part in the cull; they could only put in place their agreed plan. The dominant species of this planet had evolved a little too rapidly; it had been allowed to run out of control.
Allah had allowed the JIHADA to break the rules. The Gods could not kill. Those rules had been in place since before time began. No one had ever broken the Rules of the Universe. A nuclear strike created by the JIHADA could not be accepted; a nuclear strike engineered and orchestrated by the JIHADA was within the rules. The ruling of the Gods would be final.
Once again, the unpredictability of the planet’s dominant species had been unforeseen. The expected retaliation had not materialized; the unexpected had.
The GODS were angry with Allah.
The JIHADA had to leave the planet: leave the domain of the Gods: forever banished from the Planet of the Gods; condemned to roam the universe as no more than a thought; a thought without power; a thought without purpose, condemned for eternity.
The JIHADA had one final act to perform.
The Prophesy of the LOST SCRIPTURES must be fulfilled.
That was the will and the word of Allah, as spoken directly to the
Prophet Mohammad
The Pestilence
America was slowly returning to a controllable normality. The whole of the country was now involved in the disposal of countless millions of bodies. Whole fields where crops had once grown were now the scene of mass graves, graves that contained thousands of stinking, putrefying corpses, many of them simply dumped and covered with lime and sand. Redundant quarries, some of them over a mile deep rapidly filled with tens of thousands of bodies; layer upon layer of bodies; rocks, soil and sand covering them, pushed in by giant earth moving equipment driven by men wearing breathing equipment and surrounded by millions of hungry black flies that only days before had feasted on the bodies as maggots.
Nothing however could eliminate the smell; millions of decaying bodies, even when buried, turned into giant liquid pools of flesh and bubbling gas; this gas bursting out of the mass graves, often exploding, and causing massive fireballs. Giant container ships were employed to dump thousands of unidentifiable men, women and children far out into the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Hidden pockets of Muslims and Hispanics that had not fled across the border to Mexico were still hunted down. The much reduced black population of the US had neither forgotten nor forgiven. The Hispanics were not Muslim and had nothing to do with the Islamic atrocities; this mattered not at all; the blacks hated the Hispanics, and now was the time and the opportunity to correct the imbalance and to settle old scores without police or military intervention.
England’s 10 million Muslims had virtually disappeared. For those that had survived the Indigenous population’s retribution, the Government had arranged for mass deportation to their original homeland. UK born Muslims were deported and dumped in the nuclear devastated barren wastelands that had once been Iraq and Syria. No longer would Britain tolerate Islam.
France and Italy adopted a similar strategy, at the same time, closing their borders and airports to anyone other than Christians fortunate enough to escape from any predominantly Islamic country.
In the Islamic countries, ethnic cleansing and mass genocide of Christians, Jews, and Buddhists was still underway.
It was around 6 weeks after the JIHADA’S banishment that reports began to circulate the world of a new epidemic in the East. People in Russia, China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and most of the world’s Islamic countries were simply dying in their sleep for no apparent reason. Soon, this trickle of isolated deaths turned into a torrent. There could be no cure for the problem, as no problem could be found to exist. Initially funerals were conducted and burials or cremations arranged; it did not take long for panic to set in.
Major cities were the first to be hit, and soon the streets became deserted. Panic overwhelmed all public services and as the death toll reached thousands and then millions, the surviving city inhabitants headed for the countryside; their homes now unlivable with the overwhelming stench of death and decay as the maggots consumed the putrefying bodies, creating a fly population numbering in the trillions. Swarms of these black monsters were so large that there were times when they seemed to block out the sun’s rays. Compounding the fly problem was the dust cloud that was now circling the earth as a result of Israel’s nuclear strike on the 4 Arab countries.
The political powers of India smiled with cruel satisfaction as the bodies of the sick, the old, the mentally and physically infirm, the untouchables and the lazy poor were consumed by fire. There could be no blame leveled at them; why would they infect their own country? What wasn’t initially noticed was the almost total disappearance of India’s Muslims. Like the rest of the population, they had all been inoculated, - like the sick, the old and the poor, their vaccine was little more than colored water, - a totally inert and useless placebo.
Massive stockpiles of vaccines found their way into Europe, Australia, and the richer countries of the Far East; vaccines that had been years in their development and preparation: vaccines th
at were proven to be 100% successful.
Money did not always change hands; India now had more money and gold than she could ever utilize; money was of little use if it was from a redundant currency emanating from a near extinct race of people.
India took payment in kind; land, mining companies, precious stones, great works of art, multi millionaire’s yacht’s, fully laden oil tankers, ocean liners, fleets of luxury cars, and engineering equipment of all kinds. The world’s riches flowed into an already rich and prosperous country. India held all the aces in the pack; she could now hold the world to ransom. This would not be forgotten. The world was powerless – they had to meet India’s terms or face annihilation, followed by extinction.
The rich and the famous of the infected Muslim countries, together with the politicians and the highest ranking military men looked to India for help. India obliged; soon these people would be the only ones alive in their own countries; they would be grateful to India, and as their numbers were so limited, they would also be very compliant; unaware that the vaccine, so expensively bought, was not the 100% life saver that they expected. It was a slightly modified version that kept away death for only a few months.
India needed the space; her population was now past the one and a half billion mark; soon there would be nowhere to build; nowhere to grow food.
There had been no need for tanks or missiles to accomplish what India had been planning for the past 16 years; all it had taken was the tiniest, mutated air born virus from the original Ebola strain, and a slightly rearranged DNA. The virus simply worked its way into the brain and told it to shut down the heart at a time of its own choosing. It was quite simply the perfect Trojan Horse; - 100% successful, and virtually 100% undetectable to anyone other than the world’s most advanced nations.