Jihada: The Lost Scriptures
Page 18
India also knew of the LOST SCRIPTURES, and with assistance of the CIA and the Israelis, had been planning her move from the day that the JIHADA had been born. India knew only too well of the growing power of Islam, and being surrounded by Muslim countries she also recognized her vulnerability.
There was to be only limited ethnic cleansing in India; and much ethnic cleansing by India.
Without the vaccine, no one on earth would survive the pestilence. No Muslim country was to have the vaccine. The earth was to be cleansed of the Islamic plague. The Prophesy would not be fulfilled.
The LOST SCRIPTURES were to disappear, together with all of the believers.
There would be no Islam.
The homecoming
There was great excitement among the remote Afghanistan villagers as Mohamed Abu Raheem returned to his mountain home for the first time in over 15 years. He had left at the age of 19 to enter one of India’s top universities. This was the Indian government’s policy; her scouts searched the poorer countries of the world for outstanding scholars and invited them to come to India, offering them the world’s finest education and the promise of untold riches.
In return, they had to stay in the country for a minimum of 10 years, working on India’s research and development programs. Few of these young men and women returned to their homeland other than for the occasional family reunion; most of them had found Indian brides or husbands, and had begun their own families, invariably working in well paid chemical or pharmaceutical jobs.
The policy had been a resounding success: India now had many of these industry’s leading brains, and a virtual world monopoly in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Precious little money had been wasted on defense; there had been little point, as strategically positioned in all the countries that surrounded her, were nuclear missiles ready to be launched; so what use were tanks and guns?
She had her own stockpile of by now obsolete nuclear weapons, whose only use was as a deterrent against Muslim Pakistani aggression. The knowledge of MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction, had prevented the hatred between the two countries erupting into all out warfare for many generations.
This policy had also been immensely successful: whilst her potential enemies had spent much of their earned wealth, and squandered their natural resources on expensive military equipment, India had produced a weapon with which she could now hold the world to ransom; all it had taken was the slightest modification in the DNA of the standard and by now totally controllable Ebola virus, and the incurable, invulnerable monster had been created.
Mohamed Abu Raheem had tamed the monster and created the perfect vaccine. India was eternally grateful and he had been well rewarded.
Mohamed had also read into the Indian Government’s intention of eliminating Islam from the face of the Earth: - his Islam; - the faith of Allah, his God.
The JIHADA had visited Mohamed many times in his dreams.
With the JIHADA’S banishment, Mohamed Abu Raheem was now Allah’s representative on the planet.
The Prophesy of the LOST SCRIPTURES would still be fulfilled: that was Mohamed’s duty to his god.
The Meeting 5
The Defense Chiefs were sat around the oval table in the White house; they had been meeting in the bomb proof secure room as the Pentagon had disintegrated. None of them had been injured, but the mental scars of seeing hundreds of their staff blown to pieces rested heavily on them; was this what they inflicted on the people deemed enemies of America?
It was a simple enough task giving orders to annihilate people while they were sat in the comfort of their offices; they were insulated from the reality and the consequences; they had never before thought that the result of their orders actually hurt people. They were just doing their duty, yet now, they had seen the result of such orders at ground zero.
The Defense Chiefs now felt impotent: what use was the world’s biggest and most potent military war machine against something as small as a virus that could barely be seen even under a microscope. There was no talk of reprisals, only containment. Panic was starting to set in throughout the country; people were now dying in their sleep. Was this the fulfillment of the LOST SCRIPTURES; if so, why had every country within the Islamic world become infected?
India had created a vaccine with alarming speed, but could not possibly be held responsible for creating the problem as millions of her own citizens had also died, and were still dying; her self- sacrifice had cleverly and effectively deflected suspicion.
No one bothered to delve any deeper into these deaths. Out of a population approaching one and a half billion, 20 % had been Muslim. That figure was now down to 1% and falling: soon it would be zero. India’s home grown ethnic cleansing program would be complete.
American scientist had been working on a vaccine ever since the virus had first surfaced simultaneously in both Russia and China. It was a simple Ebola virus; the disease had been mostly confined to Africa in the past few decades, and had always been beaten. This virus was identical to previous viral outbreaks except, - it had resisted all attempts to kill it. It was indistinguishably unique, and totally invulnerable. The DNA modification was invisible even under an electron microscope.
McNaught, Michael, Theodore and Mario were also among those present. Both McNaught and Michael had felt the banishment of the JIHADA. He had visited their minds for the last time.
Michael had flashed a simple message-----RULES: you broke the Rules of the Universe brother. Not even a God can break the rules, and you are not a God.
McNaught sensed something that Michael did not. It was a sense of superiority that he could only feel without seeing, - a sense of triumph, - a sense that a great victory was about to unfold.
The JIHADA felt McNaught’s probing and blocked him. Michael tried to enter the JIHADA’S mind and thoughts as his defenses were dealing with McNaught’s attack. It was a battle the JIHADA could not win; together McNaught and Michael were now much too powerful for him.
It was also a battle that he could not afford to lose. The fulfillment of the Prophesy was dependent on his final act: no one must be aware of the triumph that would soon belong to Allah.
The JIHADA vanished into his banishment and became no more than a thought; a thought destined to roam the galaxy without purpose or relevance for all eternity.
His work on this Planet had been completed; it had taken him over 1500 years to achieve, ever since Allah had spoken directly to him. He could not allow either Michael or McNaught to interfere in his final triumph.
Soon,---- there would only be Islam.
The President glared at Admiral Black as he spoke. ‘The Indian government have informed me that the nuclear explosion on Mumbai was caused by one of our weapons Admiral; is that true’?
All the defense chiefs squirmed uncomfortably in their chairs.
McNaught interrupted the strained silence, ’Sir, the explosion was the final act of the JIHADA; there was no way that any power on earth could have prevented it; not even Michael. The JIHADA broke the rules and is no longer any kind of force that we have to deal with’.
Michael spoke, ‘Sir, my brother has been banished for all eternity. If it was an American weapon, then it was chosen for a reason; I feel that the reason is linked to the world plague that is now threatening the very existence of the human race’.
‘Why India; why the fuck didn’t he choose to explode it here in America then. If he had wanted India and America to go to war, why not explode a few on each country, the Indians have nuclear missiles’?
‘I can answer that one Mr. President’, Admiral Black appeared to be nervous as he spoke, ‘we have the means to intercept anything that the rest of the world may wish to fire at us; a war between India and America would result in total annihilation of India; they are fully aware of that’.
It had taken many years and billions of dollars to e
ventually achieve President Reagan’s “Star Wars” ambition. Satellites equipped with immensely powerful laser guns capable of destroying all incoming missiles now circled the planet. The results of Reagan’s forward planning now rendered America virtually invulnerable to all forms of missile attack.
‘The Admiral is correct sir’, Theodore spoke for the first time, ‘What if India had actually created the virus; then the JIHADA as a final act has left us with a war between a virus and a missile. If India is the only country with the vaccine to counter the virus, then India wins the war. We are back in the realms of MAD again, - Mutually Assured Destruction; we eliminate India with our nuclear weapons, India eliminates America with her virus. No one wins ---- everyone loses, except possibly of course the JIHADA’.
The President turned his head away from the table and looked up at the painting of President John F. Kennedy staring down at him as he thought about Theodore’s words. Kennedy had faced a similar dilemma with Russia over the Cuban Missile Crisis. Kennedy had found a solution to the problem; he had reached an under the table agreement with Khruschev, the Russian President, that involved the tit for tat removal of both Russian and American strategic nuclear missiles from agreed locations; one way or another he had to do the same; he had to secure the vaccine from India and at the same time appease the Indian Government without offering any form of military threat or intimidation.
‘Theodore, can you pop out and make arrangements for the Indian Ambassador to come here with immediate effect. If necessary, have him brought in by armed guard; fuck diplomatic immunity and precedents’.
Theodore left the room and returned a couple of minutes later, nodding at the President as he did so. ‘He is on his way in his own car sir. He said that he has been awaiting the call for a couple of weeks now: sounded much too cocky for my liking, he really is a most unpleasant man, I have met him on numerous occasions, most disagreeable’.
‘Ok, Kathleen dear, what is the latest on America’s viral outbreak; I really need an up to date report before I meet this fucking cocky Indian. He may think that he holds all the cards at the moment, but I have a few aces up my sleeve as well; pricks like him and his government are not going to hold America to ransom as they have the rest of the world, I can promise you that’. The President winked at Kathleen as he spoke.
The defense chiefs looked at each other in surprise; Theodore, McNaught and Michael were already on board with the President. His mind was an open book to them; that was exactly how he planned it to remain. The President had also been sidetracked, and had failed to pursue the Mumbai missile question; each of the defense chiefs heaved a quiet sigh of relief.
Kathleen Cromwell was, as always, thorough in her report, and again, delighted at the President’s use of the word dear. As she was now an integral part of all the President’s meetings and future plans, she was becoming drunk on power and was living in a state of near permanent sexual arousal; every time he used the word fucking, she had to squeeze her legs together to avoid a physical response. Tonight she would again be patrolling the Washington streets in search of a short lived liaison; maybe even two or three if the time allowed.
America had not been slow to react when word of the deaths had started to come in from all over the world.
This virus was clever, and hid and multiplied in the human brain for between 6 and 8 weeks before making its’ move. It was therefore fair to assume that even though world travel had been severely restricted over the past few weeks, contamination in America would sooner or later begin to accelerate. It was beginning to take its’ toll in the communities where it had already appeared, and was only being slowed in its’ progress by strict quarantine and restriction of people movement. Both the military and the National Guard were on orders of ‘shoot to kill’ for anyone breaking curfew or crossing strictly enforced boundaries in any of the infected areas.
Most of the rest of the non Muslim world had bought the vaccine from India; she had charged a high price, and had only allocated a limited amount to each country, enough for 10% of the population. The world was being held to ransom; the world had no choice but to pay, - the virus was a 100% certain death sentence. Riots had broken out in every country that now had the vaccine. Who was to decide which one tenth of the population was to live: what right did anyone have to decide who would die?
The military were wisely vaccinated first, followed by the police, hospital staff and politicians. In many of the less stable countries, the road map of the vaccination program came to a dead stop after the military and the police. From this point onwards, bribery, corruption and gun law entered the program.
What use was a man who made cars for a living? What use was a man who made anything for a living? Most countries now had more cars than people, and precious little electricity to charge them with. Petrol and gas cars were similarly redundant. If the carmaker and the candlestick maker could not afford to buy the vaccine, they would soon find themselves, very, very dead.
Savings were withdrawn from banks by old men and women. They still had a few years to live, so why should the Government give the vaccine to the children? No country received enough vaccine to satisfy everyone, 10% was the maximum allocated to any one country, and so the killings of the last few months continued, and day by day, the earth’s population grew less; as did the overburdening presence of the dominant species on the planet’s resources.
The Gods looked on in approval; the culling of the dominant species was going according to plan; soon their task will have been completed, and they would move on to a new planet in a distant galaxy. They would not allow evolution to outpace them again; this dominant species had progressed too rapidly and had presented them with far more difficult problems than they usually encountered.
Despite the virtual elimination of Islam from most of the planet; Allah was pleased with the work of the JIHADA, he had done his job well. Numbers were unimportant; totally irrelevant. The Prophesy of the 1500 year old LOST SCRIPTURES took precedence over all else.
Soon, there would only be Islam. If only one man was still alive on the planet, and that man was Muslim; the Prophesy will have been fulfilled.
America had not been contacted by India over their sale of the vaccine; nor had America contacted India. There had been a growing suspicion and enmity between the two countries for a number of years, pretty much since India’s emergence as a financial super power. Much of the world’s trade was now conducted in the Indian Rupee rather than the American dollar, and as was the case in America, much of the Rupee’s movement between countries was controlled by Israel.
America resented this immensely; it meant that she could no longer exercise her control over the world’s finances; her incalculable debt with China, the Middle East, and the Far East being the self inflicted albatross around which all of her financial dealings were judged and restrained. This was no longer the case. Almost everyone in China, the Far East and the Middle East were either dead or dying. At a stroke, America was debt free: to whom would she pay the debt? Only the very rich and powerful of these once rich nations would survive the viral holocaust. The surviving 10% were of little consequence in a world where money was now an irrelevance.
Financial considerations no longer figured in any governmental thought or decision making. There were no longer any financial interactions between countries; all forms of money and currencies were now redundant and obsolete.
The Indian vaccine had now become the world currency, and was openly traded in return for food.
An Unpleasant Man
The Indian Ambassador entered the meeting room at the White House; nodded at the President, and sat himself down without so much as a glance or an acknowledgement at or for anyone else in the room.
He was a particularly tall, striking man in his mid 30’s, and possessed the aloofness and arrogance that members of his own superior Indian caste usually reserved for the untou
chables in his own society. Not for him the traditional dress of his countrymen, or even the more acceptable sober business attire expected when meeting the President of the United States; he was decked out in an eye catching pale blue, immaculately tailored Italian suite, and sported several thousand dollars worth of gold accessories as a sign of both his wealth and his own perceived importance in Indian society.
‘You wish to see me Mr. President; well I am here; what do you want’? Were the first words to leave his mouth, delivered with a smirk and a royal like posturing of his head, his eyes focusing on the painting of Kennedy, and not on the President.
Kathleen Cromwell bristled, made to rise from her seat, and was just about to come out with all guns blazing when the President spoke. ‘Thank you for taking the time to see me Mr. Ambassador, I would guess that you are pretty much up to speed with this damned world virus problem, and as you appear to be the only country with a vaccine to counter it, sooner or later, this meeting was inevitable, don’t you think’?
‘We have very limited supplies left. As you can imagine, demand has been great throughout the world’. Again the words were spoken, and almost spit out with the arrogance that no nation other than India had ever managed to master, nor indeed had ever wanted to master.
To a man, and woman, the whole room clenched their fists and shuddered with anger at the arrogance of this thoroughly unpleasant man. Purple with rage, Kathleen Cromwell began to rise to her feet, reluctantly sitting as the president raised his right hand to stay her.