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Afraid to Fall (Ancient Passages Book 1)

Page 9

by Sutton Bishop

  Meg nodded her head in the direction of the veranda. “Come on. Natasha. You. It was close to a catfight.”

  “It was nothing. I just don’t like nicknames like Red. I overreacted. I guess I owe her an apology.”

  “It seemed like she was baiting you. I think she knows about you and Luca.”

  “Me and Luca? There is no me and Luca.”

  “Yeah, right-o. You two were playing intense tonsil hockey last night. His hands were all over you, one up your skirt, which was almost up to your waist. Nice blue lacies, by the way. You had one hand on his fly and another in his hair.”

  Ari was astonished. The heat flushing her cheeks told her she was bright red. “You saw all that?”

  “Yep. Girl, that alcove wasn’t as dark as the two of you thought. Matt and I were quiet, up to a point, and then when you didn’t hear us, we made a ruckus. I can’t blame you. Luca is gorgeous, not my type. But jeez, Ari, he’s all man. And the way he looks at you, like he wants to eat you up. I want to give him a spoon. You two were great foreplay for Matt and me.”

  “Oh God…” Ari hugged herself with crossed arms. She pushed herself away from the sink and paced back and forth. “Oh God…”

  “It’s okay. I’m not going to tell you anything else about my amazing night.”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  “Oh. Right. No one has seen you with him, other than Matt and me. And we think it’s great. You and Luca just need some sack time to work things out.”

  She whispered harshly, “Meg! Really!”

  “Be honest with yourself.”

  “Ugh! Okay. Maybe.” She faced the mirror and grimaced. Her hair resembled Medusa. This humidity… She braided her hair into one thick plait. She felt cooler. “Why do you think Natasha suspects something?”

  “I think she knows. A person would have to be from another planet not to notice, not to feel it. There’s so much heat. Whenever Luca looks at you, sexual tension sparks. It’s like a force field. And face it, Ari. You are obviously attracted to him. Natasha is closer to his age, but she’s not as hot as you. By a long shot.”

  “Thanks, but let’s be real. You’re biased, friend. Natasha is extremely attractive. And Luca and I aren’t a thing.”

  “Okay, true. But she seems to know it, and it rolls off her in tidal waves. I find it off-putting. I think you’re kidding yourself about Luca.”

  Ari shook her head. “I’m so in over my head. He’s who I report to.”

  “No worries. We all report to him. Someone has to lead, right? Let’s talk more during break, okay? Are you feeling better? We’ve gotta get back.”

  “Don’t you have to go to the bathroom?”

  Meg’s eyes were gentle as she placed her hands on Ari’s shoulders, her smile warm. “I’m good for now. I’m here for moral support, girlfriend. Come on. Get some cold water on that amazing face of yours.”

  She did as Meg bid. The water braced her but soothed her frazzled nerves, and her eyes looked less puffy. She patted her face dry with the paper towel Meg handed her.

  “Okay, good. Look at me.”

  She looked into the shining sky-blue eyes of her friend.

  “Got yourself together now? Because you look great, sexy brilliant you. And remind yourself about what you have going, Ari. If you don’t, I will. You’re the total package. Luca sees this. Actually, so does Natasha, and she doesn’t like it. Ready?”

  “Yes. Yes, I am. Thanks.” She inhaled deeply, steeling herself.

  “Hi. Can I join you two?”

  Ari opened her eyes to see Matt standing in front of her and Meg, a room towel draped over his pale wiry shoulders, looking like an expectant lost puppy. She came up on her elbows and nodded at the chaise between them, ladened with Meg’s and her stuff. “Sure. Take this chair,” she said, reaching over to clear it off.

  Meg gave Matt a high-wattage smile and shifted her body. Patting the space she had made on the lounger, she said, “Sit here, Matty. I need some more sunscreen. I’m a fair one, you know. Blondes tend to burn easily, especially in midmorning sun.”

  He stammered, looking back and forth between Meg and Ari. “Okay…” His face pinked, but he sat and took the sunscreen Meg offered.

  Ari found it amusing that Matt was uncomfortable with Meg’s request. “It’s okay, Matt. I know. I’m sure you are totally aware of just how nice of a base Meg has acquired on her fair skin.” She winked at her friend. “You’re naughty.”

  Laughing, Meg said, “I am. Matty, be a dear and put some sunscreen on my back. I’m happy to return the favor.”

  “You’re lying on your back.”

  “Yep,” she said, smiling coyly. “I am, but”—Meg rolled against Matt seductively as she turned onto her stomach—“will you untie my top?”

  “Um…” His Adam’s apple moved as he swallowed. He let out a visible breath and pushed the bridge of his sunglasses up, pausing to glance at Ari before reaching to untie Meg’s top.

  As much as she was enjoying the spectacle, it was time to give them some space. Ari stood with her hands in surrender and announced, “I’m taking a swim. Matt, just rub it in for her. Maybe the two of you need a room?” She quickly pulled her cap over her damp hair, adjusted her goggles, and shook her head before diving into the pool.

  The water was refreshing, surprising since the pool sat fully in the sun. Maybe the water circulating through the man-made waterfall along the east side of the rectangular pool had something to do with it. She surfaced and broke into a crawl, slicing effortlessly through the water. After a flip-turn, she swam another length, then several more. She was able to complete about ten strokes before changing direction. Her long-dormant swimming muscles began to fire. Swimming felt great. The last time she’d swum was late winter, in the university’s indoor pool.

  An unbidden image of Luca popped into her head, powering her dolphin kick, propelling her undulating body through the water. Stop it, Ari. Her chest rose, clearing the water, then her hands, cutting into the water with fierceness, then recovering for the next stroke. She came in for another turn.

  “How’s the water?”

  That voice—it stopped her midstroke. In the deep end, she treaded water, squinting up. Luca smiled down at her appreciatively. Next to him stood the stunning, sleek Natasha. The high-cut coral one-piece she wore enhanced her deep russet skin, practically matching the stuccoed walls of the hotel. How long had they been standing there?

  Although perturbed, she managed to keep her voice smooth and nonchalant. “You indicated you were going to be in meetings the rest of the day.”

  Luca’s sunglasses made his eyes unreadable, but his blinding smile was impossible to miss. “Natasha and I decided we would hold our meeting here and enjoy the pool at the same time. We will sit in the shade.” He pointed to a collection of tables with chairs under the pergola alongside the pool.

  “Well, the water’s great.” She turned and kicked hard, moving back into her butterfly stroke, dousing Natasha and her ever-present rolling red suitcase.

  “Oh!” Natasha jumped back.

  Ari smiled just as her face entered the water. If Natasha hadn’t wanted to get wet, she shouldn’t have stood so close to the pool. She swam a few lengths each of back- and breaststroke before pulling herself out of the water to stand next to where Luca and Natasha sat in the shade, pulling off her cap and goggles in one easy movement and shook out her hair, spraying water onto Natasha again. “Oops, sorry. A bad habit I acquired during years of competition. You really should get in. The water is perfect.”

  Natasha’s coral lips formed a firm line, the shade matching her suit perfectly. She was stiff with annoyance. “I prefer to dip. When I choose to do so.”

  “We’ve got a kayaking trip scheduled later in the summer. Are you going to more than dip then?” Ari asked, tilting her head, baiting her.

  “So, this is your business how?” she asked testily, dismissing Ari by focusing on a page she had flipped to in her binder.
r />   Luca watched the bickering in silence, a barely there smile evident.

  Ari clenched her hands around her cap and goggles. “I need more sunscreen. See you later.” She forced herself to appear calm as she walked over to Meg and Matt at the other end of the pool.

  “Ari… Are you okay? Ari?” Meg pushed off Matt who was practically lying on her and stood. “Move over, lump.” She nudged Ari and sat down next to her friend. “What happened?”

  “Oh, Meg… I acted like I’m in high school. She brings out the worst in me.”

  “Come on.” Meg grabbed Ari’s hand. “Matty darlin’, save our places, will you?”

  Matt gave Meg a thumbs-up and a sweet smile.

  “Let’s walk,” she said to Ari and ushered her from the pool area.

  Luca watched Meg and Ari leave the pool area. He chided himself for not stopping Natasha and Ari’s churlish banter, having experienced Natasha’s bitchiness firsthand. While she had exhibited remarkable strength and control, this was the second time she had taken a break after tangling with Natasha.

  He rubbed his hand along his jaw and then over his hair as he studied Natasha, who was fully absorbed in the binder and writing notes. Having her on the project was already proving difficult. How he wished she were not here, given his fascination with Ari, but Natasha was an excellent project manager. And of course, there was the directive from GHO that Natasha be his assistant. Luca could not possibly tell them no since the project was fully overseen and paid for by the GHO.

  He was thankful to have spent time with her in Italy during the semester she was a visiting adjunct at the university. He had been a hollow shell of a man after Sofia’s death and appreciated her stalwart support, but he was not interested in an intimate relationship with Natasha. He broached the subject with her over cappuccino one morning. It turned out that she felt the same. They laughed about it, hugged, and agreed to remain only friends and colleagues.

  Natasha was a condition of this project. Luca could handle her. As academics, they were a great team, with well-matched skill sets. He liked Natasha as a friend and colleague, and although she could be temperamental, he respected the hell out of her. He still had no interest in pursuing more. He doubted Natasha did either. What had stirred his interest had just exited the pool area.

  “Shit. Shit. Shit!” Ari grumbled as she walked back and forth in Meg’s room. “Ugh! Why? Why do I let her get under my skin?”

  “That’s it. Let it out.” Meg sat on her unmade bed, watching Ari pace.

  Ari stopped and eyed her. “I’m getting your floor wet.”

  “I’m sure it will dry.”

  “I lost it. Again. In front of Luca. Dammit. Natasha makes me feel like a little girl. She puts me on edge.” Ari resumed her pacing. “What is it about her? Shit.”

  “Sit,” Meg said, pointing at her unmade bed.

  “Your sheets are going to be wet. And actually, I don’t want to sit on them. Weren’t you and Matt rolling around in them last night?”

  Meg burst out laughing. “Right. There’s that. We sampled most of the real estate in my room.”

  Ari paused and rolled her eyes at her grinning friend. “Nice. I’ll just continue pacing and take you up on your offer after maid service.” She leaned against the door and raised her eyebrows. “Is this safe?”


  “Hear me out. Okay? You’re reminding me of my mom, Meg. In the spirit of friendship, I’ll humor you.”

  “Good. I want to make sure you listen to my words. I’ve got a passel of siblings, and my mum has shared a lot of her wisdom over the years. Something she has told me time and again is no one can make you feel bad about yourself, unless you let them.”

  “I know. Sounds like my mom, another wise woman. Thanks for the reminder.”

  Meg nodded. “Do you want to share?”

  “Natasha is a bitch.”

  “That’s established.” Meg laughed but immediately grew thoughtful and snapped her fingers. “But it’s as if Natasha serves another purpose. I catch her observing a lot, particularly you. Did you ever run across her in the past?”


  “Okay.” Meg sprang from the bed. “So, what about the secret you have, the one that festers like a rock in your shoe.”

  Her eyes widened. Obviously she hadn’t quite let go when she’d burned the letter. Ari shook her head in denial. “I don’t—”

  “It’s just… Well, you started to allude to it when we were coming in from Lanquín. You said you signed on for this project in part to disappear. I thought maybe you might want to talk about it. Maybe you’re still working through it. If and when you’re ready, you can share. I’m a great confidant. I won’t judge. I may even be able to help.” Meg opened the door. “It’s a beautiful day. Let’s go enjoy the Mayan sun and the gorgeous men scenery.” She waved Ari in front of her. “After you.”

  Ari smiled all the way back to the pool, buoyed by her new friend.

  Luca sat facing the pool, paying scant attention to Natasha. Bothered by Ari’s abrupt departure, he kept an eye out for her. It had been a while.

  “Are you listening, Luca? You haven’t made one comment, asked one question, or taken one note,” Natasha said, throwing down her pen for emphasis.

  His attention snapped back. “I apologize, Natasha. I did not sleep well.”

  Ari and Meg entered the pool, laughing as if they’d shared a joke. He was spellbound. Ari sparkled. Sunlight danced off her coppery tresses. The aqua bikini she wore accentuated the athlete she was, one of lithe grace and feminine power. She was toned without compromising her femininity. Her bright, infectious smile contrasted with her deepening tan, her freckles adding more interest. His blood quickened.

  “Luca. Luca! Have you heard anything I’ve said?” Frustrated, Natasha turned in the direction of his focus, observing the young American stride across the pool deck with confidence.

  Caught, Luca had the decency to look sheepish. He was silent.

  “I see. Careful, Luca.”

  “Zitta, Nat,” Luca said, standing and stretching. “I need a break. So do you.”

  Natasha stood as well, seething with anger, hastily piling her papers into a binder. She clasped the handle of her vermillion weekender, her words laced with heat. “Don’t tell me to shut up. I’m going to my room.”

  “Perhaps you should,” he called over his shoulder as he strode toward the pool.

  Luca swam underwater to the end of the pool. The water helped to allay his agitation with Natasha and dampen his desire. He swam a few more lengths and stood in the water at the other side where Meg, Matt, and Ari lounged.


  “Hey, Boss,” Matt said. “Natasha have an important phone call? She left in a hurry.”

  “Something like that,” Luca said.

  Ari stole a look at Luca as she popped open the cap of her sunscreen. Mistake. She connected with his green perusal. Fluttering erupted in her gut, up into her throat. She struggled to say something, and when it finally came out, it was raspy. “She didn’t seem all that interested in hanging with us. Is she coming back?”

  He turned, his mossy-green eyes looking deeply into hers. “I am not sure.”

  Meg stood, waving Matt to the poolside. “Come on, Matty. Come play with me.” She jumped into the deep end; he cannonballed behind her, and they played gleefully, like young children before racing each other to the end of the pool.

  Luca dropped his voice. “Do you wish for me to help with your lotion again?”

  Wish. The way he said it was full of promise, making her body sing. He had to know he had this effect on her. She didn’t answer but instead fumbled for her sunglasses, believing she could hide her feasting eyes behind the mirrored lenses. Her gaze moved leisurely from his slicked-back hair and handsome face, to his broad shoulders tapering into washboard abs and compact hips as he pushed himself out of the pool to stand on the deck, rivulets of water running over his body and puddling onto the
deck. All of Luca was lean and unabashedly masculine. She was captivated and licked her lips at the idea of what it might be like to run her tongue over his skin and taste him. Ari’s perusal continued to his full lips, which were smiling broadly at her. She slunk down in the lounge chair, mortified that he caught her ogling him.

  She bit her lower lip, remembering all too well his touch on her skin, his kisses. She shook her head. “Uh, I’ve got it. Thanks.”

  His eyes crinkled, and his mouth quirked into a half smile. Disarming. Devastatingly sexy. “Let me know if you change your mind.”

  The sound of slapping wet feet announced Meg and Matt. “Are you guys going back in?” Matt asked, breathing hard.

  “In a little while,” Ari said breathlessly

  “May I join all of you?” Luca asked.

  “Sure!” Meg and Matt chorused.


  She nodded and swallowed, not trusting herself to speak. Inwardly, Ari sighed, wondering how on earth she was going to get through the afternoon.

  “I will return.” Luca walked briskly to the table he and Natasha had occupied.

  Matt chuckled. “He’s like the Terminator. ‘I’ll be back.’”

  Meg joined in, giggling. She reached over and gave him a kiss.

  “Not really. But that’s funny, Matt.” Ari watched Luca pick up his things through her mirrored sunglasses. The slow, incessant pulse of desire began to build low in her belly.

  His graceful movements were becoming familiar and watching him a favorite pastime. He slipped his sunglasses on and pulled his hair into a knot with finesse that comes from much practice. He looked up, catching her once again. A smile broke across his face.

  She dropped her gaze to the pool deck.

  Meg leaned over and whispered, loudly enough for Matt to hear, “What an interesting game of cat and mouse you two are playing. You are in deep dookie, sweetie.” Laughing, she added, “Oh, yeah.”

  Matt looked at his watch and stood, enthusiastically declaring, “It’s five o’clock somewhere… How ’bout some cervezas?”


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