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Afraid to Fall (Ancient Passages Book 1)

Page 10

by Sutton Bishop

  Both women nodded. Meg said, “Beer sounds perfect. I’m ready to bend the elbow.”

  “Huh?” Ari looked at her for translation.

  “Aussie for drink. Just think, girlfriend, you’re going to have an expanded vocabulary and”—she nodded at Luca walking toward them—“the hottest sex of your life, in this magical place.”

  “Meg!” Ari hissed.

  “Hey, Luca, I’m getting us beers. Want one?”

  Luca pulled a lounge chair next to Ari. “Yes. Grazie.” He bent over, spreading out his towel, his lips subtly brushing Ari’s ear as he sat down. His words were quiet, for her only. “I am thirsty. You appear to be as well.”

  Beside herself, Ari didn’t respond. Instead, she regarded the pergola’s shifting striped pattern over the chairs, tables, and cement created by the clouding sky, turning Meg’s words and Luca’s intimate innuendo over and over.

  Matt arrived with the beers and passed them out, condensation indicating they were a great deal colder than the toasty temperatures. He looked up. “What do you think? Do we have time?”

  Luca pushed his sunglasses up onto his head, perusing the skies. He sipped from the bottle before answering. “I believe so.”

  Ari raised her bottle to Matt. “Let’s go for it.”

  “We can huddle under the brolly if it—”

  “Clarification?” Ari asked. “Sorry to cut in.”

  “Umbrella,” Meg corrected. “No worries, mate.”

  Matt took a big pull on the long neck. “Luca, fill us in. I read your paperwork, but I have a feeling it was terribly abbreviated.”

  Ari glanced to Luca, who was looking at her openly.

  He smiled teasingly, then winked. “Perhaps that is a good idea. It is enlightening, possibly helpful, to know about your colleagues’ backgrounds.”

  She wanted to die. He hadn’t exactly thrown her under the table, but she was uncomfortable. And curious as hell.

  Luca’s voice vibrated with enthusiasm and reverence. “My work is in parasitic vectors. From a young age I have been driven by a powerful need to fully understand disease, how vector-borne pathogens migrate into populations. I hold degrees in molecular biology, entomology, and medical anthropology. The latest and most promising findings I have had are linked to a fly indigenous to the African continent.”

  Meg butted in when Luca paused. “You’ve been here in Guatemala before, right, Boss?”

  “I have. I participated in a research project that studied the blood-meal sources of cave-dwelling Chagas vectors around the Belize–Guatemala border. I am here in part to follow up and add more data. I will work at the biological reserve where you will spend part of your time, Meg, in addition to leading the team’s excavation.”

  “The research sounds fascinating and incredibly helpful to medicine and treatments, Luca.”

  “It is,” he replied, nodding. “Discovery gets my blood pumping.”

  Ari didn’t realize she had changed her posture while he talked. She leaned in, her elbows resting on her knees, her beer clasped in her two hands, between her knees. Nodding enthusiastically, she agreed, “Me too!”

  “I met Carlos on that trip. He grew up in this area and will be assisting us on-site. His cultural perspectives will be invaluable.”

  “What do you think happened to the Maya, Ari?”

  “No one really knows. There are theories about the seemingly sudden collapse of the Maya civilization from the eighth into the end of the ninth century, the Spanish conquest. Disease. Extreme drought. The collapse is an intriguing mystery. I wonder if we might discover any clues.”

  Luca lay back in his chaise and closed his eyes and put his sunglasses on. The sun broke through, bringing scorching heat with it. “It appears we are fortunate,” he said, lifting his beer.

  Ari squinted upward. The menacing clouds were all but gone. Her focus returned to Luca, entranced by the lips sealing the mouth of the bottle so that he could drain it. She remembered the soft feel of those lips and of his tongue as they explored each other. The taste of him. Yes, he was gorgeous. But his layers—Ari was deeply intrigued, beyond her physical pull to him. She yearned to spend more one-on-one time with him and discover more. She shifted on the chaise to quell her ache.

  Matt rose and stretched. “I’m ready for a second. Looks like Luca needs another. Ladies?”

  “Yes,” they both responded.

  Meg grabbed a book and flipped onto her stomach to read it.

  Needing some distance from Luca, Ari offered, “I’ll get it, Matt.”

  “You get the next round, Ari.”

  “Okay, thanks.” She reclined against the angled chaise back. Her eyes unfocused and her heart hammered as she reflected.

  Matt closed in. “I’ve got cold ones. Trade you, Luca.”

  “Thank you.”

  Ari heard a kiss, then Meg thanking Matt for her beer.

  “Here you go, Ari.” Matt slid another beer into her hand, taking the empty.

  “Thanks,” she said in a hushed voice. She returned to the thoughts, images, and emotions assailing her. Condensation from her beer made its way between her hand and the bottle, dripping onto her toasty stomach when she realized the truth. She was thinking “future” with Luca, and she had only just met him. Her parents often told her that the man she chose to spend her life with would probably be older and well educated, someone who challenged her in every way. Like Luca.

  “Ari? Are you okay?” Luca’s question pulled her from her musing.

  Startled, she switched the bottle to her dry hand, shaking the moisture from the other, looking at him sideways, nodding. At this angle, she glimpsed his eyes through his dark shades. “Uh-huh. I just drifted off. Thinking about the Maya and that this is my last beer of the afternoon,” she lied. She pulled deeply on her beer.

  A knowing look covered his face. He finished his beer and leaned over, his words only for her ears. “Hm. I see.”

  Her sunglasses were proving ineffective. From his expression, Ari could tell he had read her mind, her body. He did see. Right through her flimsy fib. She bolted up and walked over to the rocks behind the lounges, preparing to dump her beer.

  “Hold on there. What are you doing?” Luca had risen behind her, following.

  “Said I was done. I’m going to”—she paused, her nerve endings tripping as Luca’s hand lightly spanned most of the small of her back—“take a siesta.”

  He dropped it and reached around, gently taking her bottle, his voice low. “It is still cold. I will finish it. We have shared more than beer, yes?”

  Her body pulsed like crazy. Luca had stepped closer, as close as he could without touching her again, yet she sensed every centimeter of his skin. He’d unleashed a desire that she had yet to fully acknowledge, but it was there, boiling under the surface. He knows it too. Being with him felt so right. His touches and kisses turned her to putty. “Yes,” Ari whispered, swallowing.

  Luca bent his head. “You smell of sunshine and spice. Delicious.” His lips grazed her shoulder. “I will see you later.”

  Ari could only nod, missing his nearness immediately when he ambled back to his chaise. Turning slowly, she realized Meg and Matt had no idea the exchange had happened, so deep were they into their own private world. She glanced over at Luca while getting her stuff and slipping her sandals on. He was prone, eyes closed, a contented smile on his face, her bottle of beer clasped lightly in his extended hand.

  A chorus of good-nights and see-you-tomorrows passed among team members as they emptied out of the comedor, moving through the open veranda to their respective rooms. Joan gave out big hugs with her wishes, her voice louder, standing out above the rest. Full from dinner and stoked with excitement about leaving for Tikal tomorrow, everyone was determined to get a good night’s rest.

  A large hand brushed Ari’s wrist as she entered the stairs to her wing. Tingling nerve endings told her whose it was.

  Somehow, they were alone. “Ari, please. Un attimo?” Luc
a’s question softened his command.

  Okay, a minute. I can do this. She steeled herself before facing him and caught her breath, wondering if she would ever not react to his raw sensuality. Luca’s body was mere inches from hers. His heat and unique scent emanated from him. Without realizing it, she parted her lips. Her teeth softly bit her lower lip.

  Luca emitted a soft growl. “You make me lose focus when you do that.”

  “Huh?” Heat flushed Ari’s face. What did I do?

  Luca cleared his throat and stepped back, but his eyes held hers. “I wish to talk to you.”

  “About what?” Although she immediately missed his closeness, the additional space was more productive if they were going to talk. She had trouble thinking when Luca was close, and when he touched her, all logic was overridden by her body’s hunger.

  “Last night. Today.”

  “I regret last night. I lost my head. It was unprofessional of me. I’m not looking for a colleague with benefits, especially my boss.” The last word had some bite to it.

  He frowned and slid his hands low to hold on to the front of his belt waistband of his shorts. “You should have read through the CVs. Then you would know I am more your colleague than your boss. Someone has to head the project and supervise reports and oversee findings, but I also work right alongside you. You would also know what specialties other team members have, their backgrounds, what they can contribute to this project while we are here.”

  Ari’s eyes had followed his hands and rested there.

  Luca cleared his throat, causing her eyes to fly back up and meet his, which alternated between looking stern and amused.

  “Shit. Sorry.” Her face was on fire. “My mind was somewhere else.”

  He wore a wicked smile. “Indeed.”

  Ari squirmed, not sure whether she should ask, but curiosity won. “What is Natasha’s specialty? What else is she, besides your assistant? I feel like she took an immediate dislike to me.”

  He took some time before answering, then rubbed the bridge of his nose and ran his hand over his scruffy chin. “I have spoken to her about how she is around you. I believe things will improve. We met in university. Over the years Natasha has become a good friend and respected colleague. She was an adjunct for a semester, where I teach, three years ago. I have not seen her since then, but we have kept in touch. Aside from expertise in classical archaeology, Natasha is an adept archaeometrist and excellent project manager. Her analysis and skills will be welcome here.

  “To address your comment about not looking for a colleague with benefits. I am not looking for that either, but I would be lying if I said you did not intrigue me. Very much.” Opening his hands, he asked, “Can we sit by the promenade and talk? I wish to hear more about why you feel the way you do, and I am asking you to listen to what I have to say.”

  Ari wrung her hands together. “Okay. Just a little while. I should call it a night.” Turning over what Luca had said, she kept her distance from him until they were outside and taking the stairs down to the promenade. Memories of last night were fresh in her mind. Gabbiness overtook her as they strolled onto the wide concrete skirt separating the hotel from Lake Petén Itzá. “Look, what woman wouldn’t find you attractive? I apologize again for my part last night. I will admit that I really enjoyed our conversation at the pool this afternoon.”

  “I expect you did. I did as well. It was safe. Both of us were able to behave ourselves.”

  “Dammit, Luca. Don’t say that. It pisses me off. I’m not some adolescent girl,” Ari fired back.

  He stopped and turned to face her, moving closer. “You swear a lot.” Gently he took her hand and stroked her palm, softly with his thumb. “Why does what I said upset you? Because there is truth? Because you try to deny?”

  She tried to ignore how his thumb sent currents of desire sparking through her body. It’s my palm for crying out loud. “Yeah, I do swear like a sea captain sometimes. It lets the steam off.”

  He brushed back an errant curl from her face. “You are beautiful, Ari. I am drawn to you.” He looked deeply into her eyes, his gentle smile made his eyes crinkle at their corners. “You are very much a woman. Steamy. I like your fire. It stirs me.”

  Ari found herself lost in his eyes, which had grown darker with emotion. He reached for her other hand, interlacing their fingers. Desire radiated through her body, making it difficult for her to breathe. She gasped for air, and her body began quivering from the intimacy of being entwined with a part of his body. It was too much.

  “You are trembling.”

  “No,” she croaked, her eyes shining. She shook her head and looked down. Maybe breaking eye contact would cool her jets. She inhaled a choppy breath—it wasn’t working.

  Luca put a finger under her chin and lifted it. “Yes. You are. Look at me.” A slow smile erased his concerned expression. “I see. The truth is in your eyes. They are full of hunger, mirroring what I feel. Why are we fighting each other?”

  “It’s all wrong, Luca. This, us… It shouldn’t happen.”

  He shrugged his shoulders and slowly released her other hand, finger by finger. “Perhaps not, but attraction does not always follow the logical. I know that. I suspect you have also learned that to be true.”

  “I report to you. My last relationship was with a man I reported to. He was the dean of my department. Eric and I ended very badly.”

  “Do you wish to tell me about it?” He ran a finger lightly down her arm.

  “Not really. Let’s just say he was a liar, a flaming asshole. I left it all behind when I came to Guatemala.”

  “I am sorry you were hurt, but I am not him. Not every man is deceitful or has an agenda. You fascinate me, very much. I find you to be a beautiful and desirable woman. We have a choice. Do we fight what pulls us together and be miserable for the duration of our time here? Or do we explore it?”

  Uncertainty played over Ari’s features.

  Hopeful, he pushed a little more, gently asking, “Come with me?”

  She bit her lower lip, then licked it and gave him her hand, wondering if she had made the right decision. While she fully felt safe with him physically, she was emotionally vulnerable.

  He led her into a recessed alcove under the stairs off the promenade, where he encircled her with his arms and lifted her onto a waist-high cement ledge built into the wall.

  “You are light. Bellissima,” he whispered into her ear as he wove his fingers into her luxuriant curls, pulling out the hair clip. “I like it down.” He ran the tip of his tongue over her earlobe and tenderly kissed and nibbled her neck, careful of her delicate necklace. “I love your freckles. There are so many paths for me to follow and explore.” His finger stroked her skin softly. “Mm. I will take this one,” he whispered. A trail of goose bumps rose behind his warm kisses.

  Her heart knocked around in her chest. She writhed in his arms, wanting more, arching her neck to give him better access. So much for her indecision.

  “Easy, bella,” he breathed into her ear.

  Ari swooned at Luca calling her beautiful and sweetheart, somehow more romantic in Italian. Her hands had a mind of their own. She threaded her fingers through his thick hair, pulling him closer, guiding him down her neck to her collarbone with gentle pressure. Her body hummed wildly as his kisses grew bolder.

  He paused and looked at her, his eyes even darker with desire. He sought her sweet mouth, urging her to kiss him more deeply as his hands kneaded her breasts. His hands slipped under her tee and light cami to stroke her nipples, which immediately tightened. He sighed into her mouth.

  Ari’s hands moved under his tee to explore his muscled abs and chest. His heart beat wildly under her palm, like hers. He feels so good. Her breath was choppy and her clothing restrictive.

  Luca’s hands trailed down her back and cupped her firm ass. “I love that you wear skirts and no bras. Open your legs,” he commanded gently.

  She did as he bid, her skirt bunching up around her hips.
She moaned as his fingers traced delicate patterns on her inner thighs, her head tilted back against the wall, her body boneless as a warm ache flooded her.

  He pulled her head forward to taste her again and then gently released her. He traced her bottom lip with his forefinger, looking deeply into her eyes and then down to where his fingers worked under the lacy edge of her panties.

  Her gaze followed his, hypnotized by what he was doing to her.

  His quiet voice was thoughtful, thick with desire. “Copper. Blue last night. They blend in with your beautiful skin. I appreciate your taste in panties.” He smiled to himself, immersed in what he was doing, whispering, “Open more.”

  She did as he commanded, and Luca stroked her core.

  “Mm. Luca!” Ari cried. Her hands dropped to his waist, her fingers holding on to the front of his belt. She fell back and was supported by the stuccoed wall.

  “You are very wet. Silky on my fingers.” He kissed her deeply again, probing her rhythmically. Their tongues danced as she neared her breaking point in record time.

  “Omigod! Luca!”

  Satisfaction filled his features as she shuddered and then became limp. Her eyes were closed, a contented smile on her face, despite breathing heavily. He placed a hand over her galloping heart. She covered his hand with her shaky one.

  Her eyes were heavy lidded. And they were still glazed as she opened them slowly. “Omigod,” she said breathlessly. Her other hand caressed the enormous bulge straining against his zipper. Damn.

  Smiling, Luca lightly covered her hand and lifted it, kissing her palm. “I will be fine. I wanted to give you pleasure tonight.” He pulled Ari closer, kissing her tenderly. “Let us not fight our attraction any longer. Yes?”

  She answered languidly, “That was a different conversation than you originally promised, and I agreed to.”

  “Perhaps. Perhaps not. You agreed to accompany me. We both talked, and we both listened.”

  “Our bodies had the conversation. We still need to talk. There are things left unsaid, questions unasked.”

  His amazing eyes glowed in response. “I like your forwardness.” He caressed her cheek. “It is late. I will walk you to your room. You are unsteady.”


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