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Wild Child

Page 19

by Needa Warrant

  Veiko had never seen Thrash so disgusted with him. "Bro, it was an issue and we had to fix it with the Nefarious."

  Thrash looked at him. "So you lost Kima over an issue? Kima mean so little to you? Get the fuck up! She wants your shit outta her cabin. And, Veiko, you fucking stink. It’s a damn good thing we're the same size. I'll take take pity on you one last time and loan you some clothes. Kima got food poisoning and you better not upset China. Move it." Thrash was in his older brother mode, he was Thor to little Veiko.

  V got up and it felt like a bullet had gone through his heart. "Thrash, she really wants me gone?"

  Thrash sighed. "V, ain't me you gotta talk to or make promises too. Just how many promises have you broken to Kima?"

  Veiko honestly didn't know. He just knew he had to get her back.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Elena was trying to get Kima to drink some ginger ale but Kima was not having it. She looked far worse than she had last night. Hunter looked at Elena and told her he was getting the truck. Elena nodded - Kima needed to go to the hospital.

  Jersey had slept on the couch and Elena kicked him awake. "I need you to help me get Kima dressed. Get in here. Hunter's getting the truck."

  Jersey's eyes opened and he stumbled to his feet. "Elena? It is that bad?"

  Elena stared at him. "Damn it, if I say I need you, Jerz, get up and help me. Of course it's that bad if we're taking her to the emergency room. She’s dehydrated. Hell, I don't think she knows her own name. I doubt she'd be happy going there in a granny gown, so help me."

  Elena found one of V's tee shirts, some panties, and a pair of shorts. Kima was like a rag doll, limp, as they dressed her. Jersey carried her to the truck and they left as he stood wondering what would be next.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠ CHAPTER 23 ☠ ☠ ☠~

  Kima was put on a bag of fluids as soon as she got to the hospital. Nurses were drawing blood, and Elena was trying to tell them all she knew. The same doctor that had treated Kima for her concussion was checking her and wanted to know if she had hit her head again.

  Elena didn't know. Could she have? Only Kima knew and she was too sick to answer.

  Hunter had called the clubhouse. Pops told him V had gone to Thrash's to shower, so he called there. "Hell, all I know is they admitted Kima to the hospital and want her family here. Thorn's calling them now." Hunter sounded exhausted.

  Thrash held the phone tightly. "Do you want us to come down?"

  Hunter took a deep breath. "That’s Veiko's call. Look, I've been in his shoes. I know he's playing President. I ain't blaming V. Her feelings are hurt. Elena's been there, but this is her girl. So yeah, she's pissed at V. I ain’t throwing him outta' the cabin either until I hear it from Kima's mouth. V hasn't had it easy with Flop taking off and doing two jobs. So he fucking got drunk, I ain't seen him drink much here."

  Thrash relaxed a bit. "I went off on him, Hunter. Didn't really think about the pressure he's under."

  "I figured as much. He’s trying to balance everything, and it ain't easy.” Hunter snorted.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Thorn hadn't found Jack, so he and Jersey sat with Kima.

  Thorn was thinking, "Whoever punched the guy in Nefarious needs to be found out. This is the shit that fucks clubs up. I kinda' feel for V. I know Kima, and I know she was feeling left out. It was explained to her what being an old lady was about. Shit, I don't want an old lady anytime soon."

  Jersey yawned. "All I want is a good woman. I'm tired and want to settle down. I make good money and having a life outside of the club sounds good to me. Coming home to dinner and a clean house is just what I want."

  Thorn thought Jersey was plumb crazy but kept his mouth shut.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Veiko was sitting, staring into space, blaming himself. If he’d been walking with Kima and getting her seafood, maybe she wouldn't have stopped at that vendor.

  He should have been buying her presents. She never asked him for money. She put in more money than he had into their relationship. He never even got her anything for carrying all that speed. The last thing he wanted to do was buy her crap from a vendor.

  He decided to ask China what Kima would like. She seemed to have excellent taste. "China, do you know of a place I could buy Kima something really nice?”

  China tipped her head, thinking. "I see Kima as the type of woman that would like something personal. I saw a silver snake bracelet in a local jewelry store. I was planning to buy it as a Christmas present for her. The jeweler hand makes them and they remind me of your tattoo. Do you want me to run down and buy her one?"

  V reached in his pocket and handed China his wallet. “Take whatever you need, buy whatever you think she’d like. I've got to show her how much she means to me. Hey, can you get some dog tags made up for me? I'll write down what I want on em." He quickly scribbled some words down on a scrap of paper and handed it to her.

  China smiled happily. "Sure, it isn't a problem. I think something jade for good luck too. Tell the Mighty One I'll be back in about a half hour."

  Thrash sat next to V and punched his shoulder. "Hey, maybe I was too hard on you last night. I know you cut down on drinking whiskey. We all love Kima and don't want you to lose her. You gotta find a balance with the club and your life with her. I know it’s hard. But now that I have China, I’m doing the best I can. I love her so much, V. But I'm wondering what mama will say. I got this feeling she isn't gonna like her."

  Veiko had thought mama would be happy for both of them. Now he wondered? She was always trying to get them hooked up with her friend’s daughters. Mama still wanted to run their lives. She'd worked hard raising them. They had been told their dad had left to drink his life away. Mama wouldn't let him even see any of his kids.

  V vaguely recalled his dad saying to them when he left that mama would try to run their lives as she had his. That mama was the reason he started drinking. Hell, maybe it was true. He used his brother's real name. "Thor, you ever think of looking for dad?"

  Thrash responded. “Yeah, I did. Mama threatened me if I saw again him, she'd disown me. Maybe we need to see for ourselves what dad is like. When I saw him, he seemed straight to me and happier than when he was with her. "

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  I was lying in the hospital bed hooked up to a damn IV bag. I still felt awful. The nurses didn't let me get any rest and that damned doctor was bugging me about my head. I had a gash in my hairline so maybe I did fall?

  All I could remember was vomiting. The nurses were bugging the shit out of me. You don't get rest in the hospital. I wondered about V and if he’d ever made it home. I figured he was still at the clubhouse.

  I was also thinking about Darko. He seemed like a nice guy for a biker. But they all were nice in the beginning, then they ignored you. They became bossy bastards and expected you to take last place all the time. I was tired of being in last place. It didn't seem to me that Thrash put China last, nor did Nailz put Jo last, at least not yet.

  I told Jersey and Thorn to get out. Damn babysitters! So when my dad walked through the door, I was shocked.

  "Kitten? You up to having me visit?"

  Wow! I really must be tripping! My dad hadn't called me kitten in years.

  "Daddy? Are you really here?"

  My dad sat in the chair next to the bed. "I'm here. The doctor you have called me and read me the riot act. I guess because I wasn't here the last time. I didn't tell your mother you're here, though. She'd be moving into the room and you'd get no rest."

  I grabbed my dad's hand. "Oh, daddy, I feel awful and they don't let me sleep and just give me ice chips. I'm so thirsty."

  He patted my hand. "Kima, the doctor thinks you need to see a neurologist. You didn't see one after your concussion, and you should get checked out."

  "I'm fine and, Daddy, if there was anything wrong with my head, I wouldn't want to know anyway. You know how I feel about doctors and how scared I am of them."

  My dad held my hand tighte
r. "Kima, your grandmother died of a brain aneurysm. It happened when they were operating on her heart, it doesn't mean you'll have one. Are you sure you don't want to get checked out?"

  I closed my eyes. "Nope. I won't see one and I'm tired. Tell mommy I love her."

  My dad kissed my forehead. “You’re stubborn like your mother. Love you, kitten."

  I was glad when he was finally gone. I tried to go back to sleep but all my thoughts were of V.

  Damn him!

  I had pictures in my head of us kissing, making love, and just laughing in bed.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Veiko opened the door as quietly as he could. I had my eyes closed but I still heard him come in. I could could sense V anywhere. He sat down and waited. I didn't say anything at first.

  "Did you bring me flowers at least?" I questioned.

  "I can go get you some. I did bring you presents though. I brought you me, babe."

  I opened my eyes and looked into his. "I'm so mad at you, V. If I wasn't sick, I would've tossed your clothes outside. You keep putting me last in your life! I don't want to be last in my man’s life all the damn time! You think you'd enjoy being last in my life? I lost my horse to be with you."

  My words stung, but they were the truth and I wasn't done. "So Misty, huh? You fuck her? Think I haven't seen her try to hang on you or heard the gossip she wants to be in my shoes?"

  "Kima, I’ve never cheated on you. Not ever. Not that night and I'll never cheat. I gave you my word. I got drunk and I fucked up letting Misty hang on me. You know how I get when I drink Jack Daniels! I'm gonna lay off the JD at the clubhouse. I never meant to hurt you and I am sorry! Both Misty and Missy have left the clubhouse."

  I laughed bitterly. "Your word sucks, babe! You promised me the seafood festival was our day. Look where I am now, the hospital! I’m beginning to think being with you is dangerous to my health. Almost like Nailz and Jo. But at least he pays attention to her and neither have been to the hospital yet."

  I hoped V felt like shit. I wanted him to feel like shit!

  "Babe, you leaving me? Cause I won't let you go. I couldn't live without you in my life. Love you forever. It won't happen again, I swear to you."

  I took my time to answer. "It depends I guess. But don't ever pull my hair again! You know I hate it!"

  V looked hopeful as he handed me three boxes.

  "Ah shit! Babe, I forgot about that and I swear I won't act like an asshole again. I get jealous; that was one of the reasons I didn't want you to dance. Seeing you with another man made me lose it! Open up your presents."

  I opened the biggest first. It was a silver snake bracelet. I wanted to try it on but the IV was blocking it. "I love it. It’s like your tat."

  I opened the next box and sighed as I looked at the jade bracelet. This one I was able to slip over my hand.

  The last box was waiting and V was holding his breath. I jiggled the box then opened it. Inside were dog tags, nothing expensive, but what was written on them meant the world to me.

  I read the words; Babe, Love you forever. - Veiko.

  I felt hopeful, those were our words. We said that each other every day. I looked at him, and I was melting for Veiko Finn again!

  "I guess I'll keep you. Just stop making promises you can't keep. I've tried to keep all my promises to you, and it hurts when I’m ignored. I saw my father hit my mother - don't ever lay your hands on me in anger. I won't stand for it! I'll be gone and you won't ever find me!"

  V leaned over and kissed me. "Babe, you're in my heart and soul. We belong together. You leave me and I 'll find you to bring you right back where you belong. In my arms!"

  I sighed. “I love you, Veiko. But I am not going to go through this kind of crap again with you! I get it, you're sorry. But you need to change too. Like getting to know my family maybe? My dad was here. He wants me to see a neurologist, but I'm not doing it. I just want to go home.”

  Veiko wanted Kima home too. “When are they going to let you come home? I'll make an effort to know your family, if you'll forgive me."

  I sighed again. "I have no clue, but it better be soon. And, look, I have a scar. Maybe I hit my head in the bathroom.” I moved my hair up, showing V the red gash across my hairline.

  He winced and traced his finger over it.

  I looked amused at his reaction. "V, it’s in my hair, not on my face. You’re not gonna love me if I have a scar?”

  We both laughed and smiled.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  When Elena came over to check on Kima, she found them asleep, holding hands. She had a bad feeling about Veiko and Kima, and hoped she was wrong. She met Hunter as he was walking into the hospital.

  "She took him back, but I feel something is bad, Hunter. I know they love each other, but I have a very bad feeling for their future."

  Hunter looked at Elena. "Keep it to yourself. What will be, will be. You had those feeling with us too and it worked out, didn't it?"

  Elena grabbed Hunter's hand as they walked to the truck, but the bad feeling wouldn't go away.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  When I was released from the hospital, V took me home. He was so sweet to me as I recuperated. We seemed to be making love more than ever. V was back to normal. And even when he went up to the club, he called me and came home every night. It was a few weeks before I felt like I could dance.

  My parents were nicer to V than I thought they would be. We were even eating dinner at their house. I guess they knew I was in love.

  I was sure my dad wished he hadn't sold Sugar though. He was always asking me if I was getting another horse. I just laughed and told him he could buy me a motorcycle instead.

  Things were going very well for us. We had dinner with Elena and Hunter, sometimes with China and Thrash, or Jo and Nailz.

  We were the happiest that we’d been in a long time. The future was looking brighter and brighter and I hoped it was going to last.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠ CHAPTER 24 ☠ ☠ ☠~

  V was holding a meeting, days before they went on the mandatory run. Flop should have been handling this but he was off with Rabid. So Veiko was in full control.

  V was getting used to taking charge and had his own way of handling things. He knew not all the members were going to be down with Rabid's order of no women. He had Thrash and Nailz by his side as he waited for the guys to settle in. He knew the three of them looked intimidating but, fuck, they were supposed to be.

  Nailz brought the meeting to order with a fist pounding on the table in front of them. The three remained standing, and would until every member sat his ass down. Jersey was counting heads and nodded to V when everyone was present, so V sat while Nailz and Thrash still stood.

  V launched in on what he had to say. “Mandatory run to Virginia, this weekend. We set out three pm, Friday. No women - comes down directly from Rabid. None. No guns or illegal weapons. You got a warrant then fix it or be in jail. I see you're all present so that means you'll all be here for the run. Correct? You will be here by two p.m. at the latest. No drinking before we leave. Club bar is shut down the night before and will remain closed until we return. All bikes will be in running condition with legal paperwork and licenses. We ride in formation when we hit the highway, two by two and you do not break that. Figure out who you ride best next to and talk to the Road Captain, Wheels. He’ll have it written down and I’ll approve it before we head out. If you don't have your shit together you will ride in vans, with the prospects I chose to go on the run. Some prospects will be left here to watch the club. Tell the sluts to find another hole to hang out in. They ain't allowed on club property for any reason. Questions?”

  There were some grumbles and finally someone spoke up.

  “VP, I promised my old lady she could go next run. What the hell am I gonna tell her?”

  That brought a few laughs.

  Even V smiled. “Bro, same thing I'll be telling my old lady, no fucking way!”

  Another asked, “Why no guns?”
  V leaned back in his chair and answered. “Because we’ll be catching up to chapters on the way and I like order. If we get stopped and you gotta gun or warrant it means the rest of us fucking stay there and suffer because of your stupid ass. The weapons will be stashed in hiding places in the vans, along with any tools we need in case of broke down bikes. But I expect those bikes running in tip top condition. You've had enough time to get them ready. Other chapter presidents are having this same talk to their boys. Any of you like waiting while the cops look every one of us over and then a tow truck comes and fucks up your ride? You wanna watch the pigs laugh as your bike get fucked up? Now recall, Virginia was after Nailz's old lady so there are gonna be some hard feelings. I suggest you don't cause any problems as they're our hosts for this run. Pack sleeping bags and what food you want. We're riding straight through 'cept for gas and piss stops. Rabid is holding his first meeting as your National President and we’ll be present and not piss him off in any way. So, get your drinking, drugging, and whoring out of your systems by Thursday. Oh, and Flop is coming back since he got on Rabid's nerves.”

  The clubhouse was filled with laughing bikers.

  V heard someone shout, “Tell Rabid we don't want him! He gets on our nerves!”

  V nodded to Nailz to speak. He continued warning everyone, “This is Rabid, a brother I was in Nam with and one that will not hesitate to strip you of your colors, stomp you, and put you out bad. So, as V said, watch your ass and every bro's in this chapter. Virginia is pissed at me for stomping Skunky. Rabid will make examples of anyone he feels not good enough for Bound for Hell. I'm gonna let Thrash explain that to you.”

  Thrash moved forward, his blond hair braided, and he stood large and intimidating before the chapter.


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