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Wild Child

Page 20

by Needa Warrant

  “As one of Rabid's personal SAA's, I can tell you from experience that he likes order. He doesn't like sloppy bullshit and when he speaks, you go silent. He’ll be watching to see who can't hold their booze or drugs. As for women, don't touch any unless it’s offered to you. I’m not sure there will be any, as this could be Rabid's assessment of the club now that he’s President. Remember he was military so he likes everything neat. I know, ‘cause I've lived with him.”

  V stood up. “All dues will be paid up to date. Pay Tiny. Fines for anyone who doesn't show, unless you're in jail or dead. Tiny, I need an accounting for any dues not paid. We good?”

  Tiny, who was big and burly, nodded at V. He yelled out to the members, “Pay up now for today! For those who owe, I need cash before we leave!”

  A few grumbles, but more brothers were impressed with the way V explained things. He gave them direction, which Flop never did, so they’d make a good impression on Rabid.

  “Jersey, tell the prospects to open the bar. Free beer for an hour.” V stood up.

  The guys all headed toward the bar.

  V shrugged his shoulders. “Fuck, I hope they listen to us. Rabid ain't fooling around. Now the only other thing I gotta do is tell Kima and I ain't fuckin looking forward to doing that.”

  Thrash and Nailz looked at each other at the same time.

  “Damn, Thrash, we gotta do the same thing. I'd feel better V, if our ladies were at Hunter's. Can you arrange that?” Nailz requested.

  Thrash laughed at Nailz.

  “Already taken care of. Now you gotta go tell Jo.”

  V grinned, “Kima’s going to be the one with a problem. I hope she’ll like having the girls staying at the Lodge with her. They can do a girl's weekend. Hunter wants them all up at his house to be safe. He's leaving guys behind, to stay at the lodge.”

  Thrash looked at his brother. “Looks like China’s the angel and you got the Trouble, bro!”

  V nodded his head, Thrash got that right.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  I was pouting when V told me that I wouldn't be going on the run.

  “So, you’re telling me that no one is taking their old ladies? Not even the sluts?” I looked at him suspiciously. “Oh! I know, Virginia has it's own bunch of sluts!”

  Veiko stood, his legs apart, looking me.

  He shouted, losing his patience. “Kima, I swear to God, even if women were allowed, you wouldn't be going! China and Jo are staying home! Hunter is coming, but Elena is staying home! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME!” He continued, “The president said NO WOMEN! That means NOBODY gets to bring any. PERIOD!”

  V took a deep breath trying to calm down and went on.

  “Look! I don't know what you expect from me. I cannot bring you. Even if I could, I wouldn't. Don't you remember the mess Jo got into with those hillbilly fuckers? You think they wouldn't try something? I got the feeling this isn't going to be a party, Kima. It’s a meeting. Our old president was killed and the brothers are unhappy. That's all you're getting from me, so deal with it. Have a girl's sleepover or something, but you are gonna stay here at the lodge. China and Jo will be here too under the watch of a few Unlawful bro's. Bitch all you want, but that's how it is. I got enough shit to handle and worry about. We good?”

  I looked down and sighed. “Yeah, we're good. But why do we have to be at the lodge? Maybe we could go out to some bars?” I was thinking that at least we could have fun while they were away.

  V grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me. He was beyond pissed right now.

  “Kima, I’m gonna say this once! You're my old lady. And, an old lady of the Vice President for Bound for Hell. Do you think you're safe if any other club wanders around Ocean Cove or even here? Use your fucking head! I don't need your baby bullshit right now. Go talk to Elena about this!”

  He stormed out, slamming the door.

  I was a little stunned and knew I’d pushed V too far. I got that I was a target for other clubs who weren’t friends with Bound for Hell MC. I also wondered how Jo and China were taking this news.

  Oh hell, I may as well head up to see Elena and talk to her.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Jo had agreed to meet Nailz at a park in Beach View. She got there first and selected a picnic table that was hidden out of view. It was risky and she had to make an excuse to sneak out. Her father wanted her to help him at his office but she told him a neighbor asked her to babysit.

  Jo really hoped that they didn't run into anyone who’d tell her parents. She was thinking of Nailz.

  It brought a blush to her face as she recalled how amazing Nailz was in bed and out of bed. Hell, she craved sex with her old man now.

  She was his old lady! It was something that she’d never, in her wildest dreams, have imagined for herself.

  Her parents were going to freak the fuck out! Oh God! She could imagine her socially conscious, uptight parents meeting Nailz. She had to laugh at the scenario she envisioned: Hi Mom and Dad. I want you to meet Nailz. He's in Bound for Hell and, by the way, I'm his old lady!

  They would look at this huge, intimidating biker and faint dead away. Then they would disown her.

  Jo heard the rumble of his Harley and saw him ride up and park nearby. He sat on his chopper looking around. He finally saw where she was sitting and made his way to her.

  When he got there, he snatched Jo up and gave her a kiss. He broke off, smiling. “Hey, brat.”

  She smiled him back. “Hey, Nailz.”

  Nailz wasted no time. “I wanted to let you know I have to go on a run. It's mandatory. You need to get the weekend away from your parents when I go. No women are allowed and it’s safer for you to be at the lodge. Hunter will have some members staying to watch over Elena, you, Kima and China.”

  “I’m fine at my parent's house, Nailz. Nobody would dare come there.”

  Nailz shook his head, frowning, “Jo, you gotta understand. You're my old lady. This isn't a game, or pretend, after the sex we've had. I'm keeping you, so get used to it. I won't feel like you're safe unless I know you're at the Lodge. I gotta shit load of things to do before I go. I admit I didn't want an old lady, but I claimed you before my entire club. That means you’re wearing my property patch. I have to keep you safe. Look what happened with Skunk - you don't need anymore shit like that happening do you?

  Jo looked down and muttered, “No I don't. But there is one thing that I need to talk to you about because it's been bothering me.” She took a deep breath, then continued, “I'm sure you fuck other women, Nailz. I suppose I don't have any right to ask, but could you be discreet when...”

  Jo didn't have a chance to finish. Nailz stood up and grabbed her. He crushed his lips to hers, kissing her deeply. As he broke off the kiss, Nailz looked deep into her eyes and growled, “Don't ya know that it's always been you? I haven't fucked anyone since I met your skinny lil' ass. You're the one I want.” He planted a light kiss on top of her head. “So, will you stay at the lodge? Could you do that for me?”

  Jo looked up at him. She had a shining smile on her face. “Of course. We'll have a blast and I’ll babysit Kima."

  Nailz groaned again, knowing that leaving her would be hard. For the first time ever, he didn't want to go on a run. Squeezing her to him, he gave her another long scorching kiss. He broke away reluctantly, “Gotta go, Brat. You be good and stay out of trouble. I'll see ya when I get back.”

  Jo rubbed the pad of her thumb over his bottom lip. She sighed, wistfully, “Nailz, please be safe. I'll be thinking about you.”

  “I'll be thinking about you too, Chickie,” He walked back to his bike, got on, kick started it, and roared out of there.

  Jo watched as Nailz rode off and disappeared over the horizon. Somehow she was going to make this work and her parents would have to accept it. She didn't quite know how she would tell them and decided that she would keep it to herself for now. For the time being, they’d have to sneak around until she came up with some sort of plan.

nbsp; Now that she had Nailz in her life, she wasn't letting him go. As an adult, her parents wouldn't have a say about who she decided to see.

  Jo was sick of living beneath her father's thumb. She would find a job and move out. Perhaps she and Nailz would live together in time. As for college, she would pay her own way. Her parents might not like the idea, but it was her life and she would make her own decisions. She was taking control and it felt liberating!

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Thrash was holding China, which was something he did often since she became his old lady. He hated the idea of leaving her and wasn't sure how he’d tell her.

  China beat him to it. “So - this run that you go on? It's for men only?”

  “Yeah, Honey, it is. I need you to go to Elena's for the weekend where I know you'll be safe.”

  China frowned. “I don't understand. Why wouldn't I be safe here? Would someone come to hurt me?”

  Thrash gave China a soft kiss on her forehead. “Honey, I couldn't bear to lose you if somebody wanted to hurt me through you. Don't worry, it’ll be fun. Hunter has some guys to watch over you at the Lodge and Jo, Kima, and Elena will be there. You can do whatever girl shit you wanna do.”

  “It’ll be fun to see the girls. When do I need to go?"

  Thrash was happy that China was being so sweet about it. “In a few days. We've got time for us to be alone and I'm planning to close the shop down for a few weeks. After I get home, we’ll have time to take a vacation.”

  “A vacation? I've never been out of New Jersey. Where will we go?”

  “I don't know, but whatever you want is fine with me.”

  China got excited and pulled Thrash toward the bedroom. “Anywhere? I'd would love to go to France. I always dreamed of going there.”

  Thrash laughed. “France? I can afford that for you. Now get naked so I can look at my beautiful woman.”

  China happily did as she was told and started to take off her clothes.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠ CHAPTER 25 ☠ ☠ ☠~

  The day of the mandatory run was bright and clear. Everyone showed up straight and dues were paid. Veiko had the money on him that Rabid demanded. V had also heard that Tramp, the National Vice President, was stepping down.

  He wondered who’d be voted in. Tramp was smart to get out. Being Rabid's VP wouldn't be easy.

  He was glad Rabid had said no women. The last thing he needed was for Rabid to see Kima. She was beautiful and had Irish/Russian background. Seemed Rabid was in the market for an old lady to please his Irish mother and Kima would be a perfect candidate. According to Thrash, she would be exactly what Rabid was looking for and he would have no qualms about abusing his power and taking her. Another reason to get rid of that fucker.

  Thrash had told him about how Rabid cut and raped women. He said there was more, but he didn't want to talk about it. It was one of the reasons he’d left Rabid.

  When the bikes pulled out of Ocean Cove they were riding in a long line. Once they hit the highway they would ride two by two and not break that line until they met up with other chapters of Bound for Hell. Once all of them were riding together it would be a sight to behold.

  The sun shined in his face, Veiko sought his wind therapy.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Rabid was sitting in the shade of the Virginia clubhouse porch. Each chapter president in the Bound for Hell nation had been by Rabid and handed him money from their chapters. State presidents were all around him and his personal guards or as he called them his 'boys', were always close by.

  Flop had been tossed back to the Central New Jersey brothers. Rabid saw their dislike for him and grinned. Good, he thought, this would be easy.

  He was happy to see Thrash and was amazed his SAA had taken an old lady. In fact, that made life easier. He could always use an old lady to keep his boys in line but Rabid truly liked the Finn brothers. He felt safe around them. Nailz, he'd trust with his life, and had done so many times. But, Jersey... the fact that fucker was with them was pissing him off.

  He finally asked Bullet to bring Jersey, The Finns, and Nailz, to him to speak privately. He wanted to see how Jersey would react. Once, they'd been friends, and then when he stepped up, Jersey stepped down. Could have been over Crabs’ death and Rabid didn't need anybody stirring up that shit. Flop had to go. Stupid fucker got too wasted and shot his mouth off. Rabid didn't need him getting more wasted and saying he had told him to kill Crabs.

  Bullet had heard him talking to Wacko, crowing how he’d shot Crabs in the back of the head while they were riding together and let everyone think it was another club. Bullet had come to him and told him all about Flop's big mouth.

  His 'boys' were all handpicked for what they could do for him. Thrash being a Jersey boy was in the right place to pick up information and New Jersey was also Rabid's home. Letting him keep his shop open made sense. He could call on him at any time and he'd be there within an hour or so. Yeah, him settling down now suited his purposes just fine.

  Now to deal with Jersey. He hoped Jerz was loyal to him because he knew Nailz, Veiko, Thrash, and hell, most of the New Jersey members loved him. He knew some were wondering about him, but if these men were on his side the whispers would stop. They were well respected among the club and that was exactly what he needed right now -Respect. So, he'd see where Jersey stood and feel him out. If his gut said to trust him, then he’d be welcomed back into his inner fold. If not, he'd get rid of him.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Bullet, another national SAA, walked over to Nailz, Veiko, Thrash, and Jersey. They were listening to Flop piss and moan about how badly Rabid was treating him. He was wasted as usual.

  Nailz nudged Jersey, “Here it comes, Jerz. Hope you're ready.”

  “Bullet, whats up?” Nailz hugged and clasped arms with the big man. They were pretty tight.

  “Rabid wants you all, and Jersey, for a sit down.” He looked pained saying it.

  Thrash looked at Bullet. “Trouble, bro? We didn't come here to turn Jerz over to Rabid and won't.”

  Bullet shook his head. “Nah, I don't think so. He’s been freaking over Jersey stepping down as an SAA - you know how he gets. Needs to lay off the dust, bro. Got worse when you left, man. Anyway, we gotta see the Boss man.” He smiled in sympathy. “He ain't stupid enough to touch Jersey here. Wouldn't go down good. Lets go.”

  Jersey looked at his brothers. “No time like the present. I got this.”

  The group made their way to Rabid, who was impressed by their size and the fact they came at once. He hated to wait. All the men hugged and did that biker handshake.

  Jersey stepped forward. “Prez, sorry I didn't step up when Crabs died. It hit me so hard I went off for awhile, trying to track which club did it when I got out of the hospital. I know how tight you and Crabs were and I wanted justice. Then I met a southern belle and took off for some pussy. Fuck, I was thinking of making her my old lady. Turned out she was a fucking shrew.”

  Rabid looked at Jersey. “Hit me like a motherfucker. Me, Crabs, and Nailz were all together in Nam. You find out anything?”

  Jersey shook his head. “Rabid, I don't know. Dirty cops? I know Crabs paid some off, but I ain't sure which ones. That’s the best I can come up with. Wasn't the Dead Demon Riders, Jerzee Devilz or Filthy Fiends, that I can tell. Sucks 'cause he was loved by everyone.”

  Rabid clasped his hands together and called for Bullet to come over.

  “Bullet, tell us what you know about Crabs’ death.”

  Bullet was uncomfortable and Thrash knew something serious was coming. Bullet was loyal to the whole club and not as fond of Rabid as the president thought he was. He took a long moment to speak.

  “Flop's been crowing he shot Crabs. Jersey, if you hadn’t stepped down, you'd have been next on his list. Flop is scared to death of you, Bro, and he’s outta his mind.”

  Nailz was livid. “Rabid, how long you known this shit?”

  Bullet spoke up again. “Flop was pissed about being sent back to
Central Jersey chapter. He was drunk last night, talking shit and I overheard it. Wacko was wasted and didn't remember talking to Flop. I told Rabid this morning.”

  Rabid sat back and looked at the men before him. All were furious. Good, just what he wanted.

  “Jersey, this is your problem now. I want it handled and I want Flop to disappear. No sense in the entire club knowing about this. So we're all good with this?”

  Nailz wasn’t and spoke up. “Rabid, ain't on Jersey alone. I'll be helping him. We'll make Flop disappear. Do you to do it here or back in Ocean Cove?”

  Rabid was extremely pleased. He had Jersey back in the fold and Nailz on board. The entire club was his for sure!

  “Your call. Wherever the fucker can't be found. We don't need no murder raps. I don't need to know nothing ‘bout it. Figure it out while I talk to Thrash and Veiko.”

  He easily dismissed Jersey and Nailz. His gut said to trust Jersey.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Jersey spat on the ground. “Fucking Flop! You know Rabid had him do it.”

  Nailz looked around. “Shut the fuck up, Jerz. You don't know who’s listening. Flop's always at the clubhouse - we'll take him out there. Get some confusion going. Hell, Flop will probably cause it himself.”

  Jersey was disgusted, “We got time to make this perfect but Flop is gonna feel pain. Nailz, it was my job to watch over Crabs. I take that shit seriously. If I hadn't been in that accident I would’ve been riding with them.”

  Nailz shook Jersey. “Ain’t your fault you were in the hospital. Crabs had other SAA's. He didn't use his head. But you're right - Flop gonna suffer for this. Pain like he ain't never imagined. Hell, we might get some information out of him too.”

  Both needed a beer to wash the foulness from their mouths as they looked at Flop with pure hatred.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Rabid was watching Nailz and Jersey. Both were seriously talking, which meant the issue of Flop was done for him. He knew Nailz would just shoot Flop. He liked clean kills and Jersey would follow Nailz's lead.


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