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Wild Child

Page 21

by Needa Warrant

  Good to have Jersey back he thought. He had stepped right up, which he'd doubted he would do. Well, he had been in an accident and he had tried to find out who killed Flop.

  Rabid was glad Jersey had steered Bound for Hell away from the Filthy Fiends MC. He didn't want any wars right now. He had plans in the making.

  Rabid smiled as he asked V, “So I heard you took an old lady? Your mama is going to be pleased about this?” Then he set his eyes on Thrash and inquired, “She know your bitch isn't American?”

  V spoke first, “Hell Rabid! We ain't had any time to tell her. She will be fine with it. If they last long enough to take 'em home to meet her.”

  Thrash looked at Rabid with amusement, “Prez, Mama won't care what China is as long as she gets some grand babies. She was asking about you last time I spoke with her.”

  Pleased Rabid smiled, “Tell her I want some of her wonderful cooking. Maybe we will all go together to introduce your old ladies to her, eh?”

  Thrash nodded. “I'll tell her and we'll see. These Virginia fuckers tell you how Skunk hit on Nailz's old lady?”

  Rabid looked pissed. “How fucking dare Skunk touch an old lady belonging to one my 'Boys'. He is another one that needs to go. I'll tell 'em to get his patch, he's out bad. Always causing issues. It's a done deal. Hard to believe Nailz took an old lady too. Something in the water in New Jersey? My mother is wanting me to settle down. Gotta find an old lady soon too.”

  Rabid looked edgy. “ I need some dust. Go tell Bullet to get some.”

  Thrash and V walked toward Bullet, glad to get away from Rabid and his craziness.

  V muttered, “Mama cooking for him? He'd come dusted and that would be the end of him.”

  Thrash just grinned.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Flop was drunk and getting in Rabid's face. “I got shit on you, Prez, that will turn the whole club against you.”

  Rabid looked coolly at Flop. ”You got nothing! I'm taking your patch, fucker. Ain't nothing stopping me right now from putting you out bad.”

  Flop swung at Rabid and hit him in the face. Rabid's boys rushed forward. Rabid motioned them away. “Bring Flop outside. We have an issue.”

  Usually Rabid didn't bother to fight but Flop had gone too far and this was working right into his plan. Flop was tossed on the ground and fell with a thud. He was drunk and spewing nonsense to anybody who would listen. Rabid walked out of the door and looked at his entire club.

  “Flop says he wants to take over Bound for Hell from me and he punched me in the face. So I think Flop and me need to fight this out.”

  Bro's that had never seen Rabid fight came to watch. Rabid was not huge like Nailz but he was a mean motherfucker. He was a handsome man with his devil like goatee. He was always very clean and neat. Rabid didn't look as wild as some of the Bound for Hell members. Then again... looks are deceiving.

  He stood waiting for Flop to get up. Flop was muttering he didn't want to fight. Rabid didn't give a shit. His boot came out and kicked Flop back to the ground and he began kicking the shit out of him. He aimed for every part of Flop's body and Flop didn't have a chance in hell to fight back. Rabid was fast, determined and crazy. By the time he was done stomping Flop, he looked like a bloody, fat rag doll in the dirt. Rabid never even used his hands on Flop but he wiped them on his jeans anyway.

  Rabid raised his fist. It was eerily quiet as he spoke. “Flop is no longer President of the Central New Jersey chapter. He's out bad. I wanna ask you to consider Nailz as the new National VP. Tramp is retiring and is going out with honor. Nailz has always been a stand up brother. Club first. Do you say aye or nay?”

  Shouts of aye roared through the bikers.

  “Then as President of Bound for Hell I will have Nailz as my Vice President if he will accept. Nailz?”

  Nailz stood there thinking. He had no choice and decided he'd better pull this off well. He looked to all his brothers and stated, “I'm ready to step up and be at Rabid's side. I'll be here for any brother in need.”

  The members of Bound for Hell MC nodded their approval.

  Rabid commanded, “Bullet, grab Flop and take his colors. He can have a ride back to New Jersey but his bike stays in the club.”

  Flop staggered up and was ready to swing at the back of Rabid's head but Nailz was a fast man. He easily broke Flop's jaw and the ex member went down groaning.

  Nailz grinned, “Already got your back, Prez.”

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Rabid was sitting with Nailz. They were discussing what Rabid was planning.

  Rabid looked at Nailz, his dark eyes glinting, “Flop ain't going back to New Jersey. There's a hog farm near by. Bullet's cousin owns it. He says that hogs will eat anything - even fat fuckers like Flop. Bullet's got him out back and I'm gonna shoot him. That fucker's gonna pay and I feel blood thirsty. So you get Flop's bike if you want it, or you can give it to Jersey.”

  Nailz nodded, “Jersey sure could use it and he'd probably change it around to his own style. I got enough bikes. I don't want it. Never thought Flop would go crazy and attack you though.”

  Rabid stroked his goatee deep in thought and surmised, “It's the dust, bro. Now I see why I need to get an old lady. Might make me smoke less and lay off the speed. You remember my mother? She wants grandchildren. Guess I owe her that much.”

  Nailz thought; Just kill me now! He remembered that evil female tyrant and had met her on several occasions. She was an evil sociopath like her son Sean, aka Rabid. Sean was sure in a mood to bring up his sainted, martyred Irish mother.

  Placating Rabid he said, “Your mother is a wonderful woman. She was always so thoughtful and kind to me. Didn't she give you the name Rabid?”

  “Hm - you recalled that Nailz? Smart man. She caught me trying to shave when I was a toddler and I had shaving cream coming outta' my mouth. She said I looked like a rabid dog! Funny how we get our club names; most people don't have a fucking clue! Like, I used to think you were named Nailz for being a soldier and always hitting your target. Then one day I hear the sluts talking and they said you nailed 'em all. Fitting name for you, bro!”

  He laughed manically and Nailz joined in, but for a different reason. Nail's thought to himself that Rabid's mother had named him correctly.

  After Rabid got over his laughing fit, he slapped Nailz on the back and ordered, “Hold down the party while I take a ride with Bullet. On the way home have Jersey let a prospect ride his bike. I want him in the van with Pops and a bundle that looks like Flop. Shove Flop's bike in too. I guess you can explain that Flop took off when you get to the Cove, eh? Oh... and we need to make Veiko President. I think it would be too much to make Thrash VP, so Jersey can take that slot. That work for you?”

  Nailz nodded his head. “Anything you want, Boss.”

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Rabid stood in the back of the pasture at Bullet's cousin's farm where the hogs were kept. A pig sty Rabid thought. There sure were plenty of hogs and it stunk to high heaven. He looked with disgust at Flop who was naked and squirming wildly on the ground.

  “You went too far, Flop. So, since I'm such a nice guy, I'll give you a clean shot to the head and Bullet here is feeding you to his cousin's hogs. No more Flop! It will be like you never existed. Shit! You're gonna be bacon!” He laughed evilly at his own joke.

  Rabid took out his gun and shot Flop squarely between the eyes. He spit on Flop's dead body.

  “Bullet, toss him over the fence to those hogs even dead he disgusts me.”

  Bullet kicked Flop's body. “Rabid, I never trusted this son of a bitch. I think you made some solid choices today. He's a fat fucker too.” Bullet dragged Flop's body to the the fence and tossed it over. He called to the hogs, “Sooeee!” He really hoped Rabid wasn't going to want to stay and watch the hogs rip Flop apart.

  Rabid eyes gleamed as he saw the hogs running toward Flop's body. “You sure they eat everything Bullet? I'm more of a city boy - don't know shit about hogs.”

Bullet replied, “Hell, if they don't, I'll be back to check. We're still going to be here for a few days aren't we?”

  Rabid sighed, “Yeah, we gotta check a few more chapters. Then a stop to see my mother and off to the northern chapters. I want a motel when this party is over. I need a hot shower cause I reek like Flop and pigs. Freaks me out not showering everyday. Virginia's clubhouse is filthy. Remind me to tell them that.”

  Bullet just looked at Rabid's back as he stalked off and thought; There goes one twisted and crazy motherfucker!

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  V and Jersey were talking to Nailz on the porch waiting for Rabid's return. There was nobody around and Thrash was walking around to make sure of it.

  Jersey looked a bit confused, “So, I"m stepping up to Central Jersey's VP. Veiko is going to be the president and I get Flop's bike?”

  Nailz snorted, “Bout sums it up, bro. He would have put Thrash in as VP but thought two brother's might not go down well with the club. V's been acting as President anyway, so it all makes sense. Just act grateful to Rabid and always respect his mother. V and Thrash know about his mommy issues. I can't believe he's doing his own dirty work and not having Bullet do it.”

  V questioned, “Have you've known Bullet for a long time?”

  Thrash leaned over the porch rail. “Nailz, Jersey and I have. He's a good, bro. He's a follower to a point but even he thinks Rabid's losing it. He isn't on board with everything he does.” Thrash moved back to keep his eyes on anybody who came too close.

  Jersey shrugged his shoulders. “Hell it could have been me in the pig sty! That's nasty! I wonder if he tossed him in alive. Sucks to be Flop!”

  The brothers just sipped their beers and waited. When Rabid got back, it seemed like he was in a good mood. Smiling at everyone, clapping bro's shoulders, hugging others. He made his rounds just like a politician. At last he climbed up the few steps to the porch.

  Rabid looked at the clubhouse with distaste, “These Virginia bro's live like pigs! This place is a fucking sty compared to other clubhouses. I'm making it a rule- each club has to be cleaned every single day. We got prospects, so they can clean to earn their colors. And I want clean bathrooms with showers in each club. Well... Flop has left the area so to speak. Veiko, you're the new President and Jersey is the VP.” Rabid gave Thrash a hard look. "You'll be there whenever I need you, right Thrash? Anybody got questions?”

  Jersey answered, “Rabid, thank you! I really could use that bike and I'll do the best job I can for you, Prez.”

  Rabid nodded. He set his eyes on Nailz. “You'll be staying in New Jersey since your old lady lives there or goes to school?”

  Damn! thought Nailz. Who the hell alerted him to Jo so fast? They had a rat it seemed.

  “Yeah, Prez. She does. She plans to be a nurse.”

  Rabid looked interested now. “That's a very good thing for the club. Well done!” He turned to V, “And your old lady?”

  Veiko didn't like Rabid asking him about Kima. Something just seemed off in his gut. “My old lady dances with Elena, who is Hunter's old lady. We haven't been together long, so who knows?”

  Thrash added, “Rabid, I plan to ask China to marry me and need some time off for a honeymoon. I've thought about it for a few weeks and it's the right time to ask her.”

  Rabid smiled, “You're marrying her before you let Mama Finn find out she isn't a blue eyed Nordic beauty like your sister, huh? Good idea because your mother's not going to like this Thrash.”

  Thrash shrugged, “My mother doesn't have a say in who I marry, bro. She can deal with it or not. Her choice.”

  Rabid looked at the men in front of him. “Speaking of Hunter, where is he? What's the deal with him? Does he plan to patch his club into ours? If so, let's get it on the table. Go get him so we can figure this out. It'll be good for Bound for Hell to have a South Jersey Chapter.”

  Thrash left and went in search of Hunter.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Rabid was snorting some speed. When he was done he turned and looked at V. “Veiko, your old lady have any friends who are decent? Hopefully Catholic and Irish?”

  “Hell no! She's a wild child. I doubt your mother wants a daughter in law who dances.”

  Rabid sighed, “My mother is always trying to set me up with her friend's ugly daughters. She keeps nagging me about grandchildren and I may as well make her happy before she croaks. Never planned to settle down, but you bro's all seem good with it. I'll probably end up with Mrs. Sullivan's fat daughter.”

  Thrash arrived and brought Hunter up to meet Rabid. They'd met years before and hand/arm grips were exchanged.

  Rabid spoke first, “You got a good boy there Hunter and he's gonna rise far in the club. I've met Thorn a few times. He shoots well.”

  Hunter was sizing Rabid up. “He better. He's half Indian and has been shooting since he was able to hold a gun. So... I want to patch my club over. Got a few details to work on first. Some of the retiring members want the clubhouse sold. I plan to buy it. Just have stuff to get in order and loose ends to tie up before we do this. ”

  Rabid was willing to wait and told him, “Hard to break up a club, bro. Take your time and since we got your son, it's a solid plan. We'll make it a South Jersey Chapter.”

  They shook hands on it.

  Hunter told them he was heading out early. Rabid suggested the Central New Jersey chapter go with him. Everyone agreed and made plans for an early departure.

  V and Jersey set off to tell their guys.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠ CHAPTER 26 ☠ ☠ ☠~

  Their men were back safe and sound finally. It was a party night at the club and Jo had to be by Nailz side. He had demanded she be there. Jo really wished Kima was going, but she wasn't feeling well. She needed her friend's support and needed to borrow her car too.

  Elena came to pick her up at her parent’s as she wasn't allowed to use their cars any longer. Her dad was checking the mileage. Kima told her could drive her VW bug up to the club. She also planned to stay the week at Nailz's apartment.

  Lately, Kima was keeping to herself. When Jo tried to call her and make plans, Kima would say she wasn't feeling well and not up to going out.

  When Jo got there, Kima was in an old tee shirt of V's and sweat pants. Damn! She was looking tired and drained.

  She took one look at Kima and asked her frankly, “What’s going on with you? You've been looking awfully pale lately and you never want to go out. What's up?”

  Before she could answer, Kima rushed to the bathroom and heaved into the toilet. Jo held her friend's hair back. She grabbed a hair tie and braided Kima's hair.

  After a few minutes passed, Kima groaned out, “Jo, I think I'm pregnant but don't tell V or Nailz. Until I know for sure I don't want anyone to know!”

  “Oh shit, Kima! What are you going to do?” Jo exclaimed.

  Kima got up and rinsed her mouth. “Jo! I'm gonna have the baby, of course! If V doesn't like it, oh fucking well. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine.”

  “I really hope so.” Jo started to worry. “Listen if you need me for anything I’ll be here for you. I’ll help you get through this.”

  “Thanks, Jo. Sorry I can't be there for you tonight. I wish I could go, but I have a feeling I'll be spending time in the bathroom, hugging the toilet. Now you should get going and see that old man of yours. Mine isn't planning on making it a late night - he knows I'm sick.”

  Kima slumped back on the couch.

  Jo decided she better take Kima up on her advice because she didn't want to keep Nailz waiting. Last thing she needed was a pissed off old man.

  “I really wish you felt better and could go! It’ll be weird going to this party without you. Get some rest and feel better! Love ya!”

  “Don't worry, Jo! Love you forever. You'll do fine without me. Here are the keys.”

  A little later, as Jo was driving, she wondered what Kima was thinking. Did she know Veiko well enough to have a baby with him? Kima would be a great moth
er and was good with children, but she was still so young.

  Jo wondered what her parents would say if she got pregnant. They still didn't know about Nailz and she was looking for a job. She’d applied everywhere she could think of but heard nothing yet.

  Tonight she'd have a few drinks and forget about her parents. Beach View was getting on her nerves too. The weekend with Nailz would relax her just fine.

  Maybe Kima was right. There was more to life then that gossipy little town and her nosy interfering parents.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  V left the party early and bumped into Jo walking into the clubhouse.

  “Hey there, Jo! You finally got here. Nailz has been watching the door for you.”

  Jo rolled her eyes at that. “Well, I hung out with Kima. I thought maybe I could change her mind about coming. But she was laying down when I left her.”

  “You don't know what's wrong with my old lady, do you?” V seemed concerned.

  Startled, Jo answered, “Not a clue. Probably just the flu or something.”

  “I think she's pregnant,” he confided.

  Jo looked shocked and asked, “What would you do if she was?”

  Veiko laughed. “Fuck! I'd be happy as hell! Isn't what I'd planned but we'd make it work. Nailz is waiting for you, so you better get to him before he comes and gets you!”

  Jo rolled her eyes again. “Yeah, I wouldn't want to keep the big man waiting. Later, V! And ride safe.”

  The brothers all knew who she was, but the old ladies still weren't all that friendly. Some of the sluts were giving her dirty glances, but she shrugged. Let them.

  He came from behind and hugged her. Jo leaned back into Nailz chest and her red hair flowed over his arm.

  He leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

  “How's my Chickie? Rough day?”


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