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Finding Erin

Page 8

by America Leigh

  “There’s no time to tell you the entire story. I can tell you though, under no circumstance that I am letting anyone take you away from me again. I will protect you with everything I have.” I said with every ounce of passion I had for her and there was no denying that I meant every word. “Ten years ago, you were taken from me and I have searched every day to find you. To bring you home, to me.”

  As the words poured out of me, it was like I was tearing a bit of my soul out and giving it away freely. The pain of losing her was something that would haunt me forever, but now I was determined that I would never have to face another day without her in my life or my arms. Erin sat quietly, taking every word in and digesting what they meant to the life she has lived without me. It wasn’t my intention to guide her to choose this life or the life we barley shared when she was fifteen, but now it was more than just giving her a choice, because now could potentially mean life or death.

  “Just answer me one question.” she whispered, hiding those pretty brown eyes.

  “Anything” I said quickly. There was nothing I wouldn’t give this girl I thought. She tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ear. I would move mountains if it kept her with me for longer.

  “What is my real name?” Erin looked up at me, hidden under her long lashes and waves of silky blonde hair. This was one of the question I have dreaded, ever since I decided to come clean. Erin’s eyes were silently searching mine.

  “You don’t want to tell me, do you?”

  “It isn’t that simple. It isn’t that I don’t want to tell you, it’s complicated”

  “I know. I can see it written all over your face. Please Eddie, I’ll do anything you ask, just tell me, please” Erin begged. Maggie owned my soul since we were kids. Nothing had changed. If this is what she needed until I could insure she was safe, I would.

  “Your name was Maggie. Maggie Montgomery.”

  Erin’s face wound tight with concentration, taking in the real her. “That name sounds familiar?” she asked, titling her head back with a confused look on her face. Eddie frowned.

  “The story was in the news for months. The media made it look like a conspiracy that either your father or mine had removed you from being with me”

  I sighed “Now you know. Whatever is happening here, this is bigger than you or I. I don’t want to scare you baby, but we have to go and we have to go now” Erin’s gaze never altered when I told her we had to leave, but her cheeks heated when I called her baby and a hint of recognition crossed her face. Interesting. Maybe there was hope for me yet. Maybe Maggie would come back to me one day.

  “Ok” Erin said in a resigned tone. This was breaking my heart that she was yet again, being torn from her life, but her safety was all that mattered at this precise moment. I would make it up to her later.

  * * *

  The drive back to Kent was uneventful, apart from the warmth of Erin’s tits snuggled up tight next to me. I thought my jeans would evaporate into shreds. The estate I bought a couple of years before stood on a few hundred acre. It always reminded me of a house out of a Jane Austen book. When I looked round the cream walls and stone staircase I fell in love with it. It was something that spoke to me as if Maggie was silently giving her approval. I had bought it with her in mind, determined to get her back. The pillars at the front stood large and obscene, but the insides were delicate and subtle compared to the outside. When I saw Erin’s eyes as we pulled up the long drive that was surrounded by endless acres of meadows, I knew I had made the right choice.

  “So beautiful” she whispered in awe. This moment right here in my driveway made me fall for Erin that little bit more than when she was my Maggie. I wish I could have captured that moment and stayed entwined within its depths instead of the reality that was playing out in front of me.

  “Can’t you say anything else but no” Faith screamed at Rhodes, who were stood at loggerheads in the living room of my three story home. The heat and passion that zipped through the pair was surprising. I wonder if they even realise how they react to each other.

  “Fuck, No” His accent drawled off his lips has Rhodes smirked at her. Shit. Faith’s face was hard and red. These two were like dynamite.

  “I want to go home” Faith pouted, stamping her foot.

  “No. Until you start talking, it’s never going to happen” Rhodes glared at Faith. He had been trying to gather as much information from the girls ever since we returned to Kent. But they were all tight lipped about their pasts. Erin couldn’t provide us with anything because of the amnesia and the others were stonewalling Rhodes. I wasn’t sure if I was anxious of what they were hiding or the fact that their pasts could potentially hurt Erin in the process.

  “My past has nothing to do with what’s happening here, so I don’t understand why we can’t leave” The passion within her was impressive, out of all the girls I hadn’t expected the delicate one to be standing up against Rhodes, openly arguing with him and not backing down. The smirk on Erin’s face confirmed that Faith’s slight stature was just a front and she was tough underneath that delicate little package.

  Rhodes squared his shoulders and stalked up to Faith. “Because no one is telling me the fucking truth and no one realizes how fucking serious this is” He barked. “And all three of you have received untraceable calls through your cells. So until you start telling me what the fuck is going on, my answer will be no” Rhodes admitted. His breathing was rough by the time he had finished and his cheeks red with exertion.

  “They are private calls” Faith quipped back, folding her arms in protest.

  “That’s bull shit and you know it. The only possible reason you could be hiding something from me, is if you are feeding someone information about Erin. So let me repeat myself slowly, Shorty. Who are the calls from? And are you putting your friend in danger?” Rhodes demanded with no intention of backing down. The blood drained out of Faith’s cheeks and I saw the raw emotion hit her delicate features. Her lips trembled and when her eyes suddenly glistened with unshed tears. I knew Rhodes had overstepped the mark. Oh shit. Erin was going to rip me to pieces for letting Rhodes accuse her of leaking information to whoever was behind this. “Holy shit” I heard Rafi from behind me, where the hell did he come from? The room dripped with tension. Faith’s quiet sobs and light footfall descended the room. Rhodes stern features never faltered, but I knew deep down he was a good guy trying to keep us all alive. He stalked down the hall way and out of sight.

  What bugged me about this is why he was so hell bent on confronting Faith and not the other girls? I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know what that exactly meant. When I caught a glimpse of Rhodes carrying Faith in his arms later. I wondered if there was more to their relationship than I originally thought. The tension between them has been strife since Rhodes barged in Erin’s house and demanded we get down. Something seemed off.

  Chapter Ten.


  “Holy shit!” I heard Rafi say behind me. I heard the numerous voices going off, but all I could hear was Faith’s sobs. She ran from the living room trying to cover her face with her shaking hands. Her meek voice was clawing at my overprotective nature to hold her and tell her that everything would be ok. This wasn’t just Erin’s safety I was considering now but it was also Faith, Peace and Justice’s. Faith was hiding something and I needed to know what that was? So I could protect her. Protect them.

  I took quick and urgent strides to follow Faith’s sleek blonde tresses hide behind one of the en-suites on this floor. The fire in her usually pale blue eyes had turned dark navy with anger surprised me. No, it shocked the fucking hell out of me. Faith had already caught my eye weeks before when I was assigned to watch over them. She was smaller than I was usually attracted to, but everything about her drew me in on a different level than just lust. I couldn’t cross that line with her. I needed to keep her safe. This wasn’t just a job anymore. Both I and Eddie knew it. That went for all of us, this was personal and I couldn’t let Faith dist
ract me with her delicious ivory skin and gorgeous blue eyes.


  This can’t happen. I demanded my body back under control and took quick deep breaths when I reached the door Faith had disappeared behind.

  Aww shit. I groaned internally. I could hear Faith’s muffled sobs behind the door. I silently tried the door handle and could feel her weight behind it. I was mentally kicking my own ass for causing her this pain.

  “Faith” I asked quietly. “Faith, let me in” I told her, putting some authority behind my tone this time, gently nudging the door with my shoulder. I could demand her to let me in with the authority I once possessed in the marines, but force wasn’t going to get me anywhere with this girl. I knew that. I nudged the door again, not putting much weight behind it, I didn’t want to scare her. If she had any sense, she would stay away from me and not give me those lustful looks when she thought no one was looking and tempting me with that innocent body of hers.

  The door eased open reluctantly. I squeezed my large frame through the space she allowed. Faith moved back to the door. I turned around quickly and I nearly dropped to my knees with the sight of Faith dishevelled on the bathroom floor looking distraught.

  Aww Fuck! What have I done? The need to comfort her overwhelmed me. I bent down and picked Faith up instinctively. She was light as a feather. I could feel the heat radiating off of her tiny frame and I felt large and possessive with her in my arms. The way she snuggled up and started breathing softly into my neck made me hold her even closer to my chest. The sweet waves of her breath hit me at full force making me concentrate on only her breathing and the way she craved my touch as she clung to me in comfort. At the point I was too far gone to put her down and step away. I could vaguely see Rafi and Eddie out of the corner of my eye looking gobsmacked at the gentleness I was showing Faith. Their expressions didn’t falter, but I could see they were wondering if there was something going on between us. Well they could just fucking wonder, because whatever happened between me and Faith, would stay between me and Faith. Was that me hoping or wishing for her to want me as much as I apparently wanted her?

  Before I could even think of what to do next. I had made my way into my room at the front of the house, closing and locking the door behind us. Faith’s gaze was filled with lust and passion.... Full of need. I had one of the larger guest rooms on the second floor, so I was positioned before the girls on the third floor. My entire surveillance ran from this room. I placed her on the bed. I sat beside her in silence, willing her to reject me or still be angry with me for my harsh words but her eyes held understanding and her body hummed at my closeness.

  "I'm sorry Faith, I shouldn't have shouted at you or asked you about your past"

  "You were in your right"

  "You deserve your privacy. Erin’s word should have been enough."

  "I've had to keep things hidden for a long time, an old habit hard to break" Faith admitted on a sigh. She bowed her head to hide her face from me. Those words physically punched me in the gut. I was an asshole to make her feel guilty when all she was doing, was protecting herself. I understood that better than most. Some things were better left alone, but Faith’s secrets had to come out. I have protect them, yesterday had been a close call. Too fucking close. I looked into Faiths eyes and I knew now, that losing her or any of the others wasn't an option. I bent down and brought my face close to hers, cupping her cheek’s. I said I was sorry again, but all Faith could do was stare at me with desire in her eyes and licked her lips as if she could already taste the desire I had for her. The need to touch her and taste her was consuming me whole. I gently brushed her lips with mine, tasting the moisture from her tear’s. As soon I had that little taste, my body clamoured for more. I roughly grabbed her neck and slammed my lips back into hers, this time with the desire and passion I was feeling for her, holding nothing back. I should have been more careful with this small woman in front of me, but her soft moans stopped my thoughts. All I could feel was the soft laps of her tongue against the harshness of my own. This gorgeous and gentle woman was out of my league, but the taste and smell of her invaded my senses with urgency. Lavender. I pulled away suddenly feeling ashamed of my lack of restraint. I knew I had to stop, even though every nerve in my body was taught. I moved off the bed to put some distance between us.

  "That shouldn't have happened" I choked out, trying to get my breathing under control. I looked over at Faith and she looked like I had physically slapped her. God damn. I sighed in frustration. I could never do or say anything right when it came to Faith. She tied me in knots. I realised maybe this would be for the best. I was no good for her, she deserved so much more than the hollow ex-marine that I am.

  "Why?" Faith asked quietly. She had recovered quickly and now she wanted to know why I changed my mind.

  "This is my job, Faith" I said simply, leaving out that I wasn't worthy of her desire or her body. I would never deserve to be loved by a woman like Faith.

  “There’s something between us. I knew the second I laid eyes on you in the hospital” The mere mention of our first meeting had my thoughts in uproar.

  “Don’t.” I warned.

  "I know that. I would never make you choose Rhodes. I know this is your career and you care about Rafi and Eddie. I would never make you choose” Faith repeated the last part again, bowing her head in sadness once again. Every vessel in my heart was aching with the need to sweep her in my broad arms and claim her as mine. Claiming her meant giving her everything she ever needed. I would never be that man.

  "Ellerson" I corrected.

  "Excuse me?" She asked, confused by my comment.

  "My name is Ellerson, not Rhodes. In the marines they use our last names. Eddie used the same.

  "So should I call you Ellerson or Rhodes" Faith asked in a challenging tone. I found myself chuckling at her response. Fucking A. Faith wasn’t what I expected from the glimpse I had of her in her file.

  “Both” I admitted, I would answer to either. Her challenging smile, turned into a frown. Did she want me to ask her to call me Ellerson? I should have kept my mouth shut. Our relationship had to remain purely professional. Before I could stop myself, I heard the words fall out of my mouth to call me Ellerson. Deep down, where the knots had taken a firm hold of gut, I knew I wanted to please her. If I was being completely honest with myself, I wanted to lay her out on my bed to touch and taste every inch of her ivory skin. The vision of her naked curves and my body pressed tightly against hers made me groan inwardly.


  I felt my cock spring to life. It hadn’t had much reprieve since yesterday when I dived in front of that bullet for her. The full force of her sweet curves and delicate smell made me want to grind my nearly hard shaft into her core and fuck the consequences. Literally. I had lost sight of the threat. My need for her took over. All I wanted was to bury myself as deep as I could inside Faith. The man in me wanted to fuck the consequences but the marine in me, was screaming danger, get the fuck off that territory. I must have hesitated too long. I could hear her sweet voice in the background as static filled my ears. I was fucking mess when it came to Faith Adams.

  Faith sighed, getting my full attention. She pushed her body round and up onto her feet. She stood tall in front of me. Her shirt pulled tight and her hair swung to the side. She looked directly into my eyes. I saw a flicker of sadness there, but that was quickly masked by pride making her back straighten. This girl was a lot stronger than I gave her credit for.

  "Don’t worry Ellerson, I would never make you choose. You're right, we should forget this ever happened. I'm better on my own anyways, I've never been worth putting first. I was always the one left behind."

  Her last comment sliced into my flesh making my heart constrict in pain. She reached up cupping my cheek like I had just done to hers. Faith turned around and headed for the door, not giving me another look. A little part of me didn't want to get mixed up with any chick but the rest of me, was screaming for Faith to turn ar
ound and realise I was worthy. I was seven shades of fucked up from combat and I damn well knew it. This was best. That's what my head was trying to tell me but my heart had followed Faith out of the door.

  Chapter Eleven.


  My chest was heaving when I leaned back on the closed door of Rhodes room. Ellerson's room. It suited him, it was strong and powerful just like the man himself. A smile tugged at my lips. I was sunk. His face was stricken with his indecision. I truly believed what I told him. I would never make him choose between me and his career. I would never give up on my own career, so I couldn't do that to him. Our type of jobs were vocations, a calling. Ellerson's was to protect and mine was to heal. What I need to do now, is forget about the dark and formidable ex-marine and move on. I needed to get out of here and back to my safe job and safe life I had built. Pathetic. I can’t do that….. The sound of Katy Perry's Roar danced through the air. I pulled my phone out quickly before Ellerson came out and asked what I was doing still stood in his doorway.

  "Hello" I whispered into the handset.

  "Why the hell are you whispering Faith? And while you're at it, you can explain to me why your picture is splashed all over the news this morning, with your roommates in tow" Ray’s harsh breaths rushed down the line with his words and I held my breath wondering if I could ignore those two questions. Apparently not, as Ray cleared his throat again.

  "I’m whispering because you are calling me while I'm in the middle of a frigging shitstorm, Ray. So I would appreciate you not shouting at me. This wasn't my fault. Erin’s past came back to find her and the threat that were attached to it. This is why I'm holed up in a house with the girls and three frigging gorgeous strangers, who happen to be billionaires for fuck sakes" I finished sharply, blowing out the frustration that built whilst dealing with Ellerson.

  "Ok. Ok. I'm sorry, but this is going to be bigger than a shit storm Faith, if we can't get this under control"


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