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Finding Erin

Page 10

by America Leigh

  Chapter Fourteen.


  I swallowed what seemed to be the hundredth time in the last sixty seconds. I stared down at the little notes and letters wrote in what seemed like my handwriting. I was moaning at being left alone while Eddie had gone to university and begging him to take me with him. I could feel the pain that my younger self had been feeling and fell that much deeper into the reality that I belonged with Eddie. Everything was totting up. Arguing that I once was Margaret Montgomery and I loved Edward Vance was no longer an option. The last line of one of the letter caught my eye. “I'm there right beneath the surface, always with you baby” The words that he had told me underneath the willow tree had made me wonder if Eddie and I was connected on a deeper level. Those words were repeated letter after letter. A red velvet box sparkled under the now dimmed lights of the hotel room. The time had passed more quickly than I had realised. I grasped the box and ran my fingertips over the exterior of the box and looked at Eddie. I was being ridiculous, this couldn’t be an engagement ring. Eddie had told me he had filled the box for my sixteenth birthday, he couldn’t have been planning to ask me to marry me then, could he? I shook my head of the insane thoughts of marriage and commitment, when Eddie told me to open it.

  My curiosity had got the better of me. I popped the box open and saw the most exquisite diamond ring I had ever seen. The diamond was a large square stone with smaller blue stones surrounding the outer edge. The ring looked like an antique, but sparkled none the less. “It’s …beautiful” I stuttered breathlessly.

  “It was my grandmothers. When I was sixteen she sat me down and asked me if I was serious about you. I had no hesitation when I told her that you would be a Vance in the near future and I would always love you the same way that my grandfather had loved her. Completely and undeniably forever. My grandmother loved you, she probably loved you more than me at some point” Eddie chuckled at the memory. “She told me that if I was lucky enough to find a love like she had with my grandfather, than I could give you her ring. I can’t promise we won’t struggle, but I can promise a life full of love” Eddie stared down at the ring that I held tightly between my fingers. I was scared of what this meant for our futures. “No matter what life throws at us, you are all I ever want to be” Eddie closed the gap between us and ran his lips up the side of my neck and made my body tingle with need at his warm and caressing breath washed over my body. “Your Husband” He whispered as he continued to torture me with his small pants of breath and the feel of his teeth tasting me. I shuddered at his words. Husband. Was I ready for a husband? I had never had a relationship before and nothing about eddie and I was conventional. I had only known him for the last week or so and now I was considering consenting to his marriage proposal. My entire body hummed in recognition at Eddie’s presence and all the other stuff melted away and seemed to make complete sense.

  “Say it again” I muttered, caught up in the moment.

  “Husband” He practically sang with pure and utter lust in his voice. Eddie’s lips gently pressed on mine and his teeth nipped me lightly. I completely surrendered to him. His mouth continued to devour me willingly. Could I trust the fact that I was ok with giving Eddie my future without much thought?

  We stood there embroiled in each other’s embrace for what seemed to feel like days. It soothed the uneasiness of the marriage proposal he had just sprung on me. I was at complete and utter peace in Eddie’s arms.

  “My answer is yes. I’ll marry you, on one condition.” I had to trust my instincts on this one. “Name it.” Eddie begged. His eyes were dilated. He sucked in a shaky breath. “You have to tell me everything.” This was something I had to know. I needed the pieces to fit. Eddie nodded, but I saw the fear in his eyes.

  “Ok.” I said simply.

  “Are you sure?” Eddie asked, needing reassurance.

  “Aren’t you?” I asked confused by his sudden indecision, making me frown in return.

  “No baby, I’m one hundred percent sure, but I don’t want to pressurise you. I want you to be completely and irrevocably mine” Eddie’s words sang to something deep inside me and I wasn’t sure if I would ever be the same after this. I wouldn’t call myself a romantic. When Eddie whispered those sweet little nothings in my ear. I liked it.

  “Yeah, I’m sure” I nodded. Eddie’s smile made my insides ignite in a way I had never known before, but I did know that I wanted to make him smile like that at every opportunity. Eddie took the velvet box from my shaking hand and gently took the ring from my other. He gently removed the onyx ring that had sat on my finger ever since I had woken up and slipped his grandmothers ring on my left hand. The ring was perfectly sized and gleamed under the soft lights of the living room. This moment was perfect, unexpected but absolutely perfect none the less. I reached up and ran my fingers through his shaggy hair and surrendered to what fate had in store for me.

  * * *

  The room was silent. I had actually stunned the living shit out of all my friends. Even Justice was speechless and that never freaking happened. I chuckled at the absurdity of it. Peace’s eyes were has round as saucers and Faith smirked in a way that suggested that she knew well before I did that we would be having this conversation eventually.

  The silence was interrupted by Justice’s fits of giggles. God I loved her. Her hysterics were infectious and I held my stomach whilst giving in to the laughter that coiled in my gut and sprang to free itself. This kind of thing could only happen to a group of dysfunctional misfits, couldn’t it? I sighed, trying to get my breathing back under control. I wiped the tears that had escaped in the madness of the moment and peeked at my best friends to face up to what they had in store.

  “Please tell me he’s not pressurising you into this?’ Faith asked quietly. She nervously wrung her hands as she waited for my reply.

  “No” Shaking my head in reply. “I can’t explain it or even understand it, but on some sort of level I can feel it. I belong with him. I always have. I just didn’t know he was what I was missing.”

  Faith sighed dramatically. What the hell was up with that? Something was going on with her. She was hiding. Maybe this thing with Ellerson is making her realise that she can’t keep herself shut off forever. Justice and Peace’s faces softened.

  Was I ready to be someone’s wife? When I don’t even know who I truly am. My stomach fluttered with the excitement from Eddie asking me to marry him and realised that fate had a plan for me and this was it.

  My destiny.

  If that involved Edward Vance, then I would trust that. I would trust that I woke up alone to eventually find where I belonged.

  “Are you having a long engagement?” Justice asked full of excitement. I could practically see all our outfits picked out for the engagement party, hen party and the wedding. If I let her loose on this, I would be tied in dress fittings for the next twelve months.

  “No. Eddie thinks it best to make it official as soon as possible and I agree. I will be more protected as his wife.”

  Justice mouth was wide open and she was actually speechless. Again. I’m on a freaking role.

  “Are you sure about this?” Faith asked. Her eyes flitted around the room.


  “But you don’t…”

  “I am”

  “You need to….”

  “Stop it” I practically shrieked. “This is me. I never do anything I don’t want to. This is no different.” Justice and Faith exchanged worried looks until the door practically crashed to the floor in a whirlwind of strength and power. Rhodes stood alert in full marine mode. His muscled frame pulsated underneath his black crisp suit jacket and the heat from his lavender eyes consumed Faith’s instantly. Holy Shit! No wonder Faith was having a hard time getting herself together. I was practically humming with the sexual tension in the room. If it wasn’t for the small fact, that Rhodes just broke my freaking door. The interruption distracted me from Faith’s attempt to talk me out of it.

at the hell?” I bellowed at him. Rhodes finally pulled from his distraction and looked down at me, looking shamelessly sheepish. Neither of them realised how infatuated they were with each other. It was that obvious to everyone else but them.

  “Oh my god” Peace gasped.

  “Unfucking believable. We could be host to Cupid. Everyone’s getting gooey eyed and going soft” Justice snorted and folded her arms tightly around herself. Faith’s face had turned red. Faith leapt to her feet and ran out the broken door. Ever since we left Yorkshire, everything had gone to shit.

  “You better not be just standing there, Rhodes. Go after her” Justice chastised him.

  Peace shook her head gently and started shaking. “This is ludicrous. What the hell is happening to us? One minute we are all normal and living insignificant lives and the next thing, you’re marrying a billionaire and Faith is falling for G.I.Joe over there” She raged, pointing at the empty hallway. I wanted to reassure Peace that nothing would change, but that would be a big fat lie. We never lied to one another. Peace was right. This is ludicrous. Everything was changing. I would be marrying Eddie and trying to evade whoever was after me and them. Faith was falling for Rhodes and she was slowly letting her walls.

  “It’s ok” Justice added softly, taking Peace into her arms and holding her with everything she had. I was at a loss. This was supposed to be good news and now I feel like I just dropped an atomic bomb. I slowly turned around and silently walked down the hall and up the stairs to our floor and threw myself down hard on the bed. I stared at the ceiling for what seemed to be a lifetime and realised that I hadn’t felt this alone since I woke up in the hospital as clean as a blank slate. Shit!

  What was I going to do? I barely heard the rap of knuckles on the door, when it silently opened and closed. His quiet footsteps were barely audible. If it wasn’t for my body’s reaction to Eddie than I would have been clueless.

  “You awake?” Eddie asked in a whisper, skimming my arm with his lean body. Oh god! His slightest touch sets me off, as if fireworks were being silently unleashed.

  “Yeah” I breathlessly answered. He was too close. Eddie’s body sat right next to mine now. This was stupid. I was marrying this man. That I was one hundred percent sure of, there was no doubt in my mind, even after the girl’s reaction to the news. I have never reacted to someone like this before. Would this response continue or would it fizzle out just as quickly as my body reacted to him. If I was into gambling, I would bet no. There was something deeper that linked Eddie to me. I just hope it was tangible enough to survive all the drama we seem to evoke around us.

  “You ok?” He asked sweetly.

  I sighed deeply, trying to find the words that didn’t rip my entire heart out of my chest. “No” I choked out.

  Eddie pulled me over to face him.

  “I’m right here, baby. Right here.” Eddie told me with such confidence that I was beginning to realise that he meant with everything he had. His palm laced over my heart. Those words he had spoken only a few times, held a cord to my memories. It was if those words were linked to me somehow. Just like the willow tree had reminded me of Eddie being just under the surface. Maybe we were tied together on some kind of cosmic level that I never even realised existed, I just hope he could handle the thread between us carefully and not push for something I couldn’t quite give him yet.

  The smell of the outdoors and mint had me thinking of surrounding myself in his embrace and taking things to a level I wasn’t sure I was ready for. The problem with having no memory of the past, is that you’re scared of anything that could create a future for yourself. Now I was in Eddie’s arms I wish I had more experience being with a man.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?” Eddie tilted my chin up to look into his worried eyes.

  “Nothing” I stuttered, a little too quickly as Eddie’s intense gaze zeroed on my hesitation.

  “I love you Erin”


  “It’s ok, baby. You don’t have to say it. I just need you to believe it.”

  I silently nodded. My response seeped into Eddie and his tense frame relaxed into his hold of me.

  “Can I stay?” He shyly asked. “I won’t try anything I swear, but can I…. just hold you?” Eddie’s hazel eyes looked everywhere else but at me. Even through all the drama we had been through in the last week, I had never seen him so nervous, as if my answer could physically harm him. The tyrant was gone and the fragile boy was there in his replace.

  “Just to hold me?” I naively asked.

  “Yes. I need to hold you tonight. Is that ok?”

  “Yeah” I gulped in response. “Will we be sharing a….?” I stopped myself from asking the one question I wanted to ask. I wouldn’t go down that path and sound like the inexperienced adolescent I truly am.

  Eddie remained silent. Maybe this marriage would be one of pretence? All I knew for certain was that I couldn’t ignore the connection Eddie and I possessed. I sank into his arms a little further and wondered if I was setting myself up for heartbreak or a lifetime of happiness. Only time would tell.

  Chapter Fifteen.


  Erin’s soft and even breaths sang throughout her room. Her body had relaxed into me and all I could think about was grinding my cock into her sweet little body until I exploded from the tortious joy I felt at this moment. When Erin had started to ask if we would be sharing a bed, my cock had stood to attention instantly. My horny body instantly shouted, fuck yeah, but I remained silent. Erin’s response to me may be primal, but her hesitation spoke loud and clear. She wasn’t ready for that kind of intimacy, even if we were engaged or not. Having her in my arms, safe and sound made my heart sing. I finally felt at peace after a decade of searching and fearing the worst. I finally had her in my arms and having her delicate body encase my senses and let myself have the intimacy I never experienced before.

  * * *

  I woke up in pure heaven as Erin’s sweet little body was pressed firmly against my morning wood. Jesus! I wonder what it would feel like to finally get to taste that sweet little pussy and sink deep inside her. Shit! If it was anything compared to this pure torture, it would be like touching heaven and staying there forever. Erin’s little moans brought me back to the present as she squirmed against me. She was trying to fucking torture me. I was in fucking hell. “Aww baby” I moaned unintentionally. Shit. When she made those little noises they vibrated straight to my cock and gave him full control of my body.

  “Eddie” Erin sleepily moaned. Oh god, this was agony. I needed to wake her up and go and take a cold shower.

  “Please” she begged.

  “Erin” I groaned.

  “Please” she asked again. She didn’t know what she was asking for.

  “Erin” I said again, but was cut off by Erin’s body grinding back against my now pulsing cock.

  “Eddie, Please” she begged again and my restraint snapped.

  “What do you need, baby” I asked desperately. Hoping that she would snap out of her dream filled lust and tell me no.

  “I need to…. I need to ...” Erin groaned, unsure what she needed.

  “You need what, baby?”

  “To come,” she pleaded, as she continued to grind backwards.

  “We need to…. Are you sure?” There would be no going back after this, if we had sex or not. Once I had touched her, tasted her, she would be mine forever. There would be no going back after that.

  “Yes” Erin practically screamed.

  I slid my hand round to the front of her panty’s and eased my fingers into her wet pussy and pushed open her folds to find her soaking wet. Fuck! Erin unrelentingly grinded against me, over and over again, in a torturous rhythm that made me want to come then and there. If she kept up this pace. I would be coming in my pants before I could make her come. I started to move two fingers in and out gently. I picked up my pace as Erin’s body was withering in front of me. Aww god! The smell of her sex and her body’s response to my touc
h had me climbing to new heights. Erin’s body shuddered against me and I could feel my control snap as I moaned out Erin’s name and moaned in pure ecstasy. Our breathing subsided and we remained tangled in each others arms. I could feel Erin tense. I gently removed my fingers from her tight pussy and sucked them clean. The taste of her exploded on my tongue. I promised myself that I would be tasting all of her very soon and turned her over to face me. The nervous look on her face had me feeling like crap.

  Had I gone too far?

  “Did I…I didn’t hurt you, did I? Shit, I’m sorry. I took that too far. I should have made sure you were sure. I just…. I needed to feel… I just need to feel you come apart in my arms. I couldn’t stop myself.”

  Erin shook her head and pressed her fingers against my lips to quieten me.

  “That was the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced. Thank you” Erin’s pure words affected me more than I could have anticipated. I had been so confident that Maggie held my heart all those years ago. Laying with Erin in my arms made me realise that this girl was so much more than the schoolboy crush I held for Maggie.

  Erin’s face spoke a thousand words. Her caramel eyes were as dark as a lustful storm was descending over us.

  “Did you just?” Erin shyly motioned towards my now wet and sticky shorts. Shit, I had forgotten about that. I suddenly felt like a horny teenager coming in my pants. What Erin and I had just shared as literally blown my mind.

  “Yeah” I chuckled. “You make me feel like a lustful teenager again.” I admitted. It was if time had stood still and returned us back to the days under the willow tree when my cock couldn’t control himself.

  “Touché” Erin giggled. This side of her made me want to wrap her up against me and never let her leave my side.

  “What do you want to do today?”

  “Surprise me?” Erin softly spoke as she rested her head over my heart and closed those pretty eyes.


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