Book Read Free

Taken by Storm

Page 10

by Valerie Twombly

  Chapter 11

  Zander sat in a lone chair and stared at the sleeping female on the bed. Her hair was splayed across the pillow because... Well, because he hated that damn ponytail and had freed the silky mass before he’d tied her to the bed. He tried to deflate the stiffening cock in his jeans. Looking at her wrists, which he had bound with rope and tied to the metal headboard, didn’t help matters. Neither did the fact her skirt had hiked up, revealing way too much creamy thigh. The swell of her breasts pressing through her blouse threatened to burst every button. He had to remind himself, she was not for the taking. The doctor was his prisoner, and he needed to gain information from her. Of course, he wasn’t above letting her believe the worst of him. Kill her? If it came down to it, then he wouldn’t hesitate. His people were at war, and as prince, he was responsible for each and every one of them.


  Never. One thing he couldn’t abide was hurting a female. Sure, he had one tied to a bed, but he would make sure her death was quick and painless.

  She stirred. Thick lashes fluttered open, and her eyes locked on him. She pulled and realized she was tied. “Let me go.” Hot temper seethed behind a pair of icy blues. Damn, he loved a feisty woman.

  “Not today,” he replied in an even tone.

  She turned her head and tried to look around. “Where am I?”

  “I suppose it won’t hurt to tell you. Underground. This place is where my brother kept hidden. Only way out is by magic and last I knew you were lacking in that area.” He raised a brow and skimmed her body. “Though you’re not lacking in many others.”

  Her mouth opened. Closed. Then opened again before she replaced the panic on her face with sheer determination. “If you plan to rape me, get on with it.”

  He laughed. “I have no such plan.” Lifting a shoulder. “You’re not my type.” He watched the relief sweep over her, and found it irritated him. He stood and pulled his shirt off.

  “What are you doing?” Dread edged her voice.

  He edged closer until he was towering over her.

  “W-what are you doing? I said I would help you.” She pulled on her ropes. “There’s no need to tie me up.”

  He sat on the edge of the bed. “Good. Let’s start with where Garret is.”

  “I don’t know. He moves around a lot.”

  She reeked of deceit, and it pissed him off. He leaned closer and ran his fingers up her naked thigh. She tried to jerk away, but it only caused her skirt to ride higher.

  “Stop touching me,” she snarled.

  “Then stop lying to me.”

  “I’m not lying.” She bit her lip as he moved his hand within inches of her core. “I thought I didn’t have to worry about you raping me? Who’s the liar now?”

  He smiled. “I won’t ever have sex with an unwilling woman, but you... The room is filled with the scent of your arousal.”

  Her gaze narrowed. “You’re disgusting.”

  He leaned in until his lips were inches from her ear. “No more than you, sweetheart.”

  “I would never willingly desire you. You’re working some kind of demon magic on me.” The swell of her breasts rose up and down with her rapid breaths.

  “I could but I’m not. The desire is all yours. Apparently, you haven’t been fucked in a while.”

  “Anyone tell you you’re crass?”

  He leaned back. “None have dared.”

  “Oh, I see. You’re the spoiled little prince who can do no wrong.” Her gaze cut daggers of hatred, but her statement couldn’t be further from the truth. Spoiled was something neither he nor his brothers had ever been. Their father had made sure they were hardened warriors, and in a time of war, they had learned everyone was an enemy unless proven otherwise. This woman was at the top of his enemy list, and instinct overruled everything else. He would use whatever means to get the information he needed. After? He would decide then what to do with her.

  “Make no mistake.” His voice dropped to a low hiss. “I’m your worst fucking nightmare. Talk quickly and tell me where by brother is, and I might be lenient. Fuck with me and I won’t care you’re a woman when I mete out your punishment.”

  Her fear filtered through the room and sat on the back of his tongue, leaving a bitter taste. He’d succeeded in making the female question her safety in his presence.

  “There is a compound. I swear I don’t know if Orien is still there, but he was a few days ago. There are also female demons being held as well.”

  “Finally. Was that so hard?” He sensed she was telling the truth, but why lie about Garret? Did she have a thing for him? She was hiding something, and he would uncover it. For now, he would relay the information to the others about Orien.

  It had only been four weeks since Bethany and Fang had bonded, and she stared at her belly in amazement. It had grown from a small bump to where her pants wouldn’t go past her hips anymore.

  What. The. Hell.

  “You’re so cute,” Aimee greeted.

  “The only thing I can wear are a couple of dresses. Pants are not an option, at least none that I have.” She walked, no make that waddled––at least that’s what it felt like to her. “I’ve jumped from like two months to seven in a matter of weeks.” She rubbed her giant bump and smiled as he gave a tiny kick. “It is rather cool feeling him move. He is so strong. Thank god, I won’t have stretch marks like a normal human.”

  “A nice perk to mating a demon.” Aimee pulled open the closet doors then turned back to Bethany. “We need to get you some new stuff and the baby too. You have nothing, and at the rate you’re going, he’ll be born without a stitch of clothing to wear.”

  Bethany laughed. “Not a chance. His father will spoil him rotten. The man has already made him his very own dagger. His grandfather sings songs I have no idea what the words are.” She looked down at her stomach and filled with pride. “I feel so blessed.”

  “I’m happy for you. Now let’s go shopping. The guys won’t be back for hours, and as much as I love Atlantis and could explore here all day, we need to get out.”

  “I don’t know. Fang was firm in his instructions not to leave. I’m sure Greydon has said the same to you.”

  Aimee shrugged. “We’ll be fine, I’ve been out before. Besides, I need something to wear for my upcoming coronation.”

  Bethany laughed. “You’re not going to make me kneel or start calling you by some freakish title, are you?”

  A look of horror passed over Aimee’s face. “Oh, hell no! If you do, I’ll smack you upside the head.” She plopped into a chair in the sitting area of Bethany’s bedroom. “Have you given any more thought to the change?”

  Bethany sat on the edge of the bed with a sigh. “I’m scared shitless, but I’ve decided to go through with it.” She placed her palms on her stomach. “I can’t imagine leaving him. Ever.”

  “Have you told Fang?”

  “Not yet. I planned to do it tonight. Where are the guys anyway?”

  “With the others searching for some compound, so let’s go shopping!” Aimee jumped from her chair.

  “Is it safe for us to leave?” Zolar had to be searching for her. There was no way he would give up so easily when he thought the baby was his key to the gate, so to speak.

  “I’ve got my bracelet on and the necklace Fang gave me, as well as the ring.” Aimee laughed. “So I can zap ass, while dialing a demon for help and flash us back to safety.”

  Bethany chuckled. “You are one badass. Okay, I guess since you’re loaded down it won’t hurt to leave for a bit, but promise we can go for ice cream.”

  Aimee linked her arm through Bethany’s. “Whatever baby wants.”

  “How’s your son growing?” Greydon asked.

  “Like crazy. If not for our bonding, I’d be worried for Bethany’s health.” Fang and Greydon waited with all the patience they could muster, while the others camped out, lying low. Zander had come clean that he was holding the doctor hostage, and she had offered up this information
. They all hoped it was accurate.

  “There is definitely activity down there and a magical ward placed around the building.” Fang closed his eyes and sent his own magic out to test the barrier. Since he and Bethany had mated, power that had lain dormant for centuries deep in his DNA awakened. He was still trying to get a grip on what he was capable of. Each day was a new adventure in discovery. If he managed not to fry his own ass, he considered it an accomplishment.

  The threads of the ward stood out like neon lights to him, and he was able to trace them to their main source. It was both old Valarian magic and that of the god Zolar combined.

  “Looks like one of the Concosa has had a magic infusion,” Fang said, looking at Greydon.

  The king arched a brow. “Explain.”

  “It’s old magic from our homeland, which indicates the maker was probably once one of our Oracles. It’s been woven with Zolar’s own magic, so I’m going to go out on a limb and say the god has somehow shared his power with this demon.”

  “Damn, that doesn’t sound good. Can you break through?”

  Fang smiled. “I cannot disable it to get everyone through. However, I might be able to slip past it myself. If I can locate the fucker responsible and kill him, then his barrier will fall.”

  “Then do it. I’ll move closer to the others and await your signal. Just be careful.” Greydon slipped off to join the other men, and Fang cloaked himself, shifted, and took to the air.

  Minutes later, he stood outside the iron gate and wondered why there were no guards patrolling the grounds. He sensed the Concosa on the other side, and now that he was closer, he also caught the signature of Valarians. Their people, at least some of them, were here. The guards must think the magic surrounding the place was enough to keep intruders away. While they were correct in their thinking, Fang wasn’t like most intruders.

  He pulled his wings in and shifted back to human form, still cloaked under his own magical spell. However, as soon as he tried to slip through the barrier, his shield would drop. He needed to be prepared. Pulling a pistol from his thigh, he marched toward the gate and stepped into the magical ward. Electrical current tore through his body and sent pain rippling all the way to his marrow.

  He sucked in a breath and pressed on.

  Stuck halfway between, the pain nearly dropped him to his knees. The stench of burning flesh clogged his nose, and he realized it was his own. A burst of power from the creator of the wards thrust him backward.

  His presence had been detected.

  He’d underestimated the one who created this magical spell. An eerie laugh wrapped around him and squeezed.

  “Only a fool believes he can best me.” The voice nearly blew his eardrums, but Fang recognized it instantly.

  “Silor! I should have guessed your rotten stench.” Fang gritted his teeth and summoned more power. The tats on his arm throbbed and sent energy cascading through each line as it crossed his chest. Determination to kill the demon on the other side sent him into overdrive. With one boot placed in front of the other, he managed to break through. When he was finally free of the painful grip, a screech let loose and ricocheted off the concrete building in front of him. It took a second for him to realize that sound came from him.

  He’d managed to shift back into his demonic form. His wings spread wide and felt bigger than before. The markings on his body pulsed with power, their color running from onyx to the deepest purple he’d ever seen.

  Demons poured from opened doors and rushed him.

  He sent magic to his wings and blocked the barrage of daggers that flew at him. His fangs thickened in anticipation of tearing the throats from his enemies. Like a mini tornado, he spun, and a spray of bullets shred through the first ten demons who came at him. The poison quickly went to work and dropped them to the ground. He scanned those still standing in search of Silor. This son of Threydor had killed Greydon’s parents and been Zolar’s right hand man in starting the war.

  The bastard must be hiding.

  As a demon ran at him head down, determined to ram his horns into Fang’s gut, Fang lunged first. Wrapping his arm around the demon’s neck, he gave a twist. Vertebrae snapped and sinew and muscle tore as he continued to rip the beast’s head from its body.

  Another whipped a throwing star at him, lodging it in his thigh. Fang let out a snarl and unleashed a current of power that instantly turned the brains of those closest to him to jelly.

  Six more down.

  Fang took to the air and avoided shots fired, only to lock into hand to hand with two demons. One sank its claws into Fang’s back while the other took a swipe at his chest with a blade. As soon as the one on his back released him, he realized the bastard had broken his claw off and the damn thing burrowed its way into his kidney.

  “Mother fucker.”

  A Concosa claw was deadly. Already he felt the effects of the poison in his system. There was no way for the others to get in to help him without him first killing Silor, which would drop the wards. Fang had one option left.


  Chapter 12

  Bethany and Aimee walked the streets of New York City, going from store to store. They carried a few bags, but nothing they couldn’t handle.

  “I need a break. I’m starving and my back hurts,” Bethany whined.

  “Okay. There’s a restaurant just down the street. We can grab some lunch.”

  “Awesome. I swear this son of mine grew while we were in that last store.” Bethany rubbed her lower back. “He’s also kicking up a storm. I think he’s hungry too.”

  “Here it is.” Aimee pulled open the door and a blast of cool air blanketed them. Bethany had to wonder why in the hell they had come to the east coast in summer. Couldn’t they have gone somewhere cooler?

  “Oh, damn it smells good in here.” Bethany swore her rumbling belly could be heard across the entire restaurant. They made their way to a booth in the back. Bethany picked up a menu and a sudden fear came over her. “Why do I feel like something is wrong?”

  “What do you mean?” Aimee questioned and set her menu down.

  “I’m not sure how to explain it.” Bethany shrugged. “Weird, it’s gone now. I must be tired.”

  Aimee nodded. “Let’s eat then we can head home.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” She picked the menu back up. “Hmm, what are you having? It all looks so good.”

  “I think I’m going to go with the BBQ sandwich, slaw, and beans.”

  “Me too and a chocolate shake to go,” Bethany laughed.

  The waitress came and took their orders. Another came by and placed glasses of water on the table. Bethany leaned back in the wooden booth, wishing for some cushion under her backside. Maybe she’d ask Fang for a back rub later tonight. After he got done rubbing other things, of course. Their sex life was what stories were made of and she hoped it stayed that way. Everyday they were together, she found herself falling a little more for him. If it weren’t for the fact he was one of the strongest men she’d ever known, she would fear for his safety every time he left home.

  It felt like the baby was doing somersaults. She placed a hand on her belly. “Whoa, little one.” A tiny fist pushed into her stomach and Aimee laughed.

  “Damn. He’s feisty today.”

  “I don’t know why he’s so active. I swear, he’s trying to claw his way out,” Bethany groaned.

  “Should we be worried?” Aimee’s features were laced with concern.

  “I think it’s pretty normal, but if he doesn’t settle down after I eat, maybe we should call Fang. It’s not like being pregnant with a demon baby comes with a handbook.”

  The waitress came and set their food on the table. “Enjoy, ladies. Is there anything else I can bring you?”

  “Nothing yet,” Bethany replied and dug in. With her mouth stuffed full of BBQ, and sauce running down her chin, she was in heaven. Grabbing a napkin, she wiped her face. “God this is good.”

  “Mmm-hmm,” Aimee mumbled between bi
tes. Apparently, she was as hungry as Bethany.

  Half an hour later, they both tossed their napkins on the table and groaned in satisfaction. Or maybe it was misery from overeating. “I have no room for that shake now.”

  “Send Fang out later. Ugh, I ate way too much, but it was sooo good!” Aimee shoved her plate further away.

  “Yeah. I’m ready for a nap.” Bethany pulled cash from her wallet and plopped the bills on the table. “Lunch is on me. Thanks for talking me into getting out. I got a few things and you have your dress. We did good.”

  “Thanks. We should probably head back.”

  “Okay.” Bethany pulled herself from the booth. “I’m ready.”

  The girls waved to their waitress on the way out with promises to come back. Once they hit the sidewalk, the sounds of the city surrounded them. Aimee looped her arm through Bethany’s. “We just need to find a spot where I can pop us out of here.”

  “It looks pretty busy out here.” Bethany scanned the area and didn’t think they were going to have much luck. “At least junior seems to be asleep.” The baby had finally stopped using her as a punching bag. “However, my ankles feel like watermelons. You’d think being mated to a demon I would be exempt from this shit.”

  “Have you guys thought of a name?”

  Bethany gasped. “Shit. We’ve not even talked about it. I forget I don’t have the same amount of time as normal mothers.” She shifted the bags in her grip. Panic raced up her spine and she looked over her shoulder. “I feel like someone is following us.”

  Aimee looked back. “I can’t tell. Let’s grab a cab. We’ll head to the park where we can find a quiet place to get out of here.”

  Bethany saw the man coming toward her, and everything slowed to a crawl. A flash from something shiny as he bumped into her, followed by excruciating pain.

  “A gift from Zolar,” he whispered.

  She doubled over, clutching her stomach. “Oh my god. Aimee, I’m bleeding.” Darkness and terror swirled around her as she suddenly realized she had been stabbed. The baby moved in frantic motions and she panicked.


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