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Taken by Storm

Page 11

by Valerie Twombly

  “The baby...” She dropped to her knees. Blood flowed between her fingers and darkness swirled behind her eyes.

  Fang lost control and plummeted toward the ground. He kept his wings out to try and slow his descent, but it did little to lessen the painful thud his body made when he landed.

  The air was brutally forced from his lungs and more demons descended on him. What a shitty day. Within seconds, he was shackled with a pair of cuffs encased with magic then jerked to his feet.

  “Silor is waiting to see you.” The demon laughed as he tugged Fang’s aching body across the courtyard and into the building.

  He studied his surroundings. Lights pulsed from warm bulbs, and the place reeked like piss. The combination of the two was enough to make even the strongest spill their stomach contents all over the floor. Speaking of, when was the last time this place had seen a mop?

  Fang stumbled as sweat trickled down his temples. “Mind hurrying this along? I’m sure Silor will want to torture me before the poison kills me.”

  The demon looked at him with a flash of fear on his face before masking it. He must have realized Fang was right, and Silor’s lackey would be blamed for his negligence. The demon moved faster, practically dragging Fang until they reached a large overhead door, which was partially open. They ducked under it and Fang scoped out a table with several chairs. It looked to be a small kitchen with a couple of couches facing a big screen TV. Since when the hell had demons cared about watching television?

  His escort shoved him toward a towering, ugly fuck that looked much like Threydor. Fang stumbled but remained standing.

  “Well. You look like hell, considering how confident you were only moments ago. I’ll enjoy taking your head off, after I’ve had fun with the rest of you, of course.”

  “Of course,” Fang grunted.

  “Leave us,” Silor shouted at the others in the room. Everyone scurried, apparently scared of their leader. Fang simply laughed.

  “Something funny?” Silor curled his lip.

  “Yeah, you dumb fuck. You really think you can continue this war? Your father died at the hand of the king.”

  “My father was stupid.” Silor stepped closer until he was in Fang’s face. The demon’s black eyes searched Fang’s own. “You’re in no condition to end me. My men are searching the perimeter at this moment, looking for your companions. Will I find the king? Perhaps I can thank him personally for ending my father’s life, right before I take his.”

  Fear scurried across Fang’s skin like a million tiny spiders, yet it wasn’t for Greydon or the others. They were capable warriors. It was for Bethany and his son. Something was wrong. Seriously wrong. Fang needed to move this along and quickly.

  With deadly silence, he summoned healing energy, and inch by painful inch, he forced the claw embedded in his body out the way it had entered. It fell to the floor, breaking the silence, and Silor looked down.

  “What the hell?”

  Fang’s demonic form surfaced, and he lunged for his unsuspecting victim. “You’re as stupid as your father, playing into my plan.” Before Silor could respond, Fang sank his fangs into the demon’s neck and ripped his throat open. Satisfaction along with blood ran through him. He’d taken a chance by feigning his injury, in the hopes they would lead him straight to the one who held the wards in place.

  A commotion outside indicated the barrier had dropped, and Greydon had entered along with the others. He tossed Silor’s body and roared. Two demons rushed into the room, but as soon as they saw their leader’s lifeless body on the ground, they turned tail and ran.

  Fang stormed from the room like a hurricane on steroids, Silor’s blood still dripping from his lips. The bastard tasted nasty and had left a foul coating in his mouth. He needed to locate Greydon or Zander and make sure they were aware he was getting the hell out of here.

  “Fang.” Greydon stepped in front of him. “What the hell happened?”

  “I had to play injured in order to get to Silor so the shields would drop.”

  “Silor? Shit, I should have known he was behind this.” He arched a brow. “Can I assume that’s him dripping from your mouth?”

  Fang swiped his hand across his face. “Sorry. I must go. I fear something is wrong...”

  “Fang?” Greydon touched his shoulder.

  In his gut, he felt Aimee’s tug. She summoned him, using the stone he’d given her. “Aimee is summoning me.”

  Greydon paled. “Shit, let’s go.”

  Bethany woke to a screaming Aimee hovering over her and the most incredible pain racking her body.

  “What? Oh my god, it hurts.” She could barely speak through the pain. Her jaw was clenched so tight her teeth hurt.

  “Bethany, you were stabbed,” Aimee’s panicked voice reached her ears.

  The fog began to lift. She recalled the man who’d come at her, and the blade he’d plunged into her. “It was Zolar—the man said so. Oh god! The baby!” She felt him move. Was he injured, and how bad was she? Bethany lifted her head and tried to look around. She was no longer on the street in New York and her surroundings looked vaguely familiar, except for the woman tied to the bed. Bethany clutched her side and tried to sit up.

  “Aimee, who the hell is that?”

  “In my panic, I brought us back to Greydon’s hideaway. I’m not sure why she’s here, but that’s the doctor from the lab.” Aimee moved to the head of the bed and began tugging at the woman’s restraints. “You’re a doctor, can you help her?”

  “I'm not sure. Not without proper medical equipment,” the woman replied.

  “Ahhh.” Contractions spread across Bethany’s stomach. “I think the baby’s coming.” This couldn’t be happening. It had to be due to the stabbing.

  Aimee freed the doctor, and the woman rushed to Bethany’s side. She brushed hair from Bethany’s face. “You have some serious bleeding going on.” She looked up at Aimee. “Can’t you get us out of here?”

  “I can probably take us back so we can get her to a hospital.”

  “She needs to go home,” Fang’s voice rang out and he knelt beside Bethany. “My hauracha aera. What happened?” He placed his arms around her and lifted her off the ground. She faintly heard Greydon in the background swearing.

  “Fang. I’m so sorry.” She began to sob. “It’s my fault. I should have known better than to leave the safety of Atlantis, and now our son...” She dug her nails into his back and screamed. Was the pain from her wound or the contractions? She couldn’t tell. Either way the situation wasn’t good, and it was all her fault.

  “Shhh, love. Everything will be fine. I promise.”

  Chapter 13

  Fang needed to feel Bethany’s heartbeat so he held her tight against his chest. Panic set in the moment he’d spotted her, and now that he’d touched her, he felt his son about to make his way into the world.

  Too soon, he thought, but wasn’t sure how to stop it. His only thought was to take her back to Oshivana and pray for a miracle.

  He flashed them back and barely noticed the others come in hot behind him. Aimee was muttering something about it being all her fault. At the moment, he didn't care what happened, only that Bethany and their son survived. Later, he would hunt and slowly kill whoever was responsible.

  Father, where are you? Bethany and our son are in trouble. It felt like minutes passed, when in reality it was only seconds before his father appeared in front of him. He took one look at the woman in his arms.

  “We must to go to the temple,” his father said as he placed a hand on Fang and flashed them directly there. With a sweep of his hand, he had candles around the entire room lit. “Lay her on the altar.”

  Fang didn't question but followed orders. In three strides, he was to the altar and gently placed Bethany on the tapestry that covered the stone floor. A marble statue of the god Thundohn stood looking down on them. The likeness of Uuna, Thundohn’s daughter, knelt at her father’s feet.

  “Fang, what are we doing here? Th
e baby needs a doctor.” Bethany tried to sit up, but Fang pressed her backward.

  “Do you plan to perform some demon magic?” An unfamiliar female voice questioned.

  Fang whirled. “Who the fuck are you?”

  “She’s the doctor that helped me when I was in the lab. Helped Bethany too.” Aimee wrung her hands. “She was tied to the bed. That’s all I know.”

  Bethany screamed in pain. “The baby!”

  The doctor rushed forward. “She needs medical help or she will bleed out. We also don’t know what organs may have been hit. Even demon babies need special care if born too early.”

  “Someone get her away,” Fang snarled.

  “She shouldn’t be here anyway. She’s my prisoner.” Zander grabbed the woman by the arm and dragged her from the scene.

  “Your species is barbaric,” she hissed at Zander.

  Fang focused on his mate again. “Love, you’re going to have to drink my blood. It will help you heal. As far as our son, he has decided it’s time to come into the world.”

  Bethany began to protest, but he placed a finger on her lips.

  “Shhh. He’s strong and will be fine.” Fang smiled. “He is a protector and has sensed the danger to his mother. Nothing will stop him now. However...” Fear did a tap dance on his stomach. He could lose the woman he had only begun to know but had already fallen in love with.

  “You will have to decide soon––before our son is born–– if you wish to remain human or become Daldara.” He bit his wrist and pressed it to her lips. “Drink and you’ll feel better.”

  She did as he bade and drank from him as if she were starving. While her body should have healed on its own from the bond they shared, it didn’t. He had to assume the blade had been coated with something. He prayed this worked or she would die from her injuries.

  Fang looked up at the statues of Thundohn and Uuna and began to pray. When he returned his focus back to Bethany, her color had changed from pale to rosy.

  He exhaled.

  “Feeling better?”

  She released his wrist and nodded, licking her lips. “Yes, even the contractions have calmed. Maybe our son has decided not to be born after all.”

  Fang gave quick thanks to the god and his daughter then placed his hand on Bethany’s belly. No, their son would still be born this day, but he had allowed his mother time to heal and Fang to prepare. “Sorry love, but he is still determined. He is just giving us a little more time.” Fang turned to his father, who had been standing close enough to offer moral support.

  “Please let everyone know Bethany is out of danger. We need to be alone now.”

  His father nodded and proceeded to usher the men and a complaining Aimee from the room. Fang heard him explain that Bethany was out of danger, and this was a moment meant only for mother and father. Once everyone was gone, Fang helped Bethany sit up.

  “What is this place?”

  “This is Thundohn’s temple. It is where the first Daldara was born and blessed by him. My people believe Thundohn’s spirit still resides here, looking over us. Our son will be born at the god’s feet, where both Thundohn and his daughter Uuna will bless him as well.”

  Bethany looked up at the statues. “I feel like they are looking at us but not in a creepy way.” She gave a small gasp and touched her extended belly.

  “Our son grows impatient. Let me help you undress.” Fang began to pull the blood-soaked dress over her head, and when her naked body was exposed, he was relieved to find no evidence of her wound. “You are beautiful.”

  She looked down at her stomach. “I’m fat and I swear I’ve gotten more so in the past few hours.”

  He placed his hands on her round belly. “I love how you look, full with our son.”

  Bethany had never felt more loved in her life, but the words. She needed to hear the words and be convinced what she felt for Fang, and felt from him, wasn’t in her imagination. She knew what her choice was going to be. Becoming a demon, as scary as it was, would be what she’d choose. Growing old and eventually dying wasn’t an option for her. She had way too much life to live.

  “Fang, about the choice I must make. What do you want me to do?”

  His eyes grew weary. “It is not for me to decide. I can’t sway your decision.”

  So, he was going to be stubborn. “I know what I’m going to do, so you can’t change my mind. However, I need to hear from you, what you want and why.” She shifted as he brought some pillows and laid them around her, slipping one under her head and another under her knees.

  He combed his fingers through her hair and pulled the tangles free. “I need you. I need you to be here with our son and me. I need you to be a mother and a lover. But most of all, I need you by my side until my dying breath. Call me selfish, but I’ve realized I love you, Bethany, and I want to spend the rest of our lives showing you how much.”

  Tears stung her eyes. It was exactly what she wanted to hear. “I love you too, and I intend to spend thousands of years showing you how much.”

  His lips pressed against hers and his tongue laid claim. She was most definitely branded by this demon. When he broke free, he gave a gentle kiss to the tip of her nose.

  “Your time grows near. I feel our son getting restless,” he whispered.

  “Tell me how we do this. Don’t we need a doctor?” She wondered if sending the woman away had been such a good idea.

  He shook his head. “No, this is our time. I will deliver our son. Shortly after, your change will begin, and we will both be here for you, as well as my father.”

  Worry increased her pulse. “Will my death and rebirth be painful?” She laughed. “That’s a dumb question. I’m about to push a demon child from a place that––in my opinion––should never be stretched that far.”

  Fang placed his palms on her belly. “The birth will be uncomfortable, but compared to human women, your experience will be a breeze. I will absorb most of your pain. As far as your death...”

  There was that sad look again.

  “Neither my father nor I have ever been witness to a rebirth. I wish I knew more.”

  A contraction hit and she blew out a deep breath. Thankfully, it was no more than her worst menstrual cramp. “Great. Well, I will bear whatever is necessary to be with you and our son. Speaking of, he needs a name.”

  “Do you have something in mind?” Fang massaged her enormous belly.

  “I have no one I wish to name him after in my family. You?”

  “I’ve always thought to name my son after my grandfather, Tanlor. You could call him Tanner if it suited you.”

  “I like Tanlor. It’s unique, and apparently your grandfather meant a lot to you.” Bethany touched his face. “I love you. Please take good care of Tanlor until I return.” Another contraction hit. This one stronger than the last.

  “Your time is getting closer. Lay back and try to relax. Everything will be fine, and I love you too.” He kissed her forehead.

  Fang absorbed as much of Bethany’s pain as he could, but it wasn’t enough. He wanted to take every bit of it from her. His mate was a real trooper, though.

  “It’s time to push again, love.”

  She gave him a nod, propped herself up on her elbows, and pushed. Fang kept his palms on her stomach, gently massaging as the baby moved into position.

  “I can see the crown of his head. One more should do it. He is anxious to come and meet his mother.”

  “I'm ready to meet him too. How long will I have before...” She took a deep breath. “You know.”

  “You'll have a little time.” His gut clenched with worry. What if the legends weren’t accurate? So far, everything had happened as told to him. However, there was always the chance Bethany would remain as she was. That he could handle, at least for now. The thought of her dying and never coming back to him... He feared the hole it would leave in his heart, and the destruction he would cause in his grief would be catastrophic.

  “I feel the need to push.” Bet
hany propped herself back up. “Thank you for taking the pain. You doing okay?”

  He gave her belly one last rub and prepared to bring his son into the world. “I would endure death for you if I could. I’m fine.” He gave her a reassuring smile. “When you’re ready.”

  Bethany pushed. Her forehead beaded with sweat as a head of dark hair crested the birth canal. Seconds later, Tanlor had freed himself up to his shoulders. Fang cradled his son’s head in his palm.

  “We’re halfway there. Soon, I’ll have to call in my father.” The legend had said while the baby still held a connection to his mother, the father and grandfather would combine power to help the mother transition.

  She gave a nod and prepared to push again. Tanlor slipped into his father’s arms and Fang was quick to wipe him down with a damp towel. His son took his first breath, and their eyes locked on each other. Besides bonding with Bethany, this was the most profound moment in his life. Were those tears that stung his eyes?

  “I don’t hear any crying.” The panic in Bethany’s voice couldn’t be missed.

  “He’s fine. There is nothing to cry about.” Fang placed their son on Bethany’s stomach.

  “Oh my god! He’s beautiful.” The baby’s tiny fingers wrapped around hers. “I can’t believe I just gave birth to him. He’s so big!”

  Fang grabbed a nearby blanket to cover his mate as he summoned his father. “I will cut the cord later. Father is on his way.”

  She gave him a worried look. “Are you sure it’s safe for Tanlor to stay connected to me?”

  “Yes, but if it makes you feel any better I’ll be monitoring him.”

  “Yes, it does.”

  “Ahh, there is the new grandson.” Bli stepped into the room and closed in on them. He brushed the baby’s cheek. “And how is my daughter in-law?”

  “Smitten and worried.” She kissed Tanlor on the top of his fuzzy head. “He has his daddy’s eyes and obviously his hair as well.” She blinked her eyes several times. “I’m suddenly feeling exhausted.”


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