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Nerd and the Marine

Page 7

by Grady, D. R.

  But that's okay, my husband swears he doesn't mind gray hair. At least the boys are having a wonderful summer. And the social interactions have proven invaluable for Stevie. His sister has been contemplating and planning his death, but other than that, we're fine.

  Destiny has actually become adept at avoiding him. Since she's a teenager, this has given some peace to our house, too. Many of her female cousins have joined her, and I believe she's been appreciative of female companionship. Now if I could just figure out a way to distract her from the newest loser she likes...

  It's not a perfect world, is it? Well, it was nice chatting at you. I hope this finds you well. Do you need more cookies? Please be safe.

  Lots of love,

  Laurie and Family. - Oh the kids have taken to calling you Uncle Mitch, is that okay?

  Mitch swallowed the lump in his throat that rose when he discovered Lainy was sick and remained there until he'd read about Steve's antics. How he'd longed for a tree house when he'd been a boy. But his mother had died giving birth to him. Mitch didn’t know his father’s name and as no one had come forward to claim him, he’d gone into an orphanage until they did. Only no one had.

  What a great thing - to have a tree house. Especially when one had sisters and female cousins. Mitch hoped the girls screamed loud, so the boys’ efforts paid off.

  The lump returned in full measure with Laurie’s sign off line of lots of love and then the afterthought of the kids calling him Uncle Mitch. With no siblings or family there’d been no possibility of becoming an uncle. Now, through Lainy, the no possibility had in fact become reality. He owed this woman a lot. She'd offered him so much and there was very little he'd done in return.

  His eyes fell on his dress hat with the Marine insignia. He could continue working to keep her free and safe. That was something he could do. It was all he could offer her at the moment. And then he caught sight of a picture of Bentley. His dog laughed back at him from the photo and Mitch smiled. He could also give her some time with the funniest dog ever.

  Lainy certainly seemed to enjoy Bentley. Of course, he'd take Bentley back when he returned home, but he had no intention of leaving Lainy behind, either. If she fussed, he could overcome her fears. Whatever they might be.

  He was a Marine, after all. He hoped her family continued to accept him. Mitch didn’t want trouble from her protective family. Or from her.

  Because he had very definite plans to keep Miss Lainy Morrison. He didn’t know how he knew, but women like Lainy only came along once in a lifetime. If you were lucky.

  Chapter Twelve

  The cellphone pierced the silence of the late morning lull and Lainy peeled one eye to glare at it. The caller seemed insistent, however, so she picked it up and barked a gruff greeting.

  “Lainy, it's Ben,” the caller said, sounding like he'd just run a few miles.

  “Hello, Ben. Have you been running?”

  “Yeah, and I don't have much time.” He still sounded breathless.

  “Okay, what's up?”

  “Remember how I thought I might get to the base Mitch is at?” His words ran together.


  “Well, I'm going.”

  Sitting up straight in bed, Lainy squealed, “When? How long will you be there? Have you contacted him yet? Do you want me to tell him? Oh, he'll be happy to meet you.”

  “Yo, Lainy, I've only got two ears, girl. Could you tone the volume down a bit?” Ben teased and Lainy shifted into contrite mode.

  “Oh, right. Sorry. But answer my questions.” Excitement forced out the remorseful feeling.

  “I go next week, and I'll be there for a night and a day. It's not going to be a long visit,” Ben cautioned.

  “I hope he's there.” Lainy chewed a fingernail.

  “Why wouldn't he be?”

  “He goes off on projects or missions, or something.”

  “Ah. Right,” Ben agreed. “You got a cold, Lainy?”

  “Yes. Bronchitis. Max and Laurie took me to see Doctor Mark a few days ago. I felt awful.”

  “Well, you sound awful.” He teased her in typical cousin fashion.

  “Actually, I sound a lot better.” She was too used to Ben’s teasing to get riled up.

  “I think you sound terrible.” Brattiness interlaced his voice.

  “Yeah, well, what do you know?” Lainy dug for her laptop under a pile of books and magazines.

  “Not much, apparently. I gotta go, but let Mitch know I'll be there on these dates.” Ben rattled off the numbers for her. Lainy repeated them before she said goodbye.

  She’d turned on the computer while speaking with Ben, so she clicked on her e-mail icon and tapped a finger on the base while she waited for the program to load. As soon as it did, she clicked the writing tab.



  Subject: My cousin Ben

  Hello Mitch,

  My cousin, Ben, is coming to your base next week. If you're there, he'll look you up. Or you can look him up. He's Benjamin Morrison. He's with the Navy, a SEAL, and only there for a short time. I think you'll like him. He's very much a Morrison, so a good indication of what the rest of us are like.

  Laurie told me she sent you an e-mail about my being sick. Contrary to what I'm sure she wrote, I am not at death's door. I was feeling quite unwell, but am improving every day. I still sound like I swallowed a frog or two, but am better.

  I've seen more of my family these past few days than I normally do in a month. Even the herd has come to visit, which I don't believe their parents would condone, but alas, they had to see how Aunt Lainy was. (My cousins’ children all call me Aunt Lainy, too, seems easier for all involved. I don't believe the kids actually know who their true aunts and uncles are, but that's okay.) ☺

  Bentley doesn't appear to like when I get sick and he's been a faithful shadow during this entire ordeal. He even follows me into the bathroom. I must look worse than I feel, because I can’t use the facilities without someone following me. It's ONLY bronchitis, but you'd think I have some life threatening disease.

  I've never seen so many fussing ladies in all my life, and remember, many of the cousins and all of my sisters are married. I know fussing ladies.

  Have you ever had your pillow fluffed? Five times by five different women, in the course of an hour? It's a relief when they all leave, because then I can finally sleep. Did I tell you I prefer to be left alone when I'm sick? Probably stems from not liking my pillow fluffed. Five times! In an hour! Aaaahhhhhh!

  Okay, I'm better. Anyway, I need to get up this morning and pretend I'm all better. I think if I can convince them now, I'll be able to nap all afternoon in peace. When I get sick, I really get sick. Usually knocks me down. So, I tend to have a longer time frame before feeling better. But, at least I'm among the living again.

  Hope you're doing well. Did you get a package from me yet? Hhhmmm. I suppose I could check e-mail, if you have received it, you probably already wrote me.

  Bentley sends his greetings, but we're not sending pictures this time since I've been unable to take new ones. Give us a few days and we'll be back to normal.

  All for now. Please be safe. I really hope you're on base when Ben gets there.



  She hit the send button and watched the message disappear while others filled her inbox. She saw one from Mitch and clicked on it. He’d received the computer and seemed pretty excited about his newest toy. Smiling, happy she could ease one of his burdens, she read through his note once, and then another time. His exuberance in coming home to a new computer helped make her feel better somehow.

  Selfishly, she knew she'd built his laptop half in part so she wouldn't lose contact with him. She couldn't bear to go without a message from him for longer than a week. She would miss him far too much. This man had managed to touch her soul. Somehow. And she’d been so afraid to write that initial e-mail. Now she thought of how foolish he
r fears had been.

  Wondering if not wanting to lose touch with him made her a self-centered person, Lainy read through her other messages. She replied to the business related ones, informing her brother his project would be done on time.

  After she finished his program she could concentrate on building another laptop like the one she'd made for Mitch. That way, when he had problems or concerns, she could address them right away.

  Besides, constructing the computer had been a lot of fun. And she couldn't wait to try another one. It was like building Porsches and then switching to Hummers. Each was a lot of fun in its own way - speed and agility versus strength and durability.

  Several family members entered her room, but intent on her work, Lainy barely noticed. She finished the program and shut down her laptop before nestling under the covers. All was quiet downstairs, so she hoped not to be bothered.

  Her work done for the day, she fell asleep almost immediately. She dreamed of Mitch and Bentley with her at the lake. Then of her and Mitch utilizing The Closet in Will's house. And most of the herd and canine population occupying the space with them. She heard Mitch's laughter and smiled in her sleep.


  Mitch opened his new computer and booted it up. He couldn't help the lingering satisfaction pulsing through him whenever he used his newest electronic device. Lainy had definitely outdone herself. The speed and ease of use of this laptop versus his previous bemused and exhilarated him. He was the envy of his friends and a few of his superiors. He wondered if the admiral who'd stopped him yesterday had been serious about contacting Lainy to order computers for the base.

  He noticed a message from her and clicked on it. Then laughed when he read of her pillow fluffing woes and wondered if she'd mind if he fluffed her pillow? He read on and, while disappointed to not receive photos, he was grateful she felt well enough to write. Mitch enjoyed communicating with her and was intrigued by her cousin Ben's visit.

  This would be the second contact he'd have with a Morrison family member, although he remembered very little of Melly Lytle. He'd been traumatized that day, so he figured the Morrison family would forgive him. He hoped cousin Ben would approve of him, because he didn't want troubles when he went home and tried to develop something lasting with Lainy.

  Tapping out a response took little time and then maybe he'd watch another Morrison Family Treasury, starring Miss Lainy Morrison. At least he hoped she starred in each of them. He had the distinct impression Ed Morrison had deemed him an appropriate love interest for his sister. Mitch wasn't certain whether to be worried or grateful.



  Subject: Glad you're feeling better

  Hello Lainy,

  Glad and relieved to hear you're feeling better. I hadn't heard from you in a little while and was concerned, so your sister Laurie's e-mail was well received. She didn't make any mention of the Grim Reaper, so I don't think you need to worry. She did mention how sick you were and that they, she and Max, had to wrestle you down to take you to the doctor. (We may need to talk about your apparent aversion to doctors.)

  Bentley doesn't like when people get sick. My friend Al came down with the chicken pox and just happened to be visiting me that weekend. Now remember, Al's the biggest guy in our company.

  Nursing him wasn't pleasant. Bentley wouldn’t leave his side. I had to bribe the mutt to go outside to go to the bathroom. Al, like you, just likes to be left alone when he's sick, but he didn't seem to mind Bentley. We had a tough time keeping Al from scratching, but he did pretty well, considering the amount of spots he had. I had them when I was a kid (went around my floor – all of us at once), so no worries there, but he was pretty miserable.

  I really love this computer, by the way. It's so fast and durable. Far faster than my previous laptop. The guys are all envious of my new machine. And I had an admiral stop me yesterday and ask about contacting you. Now, I don't know whether to take him seriously or not, but anyway, just to give you some warning, should you be contacted. One never knows. I hope you can recreate this computer if necessary? I figure you being you, no problem.

  I don't foresee being off base when your cousin arrives, but that doesn't mean I might not be. One never knows. I'll hope for the best and look forward to meeting him.

  I'm going to view another Morrison family video. Wish me luck.

  Glad you're feeling better. Don't overdo it.


  Mitch - Oh, by the way, the herd has taken to calling me Uncle Mitch. I've never been an uncle, but already I like it. Laurie told me when she wrote about how sick you were.

  Mitch sent the message and then eagerly sorted through his precious collection of videos before selecting a promising one. It read Lainy and the Herd. Liking the title he opened the slot of his new computer and inserted the DVD. A movie program popped up and he maximized the screen, selected a cookie, and leaned back to enjoy the show.

  The video started with a close-up of Lainy sleeping. Then the cameraman focused on the activity surrounding her. What looked to be about twenty kids bounced on the bed and squealed with delight as Lainy's eyes flickered open.

  As soon as the squirts noticed her begin to awaken, they pounced.

  “Aunt Lainy's awake. Aunt Lainy's awake,” they chanted in excited little kid voices and Mitch caught sight of a sleepy brown dog before canine noises added to the cacophony.

  “Oh no,” Lainy muttered and tugged the covers over her head. This set off gales of laughter from the small, wriggling occupants.

  Bentley and the kids, and what appeared to be a gaggle of dogs, all dug under the covers to reach her. Lainy tried valiantly to stand beneath the attack of twenty wiggling kids and who knows how many dogs, but even her best efforts were squashed. She peeked out from beneath the covers and Mitch didn't miss the glee in her eyes. She appeared to enjoy the morning every bit as much as the kids.

  “What do you guys want?” She sounded grumpy, but her voice didn't fool Mitch and he doubted any of the kids, either.

  “Let's go play,” the kids shouted back, bouncing on the bed and generally disrupting the calm of the morning.

  One of Lainy's eyes stared back at the kids from around the sheet she hid behind. “How many bowls of sugared cereal have you kids had this morning?”



  “I can't count that high.”

  “More than Mom said we could have,” came the chorus of answers and Lainy groaned.

  Without warning, she erupted from the bed and small bodies flew everywhere. Shrieks of laughter and much giggling later, Lainy stepped primly to the side.

  One redheaded child popped her head out of the ruckus and stated, “See, Aunt Lainy, since you went as’eep in your workout c’othes, you can p’ay with us.”

  Lainy laughed and rustled the red curls on her way past. “Hey, poppet, I always sleep in my work out clothes,” she said while Mitch peeled his tongue off the floor.

  He lost the thread of conversation as he leapt forward to pause the scene and nearly sent the bite of cookie he'd just eaten down the wrong tube. Gasping and groping for a drink, he found an old bottle of water under the bed and gulped a hasty sip.

  Eyes focused on the woman on his screen, he blinked a couple of times to make certain she really was there. Clad in a sports bra, halter top, and spandex shorts, Lainy could be a cover model for a fitness magazine.

  For all of Lainy Morrison being an electronics engineer, she certainly had the body of a fitness freak. She possessed curves and valleys he wanted to explore. And to think he'd been first attracted to her brain and beautiful soul. But her body was most definitely worth his efforts, too. She'd been hiding beneath shapeless clothes and one piece racing swimsuits. At least other men would be deprived of knowing about her amazing figure and Mitch thought this was good.

  He rewound the clip a bit to catch the rest of the conversation and wished he hadn't.

nbsp; “Uncle Sam says you don't need to work out, Aunt Lainy,” another little girl told her aunt solemnly.

  “Yeah, he said your body is nice now,” another one popped up from beneath the scattered bedding to add.

  “Who's Uncle Sam?” Mitch saw confusion etched on Lainy’s face. He'd like to know who Uncle Sam was, too.

  “You know, Uncle Ben's swim guy.” A nephew huffed a breath out and dove into the pile of squirming bodies nearly obliterating Lainy's carpet.

  “Uncle Ben's swim buddy?” A frown formed between Lainy’s eyebrows.

  “Yeah, you know him, that really big guy.” Another boy, this one skinny and freckled, made a pro wrestling stance that sent half the room into raucous laughter.

  “Why don't you all clear out and give Lainy a chance to catch her breath and have some coffee,” another voice, adult this time, said from the doorway.

  The cameraman swung to the door and Mitch recognized Melly Lytle in the doorway.

  “Aw, Moms” and “Aunt Mellys” rounded the room, but the woman pointed a firm finger behind her and the kids trooped out, most of them grumbling.

  When the kids had departed, Melly turned to Lainy, “They're right you know.”

  “Right about what?” Lainy asked absently, as she bent over the bottom drawer of a dresser in the corner.

  “Sam definitely noticed you and your female attributes, if you will.”

  “Who's Sam?” Lainy asked again, and she stared at the ceiling, a shirt hanging limply in her hand.

  Melly let out an exclamation and turned exasperated eyes on her sister. “Hello? Where were you last time Ben came to the lake? He brought his swim buddy, you know, the guy who went through the SEAL training with him? They had to do everything together or something like that? He was a total hottie and you don't remember him?”

  “Melly, that time Ben came to the lake, I had just finished the Gearson contract remember?”


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