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Playing for Keeps

Page 16

by Rhonda Laurel

  They all looked at Morgan. She was pretty fired up.

  “Yeah, what she said,” Dana added as she walked out of the room to take a call on her cell phone.

  “Morgan’s right,” Michelle said. “We can get this done.”

  There was a knock on the door. Isabelle opened it to find Debra standing there with a sewing basket.

  “Hi, Aunt Debra,” Isabelle stammered.

  Charisma’s eyes widened. “Mom. What are you doing here?”

  “I called Debra.” Sydney stepped forward. “She’s one of the best seamstresses I know.”

  “I did sew all of those costumes you wore when you were a kid.” Debra gave her a hopeful smile. “Let’s take a look at that dress.”

  Trina looked at the incoming text on her cell phone. “It’s the flower shop. They’re coming to do an emergency flower-ectomy, but they’re shorthanded today and will need some help.”

  “We’ll go with you and help,” Avery said as she looked at Parker, who nodded in agreement.

  “If you’re going to help out with the flowers, I don’t want any of that sap getting on your nice clothes.” Sydney went to her huge bag and pulled out smocks. “I brought them in case of an emergency. This is definitely an emergency.”

  Dana ran back into the room. “I was able to get two of Ethel’s hairdressers and her makeup stylist Persephone on the phone. They said they could be here in a half hour. That means we’re going to have settle for a quick touch of fabulous, not the full treatment.”

  The ladies filed out of the room to get to work. Things were getting back on track with the exception that her mother was standing there.

  “Let’s take a look at that train.”


  Charisma watched as her mother examined the tear. At a closer look, it was relatively small, but to her it seemed as big as the Grand Canyon. Debra had been sewing her costumes all her life, but the silence between them was deafening. She had to say something.

  “Mom, what are you doing here?”

  “I was invited, wasn’t I?”

  “Of course.” She shook her head. “I just expected to see you at the ceremony.”

  “You think I wouldn’t help you get ready for your special day?”

  “Considering how you feel about Derek? No, not really.”

  “That’s why I’m here. I’ve come to apologize.”

  “For what?”

  “There are so many things.” She put sewing basket on the table and opened it. “I should never have said those harsh things about Derek. He’s the man that you love, and I should have showed more respect for your life decisions.”

  “You said he was wrong for me.” Her voice trembled a little.

  “I know. You are my baby girl, I’ve only ever wanted the best for you.”

  “No, you wanted what you was best for you. Ever since I was a little girl, it was always about being involved in the right activities and meeting the right people. You never once asked if I was happy.”

  Debra took a deep breath and exhaled. “All my life I’ve felt like I had something to prove. I wanted the best clothes, cars, and house. I wanted to be the center of attention where ever I went and if that didn’t happen I acted out.”

  “Dad gave you everything. He worked and worked and worked until work became what he lived for, not spending time with his family.”

  “Your dad put up with me, but that didn’t bode well with your grandmother. Grace and I had some epic battles over the years about how I was raising you and Trevor. She praised Elizabeth but came down on me like a ton of bricks.”

  “Is that why there was so much friction between you and Aunt Elizabeth? You were jealous?”

  “Yes. People seemed to flock to her. Everything seemed so effortless for her and I became competitive, determined to outdo her. I didn’t mean it to, but somehow it continued to play out with you and Morgan. It’s amazing that the two of you found your way back to each other.”

  “It was nothing short of a miracle. But then again, Morgan isn’t the type to hold grudges. It’s just not in her.”

  “I had, in my mind, an idea of the perfect life for you. A handsome, driven man who had enough success and money to take you on exotic trips and give you all the things you wanted.”

  “Derek is all of those things and more. And there’s one exception to that fantasy. I can take care of myself. I’ve worked my butt off, and I’m a partner in the firm. I can afford to take Derek on an exotic vacation and buy him nice things if I want to. I didn’t need a man to dress me in fancy clothes and see the world. But I’m grateful that I have one who wants to do all those things without it being some sort of subtle power struggle.”

  “Derek is a good man,” her mom said. “He stood up to me when I went to the Slap Shot to see him. I can’t imagine anyone who could love you more. I think I missed that in all my plotting. But I do love you the best way I know how, and I’m hoping to change so I can be a better mom to you and a good grandmother to the little one you have in your belly.”

  “I want you to have a relationship with me and your grandchild, but I hope you know that means a relationship with Derek. I don’t expect you two to be best buddies, but he’s part of the deal. But I really do want you to be part of our lives. We can move on from all the things that have happened. Everyone deserves a second chance.”

  “This will be more like a fourth or a fifth chance.”

  “You’re a late bloomer.” She laughed and wiped away her tears. Her mom got to work on the repair, sifting through the sewing basket for thread that matched. “Do you remember that bumble bee costume you made for me for the school play?”

  “How could I forget? That was my first real challenge.”

  Charisma laughed. “That’s right. The lady in the fabric store didn’t think you could do it, but you showed her.”

  Debra sighed. “I’ve been a competitive idiot all my life. All I could hear is her telling me that I couldn’t do something for my little girl.”

  “I may not have liked the costumes so much but I did like the time we spent there.”

  “I know. It’s one of the reasons we went so much.” Debra didn’t look up; she just continued rummaging through the basket.

  “I think that’s where my passion for interior decorating began.” She loved wandering through the store looking at the different colors and touching the different textures. The world was full of creative possibilities. Now she suspected it could all be traced back to those early years spent in craft stores.

  Debra held up a needle and squinted. “OK. I have everything I need. Can you get my glasses out of my purse?”

  “Sure.” Charisma opened the purse.

  “Sydney says you weren’t able to get in contact with Trevor. I’m sorry he can’t make it. I tried to e-mail him too, but he didn’t respond.”

  “I hope he’s OK.” She handed her the glasses.

  “I think so.” Debra put on her specs and began threading the needle. “If something were wrong I’d feel it. I may be the most annoying mother on the planet, but I still have a connection to my babies.”

  She watched as her mother got to work on her dress. There were moments like these when she felt like she was close to having her family back together. Trevor was in her life…even though it looked as if he’d miss the wedding. She had great relationships with Derek’s siblings. All that was missing was the unconditional love from the woman she loved for better or worse. Twenty minutes later, she took a look at her mother’s handiwork. It was so expertly repaired, she couldn’t tell where the rip was on the dress.

  “You have magic hands.” Charisma clapped.

  “You know it. Now let’s get you into this beautiful gown.”

  “Mom.” She kissed her on the cheek and threw her arms around her. “I love you.”

  Debra smiled. “I love you too.”

  Charisma stepped behind the silk screen and reached for her dress, but her hands were trembling. She had to get a grip
. It had been a madcap morning so far. Out in the hall, the ladies were talking about how nice the weather was and how they couldn’t wait to dance and eat at the reception. The sound of their voices was soothing as she drifted into her own little world. She was still a little down that Derek’s parents had missed their plane and that no one had been able to locate Trevor. But she wouldn’t let that ruin their special day.

  Life would never be the same after today. She was getting married to the love of her life.

  * * *

  When Trina began to beautifully sing Eric Benet and Tamia’s song “Spend My Life with You,” the pit in Derek’s stomach relaxed. He’d heard there had been a few mishaps this morning, but Charisma forbade him to come and help fix the problems. The Reed women pitched in and saved the day, and you couldn’t tell by looking around the room that anything had gone wrong. They were a resilient family who pulled together in a time of crisis. He felt blessed that his child would we part of this family.

  He took a deep breath when the doors opened and the bridal party embarked down the aisle. Everyone was dressed to the nines. Chloe and Mackenzie were the most adorable flower girls ever, and Tucker and the triplets were entertaining as the group of ring bearers. Seth was right, there was no separating the Blake kids, and he knew that was a good thing. The rest of the brood sat patiently in the pews, and with the exception of occasionally tugging on their ties, were on their best behavior.

  He’d even managed to spend some time with his siblings this week. Most of the Popovich clan was staying at the apartment with him and Charisma. It was nice to have most of the family together, but he was severely disappointed when he learned his parents couldn’t make it. He’d tried not to let it get him down, but he’d only be getting married once and he would have loved for them to attend.

  Debra was there, front and center, sitting next to Grandma Reed. It was a pleasant surprise that she’d stepped up and helped Charisma with the dress. It was an even bigger shock that she wasn’t involved in Lamont’s recent shenanigans. Perhaps she was finally accepting that they were going to be a family.

  Once the bridal party was in place, Charisma and her dad appeared in the doorway. She looked stunning. The dress she’d selected was perfect for her. She took small steps with her dad down the aisle. He could tell they were talking. He was happy to see that Marcus had come through for her. Trevor, however, was missing in action. He hoped nothing was wrong, but he knew something had to have occurred to make him miss this moment in his sister’s life. If they didn’t hear from him soon, he’d have to figure out a way to find out if he was OK. Even if he meant asking his Uncle Anton, the retired photojournalist, to put out feelers and see if he could get any intel on Trevor’s whereabouts.

  Derek smiled as Marcus raised Charisma’s veil and kissed her on the cheek. He took his place next to Charisma. Trina finished her song, then scurried to take her place near the altar. The reverend was just about to launch into his speech when a commotion in the back of the church grabbed everyone’s attention.

  Derek turned to see who had interrupted their nuptials. If it was Lamont, he was going to kick his ass. Charisma gripped his hand and bit her lip as the doors opened wider and the person manning the door waved at them. Derek was shocked to see his parents, Uncle Anton, and his grandmother taking off their coats.

  “They made it.” Derek beamed at Charisma, then turned to the reverend. “Rev. Johnson, if you could give us just a minute. The rest of my family has arrived.”

  “Of course,” Reverend Johnson replied.

  Charisma gathered up her gown. “Let’s go welcome them.”

  “We’ll be right back everybody,” Derek said in response to the curious looks they got as he helped her scoop up the gown so she could walk down the aisle.

  “Mama! Papa! Uncle! Babushka! Kakoy zamechatel’nyy syurpriz!” Derek gushed as he hugged them.

  “We are so sorry we’re late. We had to resolve a visa issue with your grandmother. You know she doesn’t travel out of the country that much anymore. And then our plane was rerouted to Newark, New Jersey because of bad weather,” Mother Sofia said as she gave him a big hug. She turned to Charisma and gave her a squeeze too. “Charisma, it’s so nice to finally meet you. You are even more beautiful in person. I can see what my Derek sees in you. How’s my grandchild?”

  Charisma took Sofia’s hand and held it to her stomach.

  “He’s a kicker.” Sofia beamed. “Or is it a she?”

  “We still don’t know. It will be a special surprise in the delivery room.”

  Derek’s grandmother moved closer to Charisma and touched her cheek. “YA tak rada, chto ty vstretil moyego vnuka. Tak kak vy byli vmeste, ya ne chital o svoikh seksual’nykh podvigakh v novostyakh.”

  Charisma smiled and looked at Derek. “What did she say?”

  He cleared his throat. “Loosely translated, you’ve made me a changed man.”

  Everyone turned around when the main entrance door to the church door opened again. It was Charisma’s brother Trevor. He was sporting a bandage on his face and looked a little weathered, but he’d made it.

  “Trevor!” Charisma leaped into his arms. “I didn’t think you’d make it. No one could find you, and you weren’t responding to my emails.”

  “I’ve been off the radar, but the message got through. You know I wouldn’t miss your wedding for anything in the world.” Trevor grinned and nodded at Derek.

  “Where are my manners?” She dabbed at her eyes once she let him go. “These are my in-laws. They just arrived too, and Dad walked me down the aisle. I guess you have to watch the video. I wish you could have seen it. I have so much to tell you.”

  Derek looked at her and smiled. She deserved a perfect day and damn it, she was going to get it.

  “Trevor, I know it’s short notice, but would you be one of my groom’s men?”


  “Great.” Derek kissed Charisma, then dashed back to the altar. He whispered his plan to the reverend and then took the microphone. “Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention? First of all, everything is fine. I see a lot of worried faces out there.”

  The crowd laughed.

  “My parents, uncle, and my grandmother just arrived from Russia, and my brother-in-law, who also just arrived, has agreed to be part of the wedding party. I promised my love that she’d have the day of her dreams, so we’re going to start from the top.”

  The Popovichs took their place in the front pew after a quick hello to Charisma’s parents and Grandma Reed. As a stroke of luck, the store that provided the tuxedos brought along a few spares in case any of the groomsmen had an accident of some kind. Trevor quickly changed and took his assigned place on the altar. The music cued up again and the doors opened.

  He spied Alex and Seth, who were both giving him a subtle thumbs-up. Theo seemed to be checking out the women in the crowd. Trevor even gave him a genuine smile. It wasn’t that treat-my-sister-bad-and-I’ll-kill-you smile he usually sported. It was a look of affection because they were family now. He couldn’t have asked for better brothers. Alex had gently guided him to being open to love, and he hoped that one day he could return the favor. He wanted his big brother to find love again and maybe that would mend his broken heart. He’d been friends with Seth for years but they were more than that. They were confidantes and shared the same passion that professional athletes had. Very few people understood what that pressure and responsibility was like. It was Seth who kept him on an even keel. And it was Seth and Morgan who led him to Charisma.

  Derek smiled as Charisma fought back tears with each step she took down the aisle with her dad for the second time. Once he took her hand and her father sat down, Derek looked at Charisma who mouthed I love you. The reverend started to speak but he couldn’t help it, he pulled her into his arms and gave her a smoking-hot kiss. The words were just a formality, they’d been eternally bonded since the day she walked into his bar to remodel it.

  * * *

  Charisma always dreamed of having a fancy function at one of the swanky hotels in downtown Philly and today her dream had come true. The elegant hall was fabulously decorated to her specifications and there was plenty of room for all of her guests and a sizable dance floor. The bridal suite was also reserved for them; they’d be spending the night there. Meanwhile, their apartment would be packed with family members, and Derek’s parents, uncle, and grandmother would be staying with them too.

  She smiled as the wedding photographer snapped a picture of her, then took a seat in her special bride’s chair. She’d ditched the low heels hours ago for a pair of white leather Keds with white sparkly laces, but she still needed to rest her feet. After dancing the ceremonial dance with Derek and the dance with her father, the line of dance partners was practically out the door. But she kept her spirits up and danced a few minutes with each of the men in her life. She smiled when Jake asked her to dance. Seth was grooming him to be quite the little gentleman. She’d even gotten in a dance with Grandma Reed, who’d told her she’d been doing stretching exercises for weeks so she could “cut a rug” with her and Derek.

  It must have worked, because when the DJ played Stevie Wonder’s “All I Do” Grandma sprang into action on the dance floor. They’d danced together many nights when Charisma had lived with her. It was one of their special things. They’d both done a lot of growing by living together. Grandma said she made her feel young because she encouraged her to keep living life, not shrink into some comatose state of perpetual old age. Charisma knew the strength and courage she had now was all because of the wise words, comfort, and unconditional love her Grandma gave her when she needed it most. When the song was over, Charisma walked her over to her chair. Grandma Reed gave her another big hug. She almost burst into tears. There was nothing in the world like a hug from that woman. It had the power to make bad days good and the hurts of the world feel less excruciating.


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