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Playing for Keeps

Page 17

by Rhonda Laurel

  Both Alex and Seth’s wedding toasts were out of this world. It was a culmination of kind words about hopes and wishes for two people they deemed were meant to be together. They’d posed for what seemed like a thousand photos, but now it was time to mingle with the guests. She hated being away from Derek’s side, but she loved watching him work his magic around the room. Right now he was having another talk with Seth. She was glad he had a friend that he could confide in who knew the value of love, family, and happiness. Seth had been their personal cheerleader since their relationship began and that was saying a lot. He could have discouraged his friend from being involved with her, but instead he told Derek to follow his heart because she had a good heart too, despite what the media said about her.

  Derek chatted with his teammates, friends, and his brothers, but he still made time to sit with his babushka. It was good to hear him talking fluently in his native tongue around his family. Alex and his kids were a constant in their lives, but it was nice to put in some face time with his siblings, Theo and Sienna, too.

  She knew he loved his heritage and wanted to teach their child about the language and culture. She’d been learning more Russian too as he gave lessons to the baby. Their parents were huddled in a corner talking. She’d heard her dad ask Derek’s dad if the parents could meet and have lunch. It was nice to hear her father coming off the bench and getting into the game.

  She’d had a blast with Sienna this week and looked forward to developing a deeper relationship with her. Theo was becoming a staple around their place, and that was a good thing. Derek worried about him and wanted all the quality time he could get with him. It was interesting to see Derek’s Uncle Anton talking to her brother Trevor. They were huddled in the corner chatting like they were old friends, but that was impossible because they’d never met before. Still, it felt like they knew each other somehow.

  Like she predicted, the single ladies were locking their lust-filled laser-like vision on Alex. But who could blame them? He had those same strong, intoxicatingly handsome features, massive height, athletic build, and those penetrating blue eyes like Derek, but this Viking had traded in his battle gear for scrubs and dad clothes. Each time she looked for him, someone she knew was smiling and preening to get his attention, but it never worked. He’d smile, say a few polite words, and leave them all hot and bothered. She was definitely going to have to keep up with him for the rest of the night. A few friends she’d invited were notorious for getting drunk and kissing the first guy they saw. Add a bunch of Derek’s teammates to the mix and it was a recipe for disaster. Maybe she should have put no hooking up with other guests on the wedding invitations.

  She continued her scan of the guests and saw that Aunt Sydney and Uncle Curtis were having a good time too. She appreciated everything her aunt had done for her over the years. Like her late Aunt Elizabeth, Sydney pushed back when Charisma’s mom would go too far. She was glad they’d mended their rift. She knew if she asked what they were arguing about that day at her Grandma’s house when word had spread about her pregnancy, they’d both say it was grown folks’ business. But when the situation was dire with the dress, Sydney knew only Debra could solve the problem. The short time Charisma and her mother spent together in the room as she repaired the dress was the most intimate time they’d shared in long while. In the first time since forever that reminiscing with her mother wasn’t painful.

  The person she was having trouble keeping track of was her brother. Trevor was all over the place since he’d walked into the reception hall. That was until he spotted Theresa. The old Trevor emerged as soon as he locked eyes with her. He had a boyish smile and had toned down that swagger that made women walk into walls to look at him. Maybe it was because Theresa never fell for that. He’d worked hard to impress Reese, as he affectionately called her. Charisma did wonder why he didn’t tell her he’d been sending the phony travel agent promos. Maybe it was because he’d have to admit he still had feelings for her. She didn’t know what he’d seen on his travels that had made him so jaded about the world, but tonight he was the Trevor who liked to have fun.

  Despite the hectic morning they’d had, the ladies all still looked beautiful. Trina still glowed from her performance at the wedding. Her singing had brought the house down and the family marveled at her abilities. It was the perfect selection to describe her relationship with Derek. Tate asked her if she would consider coming to the ranch so they could work on her demo in his studio and he’d be happy to pass it on to his friend Kate Cavanaugh, who owned Atlantis Blue Records in California. He and Isabelle both assured her that she had magnificent talent worth exploring. She’d happily said yes, and she’d been on cloud nine ever since. Meanwhile, Morgan and Isabelle looked fantastic in their dresses and Seth didn’t disappointment looking like a cover model in his tuxedo. The kids all looked adorable and performed their wedding duties wonderfully. It made her smile when Sienna, a fashion editor for a Paris magazine, said the entire wedding party looked elegant and worthy of the front cover.

  Trevor kissed her on the cheek and sat down next to her. “How’s the most beautiful woman in the world?”

  “She’s ecstatic that her rolling-stone brother made it to her wedding.” She gave him a squeeze.

  “Hey, I promised I’d never miss any more moments of your life.” He held up his pinky. “I do believe it was a pinky promise, and you know we don’t break those.”

  “Clubhouse rules.” She wrapped her pinky around his. “It’s so good to see you.”

  “I had to drop off the radar for a while. I went to this tiny village that doesn’t even have the Internet.” He smiled.

  “Sounds like heaven. Where is this place? I’d like to go there.”

  “Maybe not. It doesn’t have indoor plumbing either.” He widened his smile, but it was the look he used to give her when he was stonewalling her.

  “Thank you for doing your part in getting acquainted with Derek’s family. You were chatting up his Uncle Anton pretty good. Do you know him from somewhere?”

  “No. We just met today.” Trevor kept his smile in place. “Like you said, we’re all family now. We have to jump right in and get rid of the formalities.”

  “Uh huh.” She squinted at him. Now she was sure what she saw was more than a casual introduction.

  “So, where are you going for your honeymoon?”

  “We’ve postponed it. Derek wants me to be close to home since I’m twenty months pregnant. And I agree. I want to be home near my things and the people I love when this one pops out.”

  Trevor caressed her stomach. “Feels like a girl to me.”

  “You can get in on the family pool. I do believe a boy is the favorite, though.”

  “I think she will be beautiful, tough, tender, and have chutzpah like her mom.”

  “And what if it’s a boy?” She raised an eyebrow.

  He laughed. “Then he’ll be just like his dad and ironically the statement still applies.”

  “I’ll have you know my husband is more ruggedly handsome.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I can’t believe all the women in this family went for pretty boys.”

  “Says the man who can’t pass a mirror without falling in love with himself. You and Jared had quite the heartbreaker’s club not so long ago.”

  “He had to go and get married, twice.”

  “Yeah.” She cupped his face. “You’re zero for two. But Taylor doesn’t count. Autumn is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to him. I think it’s nice he finally found his soul mate.”

  “I know where this is going.” He threw his head back.

  “OK.” She nibbled on the salad the waitress placed in front of her. “I’ll leave you alone for the rest of the night if you tell me what’s going on with you and Theresa.”

  “What do you mean?” He tugged at his tie.

  “Does Fantasy Locales Travel send every travel agent in Philadelphia special promotional items or just one in particular? I do recall you say
ing you worked for Fantasy Locales Magazine. Which, by the way, is not on any newsstand in this city.”

  “It’s ultra-exclusive. Only filthy rich big people of industry, dot com-ers, and trust funders subscribe to it.”

  “So one of the Blakes should have a subscription to this magazine?” Charisma fired back.


  “Come on, what gives? Something is rotten in Denmark.”

  Trevor was silent for a few minutes. “Reese is the one that got away. I like sending her those things because it reminds me of a time in my life when things were simple. And there was a time when I thought I’d be spending the rest of my life with her.”

  “Oh.” She took a big gulp of water. She wasn’t expecting that. “Wow, Trina’s song selection was right on target.”

  “I had a chance, a small window before I started doing the photojournalism thing, but I blew it. I chose adventure over love.” He shrugged.

  “I won’t harass you for the rest of the year.” Charisma put her head on his shoulder.

  Derek came over, smiling. “Am I interrupting?”

  “We were just talking about roads not taken,” Charisma replied.

  “Yeah, it’s tough when you let a wonderful opportunity slip through your hands.” Derek gave Trevor a look.

  “And what are you going to do about that?” Charisma asked.

  Trevor stood. “I’m going to get in some cuddle time with Grandma.”

  “Oh!” Charisma said. “I need to tell you something, but you have to promise you won’t do anything crazy.”

  “Why do I have to promise that?” Trevor squinted at her.

  “Just promise.”


  “Lamont stopped by my office last week with a gift. I didn’t accept it, and Derek escorted him out. He seemed especially anxious about your whereabouts.”

  “He should be.”

  “We’re all going to let it go.” Charisma looked from Derek to Trevor. “Please.”

  Trevor nodded. “Anything for you, sis.” He kissed her on the cheek and went in search of Grandma Reed.

  Derek took the seat Trevor had occupied.

  “Do you think he’ll listen to me?” she asked.

  “Yes.” He put his arm around her waist and nuzzled her neck.

  “Are you just saying that because you don’t want me to worry? We’re married now. You have to tell me the truth. Reverend Johnson talked about honesty for three minutes.”

  “I honestly think your brother heard what you said.”

  “I’m sorry I had to tap out on you making the rounds.” She caressed the hand that had the platinum wedding ring on it. “Nice piece of jewelry.”

  “I’m never taking it off. They’ll have to pry it off my cold, dead body.”

  “Given your profession, it’s a possibility.” She giggled. “How about you keep it in your locker during games?”

  “I guess so.” He let out an exaggerated sigh.

  “I see you two are getting the honeymoon started early,” a familiar voice said behind them.

  They turned to see Alex standing there. Charisma smiled. “Alex, are you having a good time?”


  “I see you have the single women in a tizzy,” Derek said as a few of the ladies moved closer to their table.

  “Don’t remind me.”

  Derek bit back a smile. “Maybe you put on too much cologne today.”

  “He smells great,” Charisma said.

  “It’s an in-joke, babe. I’ll tell you about it later.”

  “I’d worry about Theo if I were you.” Alex looked at the ladies, who were getting closer. “Do you mind if I have another dance with the beautiful bride?”

  “I’d love to.” Charisma stood.

  “I’ll go see what trouble our rascally little brother is up to.” Derek stood too, kissed her, and waded into the crowd.

  Charisma held on to Alex’s hand as he led her to the dance floor. He signaled the DJ to play something with a slower tempo.

  “Your niece or nephew thanks you for that.” She smiled as she swayed in his arms.

  “You’ve been full throttle since the wedding started. I think the mother-to-be should rest for a bit. Doctor’s orders.” He winked.

  “You’ve been keeping the same pace, dodging women all day.”

  “It’s the Popovich curse, I’m afraid.”

  “Yes, being an awesome combination of devastatingly handsome and brooding must be such a burden.” She rolled her eyes.

  He smiled. “I admit, at one time in my life, I had a lot of fun. But things changed. Marriage and having a family changed me, as you will soon find out.”

  “I know,” she said. “You are a great dad. Noah and Chloe are awesome kids.”

  “I can’t take all the credit. Rachel did a lot of the ground work.”

  “You don’t give yourself enough credit. You tunneled through the darkness and kept the family going.”

  “I had no choice.”

  She hugged him tighter. “Alex, thank you for making me feel welcome in the family, right from the start. I know it had to be hard to do, given what you knew about me at the time.”

  “I’m old-fashioned. I don’t believe what I read about people in the media. I get to know them first. Besides, I knew if my brother was crazy about you, there had to be something special about you.”

  “He’s my everything. I promise I will make him very happy.” She fought back tears.

  Alex lifted her chin with his finger. “You’ve already done that. Derek’s heart opened when he met you. Being a father will change him even more. Remember, you made that possible. You are the reason he’s a better man.”

  OK, that time she couldn’t hold back the tears. Alex took a clean hanky out of his pocket and gave it to her. She’d always thought he had a soul of a poet. He was such a romantic and kind and loving. How could he not want to open his heart again?

  Charisma took a deep breath. “I know we keep nudging you to get back into the dating pool, but it’s only because we know you’ve been closed off for so long.”

  “It’s important to me that Noah and Chloe know that I simply didn’t replace their mother because I felt like I needed someone to fill the role of caretaker and wife again. To do that too quickly, in my opinion, is disrespectful to her memory. All I have left is her memory, and I want my kids to know I loved their mother with all my heart.”

  Charisma stopped dancing and looked into his eyes for a minute. “You’re right. I don’t think we take into account that you feel everything with all your being. It’s the reason you’re a great father and surgeon. It’s also the reason why you can’t let go of Rachel completely to get back out there. My brother just told me that he sought out adventure over love, and now I can see how it’s eaten away at him. The woman he’s been thinking about for years is in this room.”

  Alex gave her a sly smile. “Theresa?”

  “How did you know?” Charisma’s eyes widened.

  “Lucky guess.” He chuckled. “One of Derek’s teammates was talking to her, and Trevor looked like he was going to hurl his steak knife over at him.”

  “Oh.” She laughed and dabbed at her eyes. “What I’m trying to say is, I’ll ask Derek and everyone else to give you a break on the ‘getting back out there’ speeches. You still have some healing to do, and it’s totally understandable. We want you to be happy so bad, we’re overlooking what makes you happy right now. And I want my brother-in-law to be happy.”

  “Thank you for saying that. I can feel the love and concern that’s mixed in with all the motivational dating speeches.”

  “Can I have my wife back?” Derek said loudly as he approached. “You’ve been hogging her for hours.”

  “It’s been fifteen minutes. But I know how you feel. This one is a keeper.” Alex shook his head and turned to Charisma. “I’m glad we talked.”

  “Me too.” Charisma kissed him on the cheek.

  “I’m goi
ng to check on the kids.” He walked off.

  “Had a productive talk with Alex, eh?”

  “Yeah.” She wrapped her arms around his waist. “I’ll tell you about it later.”

  Derek rubbed her stomach. “How is the little one holding up?”

  “He or she is kicking up a storm.”

  “How about we disappear for an hour in the suite upstairs? I’d love to get you out of that dress.”

  “Think anyone will miss us? We haven’t cut the cake.” She wrinkled her nose.

  “All the more reason to sneak upstairs for a bit and come back. We’ll say the baby needed a power nap.” He took her hand and guided her discreetly toward the door.

  Charisma gave Morgan a wave and a wink as they made their way out of the reception hall. It was their signal that they’d come up with earlier in the week. She’d do that when she and Derek were slipping away for some alone time. Her heart warmed, knowing the people she loved were laughing, having a good time, and would be there when they got back.


  Derek watched as Charisma lined up her shot. They’d been playing air hockey for an hour, and she was relentless. Sure, they could been opening the massive of pile of unopened presents from the extravagant baby shower the Reed ladies had thrown them a few weeks ago, but this was way too much fun. She didn’t act like a woman who was three days overdue. He’d fussed with her about doing so much. She still went into work to square away instructions for some of her design projects, helped the Blake Foundation’s clothing drive, and put some finishing touches on the baby’s nursery.

  “Score! Charisma Popovich wins!” She clapped.

  He raised an eyebrow. “I think you cheated.”

  “There’s no way you suck at air hockey. I think you let me win.” She giggled.

  “I’d never insult the woman I love with a false victory. Pregnant with my child or not, I was trying to beat the pants off of you.” He rounded the table and gave her a kiss. “What does the winner want for her prize?”


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