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Playing for Keeps

Page 19

by Rhonda Laurel

  “What about you? Still mulling over what you’ll do when you finally retire?”

  “Seth and Tyler asked if I’d open a chain of Slap Shots in the Blake Hotels. I’m thinking about taking them up on it.”

  “That’s fantastic. A great post-hockey move. You already know the business and you’ll be involved with people you trust.”

  “To new beginnings,” Derek said, toasting with his cup.

  “New beginnings,” Alex repeated.

  * * *

  Charisma was happy that Alexis was responding well to the breast-feeding. Dr. Albright was satisfied that they’d be released in the morning. She was anxious to get home, but some of that anxiety had waned since she learned Morgan and Isabelle had taken care of some things for her. Alexis had been burped, and after some rocking and baby talk from her mom, she’d fallen asleep. Charisma watched her as she slept peacefully in the baby bed. She was so content that she didn’t realize she was nodding off too. The rustling of the sheets on the bed woke her. She looked up to find Morgan sitting next to her. “Hey cuz, how long have you been here?”

  “About twenty minutes.”

  “You should have woken me up.”

  “I didn’t want to wake you. I know how it is when you get just a few hours’ sleep from a newborn.” She held up a comb and brush. “I thought I’d touch up that ponytail for you.”

  “Great.” She smiled, but the gifts on the table caught her attention. “What you got there?”

  “The pink bag is a gift from Mackenzie. The bag with the rubber duck on it is from Seth. Saying he went nuts is an understatement. The long box is from John Jacob and Teri-Lyn. The rest of the family sent presents too and they’re at the house.”

  “Are you kidding me? My little sweetheart didn’t have to get me anything.” Charisma picked up the bag.

  “You are one of her favorite people.” Morgan stood and began undoing the braid.

  Charisma reached into the bag. It was filled with cute barrettes, drawings, toys, and the smallest pair of ballet slippers she’d ever seen. “She is too much. Give her a big hug for me when you get home.”

  “I will.”

  “And what on earth did John Jacob and Teri-Lyn send?”

  “You may want to take a sedative before opening that,” Morgan warned.

  “You are so dramatic,” Charisma said as she opened the velvet box and found a diamond tennis bracelet and a rolled up piece of paper inside. She gulped. The bracelet was beautiful and it sparkled when the room light hit it. Next, she slowly unfurled the document. It was a property deed to one of the Blake buildings that had been constructed in the last year. “Is this a joke?”

  “Not by a long shot.” Morgan glanced at it. “Congratulations. Your daughter is wealthy.”

  “I can’t believe this. It’s too much.” Tears welled up in her eyes. “They hardly know us. Well, not well enough to part with a prime piece of real estate like this. Shouldn’t they be giving things like this to close family?”

  “You are close family. I’ve been telling you that for years now. They wouldn’t gift that egregiously. They know the children in this family are their legacy, and they want them all to have a good start.”


  “Don’t bother trying to return it. John Jacob and Teri-Lyn love you and Derek to pieces and they are thrilled to have another little one in the family, especially a girl. It’s their way of looking out for her future.”

  There was something else that had been on Charisma’s mind lately. How Mackenzie would handle the news if she did indeed have a girl. She’d spent so much of her youth being angry and jealous of Morgan, they’d never had a chance to be friends. She didn’t want that to happen with their girls.

  “You know.” Charisma straightened a wrinkle in the blanket. “I worry that they won’t get along. Mackenzie and Alexis, I mean.”

  “Why would you say that?”

  “Well, Mackenzie has been the only girl for a long time. She might not appreciate having to share the spotlight. I know I wasn’t that good with sharing when I was little.”

  “You have met my daughter? She is a force to be reckoned with, mainly because she has a big heart and loves to help others. She loves all the cousins that have come after her and never felt like someone was stealing her thunder because, even at her age, she has this outrageous confidence. I know it comes off as being bossy, but in her way, she just mimics what she sees me doing when I take care of the family. She was excited about Alexis but mainly because you were. She picked up on how happy the idea of being a mom made you.”

  “I know but…” She shook her head. “We missed out on so much time because of my selfish ways. I don’t want Alexis and Mackenzie to be mortal enemies too.”

  Morgan stopped braiding. “That won’t happen. They’ll have two moms who love them and will instill in them the value of family. We had to share my mom because Aunt Debra’s heavy-handed parenting was the opposite of what you needed. No worries, they’ll be the best of friends, Seth will make sure of that. They’ll be better than us.”

  “You think so?”

  “They have so much in common already. They’re both stinking cute. They’ll bond over being overprotected and doted on by their crazy fathers who adore them. And most importantly, they’re Reed women. I hate to brag.” Morgan ran her hand through her hair. “But I like to believe we can do anything.”

  Charisma laughed. “Yes, we can.”

  “Then it’s settled. You can be a sounding board when Mackenzie calls, claiming I’m ruining her life. And I’ll do the same with Alexis.”

  Charisma gave her a good squeeze. “I love you, cuz.”

  “I love you too.”


  Three months later

  Derek smiled as he looked at the picture on his phone of Charisma holding Alexis. It had been three months since she’d been born, and she’d barely been out of his arms. He’d been teased mercilessly for spoiling her, but he couldn’t help it. Being away from his family, even for a couple of days, was interminable for him.

  The plane carrying the team was taxiing the runway at such a turtle-like speed that he was ready to jump out and run the rest of the way to the gate. If he grabbed a cab in the next ten minutes, he could get to the apartment by bath time. There was always something new and wondrous happening to his daughter every day, and he didn’t want to miss a thing. The team had played a great game last night, but that was the furthest thing from his mind.

  After much consideration, he’d decided he’d be finished with hockey after his contract ended in two seasons. He’d had a good run, was wealthy beyond his wildest dreams, and had been with his beloved team for a long time. It was time for new challenges, and that meant taking a leap of faith that he’d be OK after his hockey career wound down. Luckily, he had people like Seth and J.J. to talk to about retiring and rewiring the brain to no longer pursue trophies and championships. They’d done pretty good after they left the NFL, and they were extremely happy with the second leg of their professional lives, but he knew nothing compared to the great home life they both had. They’d perfected balancing work and home, and family was always first. Something he knew about intimately. Home was strength, comfort, and the place where he felt most happy.

  The Slap Shot was doing great. He spent less time there these days, but he had the utmost confidence in his staff. He’d stepped back and let them find their groove, and they were doing a great job. This allowed him the time to plan for the future. He’d inked a deal with Tyler and Anna Beth to have a chain of Slap Shot restaurants in the Blake Hotels.

  Finally, after what seemed like forever, he arrived at his apartment again.

  “Hey, babe, I’m home. Am I too late?” he called out as he put his bag down and walked down the hall to the nursery.

  “No. You’re right on time.” Charisma rolled up her sleeves and tested the temperature of the bubbly water. “I got an alert that your flight had landed and asked Lex if she would
n’t mind waiting for daddy. She smiled, so I took that as a yes.”

  “You are the best.” Derek kissed her.

  “I know.” She giggled. “Everything is ready. The water is the right temperature. Try to tone down the potty talk if you’re going to tell her about the game. My greatest fear is that our daughter’s first words are going to be some obscenity-laced hockey jargon.”

  “If I can’t retell the details of the game verbatim, I might as well have performed in an opera last night.” Derek cooed at his daughter as he set her into her bathing tub.

  “You would make an awesome Figaro. You could totally rock some tights and a powdered wig.”

  “Lex, your mom loves making fun of dad.”

  “It’s all out of love.” She gave him a good squeeze.

  “I know.” He smiled. “So what were you ladies up to in my absence?”

  “We’ve been talking non-stop. We video conferenced Morgan and Mackenzie to plan what we were going to do while you met with Tyler and Anna Beth.” Charisma reached into the drawer and got out a diaper. “Kenzie really likes school, so Morgan is relieved about that. The pregnant ladies can’t wait for the babies to arrive.”

  “Those must be some fun times on the ranch.”

  “Yeah, Izzy told Tate to funnel that nervous energy of impending fatherhood again into writing new material or take up a new hobby. Sam told J.J. to go do another business deal to relax.”

  “I know the feeling.”

  The family was growing again. One of the best things about being part of the Reed and Blake families was that life was always flourishing all around. Corbett and Anna Beth had gotten engaged. The next generation continued to sprout too, and he took comfort in knowing his daughter would have lots of cousins to keep her company. Sam, Isabelle, Michelle, Autumn, and Summer were all expecting at varying times in the coming months. Morgan was still adamant four was enough, and Cassie said she’d hit the miracle trifecta with the triplets, she wasn’t pressing her luck again. As for him, he couldn’t wait until they had another one of their own. He’d been thinking about that a lot lately. Lex still had some growing to do, but he’d be thrilled to have another bundle of joy as soon as Charisma was ready.

  She was a great mom. The anxieties she had about parenting melted away once their daughter came home. It was amazing to see her in action. Her maternal instincts kicked right in as she tended to her with love and compassion. She enjoyed getting pep talks from Grandma Reed and Sydney. Being a mom had also strengthened her relationship with Morgan and Isabelle. They gabbed on the phone and relayed funny stories to her, assuring her that they had their bumps and bruises as they learned about being good mothers. To Charisma’s relief, Mackenzie wasn’t fazed about not being the only girl in the family. In fact, she was excited about showing her baby cousin the ropes in their male-dominated family.

  Derek knew she still worried about turning into a domineering monster like her mom. He reminded her that history didn’t have to repeat itself, and more importantly, she was not her mother. She didn’t have to live vicariously through her little girl because she was happy with her life. He had no doubt that she would let Lex grow up to be her own person.

  The soft noises coming from Alexis and Charisma’s recap of their adventures while he was away washed over him and made him feel warm inside. He looked forward to many of these days to come. He grabbed a towel and pulled her out of the water.

  “We also went over to Great Grandma Reed’s house for some spoiling. Grandma and Grandpa were there and things went well. They’d like to babysit her if we need some alone time. I thought maybe they could watch her when we were finally ready for an adult’s night out.”

  “I think that’s a fine idea.”

  “Trevor said he may be back in the country in a couple of weeks. Why don’t we have the whole family over then? That would be perfect since we’ll be busy next month when we go to help Alex with the move. I think this change is just what he needs to clear his head.”

  “I think so too. He and the kids needed a fresh start. The old house had too many memories. Good memories, but they need to make new ones.”

  “I agree.” A new start with a new job is a step in the right direction. “Anything else he wants to pursue, he’ll do it in his own time.”

  “Right. Thanks for making me ease up on him.”

  “The whole family easing up has done wonders. He’s changing for the better.”

  “Exactly.” He looked at Alexis. “Now it’s story time.” A few minutes later Alexis had on a diaper and her pink pajamas. Derek picked her up and kissed her on the cheek. “Do you mind if I read the story tonight?”

  “Not at all. Dana was able to get a copy of Goodnight Moon translated in Russian.” She pointed to the book on the table next to the rocking chair.

  “Aleksis, moya printsessa, vremya dlya drugogo uroka. Skoro vy smozhete svobodno govorit’ na vashikh babushek i dedushek.”

  “Your little princess is going to speak the language better than me by the time she’s two.”

  “You understand the language pretty well.”

  “I had to. It was your Russian dirty talk that led to me wearing that French maid costume that night we had too much wine.”

  “That was a fun night.” He grinned. “You still have that outfit?”

  “I doubt I can fit into it now.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Stop it. You look even more beautiful than before our little munchkin was born.” He caressed her cheek. “After little miss is down for the night, what do you say to cuddling up on the couch with a little charcuterie spread and non-alcoholic drinks.”

  “It’s a date.” She winked at him.

  Derek watched Charisma saunter out of the room as he took a seat in the rocking chair and got comfortable with Alexis. He smiled as she made sounds while he read the story in Russian. He was confident she’d pick up her second language quickly. She was already so bright and alert, curious about the world around her. She may have had some of his features, but she had that patented Reed woman spirit. He could see it when he looked at her. She was going to be beautiful, sweet, and independent, but tough when she needed to be. She would be courageous as she made her way through her life and wouldn’t back down from a fight. Just like her mother.

  Twenty minutes later, she’d succumbed to the gentle swaying and the soft, soothing tone of his voice. He gently placed her in the crib, kissed her on the cheek again, and pulled her favorite blanket up over her. She looked so sweet and at peace. He wanted her to remain that way forever. Seth was right. Nothing would ever be the same again.

  He picked up the baby monitor and eased out of the room. Charisma had everything set up and was waiting for him in the living room. The fireplace was roaring, and she was sitting with the colorful crocheted blanket Grandma Reed had given her for her birthday draped around her shoulders.

  He took a seat and pulled her into his arms. “She is sleeping soundly.”

  “Spending time with her dad always does that to her.” She caressed his cheek. “We watched the game. You were awesome as usual. Jonas wasn’t so bad either.”

  “I think he’s finished licking his wounds. He’ll be fine.” He fished into his pocket. “I saw this in a window and thought you might like it.”

  “Derek, you shouldn’t have.”

  “Open it.”

  She opened it to find a pair of ruby earrings. “They’re beautiful. You shouldn’t have.”

  “I had to. I saw them and immediately thought of you. Perhaps you could wear them to the art gallery opening next weekend.”

  “That sounds nice. I’ll have to dress up, of course.”

  “I thought we could find a painting for the study. And maybe when you’re up to it, we can go dancing.”

  “We haven’t been dancing in a while.”

  “Well, not in public.” He kissed her. “I love you and Alexis so much.”

  “I love you too.”

  Derek held her close. It felt so goo
d to be home with the woman he loved as their daughter slept peacefully in the nursery. It was still unbelievable how his life had changed so much, and it was going to get even better from here. He could envision more kids and a post-hockey career that he felt passionate about. The future looked bright and promising. Of all the things he set out to achieve, this by far was the best moment in his life.

  ~ About the Author ~

  Rhonda Laurel is a contemporary interracial/multicultural romance writer whose two great loves are writing and landscape photography. She uses both as a vehicle to convey the complexity of the human spirit and the beauty of the world around her. The multi-published author has written many works since her debut in 2012, most notably The Blake Boys series. The extensive series chronicles the Blake family as they live and find love on the Twelve Horseshoes Ranch.

  The Blake Boys world expands in 2017 with the companion series, All or Nothing. Follow the Blakes’ family and friends as they find love of their own! First up, Hard Target, Riley and Parker's story released Dec. 30th!

  Other works include: Ebb Tide, Shutter, California Bored and Tourism and Memories of You. She also writes the Hollywood-themed series: Hollywood Heat, which features Star Crossed, Hollywood Rush, and Double Exposure.

  The author is happily building her backlist.

  Discover more about Rhonda Laurel here

  ~ Also by Rhonda Laurel ~

  Hard Target

  All of Nothing Book One

  Rhonda Laurel

  Winning can be dangerous when the stakes are high.

  When star quarterback Riley Sloane begins receiving anonymous threats, it couldn't have happened at a worse time. His team has their sights set on the Super Bowl. He doesn't have time for a stalker, besides it's probably a prank. But when team owner Seth Blake gets wind of the situation, Riley ends up with a security detail for protection. Too bad Parker Carson is part of the plan. Since the day they first met, there's been nothing but trouble between him and the beautiful PI. She's bossy, as maddening as she is sexy, and she seems to hate his guts. But the more time they spend together, the more he wants to keep her safe. Too bad it's her job to protect him and doesn't appreciate anyone getting in her way. As Riley tries to keep his head in the game, he finds himself distracted by the beautiful Parker...and that could be hazardous for both of them.


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